I became the Styx, and my clone dominated the wild world

Chapter 233 233 Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors

Chapter 233 233.Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors


The whole prehistoric period was trembling.

"hold head high…"

Just hearing nine huge dragon roars, the entire prehistoric world was shaken. The human race and the land were transformed into dragons of luck. Anyone with knowledge was dumbfounded by this powerful dragon of luck.

It's too strong, not even the previous lich had such strong luck.

This is still under the premise that the human race has risen halfway.

They don't know that the saint's guarantee completely indicates that the human overlord is unshakable. The saint will not swear easily. Since he swears like this, it means that he must definitely do it.

There are five saints who have sworn to protect the human race, not to let the human race be destroyed, nor to take the initiative to harm the human race. The human race has taken a firm step on the road to being the master of eternal destiny.

As for Ming He and Hongjun, they couldn't help but smile at each other and it was done.

It's impossible without this step. The saint promised that the third ancestor of the human race would retire. This is 70% of the perfect plan.

As for the remaining 30%.

Ming He said again: "Zu Long, Zu Feng, Zu Lin, if you don't go now, when will you wait?"

Zulong and the other three were startled, yes, the opportunity has come.

"My dragon clan swears to owe Saint Nuwa a favor. In addition, my dragon clan is willing to connect with the fate of the human race, condense the totem of the human race, and everyone will become a dragon..."

"We, the Phoenix Clan, swear that we owe Saint Nuwa a favor. In addition, we, the Phoenix Clan, are willing to connect with the destiny of the human race, condense the totem of the human race, and the soul of the human race will never be extinguished, and we will be reborn from the ashes..."

"We, the Qilin clan, swear an oath to owe Saint Nuwa a favor. In addition, we, the Qilin clan, are willing to connect with the fate of the human race, condense the human race's totems, and the human race will continue to strive for self-improvement and become auspicious in times of adversity..."

“The way of heaven is above, let’s learn from it!”


"hold head high"

I saw that the dragon of human destiny was even more perfect. It was the first time that such a perfect dragon of destiny appeared. This is a symbol of the eternal Lord of destiny.

At this time, Styx shouted loudly: "The human race has risen, the Lich has abdicated, and given up its position as the overlord. The human race has been protected by the Five Saints, gained the totems of the three races, loved by heaven, and blessed by luck! He can be the Lord of Eternity!"

"Good!" Hongjun groaned.

"hold head high"

The lich abdicated, the saint protected him, the totems of the three clans were favored by heaven, the luck favored him, Styx and Hongjun affirmed, and the most powerful luck master clan was born!

I saw the whole prehistoric land, auspicious and auspicious everywhere, golden lotuses blooming on the ground, especially the land of the human race, where golden bridges paved the way.

The entire prehistoric human race suddenly found that they seemed to have undergone a transformation. This magical change surprised them.

So shocking!

As for Zixiao Palace, Minghe and Hongjun were very satisfied, because the Lord of Eternal Fate whom Heaven and Dao ordered was finally completed.

Because of Styx's intervention, the human race in this life is different from the original history.

The human race in this life is affirmed by the saint, and the three races are totems. It is much stronger than the original trajectory, which had no promises or guarantees at all.

Of course, humans are still chess pieces, but chess pieces are also divided into levels.

Now this human chess piece is not as easy to handle as before.

If there is a saint who dares to act recklessly, first think about whether he can withstand the backlash of the Dragon of Fate.

The three tribes want to act recklessly, but they also want to think about whether they can survive the backlash.

If you can't, don't go too far.

But the saint suddenly realized that he had been a villain just now. He had complained about the venerable just now, but now he realized that he was really incomparable.

The promise just now is completely incomparable to the reward at this moment.

I didn't want to commit just now because I felt unwilling to do so. Now, for a human race with such great luck, it's worth paying a price.

After all, the previous benefit was one. Now, although I have paid a price, the benefits I can get are three.

It has tripled. It is worth it. I was wrong to blame the Venerable. The Venerable made the cake bigger, so when I share it, I will gain more.

Nuwa was also very satisfied, and even looked at the River Styx with admiration, thinking: The teacher shared her luck just now, and she was not happy at first. After that, the saint owed her a favor and she made up for it.

As for now, not only have I made up for it, but I have also gained more. Master is still facing me.

The human race is also satisfied. After all, they are all the masters of eternal destiny. What else do they want...? What is there to be dissatisfied with? The saint has sworn to protect, and the three races have become totem protectors connected by destiny. It is simply wonderful.

The worries about the future are gone, the worries of the clan are gone, and they feel at ease.

The three tribes are also happy. They have made preparations before and plan to contact the human race secretly and become the totem of the human race and connect the destiny of the human race.

But I have never implemented it and have been preparing for it, just because I am afraid that the saint will be dissatisfied.

