Chapter 47 47. Spreading clones

Time passed slowly, and ten thousand years later!

Minghe waved his hand to summon the Hongmeng Ding, and eight hundred and sixty-seven drops of blood essence with rich origin appeared inside, which were the clones of Minghe.

The three most powerful drops of blood essence were the clones of Ao Ming, Feng Ning, and Lin An.

These three clones were condensed by Minghe through the fusion of the blood essence of Zulong, Yuanfeng and Shiqilin.

The blood essence of Yuanfeng and Shiqilin was the reward that Feng Ning and Lin An received for the Phoenix and Qilin clans to establish the dynasty through their suggestions;

And Ao Ming's drop of Zulong blood essence was also obtained in this way, but it was not a reward from Zulong, but Ao Ming asked for it himself.

Minghe looked at the three drops of blood essence filled with rich power, and he was not idle. He waved his hand and collected all the clones, including Pangu Yuanshen and Pangu blood essence, and then took another step and disappeared in the sea of ​​blood.

The purpose of the Styx's blood sea this time is to spread the clones widely. After all, these clones now have sufficient origins and are all capable of reaching the Daluo realm.

When they reach the realm of Daluo Jinxian, with their own original body, these clones can fully comprehend the avenue in their original body. Even if they cannot reach the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, they can reach the Hunyuan Jinxian realm. With such cultivation, they can completely gain a foothold in the prehistoric world.

Now the Styx only needs to spread these clones in the place where they should have been nurtured.

You must know that the prehistoric world is a place that emphasizes cause and effect, but the blood god son method of the Styx can isolate cause and effect. In other words, as long as the place where they were born is no longer in the blood sea, these clones are separate bodies, and there is no cause and effect that will implicate the original body of the Styx.

The first place the Styx went to was still the East China Sea.

After all, whether it is Ao Ming, Feng Ning or Lin An, they are all famous people in the three tribes.

There is nothing wrong with retreating for ten thousand years. After all, in the prehistoric world, retreating for ten thousand years is just a nap.

After the Styx reached the realm of Daluo Jinxian, it was granted by the Great Dao and had the seeds of the Great Dao of Space, so the Styx now also possessed the power of the law of space.

Therefore, the speed of the Styx's movement was faster, much faster than the magical power of controlling the wind. After all, the wind control technique needs to act within the range of the Yuanshen's perception, while the law of space is different. It only depends on comprehension. After all, the power of space exists everywhere in the prehistoric world.

It took the Styx only eight hundred years to get from the blood sea to the East China Sea.

However, the Styx now has the power of the law of space and can enter the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea quietly.

When he arrived in the East China Sea, the Styx entered the place where Ao Ming was in seclusion according to Ao Ming's memory, put Ao Ming's blood into it, and disappeared in the East China Sea with a thought.

Then it was in the Immortal Volcano of the Southern Continent and the Qilin Cliff of the Central Continent.

Of course, along the way, the Styx has placed many clones in one innate restriction after another, allowing them to transform autonomously.

You know, innate restrictions are all nurtured by treasures.

That is to say, Minghe has Pangu's array inheritance, space law and wind control skills, otherwise, it would be impossible to enter the forbidden area quietly.

However, after Minghe entered the forbidden area, he did not take away the treasures. Of course, this is also because the highest of these treasures is only medium-grade innate things. If it is a top-grade or high-grade innate thing, Minghe will naturally take it away. After all, such treasures cannot be protected by the clone's strength.

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