When I opened my eyes again, I was in a bedroom in the separate palace.

“Erina, are you awake?”

A big hand swept carefully around my eyes. His fingertips were rough, but the touch was very soft.


I checked my legs reflexively.

When the blanket was removed, my bandaged legs were revealed.


The clearer my mind was, the clearer my pain became.

“Why are you—“

When I groaned, Cardan uttered a harsh word and cut me off.

“Why do you have to cover for others?”

His barely audible voice was barely heard.

I was afraid of the emotions accumulated in it, so I made up my most sly smile.

“If we want to use her as a double agent, we have to save her first.”

I ended up with my leg injured, but I couldn’t erase the suspicion that if the dog had reached Janet, it would have attacked her neck relentlessly.

But Cardan didn’t believe me.

“Before and now. It’s the same thing. You are stupidly nice.”

It was a harsh word of reproach, but old affection came out of it.

In the past and now

That word was enough.

As expected, Cardan was looking for the old Erina through me.

However, the warmth of Cardan’s hand touching my cheek made me want to put my face on his hand.

Then, frightened by the impulse, I struck Cardan’s hand.

Cardan immediately took his hand. He seemed afraid that he might have hurt me by mistake.


Cardan called me when I didn’t answer.


I struggle constantly to get my act together.

“I want to rest…….”


Fortunately, Cardan stepped down immediately.

He gently rubbed my head and covered me with a blanket and was so friendly.

It was so uncomfortable that I pretended not to see it and closed my eyes.

But it was a real relief. Because I don’t like Cardan.

I felt nauseated at the thought of such an absurd notion.

Cardan hasn’t left my side for a long time since.

I tried to pretend to be asleep until he left, but in the end, I really fell asleep.

So hard as to not notice him leaving at all.

If it wasn’t for the disturbance outside the door, I would have been asleep all day.

“Where do you think you’re going?”

Knoxus’ voice from outside was trembling with anger.

Above that, the crown prince’s voice was heard.

“How dare you stand in my way?”

“Get out of here.”

“How dare you!”

I hobbled out of bed before anything happened.

When I opened the door, Knoxus, who had clenched his fist and half raised it, hesitated to lower his hand.

“Master, did you wake up because of the noise?”

I waved at the obviously sorry Knoxus.

“No, I’m fine.”

Then I turned my eyes to the crown prince.

“What are you doing here? What, are you here to apologize?”

The crown prince was visibly disgusted by the word ‘apologize’.

He’s a really proud man.

However, Crown Prince Momad soon closed his lips and nodded briefly.

“It was my fault. I never imagined such an accident would happen during the hunt.”

I pointed to my leg bandaged around.

“I remember that this wound was not due to hunting, apart from the one incident when I almost drowned.”

Upon mocking him with a sarcastic remark, I clenched my fist in anger.

Nevertheless, he soon took a deep breath and put on a mildly apologetic expression.

“I got ahead of myself thinking I had to find the Duke quickly……. I didn’t know my sister would be there.”

It was a pretty vague way to say sorry, but I decided to overlook it moderately.

“That’s all right. It’s been a disappointing date in many ways, but I want to resolve it with a proper date next time.”


At the same time, Knoxus and the crown prince’s mouth burst with surprise as if they had heard something wrong.

I raised my eyebrows to see if there was a problem. It was the crown prince who recovered from shock first.

“Of course.”

He took a step closer to me with a sticky smile.

“As expected, the lady didn’t get enough time out of the time she spent with me.”

“It was quite lacking.”

I cut off the crown prince neatly.

“I was busy being chased by a boar so we never had a proper conversation.”

Still, the Crown Prince avoided my eyes as if embarrassed.

“Then I’ll see you again when you’re ready.”

When I gave the crown prince a proper goodbye and limped back into the room, Knoxus followed me.


As soon as the door closed, Knoxus barely spoke in a strangled voice.

“Are you really planning to hang out with him again?”


A dull voice came out.

I was heading to bed when I stumbled.

As expected, I woke up too early.

