No one wants to be on the Conferred God List in the original trajectory, after all, they are constrained, and it is difficult to survive in immortality.

But it is different here. As long as the prehistoric world continues to grow, the creatures of the Conferred God List will also grow.

And although they are puppets of the Emperor of Heaven and are controlled by the Conferred God List and the Heavenly Court,

but now the three realms of heaven and earth are formed, and the way of heaven has further evolved, which shows that the way of heaven is stronger.

For the entire prehistoric world, except for the Styx, who is not a pawn? Whose fate is not controlled?

In this way, they are all controlled in the same way.

Although the Conferred God List after death is still much more constrained, it is much better than the original trajectory.

What's more, there is also the saying of being on the list in the flesh!

And Hongjun, after listening to the words of the Styx, said: "Those who are on the Conferred God List have their own destiny. Daoyou can see that the forces in the fairy world are complicated?"

"Well, the three tribes of dragon, phoenix, and unicorn, the human race, major sects, witches, monsters, etc. are indeed complicated, integrating all the dominant tribes and forces." The Styx said.

"Yes!" Hongjun nodded: "The struggle between these forces will naturally produce cause and effect. Whoever has cause and effect will be in the catastrophe. Those with merits will be free from constraints and free, while those with serious cause and effect sins will be listed and conferred as gods."

"This?" Minghe was a little shocked.

I thought that even if this conferred god catastrophe was a bigger scene, it would only involve the participation of the Immortal Court and Buddhism. Who knew that it was actually a competition among the major forces of all races. This first catastrophe after the evolution of the prehistoric world is indeed not to be underestimated.

Minghe spoke again: "This is beyond my expectation... However, if the deification is carried out in this way, then the Wu clan will be involved. Pingxin has the Heavenly Book of the Conferred God List. Will this Conferred God Tribulation involve Pingxin?

In addition, Pingxin is a saint who is in harmony with the Tao. I think this matter is not easy, right?"

"Shan, as you said, this Conferred God is a joint deification of the Heavenly Dao and the Earthly Dao, which is to clean up the creatures of the prehistoric world and let the prehistoric human Dao come into the world.

As for involving Pingxin, it is not the case. After all, Pingxin is a saint who is in harmony with the Tao, and he is already a transcendent person.

And those who are on the list have their own prehistoric fruit position.

At the same time, you forgot two forces." Hongjun said.

"Oh?" Minghe was stunned?

Hongjun said: "Daoyou, have you forgotten that the world has changed and creatures have been reborn again? In addition to the strong and powerful people who died in the ancient times, there are more new tribes, including monsters and spirits. They are also a force. Even if most of them are conquered by the monsters at this moment, they are considered part of the monsters."

"... In addition, the fierce beasts in the sea are also a force that cannot be underestimated. After they understand the cruelty of the prehistoric times, there will surely be a person with great luck and great roots to integrate the fierce beast forces and become a new force.

And they can survive in the endless dark sea, which is a natural safe haven. As long as they can't escape, even saints will find it difficult to wipe them out. So they seem weak, but they can't be ignored."

"Yes, that's true." Minghe nodded. He forgot about these two forces. Because they were too weak, Minghe didn't care.

However, Hongjun didn't answer the matter of the Conferred God List.

Minghe felt that the Conferred God List was not enough to bear such a Conferred God. After all, the Conferred God List was just an innate top-grade spiritual treasure, which was not suitable at all.

Hongjun added: "As for the Conferred God List, this time the prehistoric world is reborn, and there is an innate treasure called the World-Suppressing Monument."

"This?" Minghe was shocked again, what a big deal.

No need for the Conferred God List, just the World-Suppressing Monument?

But Minghe remembered that the innate spiritual treasure was formed by the fusion of the innate immortal spiritual light, and now the prehistoric Hongmeng purple qi has not been completely condensed, but it can still condense the innate treasure.

"I don't know how the prehistoric world will arrange this matter, but the world-suppressing monument has been born and is in my hands.

And along with the world-suppressing monument, there is also an innate treasure, the chessboard of destiny.

The chessboard of destiny is formed by the fusion of the laws of destiny. These two innate treasures are born at the same time, and the world-suppressing monument complements the chessboard of destiny, so that the world-suppressing monument is divided into two sides.

One is called the heaven-suppressing monument, and the other is called the earth-suppressing monument.

And those who enter the two sides of the monument can continuously enhance the power of the world-suppressing monument.

According to the message of the heavenly way, this world-suppressing monument can continuously absorb the strength of the people on the monument and continuously evolve."

After speaking, seeing that Minghe was shocked, Hongjun asked: "What do you think, fellow Taoist?"

"Very good." Minghe felt that the old guy was showing off, but he didn't want to give him a chance to show off.

But it must be said that with the formation of the three realms, he completely lost the memory advantage of his previous life.

Everything is new, and he can only rely on his powerful strength to deduce, and he doesn't know anything else.

