034. Tower Master (2)

The story about her is quite famous not only in the empire but across the entire continent.

The process of how a different race became the master of the human empire’s magic tower was quite intriguing in itself, and there was a reason why she couldn’t help but attract attention.


Rona Woodwitch was the hero of the empire.

The hero who stopped the demon 300 years ago.

She was a witch who, like other witches, took her surname from her place of origin.

Her exact age is unknown.

All that is known is that she is at least over 300 years old.

She first appeared in the human world when Pharos produced its last grandmaster, and the demon appeared on this land.

She, who had come to the human world for an observation tour, stood against the demon with the emperor of the time, Pharos.

Thus, in the calamity that is now passed down as a heroic tale, they finally achieved victory.

In the end, they succeeded in expelling the demon, and she became the first different race to be recognized for her contributions and gain citizenship of the empire.

Afterwards, she became an advisor to the magic tower, and during times when there was no suitable successor, she directly managed the magic tower while staying in the empire.

Of course, as a witch, she had the characteristic of being bound to her place of origin, so she periodically returned to the forest, but even so, she did not let go of the empire.

There were many speculations about her, such as that she loved the emperor of the time, or that she made a promise with Pharos of the time, but none of them were certain.

Anyway, the important thing is that she was such a legendary figure, and I happened to meet that hero by chance.

“Here, drink this.”

The terrace of the clinic.

The master of the magic tower brought out fruit tea.

Immediately after, she said those words with a benevolent grandmother’s smile.

“It’s been a hundred years since I’ve seen Pharos in person. I don’t attend public events…”

Thinking of him as my ancestor’s friend, an awkwardness surged within me.

As I was choosing my words, the Tower Master scrutinized my face and spoke.

“Hmm, indeed, quite different. If it weren’t for the gray hair and purple eyes, I wouldn’t have known.”

“What was my ancestor like?”

“Velf was rugged. His beard was thick, and his face was so weathered that he often looked like an old man. At just 22 years old! Compared to him, you look very young.”

Her laughter was quite cheerful.

The Tower Master’s smile, as if reminiscing, held a touch of wistfulness.

In that gentle atmosphere, the Tower Master’s demeanor suddenly darkened.

Abruptly, she spoke.

“Is it dead?”

I flinched.

From the context, I could guess what the Tower Master was referring to.

“…What do you mean?”

“It’s about Bay.”

How much does she know?

Is it related to the demon?

After all, she is of a different race.

Moreover, the witch race itself is known for its secrecy, which made me even more suspicious.

However, her next words contradicted my thoughts.

“Rebecca. About that demon.”


“Hehe, I’ve actually faced a real demon before, you know? When things get this serious, you can’t help but notice. But fortunately, it seems the demon has been vanquished.”

Our eyes met.

Only then did it dawn on me.

In a past life, it was this woman who had reverse-summoned the demon Beatrice had called forth, sacrificing her life in the process.

My stern expression gave her the answer.

The Tower Master bowed her head.

“First of all, I must apologize. No matter what, it was that child who summoned the demon.”

Bitterness began to fill the Tower Master’s face.

“She is truly a talented child, and I cherished her. Even if not for that, she was a fragile child who seemed like she might break at any moment. I tried to take better care of her… but it seems I failed.”

The Tower Master’s gaze turned towards the infirmary.

“I heard she made a friend. I was just pleased to see her happy. I didn’t even think to check myself and thought it was a good thing, so I went back to the forest for a while. My body cannot survive without the mana from there.”


“In the end, it was a misjudgment. I never imagined she would do something so terrible while I was away. I should have checked more thoroughly. Despite living so long, why am I so clumsy at raising a child…”

The Tower Master’s hand tightened around the teacup.

“Thank you for stopping her. And I’m sorry. It’s all due to my lack of virtue.”

What should I say in response?

No suitable words came to mind.

But there was one thing I could say for certain.

“It is not forgiveness. I kept her alive because I found her useful.”

