The three tribes know the most about Styx. After hearing Styx's words, their thoughts are still the same.

The reason why the Venerable punished the Four Saints was not because of himself and others, but because it touched the safety of the ancient world.

Moreover, Your Majesty has always been like this, so just do whatever you want from now on.

And this time!

Yuan Feng suddenly took a step forward and bowed to Ming He: "Honorable Sir, what should I do with the golden-winged roc? Can I leave it to the juniors?"

Tiger poison does not eat its seeds, and Yuan Feng is also the father of the golden-winged Dapeng, so he still hopes to save it.

The golden-winged roc is still in a coma. He has been in a coma since the arrival of the Styx. He doesn't know everything yet. He only knows that the saint came before he fell into coma and his life was saved.

"This depends on Xuanyuan's opinion and the human race's opinion. I don't care." Ming He said.

"Huh" Yuan Feng breathed a sigh of relief.

Turning to look at Xuanyuan, the result...

Before Yuan Feng could say anything, Xuanyuan said: "Clan leader of the Feng clan, don't say any more. Dapeng will definitely die, otherwise I will be sorry for the unjust souls of my human race."

"Oh?" Yuan Feng was startled?

He didn't expect such an answer. Fortunately, his calmness and sophistication prevented him from losing his composure, but instead stabilized his mind instantly.

"Co-Master Xuanyuan, my Phoenix clan strongly supports the human clan. Haha..." Yuan Feng smiled slightly.

Of course, hidden under the slight smile are the waves in his heart.

And not only him, but also the Dragon Clan Qilin Clan, and the Human Clan Xuanyuan.

The Four Saints were suppressed, which shows too much impact on the prehistoric times.

For example, the three tribes and the human race had a common enemy before, but now that the enemy is gone, their confrontation is about to begin.

It even includes the hidden witches and demons. The Four Saints have temporarily left the great stage of the ancient world, and their battle will inevitably come.

They were allies before, but now they are enemies.

This is the ancient world, where there are no permanent friends, only the interests of the tribe, survival and pursuit of the Tao.

"Ha ha……"

Xuanyuan also smiled and said: "Indeed, all three tribes have helped our human race. But everyone, we are not fools. The help you and I have is mutual.

Therefore, help is help, and the human race will repay it, but Dapeng's sins are difficult to repay. "

"Haha..." Zulong smiled. Yinglong, their dragon clan, was dead. It seemed that he was killed by Dapeng's forbidden moves. Moreover, the Four Saints were suppressed and they lost their biggest enemy. They had to switch opponents.

Therefore, he said: "Co-leader Xuanyuan is right. Friendship is friendship, sin is sin, and they cannot be confused. Dapeng has done many evil things and is unruly, so he deserves to die."

"Hmph! Do you, the Dragon Clan, have any right to interrupt? This is a grudge between my entire Phoenix Clan and the Human Clan."

Yuanfeng was very angry and hated Zulong for not dying.

Therefore, I told the entire Phoenix Clan to come to oppress Xuanyuan, hoping that Xuanyuan would retreat in the face of difficulties.

However, if he retreats, he will no longer be Xuanyuan. How can he retreat? The wronged souls of countless tribesmen and the injustices of his twelve junior brothers cannot be retreated. If he retreats, the will of the human race will be gone.


"Okay, stop arguing. I don't have time to listen to your entanglement. I just ask Xuanyuan, should Dapeng die?"

Styx is so impatient that they will have plenty of time to argue, but he doesn't have time to listen here.



Yuan Feng and Xuanyuan were stunned and startled.

"Holy Ancestor, Dapeng must die." Xuanyuan ignored Yuanfeng's gaze and said firmly.

"Okay, that's it, Dapeng must die." Styx waved his hand.

He also couldn't stand this guy Dapeng. Yuanfeng personally went to the West to persuade him many times, but in the end this bastard was ungrateful and ignored his father's pleas.

Yuan Feng, as a father, had indeed done enough for his son. In order not to make him suffer more in the future, Ming He felt that he had solved it himself.


"my son"

Accompanied by Yuan Feng's mournful cry, Dapeng, who was still in a coma, was lucky. At least he did not experience the torment of life and death, but died directly. He was very lucky.

However, Dapeng's soul Styx did not kill them all and let him go.

Xuanyuan frowned at this scene, and then thought about it. Unless Dapeng cultivated to a quasi-sage in the next life, it would be the same as death and Taoism. In this case, there was no need to completely break up with Yuanfeng.

The human race emphasizes that death is like a lamp going out. Perhaps this concept has influenced the human race, thinking that everything will end after death in this life.

Yuan Feng also breathed a sigh of relief. At least there was hope. If his son succeeded in his next life, his memory might be awakened.

Of course, this hope is extremely slim.