"This is the cause and effect of the fight in the fairy world. It seems that there is no matter in the mortal world?" Minghe said.

Hongjun's words just now clearly stated: - Conferred God is a contest between the immortal world and the underworld, and there is no participation from the mortal world.

Minghe felt that the mortal world did not have the ability to participate after all, but the human race in the immortal world was also involved.

Therefore, Minghe changed the topic and said that there was no matter about the mortal world.

"There is indeed no cause and effect in the mortal world. Besides..." Hongjun said: "The rules of the mortal world have been determined and perfected. If living beings want to enter the golden immortal level, they must go through the test of thunder tribulation. At that time, those with serious cause and effect will die, and those with small cause and effect will ascend to the immortal world. This means that the cause and effect of the mortal world will not accumulate and become a quantitative disaster. Therefore, there will be no major disasters in the mortal world in the future. If there are, they will belong to the struggle of the mortal world."

After Hongjun finished speaking to Minghe, Minghe understood.

For human cultivators to ascend to the immortal world, thunder tribulation is needed. This is a step to settle cause and effect. Therefore, it is difficult for the mortal world to accumulate too much cause and effect, and naturally there is no test of quantitative disaster.

Therefore, Styx said: "Is this happening in the mortal world the role of inheritance and transfer?"

"Son, fellow Taoist should know about the starry sky and universe of the mortal world, as well as planets, stars and even continents?" Hongjun asked.

"I know." Styx said.

Hongjun nodded and said: "From now on, the ordinary level can be divided into four levels: refining essence to transform into qi, refining qi to transform into spirit, refining spirit to return to emptiness, and refining emptiness to combine with Tao.

Among them, the "stars" in the mortal world can carry the level of refining Qi and refining Qi and transforming God to give birth to the soul. If the star creatures want to progress, they can only possess the soul and then cross the starry sky to go to the "planet" or the mainland;

...And the planet can carry the two realms of refining the gods to become immortals, and refining the void to become immortals. This refining of the void to become immortals and the transformation of human beings into immortals are the limits of what the 'planet' can carry;

...And when the planetary creatures reach the level of human immortals and want to make progress, there will be guidance to lead them to the Starry Sky Continent. The limit of the continent is the level of human immortals and earthly immortal queens. This is the limit of the Starry Sky Continent...

After reaching the limit of immortality, if the creatures of the Starry Sky Continent want to progress, they can only cross the starry sky to the ancient world.

... Fellow Taoists in the mortal realm of the ancient world understand that it can carry true immortals, mysterious immortals, and even golden immortal queens who have transcended tribulations to fly into the immortal realm... Therefore, the mortal realm is the transit or destination for creatures in the starry sky. "

After Hongjun explained, Minghe frowned deeply, but he had thought too highly of the planet's creatures before.

It can only carry heavenly beings. Is this too weak?

Well, Styx also understood that it was not that he was too weak, but that he was too strong.

Therefore, he no longer cares about the stars, there is no need to care.

Seemingly seeing the depression of Ming He, Hongjun said: "Fellow Taoist, although the star creatures in the future are weak, their number is even greater than that of the mortal world. Fellow Taoist also understands that all living beings are the condensed will of the ancient world."

"Well, I understand.

The fairy world is just like this in my eyes, let alone the mortal world. I have other things in mind. " Styx changed the subject again.

Hongjun didn't notice, but asked: "Why don't you and I go to the underworld together?"

Go to the underworld?

Naturally, it is the moment to return with peace of mind and become a saint.

The perfection of heaven and earth is the moment when Pingxin returns and becomes a saint. Pingxin unites with the underworld. Now that the three realms have evolved, Pingxin has also made great progress.

"Yes!" The two of them immediately left Zixiao Palace.

When the Hedao Saint was born, even Hongjun needed to congratulate him.

And on the other side...

In the east of the fairy world, although Zulong was shocked by the demon clan's formation, he fought fearlessly.

At that time, the power of the gods was overwhelming, and the war between the two sides intensified.

However, neither party dares to destroy the fairy world easily, but inevitable destruction is inevitable.

And the magic happened, and the immortal world's endurance was stronger than that of the prehistoric era. According to the battle between the two parties, if it had been in the prehistoric era before, one area would have been ashes.

But here, the loss has been reduced by nearly ten thousand times?

It can be seen that the formation of the Three Realms is far from being as simple as imagined, but there are more unknown changes.

Hongjun and Minghe, who traveled to the fairy world, felt the battle between the demon clan and the dragon clan. They smiled, and the cause and effect came, and the struggle between the major forces began. In this way, it won't take long for them to become gods.

In the netherworld.

The arrival of Ming He and Hongjun was expected by Ping Xin.

Since the formation of the Three Realms, Ping Xin felt that his opportunity had come. As long as he merged with the underworld again, he could step into the level of a saint.

