Chapter 263 263. Nv Ba

Hongjun said again: "Those fused beings are, as expected, the condensation of many origins. They may look powerful, but they are also the best origins!

As long as they are defeated and killed, and are refined and absorbed by Daoyou, Daoyou's progress will be limitless!"

"Haha..." Minghe laughed, "You have thought of this.

Old guy, if you have nowhere to stay after you escape from the control of the Heavenly Dao, why don't you go to me and be my dog-headed military advisor?"

Hongjun pretended not to hear, shook his head and ignored Minghe. Since he gradually returned to his original self, he was angry every time he saw Minghe.

"Did Daoyou Minghe come here this time for the saint's matter before?" Hongjun introduced the topic.

Minghe also stopped laughing and said, "Yes.

I came here for the saints before, and to meet with fellow Taoists."

After hearing this, Hongjun was very direct. He said, "Don't kill the saints before. It is indeed the command of Heaven. Because the saints without selfish desires become the tempering, it is difficult to give birth to the dedicated saints of the Tao.

Although the saints are the representatives of selfish desires between heaven and earth, they cannot be absent, unless there are no selfish desires between heaven and earth, which is obviously impossible. Their existence can also give birth to the saints of the Tao who are dedicated to the heart of heaven and earth, so they cannot be killed yet."

"Oh?" Minghe was stunned. It was similar to what he thought, so he asked, "If the saints of the Tao are not born, the saints cannot die?"

Hongjun shook his head, "That's not the case. There is a destiny, and saints have fallen because of it.

But it's best... Don't kill it, fellow Taoist. If you kill it, you will eventually block the evolution, so please stop the thunder for the time being. Anger, the rise and fall of saints are always determined, Daoyou can punish them in any way, beating and killing them is too embarrassing for Daoyou.

And if they can understand this lesson, it may be better. If they are still stubborn, they will fall soon. Is it the same for the new saints? "

"Okay!" Minghe sighed, it is really unsolvable. Just as Hongjun said, even if the saints are replaced, it is probably the same. Therefore, Minghe said: "To be honest, I don’t hate them too much, they just went too far."

He also said: "Of course, I have been relieved by the previous punishment."

"Good, thank you for your mercy." Hongjun sighed:——

"They did go too far. They want to threaten you with the prehistoric world. Even if you don’t take action? Before a certain degree of threat, the old Taoist will take action.

It’s nothing more than the operation of the rules of heaven. If you don’t break the rules, it will be difficult to take action. "

"I know." Minghe expressed his understanding.

After saying this, Minghe asked: "How many more primordial purple qi of the Heavenly Dao have condensed? Can the twelve saints between heaven and earth be complete?"

"Well, there are almost three. Maybe when Xuanyuan of the human race proves the Dao, the third will condense. When the Three Sovereigns and Four Emperors are complete, all four will condense. At that time, there will be four more saints between heaven and earth.

The Zulong, Yuanfeng, Shi Qilin, Dijun and Dijiang were previously determined for us as earthly saints, but now that the Heavenly Dao also has primordial purple qi, should we change it?"

"Oh, three, not slow." Minghe nodded.

"Let them do it.

After all, the stronger the foundation of the prehistoric world, the pinnacle of cultivation will no longer be the peak of quasi-saints. In the future, saints will no longer be so-called opportunities, but even a kind of shackles.

So let them do it!"

The formation of the Three Realms also represents the fruition of the four saints. In addition, the formation of the Three Realms also represents Hou Tu's complete achievement of the Hedao saint.


After discussing the Dao with Hongjun, he left.

The Styx returned to the Blood Sea.

This time, the trip was not long, but there were many things that happened. I believe that the Blood Sea and the creatures in the Blood Sea are already looking forward to it.

The Styx has not been idle since returning to the prehistoric world. Finally, it can be quiet for a while and sort it out.

Therefore, when the Styx descended into the Blood Sea, all the creatures in the Blood Sea knelt down to greet it.

The Blood Sea became very lively because of the arrival of the Holy Land of the Human Race.

The Human Race is indeed a race of invention and creation. Their arrival has added a lot of fun and magic to the Blood Sea and the core of the Blood Sea.

The Human Race also quickly merged into the Blood Sea.


The Human Race!

After Xuanyuan unified the entire human race, he began to reform the human race. After a period of change and reorganization, the human race entered a thriving level.

However, there are still many hardships that plague the human race.

Especially the birth of Xuanyuan's daughter, Nüba. Nüba was born just in the year of the great drought of the human race. In recent years, the human race has suffered heavy losses.

