Chapter 252 252. Xuanyuan

During the reign of Shennong...

The human race has made great progress, and some evil spirits dare not make any calculations against the human race.

It seems that Shennong, who looks thin and dark, has a kind of divine power, which makes all those who have ill intentions feel a sense of crisis of destruction.

However, since Shennong completed the compilation, this crisis has gradually disappeared.

After all, the ambitious people in the human race seem to be the affairs of the human race, but they are all supported by the saints.

Therefore, after knowing that Shennong, the co-leader, is about to complete his merits, the new co-leader has not yet been born, and Shennong has been in seclusion for a long time and has not asked about the affairs of the human race. In addition, many places of the human race were not connected before, and the world changed drastically. People from all over the world suddenly gathered together because of the great changes in the world. With more people, their hearts became wild, and conflicts arose when tribes connected.

In short, in the later stage of Shennong's rule, the human race had developed under two co-leaders, and no longer had to worry about food and disease. In addition, the protection of the totems of the three tribes and the non-intervention of the saints led to the first obvious contradictions within the human race.

Shennong was very upset for this. He did not expect that when he was about to complete his mission, the human race would suddenly be in a dangerous situation.

In Chendu, in the temple of priests!

Shennong and Dong Wanggong, the master and disciple, had the last question and answer session.

"This is a constant and a variable. The rise of the human race is not threatened by external forces, and the test is always the internal of the human race." Dong Wanggong said.

"Is this an internal test and a constant?" Shennong asked.

"Good." Dong Wanggong nodded.

Shennong pondered for a while, and combined with his understanding of the ancient times and the ancient times, he could explain it.

In the ancient three tribes' hegemony and the previous witch-lich hegemony, each overlord had his own opponents, but the human race was different. There was no absolute rivalry.

Heaven and earth are fair and balanced. Without external threats, the human race must have internal conflicts. If we consider that the human race was born from creation, the previous overlords were born from innateness, while the human race was born from acquired nature. It seems that this test is different.

Sometimes Shennong feels that this is actually good. The internal conflicts and tests are always rotten meat in the pot. No matter how much they fight, they are still the human race. Unlike the three races and the witches and liches, once they fail, the race will be extinct.

"Teacher, what is the variable?" Shennong asked again?

Dong Wanggong said: "The saint is just unkind, and his desires are insatiable. Of course, it is also for the sake of seeking the Tao. There have been endless creatures, many overlords, and many miracles in the prehistoric world, but the whole prehistoric world can be summed up in one word: fighting; two words: seeking the Tao."

He also said: "Where there is rise, there is fall, where there is prosperity, there is decline. For the human race, it is rise, but for others, it is decline. It is natural to be unwilling to be cut off, and you have to fight for it, so it is: fighting for the Tao."

After a speech, Shennong understood.

The eternal theme of the prehistoric world is to seek the truth, whether it is conspiracy or light, the growth of the human race is the human way, the calculation of the saints is the saintly way... and so on.

No matter what, it is seeking the truth.

Seeing Shennong silent, Dong Wanggong said: "Disciple, I know that you care about the human race and are worried about the human race, but you should understand that this is a constant and a variable. Your merits have been fulfilled. Don't worry about the human race. I believe that the previous Emperor Fuxi had the same idea as you, but he still made the right decision. What you have to do is to find your successor, like Emperor Fuxi, and find a successor who will continue to lead the human race through the difficulties."

"I understand that you are worried about the future of the human race and the conflicts of the human race, but you also have to understand that you have done enough. , Emperor Fuxi established human ethics for the human race, taught the human race to domesticate and hunt, taught the human race to build cities, and assigned management personnel; ... and you completely solved the human race's food problems, some disease problems, and the character was established because of you, etc. ...!

Look, this is the responsibility of you and the Emperor, so the human race conflicts you are worried about now are not the responsibility of the next leader. There is no perfect thing, and you can't solve all the crises of the human race..."

Shennong has been confused recently. He had sorted it out before and thought that the human race finally had no major difficulties.

But the good times didn't last long. When he was about to complete it, new conflicts emerged again.

He was kind and couldn't bear to see the human race have difficulties, but there was not enough time to intervene.

Besides, he was the leader, no one opposed him, and no one resisted him. The human race was competing for the next leader, and he couldn't use his strength. It was embarrassing!

Dong Wanggong's words seemed to be a dialogue between the two, but in fact, Dong Wanggong was comforting Shennong.

Shennong bowed to Dong Wanggong, and he understood.