After three lives, he was destroyed and did not rise in three lives. After those three lives, after being tempered three times by the way of reincarnation, he became a quasi-sage, which was also a new beginning.

Not to mention, the first life of a powerful reincarnation is the most important life. If you don't awaken in the first life, you won't become a quasi-sage, and there will be almost no chance in the next two lives.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Yuan Feng still wanted to thank him.

"Thank you, Holy Ancestor." Xuanyuan also said.

Moreover, Yuan Feng was stunned for a moment when he was called Saint Ancestor. He almost forgot that Xuanyuan was from the human race and Nuwa was a disciple of Styx. He wanted to threaten the other party.

Fortunately, His Majesty doesn't care and won't care. How about it being dangerous? We were almost confused because of that scoundrel just now?

Yuan Feng broke into a cold sweat when he thought of this, but then he thought of his other son, who was already a quasi-sage.

And the River Styx...

"Xuanyuan, you are the co-master of the human ancestors. From now on, you can call me the venerable one, and the title of the holy ancestor will not be too late after you have completed your merits.

In addition, it is better to get something straight than to seek something from the twist. Although you are doing it for the human race and want to get closer to this deity, remember that the rise of a dominant ethnic group always relies on strength. If it relies on the protection of this deity, the three tribes will , lich, and even saints, how can they have a chance to rise? Do you understand? "

This made Xuanyuan feel ashamed. He really felt that Styx was invincible, so he wanted to get closer to Styx.

As a result, the Venerable saw through it. Although Xuanyuan had a clear conscience for the sake of the human race, he was somewhat ashamed.

"Yes!" Xuanyuan said.

Although Styx's words are: Point it out! But there is also guidance and wisdom in it.

Indeed, the rise of a hegemon always depends on its own strength, not the protection of the Styx.

Styx has always been a guide, guiding them to less destroy the origin of the ancient world and not to hinder the enlightenment.

"Good!" Ming He nodded and said: "You all go back, I will not interfere with you, so there is no need to be cautious!"

After saying that, he waved his sleeves and left with the disciples of the saint.

"Farewell to Your Majesty..."

"Congratulations, Master..."

The ancient world is a dark area that does not belong to the three realms of immortality, mortals, and the underworld.

There was nothing here before. Not long ago, there was an island here. The island was condensed by laws. Even the saints sighed at its greatness when they saw it.

Of course, in such an important place, saints are naturally imprisoned, and this place is named by the River Styx: Holy Island of Imprisonment.

The four saints were chained by sixteen iron chains of order. They had just experienced the withering era of the saints, and all sentient beings looked at the lonely appearance of the saints.

Of course, there are still two people who are still unconscious.

The two people who were awake were equally embarrassed.

"Jie Yin, if it weren't for your bewitchment, why would I be like this? Why would I be like this!" I let out a long sigh. He could never have imagined this scene at this moment.

The dignified saint was ravaged and imprisoned here. He could not die. He really wanted to die, but he understood that this was an act of self-harm because he was immortal.

Come to think of it, I feel a little bit sad. I am immortal, and when I end up like this, I am still immortal, so I can't even commit suicide.

Fortunately, due to his nature and Taoist heart, the act of committing suicide lasted only a moment and then disappeared.

Then start to remember why this happened?

As a result, the source was the still comatose third brother and the deceiver.

The seduction and deception of these two people, coupled with their own greed, led to the scene at this moment.

And Jie Yin was in a coma at this time, so naturally he couldn't reply.

In the face of Laozi's anger, Tongtian just remained silent, looking at the unconscious third brother Yuanyin and Yin.


At this time, a soft cry came.

I saw Di Jun and Tai Yi coming.

The two brothers received an order from Styx, saying that important people were imprisoned in such and such a place, and asked them to find a way to take care of them first.

The two of them didn't know why, but they later understood that the four saints who were imprisoned were the four saints who forced themselves to come here. It was really satisfying, what a generous move by His Holiness!

"Fellow Taoists, are you okay?" Di Jun asked the two saints who were awake.

"Huh!" Tongtian turned his head and ignored it.

I pretended not to see it.

When the two of them discovered that it was Di Jun and the others, their murderous intentions became much less intense.

Although many creatures saw his own embarrassment through projections, it was different from seeing it in person.

The dignified saint is in such a mess, no matter who looks at him, he is seeking death.

Fortunately, they didn't lose their temper, it was their old friends Di Jun and the others.

"Di Jun, are you here to laugh at us? Ahem..."

I, Tongtian and Jieyin were stunned, this is...

Yuan Yuan woke up and took over Di Jun's words smoothly.

"Ah, the original Taoist fellow has woken up, but I, the Demon Emperor, am rude and have seen the original fellow Taoist." Di Jun said.

"Humph!" Yuan Yuan was inexplicably relieved.

For him who values ​​face extremely important, what if he had heard Di Jun say just now: Have you ever seen a primitive saint?