“Whatever the reason, you saved her. It won’t look good to be seen protecting a sinner. Yes, attempting to summon a demon for any reason is an unforgivable taboo. But… still, she is like a daughter to me. I can’t help but feel grateful and sorry.”

“There’s no need for that.”

“Hehe, you are different from Belph.”

The Tower Master sipped her tea.

I remained silent, and she looked straight at me and spoke.

“Anyway, I don’t intend to express my gratitude for nothing. Since it stemmed from my shortcomings, I must also take responsibility.”

At that moment, a wooden plaque appeared out of thin air and landed in front of me.

“This is my witch’s seal. If you break it in half, I will appear before you just once, following the promised law. Whatever the request, even if it is at the end of immorality, I will help you.”

My eyes widened.

I knew what this item was.

It was the item the emperor received from her as a token of promise 300 years ago.

It is a precious artifact.

Receiving the promise of help from someone of at least the 7th rank or higher was, in other words, like gaining an extra life.

I carefully picked up the plaque.

There was no reason not to accept it.

“I gratefully accept the plaque.”

“I just hope you never have to use it in a dangerous moment.”

“Who knows.”

The conversation thus drew to a close.

“You’re here for a reason, aren’t you? Go on in. I’ll step out for a moment.”

“Thank you for your consideration.”

“Um, could you not be too harsh? I’ll handle it gently.”

“I’ll try my best.”

I stood up.

At that moment, I could feel the gaze of the Tower Master directed at my switch.

Ah, if it were someone from the past, they might know.

“This switch. You seem to know what it is.”

“Of course, it’s something Belph used. Isn’t it a relic of Pharos?”

From noble mtl dot com

“…Yes, it is.”

“I remember slamming the floor with it every time I disciplined Elio. Hmm, even now, it’s quite peculiar. How does it remain unaltered like that…?”

The curious expression on his face suggested he didn’t know much about it.

As expected, he must be an outsider.

I bowed my head.

“Then, I’ll be going.”


The Tower Master waved his hand.

With that, I turned my back and left.

An unexpected encounter, but that’s all.

What I gained was an extra life.

Not a bad outcome, I thought, as I entered the infirmary.

The hospital room was immediately visible.

I didn’t bother to knock.

As I entered, I saw something.

“Master… Ah, Young Lord.”

Beatrice was sitting on the bed.

With one arm and one eye missing.

And the skin around those areas charred black.

Her once short hair had grown long and disheveled.

Beatrice bowed her head.

“…Welcome. I’m sorry. I must look terrible.”

The wounds inflicted by the demon would not heal.

There was no need to discuss it further.

Though her complexion was poor, the madness that once consumed her had noticeably subsided.

Had she regained some sanity, like the Crown Prince?

‘Well, she seemed to know the true identity of that woman.’

I sat down on a nearby chair.

And we talked.

During our conversation, I learned something new.

“Because of the demon, my rank has risen. Since it wasn’t through normal means, I need time to adjust.”

She had gained power for free.

The demon had forcibly broken through her limits using her body.

Of course, I could give her time to recover.

I said as much, and then we discussed what had happened to Rebecca and what we needed to do next.

Finally, I nodded to convey the woman’s role.

“…Yes, I’ll do that.”

There was something I felt during the process.

This woman acted as if she had lost her will the entire time.

It seemed as if her ego had died.

My gaze turned to her noticeably lengthened water-colored hair.

It had become like that during the process of merging with the demon.

When I stared at her hair, Beatrice seemed to feel my gaze and grabbed her hair with her one remaining hand.

Her head was lowered, so her expression was not visible.

“…It’s gotten dirty, hasn’t it?”

“I don’t really think so.”

“I’m thinking of cutting it. As soon as I leave the hospital room.”

“Do you have to?”


Beatrice raised her head.

Only then did I see her one remaining eye filled with doubt.

I shrugged.

“It suits you.”

At least it covers your annoying face a bit more.

After saying that, I stood up from my seat.

“Then, I’m leaving.”

Waving his hand, he left the healing center.

