In this case, they have no choice but to agree. If they don't agree, without their help, their disciples will be plotted to death.

The four looked at each other. They were originally four people who shared the same suffering, but they ended up becoming enemies who wanted to fight.

"We agree." The four looked at each other and agreed decisively.

"Good!" Minghe nodded.

Minghe waved his hand, and the iron chains of order that bound the four people dissipated. The four people's cultivation and ability to control the power of heaven and earth returned.

The four people trembled with excitement, and finally broke free from the shackles and regained control of the power of heaven and earth.

"You and others quickly go to Zixiao Palace and wait for the explanation of the deity there!" Minghe ignored the excited four people and left quickly.

Minghe was not worried about whether they agreed or not. After all, if they didn't agree, then their trapped time would be extended indefinitely.

At the same time, this catastrophe also involved their disciples, and they would not refuse at all.

There was no other reason. This Prison Saint Island could cut off their connection with their corpses.

In other words, if the catastrophe comes together, they will not be able to escort a kind of disciples if they do not go out. When they go out, what awaits them may be a sect without any disciples at all.

As the four saints go to Zixiao Palace.

Minghe first went back to the sea of ​​blood, called Bai Zhan and Nuwa, arranged for the two to retreat, and then went to Zixiao Palace.

In Zixiao Palace!

Minghe waved his hand, and endless streams of light scattered into the prehistoric fairyland. In an instant, the entire prehistoric fairyland seemed to be in a state of time stasis.

Then the entire prehistoric three realms began to tremble, and all living beings inexplicably felt that something important was about to happen, but they did not understand what it was.

The moment when Minghe's power reached its peak.

"Illusion, dream, world-"


Like the creation of the world, a virtual and flowing space appeared in the prehistoric world, which was the dream world.

Illusion and dream world is like proving the way to open the sky and creating a small world. The difference is that illusion and dream world is a magical power, a magical power that controls the truth and falsehood with a thought.

The illusory space slowly extended to the end of the world.

In this illusory space, golden causal lines began to appear, first one, then two, three... until endless.

The causal lines slowly flew in all directions, and each causal line formed a living being, a mountain range, a lake, and everything...

The endless law of dreams began to carry everything. Because of the cultivation of the Styx, the dream world was opened up, and because the magical power of the Styx had the perception of fate, all kinds of things appeared.


At this time, the world that had expanded to the limit came out of the body of the Styx. After a sound of transformation, he turned into a river of fate, and then disappeared in the dream world, as if he had never appeared.

However, everything that was condensed by thousands of causal lines before seemed to have a source in an instant.

The living beings formed by the causal lines seemed to have intelligence in their dull eyes.

In short, after the emergence of the river of fate, everything in this world appeared like intelligence, and began to extend according to the trajectory in the dark.

"Go quickly!"

At this time, the Styx said to the six saints again.

The six saints had long understood their mission. The dream law of the Styx turned into the world, and at the same time pulled the river of destiny of the heaven. They were the source of the heaven and earth, and the origin of spiritual energy.


"Swoosh, swoosh--"

The six saints turned into the top sky and the boundless earth.


At this time, the thirty-six heavens of the heavenly court, under the control of the Styx, were absorbed into the center of the dream world.

With a "boom--", the heaven and earth of the dream world were stabilized.

Only the last step is left, and the last step is operation, communication, and extension, which requires the Styx to achieve.

What is running is the trajectory of the dream world, what is communicating is the fairy world, and what is extended is all the possibilities of the future.

With a "hum!", the newly formed dream world trembled, and the three realms of the prehistoric world also trembled, and the two worlds communicated.

And the creatures in the dream world also started to move from stillness.

Before, it was like a painting, a flat painting, but now it became a world out of body.


The Styx breathed a sigh of relief. There was no mistake, and the dream world was formed.


"Swoosh——" The six saints returned. Just now they turned into heaven and earth. Now the dream world is formed, and their consciousness returned.


Dream world?

It is a world like the three worlds of the prehistoric world before they were formed. The heaven suppressed the dream world.

All the creatures in it are the creatures created by the Styx Dream World, and they are real creatures.

However, they are not real creatures like the creation of the world and the achievement of Hunyuan Daluo, but the fate and cause and effect of the prehistoric world are triggered, so that the prehistoric creatures are moved into it.

Of course, there are real creatures.

Those creatures are not the creatures in the prehistoric world, but the dream creatures.