As for who caused the drought, Xuanyuan knew it very well. It was the Dragon Clan.

Since the three tribes and the human race became enemies from allies, the two sides not only fought each other, but also fought each other.

This drought was caused by Xuanyuan destroying almost all the Dragon Clan Dragon Temples worshipped by the human race.

Since the human race gave them a root, the Dragon Clan did not mind using means to give the human race a hard time.

Therefore, there has been a drought in the past ten years.

The Dragon Clan almost controlled the human race's previous cloud and rain. When the relationship was good before, the human race naturally had good weather.

But after the relationship deteriorated, the high-level dragons took advantage of it and began to intensify, causing a drought in the human race.

The drought of the human race is a constant, but the means of the dragon clan aggravated the degree of disaster of the constant.

Moreover, the dragon clan followed the trend of the trend, and it was not considered to deliberately embarrass the rise of the human race, so there was no cause and effect.

The dragon clan has a thorough study of the destiny of heaven. Since ancient times, they have rich experience.

Like now?

When they started to be hostile to the human race before, the dragon clan could actually use their magical powers to punish the human race with drought.

But the Dragon Clan doesn't, because there will be cause and effect.

But when the human race was destined for a major drought, they took action, causing this disaster.

It was also at this moment that the Yellow Emperor's daughter was born. Xuanyuan, who was worried about the human race, even named his daughter Nuba just to remember this disaster.

As for why the female demon became a drought demon, this matter also involves the roar of the Chaos Demon God.

But it was the roar that recovered in the prehistoric times.

But Hou is a ferocious beast, so after the ferocious beast battle, he was beheaded by Hongjun, Luo Hu and others.

This caused the roar to be divided into four parts.

Among them, the essence and blood were left in the wilderness.

Due to the severe drought in the human race, Xuanyuan paid much less attention to the female slaves, just like Nvwa, the daughter of Shennong before.

Having a father like Co-Zhu is not a child's happiness, but rather a pain.

The Nvwa was killed by the dragon clan. Coincidentally, the Nvwa absorbed the essence and blood left by Nahou, thus creating the zombie clan.

Of course, after so many years, the power of Hou's essence and blood has also dissipated a lot. Therefore, even after the female demon becomes a zombie, she is not a very strong existence.

But after all, her father is the co-owner of the human race. Without strong luck, she would not have become Xuanyuan's daughter.

What's more, becoming Xuanyuan's daughter naturally has Xuanyuan's luck.

Therefore, the female demon absorbed the essence and blood which did not have much power, and its strength was not high. However, coupled with the female demon's extraordinary foundation, it became a special existence.

However, the ignorance of the human race and the magical power of the female demon, who is as hot as the sun, have become the source of drought for the human race after being copied by others.

If the female tycoon hadn't been the daughter of the co-owner, she might have been killed long ago.

But even so, as the female slave grows older, her body as hot as a furnace becomes more and more powerful.

She didn't even dare to go out, probably because wherever she went, the ground would be thousands of miles away.

This made Xuanyuan extremely depressed. After learning the reason, his daughter was contaminated by the essence and blood of Roar and became a zombie. He thought it was the zombie's plan.

So the zombies hiding everywhere in the world are unlucky.

After being purged by Xuanyuan, the zombie family finally managed to reach the four continents where all races were mixed, and they were able to avoid the danger of being wiped out.

Even Xuanyuan was not relieved, and even said that zombies cannot die in reincarnation. They are abandoned by heaven and earth. Whenever humans see zombies, they must kill them!

In this way, the zombie family has become extinct in the world, and some are still living in hiding.

But Xuanyuan found out helplessly that even if he avenged his daughter, his daughter's special physique could not be delayed. As time passed, her daughter became more and more 'severe'.

It's like a small sun.


Seeing that Xuanyuan was in pain and having no other choice, Leizu found Qingyue.

Unless Xuanyuan visits for advice, Qingyue will usually stay in seclusion in the sacrificial hall, so she doesn't know the recent events of the human race.

After Leizu and Qingyue talked about it, Qingyue came out to investigate the female slave and found out.

Nvba was originally the same as Jingwei, but with different fates, Jingwei was a blessing in disguise, while Nvba became a zombie clan and became a monster in the eyes of the human race.

Looking at the poor little girl, Qingyue knew what she had to do.

So Qingyue didn't hesitate and started asking directly in the true spirit space.

Following Qingyue's inquiry, all the Styx clones were very interested.

After all, they knew very well that as the clones of Styx, they would be taken back by Styx someday, so having a disciple would not be considered a trip to the wild world in vain.

Therefore, Styx's clones immediately started arguing.