It seemed the cleanup was sufficient.

* * *

Rona entered the hospital room that Yuren had left.

Beatrice was there, staring blankly out the window.

A bitter smile spread across Rona’s lips.

Within it, there was a faint trace of disappointment in herself.

Knowing better than anyone the danger of demons, and that a disciple who broke the taboo deserved expulsion, why was she so lenient with this child?

Why did it feel as if it was her own fault?

Seeing her cry and apologize, she felt more pity than anger.

The missing eye and arm tore at her heart.

If she had stayed with her longer, would she have overcome the temptation?

Regret for the irreversible filled her inside.

It must be because she had grown old.

Even a witch has a lifespan.

Rona’s lifespan was now less than ten years.

Was it because she was dulled by peace, or because death was approaching and her vision was narrowing?

Perhaps it was the pity she felt for this child that blinded her.

Seeing Beatrice simply happy without thinking to look closely, and laughing together with her, she regretted it so much.

Thus, Rona felt as if all this was her own sin.

Of course, she didn’t show any signs of it.

This frail child would only be hurt once more by her own emotions.


“Ah, Master.”

Beatrice shrank back.

Rona’s smile grew even brighter.

“Did you send them off well?”


“How is your body?”

Rona peeled the fruit she had brought and placed it in Bay’s mouth.

Bay lowered her head apologetically, chewing the fruit before swallowing and speaking.

“…I’m fine. It doesn’t hurt anymore.”

As long as I don’t use mana.

…That is.

It was obvious that the demon’s wound was disrupting the flow of mana.

Even she had spent countless years recovering from that wound 300 years ago.

Beatrice’s case was even worse.

She had directly taken the demon into her body.

The fortunate thing was that they already knew how to suppress and heal the demon’s traces.

They had experience.

Rona had no intention of repeating the same mistake.

Somehow, he was determined to restore her and ensure she would never fall into delusion again.

Because that was the only thing he could do for the rest of his life.

It would be grueling training.

For now, he would focus on stabilizing her.

As he thought about it, Rona, who was taking care of Beatrice, noticed her constantly fiddling with her hair.

Rona smiled and asked,

“Shall I cut it for you? You like short hair, don’t you?”

Beatrice, who had always liked things neat, never grew her hair long.

Perhaps it was bothering her.

It was a question asked with that thought, and an unexpected answer came back.



Beatrice twirled the ends of her hair with her index finger and said,

“I thought I might grow it out a little…”

Her head was bowed low, so it was hard to tell, but there was something unmistakable in her voice.

There was more life in it than before.

At that, Rona quietly smiled.

* * *

A day passed.

After the battle, perhaps the fatigue had accumulated from wandering around without proper rest.

When I opened my eyes, it was already noon.

I was staring blankly at the ceiling, thinking that I could sleep more if I wanted to.

“Young Master, aren’t you going to eat?”

“Uh, can’t I eat in the evening?”

“The lady is waiting for you.”

“…I’ll go down now.”

At Emma’s words, I went straight down to the dining room.

I couldn’t make my sister worry more, especially after making her faint just yesterday.

When I arrived, my sister was sitting with a simple snack in front of her.

I greeted her.

“Good morning.”

“Yes, Young Master. Did you sleep well?”

“It seems the house is the best. I feel like I could sleep all day.”

A faint smile appeared on my sister’s lips.

“You can’t. You have to attend the banquet in the evening.”

Reminding me of such a bothersome schedule dampened my spirits.

I’ll go, but honestly, if I achieve my goal, I’ll leave immediately.

Isn’t that right?

What good would it do for me to be at the banquet?

It’s not even a banquet where I can run wild; other kingdoms and different races are participating.

It’s better to stay for a while and then leave to rest.

It was a moment of insignificance.

“Let’s go together. There are people I want to introduce to you, young master.”


My sister tilted her head.

“Since the engagement was called off, we need to find someone else to marry. I’ve made a list.”

I blinked.

I heard something that couldn’t be ignored.


ⓒ papapa.


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