This is also in line with what Ming He thinks. After all, he has reached the realm of Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian, which can be regarded as a heavenly level existence. Then his dojo is like a prehistoric existence, and naturally it can no longer exist in the prehistoric world. middle.

It's just that the sea of ​​blood was transformed from Pangu's navel after all, and the prehistoric world couldn't abandon it. After all, from another perspective, the prehistoric one was Pangu, so naturally it couldn't be damaged.

As for the mist, Styx felt it. Just like the origin, it is an important source of energy that integrates the three realms, and is also an indispensable existence for the formation of the three realms.

Understanding this, Styx felt relieved. It was nothing more than the length of time. When the fog cleared, it would be the moment when the Three Realms were formed. Just wait.

So after Styx returned to the Styx Realm, he began to retreat, letting Pingxin remind himself to wake himself up when the three realms were about to take shape.

This is the moment!

"Has the fog cleared?" Styx asked.

"Master, not yet, but judging from the strength, it should be soon. From the changes, it can be seen that the fog will dissipate in a thousand years at the latest." Pingxin has been staring at it for hundreds of thousands of years, and he has figured out the fog. changes.

"Goodness is finally taking shape." Styx said.

Seeing the joy on the teacher's face, Ping Xin knew that there might be secrets that he didn't know. He was also curious about the changes, so he asked: "Master, the three worlds are formed. Are we forming three worlds? Do we belong to the immortal world?"

"No, although it is still a sea of ​​blood, it is not a sea of ​​blood that belongs to the three realms of the prehistoric world. It just belongs to the prehistoric world." Ming He explained.

After all, Ping Xin is a saint of Hedao. After listening to Ming He's words, he also had a clear understanding, and then he said: "Master, if this happens, doesn't it mean that the immortals will be completely isolated from now on? Can you still easily enter the immortal world, the mortal world, and the underworld? "

"No, unless you become a saint or have the will of a saint, the immortal world creatures cannot go to the mortal world. Even if you go, they will be contaminated by endless cause and effect.

...As for the creatures in the mortal world, when their cultivation reaches the limit of the mortal world, they will undergo the baptism test of thunder punishment and ascend to the fairy world.

...As for the underworld, immortals can go there, saints can go there, but mortals can only go there after death. "

"Hiss—" Pingxin was startled, not expecting such a big change.

"Master, doesn't this mean that it will be difficult for us to communicate with the mortal world in the future?

However, it seems that there is no problem if we don’t communicate. From now on, the mortal world will be the bottom of the ancient world..." Ping Xin said.

"Haha, no, I have my own plan.

...What's more, the mortal world seems weak, but it is just the beginning of the evolution of the ancient world. There will be changes in the mortal world in the future. After all, as the ancient world becomes stronger and the source is sufficient, even the mortal world will also progress, and even the starry sky of the three realms that you don't know, In the future, the starry sky and the universe will also change a lot. It is not that simple for each of the three realms of immortality, mortal and underworld to become an independent realm. "

"Thank you, Master, for your advice." Heping stopped asking.

Although he still has many doubts, he plans to integrate the authentic self-perception after the Three Realms are completely formed.

In the endless sea of ​​fairyland!

"Brother, we have investigated clearly in the south. The island that merges with the current island is one of the islands that we taught before." Taiyi reported to Emperor Jun.

"That's good." Di Jun breathed a sigh of relief.

For Styx, the fog could not hinder his exploration, but for other creatures, the initial period was very hopeless.

Suddenly loud noises continued, and fog suddenly appeared. Each area was separated. They could not enter the fog yet. This was a devastating blow to them.

Fortunately, with the passage of time, the fog gradually faded a lot. They used great magic power to see through the thin fog and found that unknowingly, they seemed to have arrived in another world.

Just like the demon clan's base camp, they were isolated after the fog appeared.

Not long ago, the fog in the south of the island became much lighter. They were surprised to find that the outermost periphery of the south of the island was no longer an endless sea of ​​darkness, but merged with another continent.

This scared them a lot. After careful investigation, they found that it was one of the previous overseas islands, and it was not an area that appeared inexplicably.

But even this is unbelievable.

For example: The island that Taiyi explored was originally separated from the island they were based on by the Endless Sea, but after the fog faded, it was the fusion of the two islands. This is amazing.