One after another they wanted to take the female slaves as their disciples.

But in the end, one of Styx's clones, Emperor Yan, was snatched away.

After all, Emperor Yan is a creature transformed by the ten great divine fires gathered by the Styx River.

And this female demon has such a special physique, she is the one who will inherit her mantle.

After Di Yan arrived to check on the female demon, he suddenly discovered that the female demon was actually the reincarnation of the spirit of strange fire in the early days of the prehistoric period.

What's even more amazing is that this is different from the 'ferocious' beast, the spirit of strange fire is even more special.

If you look at the comparison, you will understand that the most magical innate spirit is "qi", followed by the five elements, clouds, rain, wind, fog and other spirits, and then the vegetation and animals.

Therefore, the spirit of strange fire like Nuba is precious among the innate spirits.

You must know that Hongjun is the incarnation of Hunyuan Qi, the previous Yin-Yang Patriarch is the Yin-Yang Qi of heaven and earth, the Qiankun Patriarch is the Qi of heaven and earth, the demon ancestor Luohu is the first demonic Qi in heaven and earth, etc...

'Qi' creatures, especially the first ones in the world, all have this kind of foundation.

Below are the spirits of the five elements, clouds, fog, rain, thunder, etc., such as the female demon.

After learning about Nv Ba's background, Di Yan immediately found Xuanyuan, told the matter, and directly accepted Nv Ba as his disciple.

As for why the female slaves are like this.

It's quite simple.

However, it was because he absorbed Hou's essence and blood that he awakened his magical powers from his previous life. However, the little guy lost the memory of his previous life and only awakened his original essence from his previous life, so he could not control his magical powers.

This is jade!

As for the memory of the female slave's previous life, all the reincarnations of the descendants of Hou were wiped out, leaving only the pure origin.

How could Emperor Yan not be happy without the troubles after awakening the memories of his past life?

He planned to take her back to the Styx to teach her in person.

But! He was stopped by Qingyue.

Qingyue clearly remembered the situation of Emperor Yan.

Emperor Yan was transformed by the ten great spiritual fires, and his ability to refine weapons and pills was second only to Benti in the Styx.

As a companion, Qingyue remembered this clearly.

It just so happened that I didn't solve the drought crisis of the human race, so I could just hand it over to Emperor Yan!

So, Qingyue would not miss it.


Hence this situation!

"Old Yan, it's not impossible for you to take Nuba away, but you have to give her a gift, right?" Qingyue asked.

Emperor Yan was startled, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will teach you all the tricks I have in my heart, and I will be stingy with a small gift. When you and I return to the Styx, I will give it to you naturally."

"This?" Qingyue was stunned, "Old Yan, I am talking about the drought of the human race. The ignorant human race believes that the drought is caused by the birth of Nüba. If it weren't for Xuanyuan, they would have been killed by the human race. You won't help the girl to clear her "bad reputation", right?"

"Huh?" Emperor Yan was startled, so this is it, it seems that he has been calculated.

But for the sake of the girl, he accepted the calculation. Isn't it just a drought of the human race? It can't be a problem for the old Taoist.

Based on Xuanyuan's description next to him, Emperor Yan understood that in addition to the fixed number, there was also the calculation of the dragon race.

As a person born from spiritual fire, Di Yan didn't have a good impression of the dragon race, a water-attributed creature. With the girl's expectant eyes, Di Yan was furious and said, "I'll solve this matter."

Sure enough, he was born from spiritual fire and was the best weapon refiner among his clones except for the Styx.

Didn't the dragon race rely on the ability to make clouds and rain to embarrass the human race? I'll just make a dragon gate and get some 'new dragons'.

Anyway, the inheritance treasure of your dragon race is the dragon gate purchased in the sea of ​​blood, so it doesn't matter if I make one!

What's more, I'm not getting a real dragon from the lineage of the ancestor dragon, I just join the will and luck of the human race and exercise the power of making clouds and rain.

Sure enough...

Soon after, Di Yan refined the dragon gate, a top-grade acquired spiritual treasure, which cost him a lot of effort and accumulation.

After explaining to Xuanyuan how to use it, Xuanyuan had experience in enthroning descendants and the twelve zodiac signs.

Therefore, the Dragon Gate located in the Wei River, with the blessing of the will and luck of the Xuanyuan human race, has become a great opportunity for the aquatic creatures to jump over the Dragon Gate!

Xuanyuan announced to the world that all aquatic creatures can jump over the Dragon Gate, get the blessing of the luck and will of the human race, and become the guardian beast of the human race to control the clouds and rain!

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