The human race rose in the wilderness, and the predecessors of the holy land led the human race to rise. After that, they experienced countless hardships. At this moment, the human race always has new conflicts, and it is impossible to solve all of them.

This is the natural evolution under the constant, and it is for my own sake.

"Teacher, I understand. What I have to do now is not to lament the hardships of my human race, but to fulfill the responsibility of a co-leader and find a co-leader who will continue to lead the human race and lead the human race to solve conflicts."

"Good!" Dong Wanggong nodded.

Youxiong tribe.

The birth of Xuanyuan Huangdi is very different from that of Fuxi Shennong before.

One million miles north of Chendu, there is a tribe called Youxiong, near Jishui. The tribe leader is Shaodian, with two wives, one is Nvdeng and the other is Fubao. The two women are sisters.

One day, the sky of Honghuang was full of stars, and the stars resonated, condensing into a silver light that fell into the mortal world.

The wife of Shaodian of Youxiong clan: Fubao, also got pregnant at this time, but it lacked the magic of Shennong and Fuxi before, and was more like the natural pregnancy of a man and a woman in the human race.

It was just that the twinkling of stars and the resonance of stars naturally attracted the attention of the great powers and the saints, but the secret was hidden and they could not deduce why.

And by chance, the Ziwei star in the prehistoric starry sky moved slightly, flashing a strange light.

This coincidence led the saints and the great powers to think that the twinkling of stars before was because of the Ziwei star, so they didn't pay too much attention.

Little did they know that the coincidence of Fubao's pregnancy and the movement of the Ziwei star was accompanied by the mysterious movement of the twelve stars in the starry sky.

These twelve stars also condensed a silver light, and then fell to the mortal world, but because of their weak sense of existence, no one noticed it.

The falling places of these twelve stars happened to be twelve, surrounding the twelve small tribes of the Youxiong tribe.

They are Jiazi, Yichou, Bingyin, Dingmao, Wuchen, Jisi, Gengwu, Xinwei, Renshen, Guiyou, Jiaxu, and Yihai.

The twelve small tribes just happened to protect the Youxiong tribe.

The world has changed drastically. If Minghe had not been in seclusion, he would have felt magical, but in this life, the changes occurred because of the great changes in the world.

However, if you trace the source carefully, you will find that Zulong and Zhulong are sweating profusely in the depths of the sea eye of the dragon clan.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Zhulong is the assistant, and Zulong is the one who laid out the plan, so he doesn't know.

"Hey!" Zulong sighed, "Second brother, it may have failed, or it may have succeeded. It seems that our previous behavior just corresponds to a constant of the human race, so the moment the secret method made Yinglong reincarnate, I lost control.

I only know that Yinglong is going to be reborn in another way, but there seems to be other mysteries. In short, I can't sense it. I just feel that the person who reincarnates Yinglong is named: Gengchen."

"This——?" Zhulong was stunned. There is such a situation.

"What should we do?" Zhulong asked.

"Don't worry, second brother. After all, Yinglong's death was too shattered. You know, we can't recall his complete soul. The remaining soul is only one percent of Yinglong's original spirit. Although reincarnation into the human race is a compensation for the human race, it is actually a last resort. It is to use the luck of the human race to allow Yinglong to live forever."

Zhulong understood Zulong's words very well. Just like the Qiankun Patriarch and Yinyang Patriarch before, Yinglong could not have come in perfection. He could only be a new existence.

Just like the Five Elements Patriarch made Hongyun, the Yinyang Patriarch made Fuxi and Nuwa, and Hun Kun made Kunpeng.

So Zulong said again: "In this case, Yinglong will come back again, and it will no longer be the Yinglong we are familiar with. Are we trying to give Yinglong a new life through secret techniques? ... You saw it, the balance just now went out of control.

So, look at it more positively, our goal has been achieved, not only has the promise of the human race been achieved, but we have also achieved the rebirth of Yinglong, which is very good."

After Zulong finished speaking, Zhulong pondered.

In order to compensate the human race, Zulong's compensation to Shennong before was: the dragon race's great reincarnation will assist the next leader of the human race.

Of course, this is one of them.

As cunning as Zulong is, how can he not have other ideas? His other idea is to use the powerful luck of the human race to let Yinglong's residual soul reincarnate.

If this kind of residual soul goes to the reincarnation hell, it will definitely be annihilated by the six reincarnations, and only the complete soul can be reincarnated.

Therefore, even if there is reincarnation, such a residual soul cannot be reincarnated, let alone the residual soul of Yinglong, who has such a root. For the residual soul of Yinglong, reincarnation is useless.