Hedao saints are different from saints. Saints combine with the way of heaven with the help of Hongmeng purple energy.

However, the Hedao Saint is the whole self, including the origin of the soul, integrated with one world, achieving the same level as Hongjun Hedao before.

However, if you want to be a saint, you must first understand the heart of heaven and earth in one world, just like Pingxin understands the heart of heaven and earth in the underworld. With her dedication and dedication, the heart of heaven and earth will naturally be in harmony with her.

This is the reason why Pingxin can become a saint of Hedao.

The saint chooses the Hongmeng Purple Qi, while the Hedao saint chooses peace of mind for the heart of heaven and earth.

This is the simplest difference. One can achieve success as long as you have Hongmeng Purple Qi and merit, while the other requires the recognition of you by the heart of heaven and earth, or in other words, the consciousness of heaven and earth in one world merges with you.

This is the Hedao Saint.

Therefore, it cannot be achieved without great perseverance, great dedication, and great kindness. After all, it is rare to have a heavenly heart.

Pingxin is very calm, without joy or sorrow, and seems not so passionate about becoming a saint.

Both Ming He and Hongjun lamented that maybe it was this mentality that was recognized by the Heart of Heaven and Earth.

In Ping Xin's opinion, becoming a Hedao Saint may be more about responsibility than how much stronger you are.

Ming He appreciated Ping Xin's indifference, so he praised him: "Ping Xin's good nature, no wonder, is recognized by the heart of the underworld."

Comparing it to the previous saints, the madness for Hedao really proves that what you want is unattainable. What is your fate?

The selfish desires of a saint cannot be recognized by the heart of heaven and earth.

"Master laughed, Pingxin just feels that the responsibility is greater. The three realms are formed, the underworld is very important, the starting point is also the origin of the end, not to mention controlling the life and death of the mortal world, and the life and death of the three thousand small worlds, Pingxin dare not be careless. "Ping Xin said.

"Oh, it's because of your heart that you are recognized by the hearts of heaven and earth. Not bad." Ming He praised him. Seeing that Ping Xin was a little solemn, Ming He changed the topic: "I believe you can achieve harmony at any time." Dao, is there any arrangement?"

"Master, it is true that we are still a little short of the mark. As long as the four great judges return to their positions, Pingxin can become a saint of Hedao." Pingxin said.

After speaking, Ming He and Hongjun nodded.

The previous four great judges were the disciples of the saints designated by Styx.

But before, the saint committed evil and was expelled from the underworld by Emperor Pingxin and Fengdu, and also removed from his position.

In today's underworld, there are four judges appointed by Pingxin and Fengdu, but they have not yet been truly canonized, so they are not perfect.

Styx previously presided over the canonization of the gods of the underworld, and this time he needs to canonize the four great judges in order for the underworld to be complete.

"Shan, I have a favorite candidate. It was my fault before. In order to prevent the Four Saints from causing trouble, I chose the judge in a hurry." Styx took the initiative to admit his mistake.

"No?" Hongjun said: "It is not the fault of fellow Taoist, but the wisdom of fellow Taoist. The four judges are very important. They must be upright people, and there is a certain number. The most suitable judge candidate has not yet appeared. That’s why Taoist friends appointed a few evil disciples, so this is the wisdom of Taoist friends and is not a fault.”

Hongjun was very happy to win Minghe, and there were still discerning people.

Ping Xin also said: "Tao Ancestor's words are reasonable. These four great judges are consistent with the achievements of the human race. At that time, the human race had not yet risen, and there were no suitable candidates. The master must have seen the situation clearly, so he wisely gave the four saints. He can curb their ambitions and wait for the true judge to appear, so Master is right."

Styx smiled when the two said this, that's what he thought.

At that time, the human race had not yet risen, and the candidates for the Four Great Judges had not yet been born. Naturally, there could not be any real Four Great Judges.

Moreover, the human race is the master of destiny and the most important component in the underworld. The candidate for judge must be the human race.

In short, it is indeed the best arrangement.

"I think I gave the saints a chance, but it's a pity that they didn't take it." He immediately asked Pingxin: "Is there a suitable candidate?"

"Master, please wait a moment." After Ping Xin squeezed the spell, four streams of light came from the eighteenth level of hell.

The four people who came here looked fierce, sinister and cunning.

But Pingxin said: "These four people are the four people selected by the younger generation through the heart of heaven and earth. They are all members of the human race. They are born with evil spirits, and they do not control the wheel and the six paths. They were upright during their lives. Evil demons and heretics are afraid that they will be born with evil spirits." Since they have assisted the Eighteen Hell Kings, no matter how evil they are, they are all afraid of them."

Pingxin introduced the four people to Ming He and Hongjun.

And the four of them didn't know who they were facing, but it must not be simple for the Supreme Good Empress to respect them so much.

Ming He and Hongjun looked at the four of them, and they suddenly felt that they had been seen through. (End of chapter)

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