The distance that was so far before has been erased, and the two islands that were previously far apart merged together.

Di Jun said: "This is the change that the Venerable said. I think the integration of the south is only one of them. The other three sides may also be integrated with other islands or even the previous wild areas."

Thinking of this, Di Jun was suddenly startled: "Everyone!"

"It seems we have to be ready. The south is one of the overseas islands we have conquered before, but the fog on the north, west and east has not faded yet, so I don't know where these three sides are?

If these three sides are the territory of other forces in the prehistoric era, then when the fog dissipates, it will be the time for our war to come. Please be prepared. "

When Di Jun said this, Taiyi, Bai Ze and Ji Meng were shocked.

Indeed, as His Majesty said, the world has changed drastically. Maybe after the fog dissipates, they will no longer be in the endless sea of ​​ancient times, but in a location in the ancient immortal world.

It would be fine if there were no other races in this location, but if it happens to be bordering a big force, then it seems inevitable that a war will begin.

"Yes!" Everyone in the demon tribe did not dare to be careless. After Di Jun gave the order, he started to act.

The entire island is surrounded by demon tribes, guarding against possible hostile forces once the fog dissipates.

The island they are on now is the base camp of their demon tribe, which means that no matter who appears around them, they must be killed.


Like the demon tribe, the other major forces in the prehistoric world are the same.

When the fog was about to dissipate, the first thing they found was that the spiritual energy was more concentrated, much more concentrated than before, and the source was sufficient, which meant that their future achievements would be higher.

Except for the initial panic, they were full of confidence in the future.

But suddenly they found that when the fog was about to dissipate, they saw an unknown world not far away. Some tribes and forces even found that the hostile forces that were far away from them were on the other side of the fog?

This discovery was very bad. The tribe was actually approached by the hostile forces, and they had to protect it at all costs.

Therefore, after the fog faded, the creatures of the entire fairy world suddenly found that a big battle was about to take place, so they waited for the fog to dissipate and face it head-on.


And the dragon tribe was the most depressed.

"Ancestor, those strange beasts are fearless and have low intelligence. This tribe has never heard of or seen such beasts before. They are like the giant beasts in the endless dark sea before, but those giant beasts before were not intelligent...?

These giant beasts are different. Although they are not intelligent, it can be seen that they have a certain amount of wisdom.

Moreover, there must be a stronger and more intelligent existence behind them, controlling them." The master of the dragon clan reported to Zulong.

The dragon clan was very unlucky. The fog had not completely dissipated. Because of the sea water, the surrounding sea area suddenly became a strange sea area, a previously unknown sea area, and there was a group of giant beasts.

The giant beasts were fearless, strong in body, and had a certain amount of intelligence. After discovering the dragon clan, they began to attack desperately.

The dragon clan was very confused about this. Why did they encounter such fearless giant beasts when they came up before they got the benefits of the great changes in the world, and there were so many of them.

"Stop, damn beasts, wait until the fog completely dissipates, no matter who is behind, I swear, I will completely exterminate them." Zulong was very angry.

Who knows what is behind the unknown waters, and the dragon race has too many opponents, not just beasts, who knows what enemies are behind.

Therefore, the dragon race dare not exterminate them with a large army, and can only wait until the fog completely dissipates and the situation becomes clear before making a decision.

"Yes!" The high-level dragons received the order and continued to block the attacks of the fearless beasts.


The biggest change may be the human race.

The nine states of the human race have been completely integrated together, and the previous barriers are gone, but when the nine states are combined, there are broken areas mixed with the tribesmen who don't know where they are flying.

During the nearly one million years of the Xia Dynasty of the human race, due to the isolation of the holy land and all the high-level human races, the human race has undergone tremendous changes.

The Xia Dynasty founded by Dayu has become a divine dynasty, probably because there have always been huge changes in these million years, such as encountering a brutal emperor.

The human race finally realized that the benevolent common lord was gone, and being strong was the first guarantee.

So in the past million years, the human race has been conquering constantly, and masters have formed dynasties.

At the same time, the sects established by Haotian's reincarnation have also become giants.

They are nominally ruled by Emperor Xia, but Emperor Xia no longer has absolute control over the sects and dynasties.

The human race is more like a being scattered into countless forces, and each large sect and dynasty rules a region.

In addition, strange beasts have appeared in the sea, and they will attack Jiuzhou every once in a while.