If compared with the prehistoric world, these are fake creatures, but similarly for the creatures in the dream world, the prehistoric creatures are also fake.

This is when the real is fake, the real is also fake, and when the fake is real, the fake is real.

However, do not be confused, they are also real existences in this world, and after they withdraw, they are also real existences in the primitive world.

The figurative explanation is that they created a new world, and they came from the primitive world.

And now all living beings are receiving inheritance one by one.

As for what inheritance, it is naturally the primitive world in the memory of the Styx.

Of course, even if the Styx is strong, it is impossible to compile the memory of all creatures.

As long as the cultivation reaches the quasi-saint realm, the Styx will not compile the memory, but only warn them not to disturb the development of the dream world at will.

As for the prehistoric world, the Styx did not give any instructions.

The so-called dream world, the infinite calamity in it, compared with the prehistoric world, is just a blink of an eye.

Therefore, the Styx did not care about the situation in the prehistoric world.

To put it bluntly, this dream world, for the prehistoric creatures, may be just a dream.

Or it can be said to be the kind of holographic game in the novels of the previous life.

It is just that it needs to travel to compile the memory of the dream world.

It is for this reason that countless quasi-saints have begun to retreat in the dream world, and dare not leave their own dojo.

But other quasi-saints can retreat, but the heaven is different!

As the master of the dream world, the heaven also has three quasi-saints, namely the Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother and Taibai Jinxing.

The three of them also received the inheritance, which is that they don't have to interfere with the dream world like other quasi-saints.

The Styx will naturally not restrict the three of them, and they still need the three of them to promote the Conferred God Tribulation.

What's more, the authentic saint of the Jade Emperor is about to reach the day of enlightenment.

It is precisely because of the inheritance of the Styx that the three of them were excited and finally got out of the mud pit. It's great. The three of them will get rid of the suppression of many forces in this dream world.

Saints can only descend to this world, and cannot enter in their true bodies because they can't bear it.

In this way, wouldn't they be invincible?

The Jade Emperor and Taibai were very excited. They naturally thought that just like the formation of the three realms before, a new dream world appeared.

Of course, they didn't know the secrets hidden in it. However, it didn't prevent them from being happy. As the saying goes, there is no oppression.


When the excited three saw the six saints returning from the heaven and earth, they were confused.

Is there no saint?

How come the five saints Zulong, Shi Qilin, Yuanfeng, Dijun and Dijiang did not become saints, and the suppressed four saints actually came out?

On the other side, the six saints returned to their dojo in the dream world, entered the stage of maintaining the operation of the dream world, and closed-door comprehension.

After the Minghe divine consciousness swept through the dream world, it was the prehistoric world in his memory, and he was somewhat sighing.

However, all this will eventually dissipate.

The dream world is real, but it is just a means for his own comprehension, and it is also created to solve the Conferred God.

Here the Three Sovereigns and Five Emperors have ascended to perfection, and are experiencing the Xia Dynasty. This place will be very exciting.

The Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian opened the sky and proved the way, starting from bit by bit, the world evolved, creatures were born, and then evolved again, to prosperity...

The dream world created by Minghe is different, it saves many stages and directly reaches the moment of prosperity, just like now.

After feeling it for a while, Minghe left the dream world. The dream world is controlled by him, supported by the six saints, and operated by Hongjun.

Minghe returned to the prehistoric world.

In a blink of an eye, a hundred years later, the dream world was stable and could be opened.


There was a silent humming sound, which could be felt throughout the dream world and the three worlds of the prehistoric world.

As the dream world stabilized, countless creatures woke up from their slumber.

Yes, because of the dream world, after the Styx used its magical powers, countless creatures, except those above the quasi-saint realm, fell into a 100-year slumber.

Now these creatures have woken up, and the prehistoric world seems to be immersed in it.

Or it could be said that the prehistoric timeline has not moved.

"Brothers, have you noticed that it is almost the same as the prehistoric world before the three realms were formed, except that there is less spiritual energy, but it is much easier to comprehend the laws."

"Fourth brother, the inheritance says that this is the initial prehistoric world. Because it is not perfect, the laws are revealed. The realm of comprehension here is ten times that of the prehistoric world. The prehistoric world was too perfect, so it was difficult to comprehend. It is different here. Because it is not perfect, it is easy to comprehend."

Standing in front of Meishan in the dream world, six people with different images sighed.