Then, if Yinglong wants to reincarnate, he can only use secret techniques, like the gods and demons of heaven and earth before, to live forever.

This is what Zulong had planned before.

His plan is: Yinglong's other rebirth is the human race, assisting the third leader of the human race, using luck to improve his cultivation, and just completing the compensation for the human race.

But he miscalculated. Just when he was performing the secret technique just now, he was kicked out by an unknown rule. Although Yinglong's other rebirth was successful, it was not only Yinglong who succeeded, but also the other eleven beings.

If Minghe controlled the secret technique that Zulong had just performed, Minghe would find that the other eleven were almost the same as Yinglong, Huangniao, Qingming Bird, etc., and they were extremely powerful beasts with roots in the ancient times.

Just like the girl is the spirit of Qingming Bird, some powerful creatures with roots that disappeared before have returned in another rebirth because of the sufficient origin of heaven and earth.

It can be seen that due to the existence of the Styx, the prehistoric world has entered a new evolution trajectory. It can also be seen that the eternal destiny of the human race is powerful. If you want to be reborn and return, you need to rely on the destiny of the human race and become a human race.

This is the reason, and it is also the change brought about by the birth of the third co-lord.


At this point, Zhulong and Zulong can't do anything.

I only know that Yinglong's rebirth is successful. In this case, let's take it step by step.


There are bear tribes.

Something that worries Shaodian is happening.

The child in Madam Fubao's belly has been three thousand years and has not been born yet.

This makes him extremely worried.

There are stories about Fuxi and Shennong in the human race, but the mothers of the two co-lords were pregnant by induction, so Fuxi and Shennong took a while to conceive.

But his wife didn't get pregnant suddenly, and she didn't experience any magical induction. Why hasn't his child been born after being conceived for so long?

Among the human race, I have never heard of a baby being gestated in the mother's womb for three thousand years, except for the two co-leaders.

At first, Shaodian was happy, because the longer the pregnancy lasted, the better the child's foundation would be.

But after a thousand years, he was not happy, but worried.

After another three thousand years of such worry, both the tribe members and Shaodian could not hold on any longer.

And this day!

The Youxiong tribe was suddenly full of auspicious signs. A beautiful, majestic, and majestic woman came on a cloud and slowly landed in the Youxiong tribe.

The person who came was Qingyue.

She had been observing the Youxiong tribe for four thousand years. Seeing that Shaodian and Fubao could not hold on any longer, she knew that she had to come forward.

The world changed drastically, and with the characteristics of the third co-lord, without the various magics of Shennong and Fuxi, the Youxiong tribe naturally fell into worry.


"I am a disciple of the Xuehai sect, and my Taoist name is Qingyue!"


The entire Youxiong tribe was silent. After Lei Gang and Dong Wanggong's in-depth dissemination, the existence of the Xuehai sect has become the most well-known sect of the human race.

It is said that both the Holy Mother and the Nuwa belong to the Xuehai Sect. It is conceivable that the Xuehai Sect has a great influence on the human race.

Qingyue said nothing else. After the word "Xuehai Sect", the Youxiong tribe was shocked and all knelt down and said: "Human race, Youxiong tribe, meet Fairy Qingyue."

With the arrival of Qingyue, everything came naturally.

When Qingyue said that she came here for the child in Fubao's belly, the whole Youxiong clan was boiling. It was not that they had not guessed that the child in Fubao's belly might be the co-leader, but Fubao's pregnancy was very different from the mothers of the previous two co-leaders, so there was no hope.

Unexpectedly, when the mountains and waters were exhausted, the immortal from the Xuehai Sect came to accept disciples. The immortal was not wrong, so the fault was his own.

Nearly four thousand years later, the child in Fubao's belly was born and was accepted by Qingyue as a disciple, named Xuanyuan.

With the birth of Xuanyuan, the whole tribe had high hopes for him. Whether it was following Qingyue to cultivate Taoism or helping Shaodian to manage the tribe, Xuanyuan's performance was surprising.

After that, his reputation rose rapidly, making the surrounding small tribes very envious of Youxiong clan.

In the twelve small tribes outside Youxiong clan, like Youxiong clan, a new generation of heroes also rose. Each of the twelve people was very magical. Humans were born after birth, and they did not have inheritance like innate creatures.

But these twelve people were different. When they reached the level of celestial beings, they had a lot of inheritance in the dark. This scene was also discovered by Qingyue.

Qingyue deduced the roots of the twelve people, but he was at a loss. He just felt that he had a connection with his disciples, but he could not deduce the specific detailed cause and effect.

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