The reason why the human race still tolerates the existence of Emperor Xia is for the beast tide attacks every once in a while, and Emperor Xia is the name of perfect unity.

This is the reason for the existence of Emperor Xia, the highest ruler of the human race in name.

In addition, Emperor Xia controls the Jiuzhou formation and can block the attack of the beast tide in the sea.

Of course, there are more changes, but there are huge changes from the original trajectory, and the Xia Dynasty may continue to exist for endless years.


Like the era of the Three Sovereigns and Four Emperors, it is gone forever.

In the starry sky of the three realms, the fairy world has preserved the ancient stars of the prehistoric times, and there are still star creatures, but just like before, the presence of star creatures is dispensable, and the essence is still the prehistoric times, so the starry sky of the fairy world has not changed much.

But the starry sky of the mortal world has changed dramatically.

The creatures that were captured by Taiyi before were drawn into the starry universe during the great changes in heaven and earth.

The fragments of the prehistoric times that were broken before slowly formed countless stars over millions of years.

However, most of these stars are desolate, and it is even difficult for creatures to exist. Those that exist are also brought in by the prehistoric times that were broken.

These creatures were brought out of the prehistoric times and became the first generation of creatures on the stars.

In the starry sky of the mortal world, there are some planets that are different. They are the same as the planetary creatures before, and they are magical everywhere.

In comparison, these planetary creatures are more abundant in origin and have richer spiritual energy than the stars formed by the prehistoric times.

If there are living beings on the ‘stars’ and ‘planets’ in the future, the living beings on the planets will definitely be much higher than the living beings on the stars that were formed by the shattering.

However, the spiritual wisdom of the planets disappeared, or fell asleep, and instinctively operated according to the rules of the three realms.

The world changed drastically, and countless mysteries and unknowns were opened, whether it was the fairy world, the mortal world, the sea, or even the starry sky.

The Three Realms were shattered by the hand of fate, and a new era began.

There are endless mysteries that need to be explored slowly.

Before the fog dissipated and the Three Realms were not completely complete, no one could know all the changes in the Three Realms.

However, a thousand years passed in a flash, and the fog finally dissipated.



The fog dissipated.

The dragon army finally breathed a sigh of relief. It was still the East China Sea, but there were more unknowns, and its spiritual energy and origin were more concentrated.

And the enemy on the opposite side was finally confirmed to be the huge beasts from the Endless Sea before. They were strong in body, but not very smart.

It may be because of the great changes in the world that the two territories bordered each other, so fighting was inevitable.

After understanding, the dragon clan was fearless. They were all masters from ancient times. Why were they afraid of these beasts?

In addition to the fearlessness of death that surprised the dragon clan, the beasts' other combat power and magical means were very weak, and it seemed that they were still in the stage of exploration.

There is nothing to say about this. The opportunity for the dragon clan to expand has come. This newly emerged sea area must belong to the dragon clan. Whoever dares to grab it will be the enemy of his life.



The dragon clan is huge, but the giant beast on the opposite side is even bigger, but strength is not determined by size, but by combat power.

The vast dragon army was all dispatched because they found that the three realms were formed, and the previous suppression of the dragon clan was gone, that is, the previous cause and effect completely disappeared.

What does this mean? The dragon clan knows very well that the new three realms are like zero, as if they have experienced a catastrophe of heaven and earth, and the previous cause and effect are gone.

With such a change, the dragon clan has nothing to fear.

The ignorant giant beast paid the price. There are indeed three giant beasts behind it, who are at the initial level of quasi-saints in terms of physical body.

They control the giant beasts and attack the dragon clan ignorantly.

Maybe they have just been born with intelligence and are used to being domineering. They think that no one in the sea is their opponent, so they have no scruples.

But this time, the dragon Zhulong came out and easily killed three giant beasts.

The remaining ones were also going to be killed, but they were stopped by Prime Minister Turtle. The wisdom of this old turtle was recognized by the dragons, and they were used to listening to him.

In this way, the simple and intelligent giant beasts were incorporated by the dragons and became cannon fodder for the dragons.

Later, the dragons were surprised to find that because these giant beasts were strong, they were full of treasures, especially the three heads killed by Zhulong, which also had innate Taoist bones. As long as they were simply refined, they could become good things of innate spiritual treasures. (End of this chapter)

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