It's fine now. It's carried out in front of the saint without causing any hatred towards the saint. It's simply indescribably wonderful.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!"

"Thank you Master!"

"Thank you, Holy Ancestor!"

The saint, the three tribes, Nuwa, Bai Zhan and the three tribes all thanked Styx sincerely, and they also understood in their hearts that your uncle is your uncle after all!

For Styx, it can be summed up in two words: balance!

Everything is perfect and balanced, although at first it was against his will to get more benefits for the human race.

But through calculation and layout, not only the human race benefited, but also the remaining three saint clans.

This layout has been in place since the birth of the human race. The lich's decisive battle, retreat, etc. are all for the perfection and balance of this moment.

The human race has got it right in one step, but the only thing missing is the form of Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, which requires little practice.

In other words, the Lich still has to go through the motions. After all, the Lord of Luck will always end the previous Lord of Luck.

This is a level of tribulation for the human race. It is also an act of karma between the Lich and the human race. It is also a handover for the Lich to end and the human race to take the stage.

After the human race tempered and experienced the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, they completely became the masters of destiny. The rest was none of their business. What was left was the battle of the saints, an important layout for the perfection of the prehistoric era.

As for the human race, after waiting for the completion of the prehistoric period, they will definitely occupy the dominant position in the mortal world.

Similarly, after such a layout, prehistoric humanity will naturally owe itself a great cause and effect.

Although humanity already exists at this time, it cannot appear. Without him and without the support of the Lord of Eternal Destiny, how can humanity appear?

The way of heaven has the prehistoric rules as its support and manifests; the way of heaven has the prehistoric world as its support.

And humanity should be a creature of destiny.

But soldiers have no permanent momentum, and water has no permanent shape. In the prehistoric times, before the human race became the master of destiny, there was no fixed master of destiny.

In other words, if Humanity was born relying on the previous Lord of Luck, then after it loses the fate of the Lord of Luck, Humanity will fall asleep again, or even be severely damaged.

Therefore, the prehistoric human path awakened earlier than the earth path, but it was finally condensed and completed because there was no fixed Lord of Fate to rely on.

But now that the human race has decided to be the Lord of Eternal Destiny, humanity is about to be born.

Minghe estimated that the person who could combine the human realm should be divided between Nuwa and Laozi.

After all, if you want to be in harmony with the Tao, you must at least exist in the late Quasi-Saint stage, otherwise you will simply not be able to withstand the power of humanity. There are many creatures in the late Quasi-Saint stage in the ancient world, but those who meet the conditions are Nuwa and Laozi.

However, Styx has determined that Nuwa will become a humane person, so naturally he will not allow me to go and cause trouble.

But this involves another plan, so I'm not in a hurry.

"In that case, let's continue!" Styx said again. After saying that, he returned to his previous state of being a 'transparent person'. After all, it was the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors of the human race who were involved in the Tao. This matter was managed by the Tao of Heaven. Who would let the Tao have no future and be unable to be born?

"Good!" Hongjun also nodded. He added: "The rise of the Three Sovereigns and the Five Emperors requires you to wait for the disciples to assist. There are eight seats. Fellow Daoist Styx will need two. For six, you can wait for the six saints to divide them."

"This?!" The saint was startled. Although he was reluctant, it would be good if the venerable wanted two, at least there would be no need to fight for them.

I didn’t know how to divide the eight seats before, but now there is no need to divide them, just one for each person.

Of course, the so-called Six Saints naturally include Nuwa. Although Nuwa does not establish a religion and does not need to plan merit for her disciples, her only thoughts are the promise made by Styx to her and the arrangements for his brother Fuxi.

But now that he is a saint and exists in Zixiao Palace, Hongjun will naturally count him in. After all, if he doesn't give face to Nuwa, he has to give face to Styx.

Although looking at it this way, it seems that Styx has gained three positions, but even if an existence like Styx is destroyed, Heaven will not care about it, and Hongjun cannot control it, so it is Lord Styx who is merciful.

"Master, Taoist Ancestor!" Nuwa bowed to Minghe and Hongjun.

After that, he said to the five saints: "Dear Taoist brothers, Nuwa has no disciples, so she will not allocate the six auxiliary positions. However, I need to decide on the first emperor of the human race."

The words just fell...

The saint was immediately unhappy. Why do you decide?

But I was stunned for a moment. I owed someone a favor just now, so it would be bad to turn against me now.

I am the most depressed. I have not received any benefit at all. The favor I owe is from others to Nuwa, not my own. I am also sharing the luck of the human race. It is really depressing.

"Fellow Daoist Nuwa, isn't this bad? The Human Emperor is destined by heaven, so it would be unwise to change it at will?"

I persuaded him as if it was for your own good. Nuwa rolled her eyes at him, "You old bastard is just being evil, I will give you another slap soon."