He will absolutely go crazy, even if it doesn't help.

But Di Jun called him fellow Taoist. Considering what he was going through at the moment, he felt that this was the greatest respect.



After Yuan experienced the previous scene, he no longer took the identity of the saint seriously.

"Taiyi, you can laugh whenever you want, why are you like this? Are you holding back your laughter because you want to humiliate me?" Tongtian asked Taiyi when he saw Taiyi suppressing his laughter.

"This..." Taiyi was stunned for a moment, and then said: "Haha... haha... I'm sorry fellow Taoists, I couldn't hold it back."

Taiyi's unbridled laughter made the Four Saints feel much more relaxed.

Whether someone is pitied or laughed at depends on who they are. It's okay to laugh at opponents who are of the same generation as them and have received their attention.

If the ants came to make fun of them, they vowed to take revenge.

And this time!


A crack was seen, and Styx came out. Then with a wave of his hand, the disciples of the saints were brought.

"I've met His Holiness."

"Teacher, teacher, teacher, how are you, woo woo..."

A completely different scene, on one side was the saint and his disciples mourning, on the other side was Styx looking at Di Jun and Tai Yi.

Styx took a look at Emperor Jun's cultivation. Good guy, it seems that integrating the island and educating the creatures on the island have made him progress very quickly, and he also has merit.

At the pinnacle of quasi-sage, three corpses must be merged into one!

Even Taiyi killed three corpses. It seems that the luck and merit obtained by integrating the island are very strong.

Even Styx felt that this might be the effect of an unknown big hand.

For example: Styx has not been back for a long time, but he has seen many great powers from the beginning.

The patriarchs of the three clans are all quasi-sages. Even Di Jun and Taiyi have improved their cultivation so quickly?

This is a bit beyond common sense. Even if prehistoric evolution has a great impact on living beings, it won't be so fast?

Then it means that the way of heaven is pushing them to progress, and it seems that big changes are indeed coming.

I hope that after I solve the trivial matters here, I can go to Zixiao Palace to get the answer.

According to his own deduction, the prehistoric world formed by the Three Realms will embark on the path of swallowing up various small worlds and chaos until eternity.

So to improve the spiritual cultivation of the prehistoric creatures, doesn't it mean that we have to fight against the outside world, use the creatures bred in the prehistoric world to attack and punish the small world, and then devour and grow it, and then feed back to the prehistoric creatures, continue to grow, and continue to attack and punish...

When Styx thought about it, he felt that he should have guessed very well.

After thinking about this, Ming He retracted his mind and said to Di Jun: "Yes, my cultivation has improved very quickly, and I have lived up to my cultivation."

"Di Jun will bear it in his heart." Di Jun bowed to Ming He again.

"How is the arrangement of the islands going?" Styx asked.

"Replying to the venerable sir, I sorted everything out.

However, less than sixty of them have been fully enlightened. In addition, there are still a dozen who are in the process of being enlightened. The remaining thirty or so have only been conquered and their enlightenment has just begun. "Di Jun didn't dare to hide it.

Since Styx said before, how much you thoroughly educate will be your future subordinates and regions. After groping, they decided not to be greedy for too much. Education should be the main thing, and other conquests can be done.

Sure enough, after this period of conquest and education, more than half of the islands have completely become their territory, and the remaining half is also gradually progressing.

"Have you ever encountered anything difficult to solve?" Styx asked.

The conquest was led by Taiyi. Even though Taiyi himself was still on the edge of the prehistoric era at this time, opening up territory and expanding the territory for the prehistoric era, it still did not affect Taiyi's strength.

Therefore, Taiyi came out and replied: "Reporting to the venerable sir, I have not yet discovered that the cultivation level of the people on the islands is very low, and they are the kind of Daluo with unstable foundation and little knowledge.

Therefore, there are no creatures that are difficult to solve, but the number of some magical creatures and spiritual materials, as well as spiritual treasures, has increased a lot recently. "

After Ming He heard this, he understood that the increase in spiritual materials and spiritual treasures was due to the evolution of the world. After all, the origin of the ancient world was constantly increasing.

But he was very confused about the magical creatures, what kind of magical method?

"What magical creature?" Styx asked.

Taiyi replied: "Junior and others have encountered the existence of Taoism on the island. It is said that as the living beings cultivate, the appearance of the Dharma will become larger and larger with the cultivation... But what the junior discovered is that the entire island is a living being of his own body. The younger generation has simply never heard of it, and the entire huge island is his body. "

"...Sir, the islands you discovered are the largest islands in the four-pole sea, not ordinary islands, so the creatures on the islands shocked this junior...the body alone has the level of a quasi-sage, but The strongest creatures on the island are those in the middle stage of Daluo. If the younger generation hadn't been able to cultivate well enough, they would have missed this creature and thought it was an ordinary island..." (End of Chapter)

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