These six people are the six monsters of Meishan. The eldest is Yuan Hong, who has seventy-two transformations; the second is Chang Hao, whose body is a giant python, spewing poisonous gas; the third is Zhu Zizhen, who can cover the enemy with white light and make him unable to move; the fourth is Dai Li, who can spit out a red bead as big as a bowl, and hurt people unexpectedly in battle; the fifth is Jin Dasheng, who has infinite power and spits out bezoar to hit people; the sixth is Wu Long, who can turn into green smoke to escape and emit black fog to confuse the enemy.

The six people were originally happy and carefree in the prehistoric fairyland. They suddenly fell asleep, and then after a big dream, they got the memory compiled by the dream world. They need to accept the tribulation of the catastrophe. After surviving it, they can be truly free and happy. If they can't survive it, they will die.

The six people were not frightened. They knew what they had done before. Since the time of the three ancestors of the human race, they have been doing evil. Eating people and stirring up trouble are common things.

Later, when the four saints suppressed the prehistoric world, they also took advantage of the chaos in the prehistoric world to stir up trouble everywhere.

Because Yuan Hong once got the opportunity, he once got the seventy-two changes and eight-nine mysterious skills from the soul of a disciple of the Yijie Sect. From then on, Yuan Hong began to rise, and his five like-minded brothers also got a huge improvement. The six people are all at the level of golden immortals.

It is an immortal existence, but the cause and effect are very deep. Even if the three realms were formed before and the cause and effect were reset to zero, it is difficult to completely wash away the sins and cause and effect.

This time when the dream world came out, they became the ones who faced the catastrophe.

The Meishan Mountain where they were before had long been occupied by the demons led by Emperor Jun. Although the six were rampant, they were the kind of people who would kneel down when facing Emperor Jun and Donghuang.

However, they were unwilling to become the lackeys of the demons, and they had committed many sins, so the demons would not accept them. Therefore, the six occupied a small hill in the fairyland and continued to roam freely.

But this time they could not escape, and entered the dream world and fell into disaster.

After entering the dream world, it seemed natural that they were led by fate and came to Meishan, their old nest, intending to occupy the mountain and become the king.

The eldest brother Yuan Hong was a cautious monkey. After the four saints were suppressed by the Styx, he decisively killed a registered disciple of Jiejiao. At that time, Tongtian was suppressed and Jiejiao was in a panic. Who would care about a dead unknown registered disciple?

Sure enough, this desperate risk brought him great gains. From the soul of the Jiejiao disciple, he found a castrated one, which only recorded six turns, which he called the six-turn mysterious art, and also got the seventy-two changes of Hongjun's preaching.

After getting two skills, Yuan Hong began to rise. Among the six brothers, six were at the level of Golden Immortal. His cultivation level was shown to be at the late stage of Golden Immortal, but his real physical cultivation level was at the middle stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal.

But he was very low-key, fearing that he would be exposed for killing the disciples of Jiejiao, so he had been hiding.

He even knew that it was not good to stir up trouble and to kill innocent people at will, but in order to ruin his reputation, he acquiesced to the actions of his five younger brothers.

Yuan Hong's original body was the Tongbi Ape Monkey among the four monkeys in the world, which could hold the sun and the moon, shrink thousands of mountains, distinguish good and bad, and manipulate the universe.

Among the three monkeys born, he was considered to be mixed in the middle. Hun was the first to be born, the Six-eared Macaque. Because of the refining of the clone in the Styx, he has long been a quasi-saint, but he has not been revealed in the prehistoric world.

The second one is him, Yuan Hong.

As for the third red-butted horse monkey, he was previously arranged by Emperor Jun to hinder Dayu from controlling the flood, and then disappeared. He must be in the camp of the demon clan.

Yuan Hong didn't know how mixed he was.

Besides, he didn't know what the Four Monkeys of Chaos were. He only knew that his body was extraordinary and that his magical skills were particularly suitable for body training.

After obtaining the skills, he felt that it was his greatest opportunity.

This time when he entered the dream world, Yuan Hong was still very low-key. Although the magical things that appeared in the dream world were said in the inheritance of the Tiandao: the fourth world of the prehistoric world, who knew the details.

Therefore, he planned to continue to be low-key and let his five younger brothers come forward.


In addition to the six monsters of Meishan, there are many, countless billions of creatures that have entered the dream world.

Some of them came to respond to the calamity, and some came out of retreat after the dream world was formed.

Yes, after the dream world appeared, as long as you are not a person who should be bound, then you should honestly retreat in the cave, and the creatures in the dream world will not exist. (End of this chapter)

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