"You don't need to worry about this, my fellow Taoist. The person I have chosen is my brother Fuxi, and the Human Emperor will be my brother's reincarnation."

"This?" The three ancestors of the human race were stunned.

"Holy Mother, we don't dare to refute Holy Mother, but Demon Emperor Fuxi is the Demon Emperor after all. Although there is no hatred between the demon clan and the human race, the human-monster will still..." Suiren said in a very embarrassed tone, but he did not finish his words.

"That's right, this Fuxi is the Demon Emperor, what does it have to do with the human race? Could it be that Fellow Taoist Nuwa wants to destroy the birth of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors of the human race? I'm afraid it's not good for Fellow Taoist to go against the will of heaven, right?" Yuan Ye said.

"Shan, is this the Human Emperor or the Demon Emperor? The leader of the human race is the reincarnation of the Demon Emperor, that's not appropriate!" said the guide.


Tongtian didn't speak, and Bai Zhan just stood there quietly!

"Hmph, you don't need to worry about this. I have already asked the master." Nuwa suddenly became angry. She was very unhappy when she was angry. She planned to be unreasonable and move out of the Styx River directly.

Styx was stunned, why was he involved?

And isn't Fuxi trying to atone for his sins? Why should he become the Human Emperor? What do you, Nuwa, think?

But after all, he is Nuwa's master. Isn't it normal for the teacher to take the blame for the disciple's problems?

After all, Fuxi fell, and if Minghe hadn't advised and stopped him, the Wu clan would have suffered Nuwa's wrath long ago.

Even if Houtu exists in the Wu clan, Nuwa will still fight with Pingxin.

Before, Nuwa had always pretended that it had not happened and that it was just Styx's words. Nuwa listened to it.

But at this moment, she was angry, and the saint's actions instantly exploded the aggrieved and guilty heart she had felt for many years.

Fuxi is her brother. They are born from the same source. Fuxi is dead. He doesn't even know where his true spirit has gone. You can imagine how guilty and sad he is.


Minghe said that it was right. This is what happened.

"Fuxi's becoming the emperor of the human race is a foregone conclusion. You don't need to say more. Besides, Fuxi will be the emperor of the human race after reincarnation, not the emperor of the demon race. I can guarantee this." Minghe said.

After saying that, the three ancestors breathed a sigh of relief. It's good that he is not the emperor of the demon race. He just needs to admit that he is the emperor of the human race. Moreover, this is the first emperor of the human race. At that time, he needs the three of them to admit that he can complete his merits. If he doesn't admit it, he Fuxi can't complete his merits. Let's see how Fuxi performs.

Since the Saint Ancestor has guaranteed it and doesn't want to embarrass the Saint Mother, the human race immediately took advantage of the situation.

"We humans will follow the arrangements of the Saint Ancestor!" said the three people of Suiren.

"We, we have no objection!" What can the saint do when he sees Minghe say it?

Seeing this, Minghe said, "In addition, I will arrange the assistants for Fuxi, so you can rest assured."

Having already requested two quotas, Minghe naturally requested the position of teaching Fuxi the Emperor.

In Minghe's deduction and cognition, the merits of assisting the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors are also divided into big and small.

There are four people with the greatest merits, one is Emperor Fuxi, one is Emperor Shennong, one is Emperor Xuanyuan, and one is Dayu, the last of the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors.

Among the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors, assisting is also divided into simple and difficult, and the more difficult it is, the more merits.

Three of them are the most difficult to assist. One is the first Emperor Fuxi. Because of the first Emperor, the saints don't know how to assist, so it's a bit difficult.

One is Emperor Xuanyuan. Xuanyuan is not as gentle as Fuxi and Shennong in teaching, and it involves the curtain call of the witch clan. Xuanyuan has been fighting all his life, which belongs to sweeping and pacifying rebellions, so it is also difficult to assist.

Finally, it was Dayu. Dayu did not mention the difficulty of flood control. It was even more difficult to refine the Nine Provinces Cauldron and settle the Nine Provinces. There was also the demise of the demon clan, so it was difficult to assist.

These two emperors and one emperor were the most difficult to assist.

As for why Shennong also had many merits? It was because of his great contribution. Not to mention the five grains and miscellaneous grains, he tasted hundreds of herbs, etc., and his merits were too many...

As for Minghe, he got two, so he was naturally not stingy and planned to assist the two most difficult ones.

This Fuxi was one of them.

The remaining ones would be chosen from Xuanyuan and Dayu, after all, these two were not easy.


Seeing that the saint agreed, Minghe said: "How to assist the emperor of man, you only thought of merits, but did not think that if you fail to complete the task, it will backfire. This needs to be noted, so the first emperor Fuxi, I will designate someone, you can learn from it."

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