Chapter 60 60. The Treasure Red Lotus

The Styx looked at the 12th-grade Karma Fire Red Lotus not far away, and endless sighs rose in his heart.

As the companion spiritual treasure of the Styx, the 12th-grade Karma Fire Red Lotus has always been an existence that the Styx relies on.

In other words, if there is no 12th-grade Karma Fire Red Lotus, the Styx may not be born. Of course, it may be a bit biased to say that it cannot be born, but like the Wu clan, it is certain that it cannot cultivate the Yuanshen.

You must know that whether it is Pangu's blood or Pangu's Yuanshen, they all belong to Pangu's descendants, but after leaving Pangu, they are already unique individuals, and they can have Yuanshen and still have flesh, but the focus is different.

But because the place where the Wu clan is located is full of evil spirits, the Wu clan can only cultivate the flesh, and the Yuanshen is eroded by the evil spirits.

The land of the blood sea is even worse than the place where the Wu clan is located. After all, the place where the Wu clan is located only has innate evil spirits, while the blood sea has all kinds of foul air, such as murderous spirits, evil spirits, resentment, and poison.

It is because of the companion spiritual treasure, the 12th-grade Karma Fire Red Lotus, that the Styx was wrapped in the lotus platform, thus providing the Styx with innate spiritual energy, so that the Styx did not become a witch-like existence.

It is also because of this that the so-called 12th-grade Karma Fire Red Lotus is the companion spiritual treasure of the Styx, but just like the Chaos Blue Lotus to Pangu, it is actually the existence of the mother.

Now the 12th-grade Karma Fire Red Lotus cannot be upgraded again due to insufficient origin, so the Styx naturally cannot sit idly by.

Although the 12th-grade Pure World White Lotus and the Western Plain Cloud Realm Flag, these top-grade innate spiritual treasures, are useful to the Styx, there is one thing that the Styx has no use for.

That is Chaos Jade Marrow, which is Pangu Jade Marrow.

This Chaos Jade Marrow is essentially the essence of Pangu nurtured by the Chaos Blue Lotus, and it is of the same origin as the Chaos Blue Lotus. The 12th-grade Karma Fire Red Lotus is also the immature lotus seed of the Chaos Blue Lotus, which is naturally very suitable.

Sure enough, as Minghe took out the Chaos Jade Marrow, the 12th Grade Karma Fire Red Lotus was eager for it.

Minghe raised his hand, and the Chaos Jade Marrow flew out of his hand.

The moment the 12th Grade Karma Fire Red Lotus just touched the Chaos Jade Marrow, it exuded a strong suction force. No matter what kind of evil spirit, murderous spirit, poisonous spirit, resentment, or chaotic spirit, innate spiritual energy, it would not reject it. Of course, it was accompanied by the merits of the Great Dao and the Chaos Jade Marrow.

The lotus comes out of the mud but is not stained, washes in the clear water but is not evil, is straight inside and outside, and has no vines or branches.

This is the essence of the lotus, that is, no matter how dirty the environment is, it can still return to its origin without being stained by its dirty power.

And this is the 12th Grade Karma Fire Red Lotus at this time.

Anything sucked into the body did not hurt it at all, but instead became his original power.

As time slowly passed, the 12th-grade Karma Fire Red Lotus began to shine with bright red light. This light could still be seen clearly even in the bloody sea.

As the 12th-grade Karma Fire Red Lotus shone with this light, the 12th-grade Pure World White Lotus also followed it and shone with white light. The Western Plain Cloud Realm Flag also flew out of the body of the Styx, also shining with a white and gold light.

As the three continued to shine, the three lights actually merged together to form a light blue light.

In this way, a hundred years passed in a flash.

On this day, the light blue light suddenly exploded and flew straight back into the bodies of the three.

As the light entered the body, the 12th-grade Karma Fire Red Lotus actually grew three flowers and nine petals.

The lotus platform is divided into grades, one of which is three flowers and nine petals, and the 12th grade is 108 petals.

At this time, the Karma Fire Red Lotus can no longer be called the 12th grade, it should be called the 13th grade, and its quality has also reached the innate treasure.

Although this treasure may not be so powerful because it has just been promoted, it is still much stronger than when it was at the twelfth level.

And the Styx also has the first innate treasure.

You should know that after the creation of the world, there are only nine innate treasures except the three treasures of creation, and at this time, the Styx actually evolved the twelfth-level Karma Fire Red Lotus into an innate treasure.

That is to say, now the Great Dao controls the world, the Great Dao is supreme, and the Great Dao is fair, and there is not much reaction to these.

If it was when the Heavenly Dao was in control, at least a few purple thunders would be given to the Styx to let the Styx feel the caress from the Heavenly Dao.

After the evolution of the Karma Fire Red Lotus was completed, it gave the Styx a burst of joy.

The Styx moved his mind and came to the side of the Karma Fire Red Lotus.

Because the formation had just been successfully arranged, the Karma Fire Red Lotus broke through the level, so the Karma Fire Red Lotus could not move at will at this time, and needed to stay for a while.

However, Minghe felt the joy of Karma Fire Red Lotus, so he naturally went over to encourage her. The most important thing was that Minghe also wanted to feel the difference between the innate treasure and the top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

As Minghe arrived next to Karma Fire Red Lotus, Karma Fire Red Lotus conveyed a message to Minghe, which was to let Minghe sit on the lotus platform.

Minghe did not hesitate and sat on it directly.

As Minghe just sat on the lotus platform, the Karma Fire Red Lotus actually stretched out its roots and pierced into Minghe's body.

Minghe did not resist, but waited quietly.

After the roots of the Karma Fire Red Lotus penetrated into the body of the Styx, a suction force came from the roots, but the Styx did not feel anything being sucked.

But in a moment, the Styx found a clue, karma was being absorbed.

After the Styx found this, he couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart.

The Styx never thought that the Karma Fire Red Lotus could feed on karma after breaking through to the innate treasure.

The Styx didn't stay in the prehistoric world for a long time, just killed a few creatures, and the karma was not much, but in the blink of an eye, the karma on the Styx was swept away.

As the karma was cleared, the Styx moved his mind, and the Red Lotus Karma Fire appeared in his palm.

For the Styx who has the companion spiritual treasure Karma Fire Red Lotus, controlling the Red Lotus Karma Fire is an instinct, but he was contaminated with a little karma after leaving this blood sea, and it was not suitable to control the Red Lotus Karma Fire before the karma was cleared, so the Styx has not practiced it.

Now that the karma has been cleared, it is only a matter of thought to control the Red Lotus Karma Fire.

Minghe put away the Karma Fire with his backhand and began to check the specific situation after the Karma Fire Red Lotus broke through the Innate Supreme Treasure.

After checking, Minghe could not help but sigh: "The gap between this Innate Supreme Treasure and the Ultimate Innate Spiritual Treasure is too big."

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