As I stood on a throbbing leg for a moment, holding my back and catching my breath, Knoxus brought me a chair.

While helping me sit down, Knoxus kept his mouth firmly shut as if he didn’t like something.

“He is the culprit who made master’s legs like this.”

“Yes, I know.”

“Is it because of information? If your purpose is to get information, just order me to follow the crown prince.”

I looked up at the protesting Knoxus while raising his blood.

“Are you confident that you’ll be able to follow a Sword Master?”

At my words, Knoxus shut up.

No matter how empty his words were, he could not brag that he could.

“Don’t worry. This time, I’m determined to move according to the plan.”

I wanted to lie in bed, not in a chair, but I had a lot of work to do.

I have no choice but to be satisfied with just breathing moderately.

“So this time you’ll have to join.”

Knoxus blinked as if he still didn’t understand.

I smirked and poked Knoxus in the ribs.

“I’m a very dirty person, too. Shouldn’t I get revenge?”

Finally, the realization gradually spread to Knoxus’ face with a smile.

“I’ll be ready without a hitch.”

His determined smile couldn’t be more reliable.


After sending Knoxus away, I limped into Janet’s bedroom.

Every time I stepped on my leg, the stitches on my wound were pulled sharply, so I could hardly speed up.

The moment I wondered when I would arrive at Janet’s bedroom like this.



I ran into Janet with her maid in the hallway.


Janet came up to me first.

“I was going to visit you, but I’m meeting you here.”

Janet, who found my leg wrapped in a bandage, bit her lip.

“I was also on my way to see Madam.”

I deliberately straightened my back and smiled.

“Then, would you like to go back to my bedroom with me?”

“All right.”

Janet followed me like a child when I laughed.

Then she hesitated for a moment and grabbed my arm.

She seemed to be trying to help, but her arms were so thin that I couldn’t rely on her very much.

“Thank you.”

Still, I was proud of Janet for trying, so I patted her arm with my hand without realizing it.

“As expected, Madam is very kind.”

“Don’t mention it.”

Perhaps embarrassed by even a small compliment, Janet took a step with her head down.

I paused for a moment as the old maid followed closely behind us.

“Oh, I’d like to talk to you alone without an attendant.”

It was an instant, but the old maid’s face was wrinkled.

“I’m going to talk to her for a second, so go.”

However, she had no choice but to leave at Janet’s command, who even packed her luggage and pushed her back.

“Shall we go?”

I led Janet to my room with a smile.

I tried to lead Janet like a gentleman with proper manners, but my legs were throbbing and my steps got twisted.

If Janet hadn’t held me just in time, my nose would have been broken.

“Hmmm, I’ve shown my ugliness.”

Janet’s eyes were stained with guilt when I coughed in embarrassment.

Seeing her eyes welling up in tears, she seemed to be suffering from a great sense of debt.

“I’m sorry… Because of me….”


While shaking my head slowly with a weak smile, I limped more severely on purpose.

Using that guilt properly would be a good strategy.

But when Janet burst into tears, I was shocked inside.

“Ah… I’m so sorry……. Huhuek. You got hurt so badly because of something like me. I really didn’t expect this to happen…….”

“No, not at all.”

I decided to fake it later as I led Janet to my room as soon as possible.

“Of course, I was in a situation where I had to protect Madam, but what do you mean by something like me?”

As I comforted Janet, I examined her expression carefully.

It wasn’t because I doubted the true meaning of her tears.

It was to confirm the sense of shame buried in her guilt.

Although she came from a small country, she must have been the only princess in the kingdom who grew up like a plant in a greenhouse.

Janet looked strangely low in self-esteem.

It wasn’t just a matter of character.

Starting with sending her maid to pack her luggage casually.

When I said I fell into the lake while hunting with Crown Prince Momad, she asked me if he intentionally dropped me to drown.

The crown prince’s hounds suddenly changed as soon as they saw Janet.

There were several suspicious points.

“Let’s go in and talk.”

I opened the bedroom door while thinking hard about how to dig into it.

“Where does the patient who should be lying down go?”

A very familiar voice fell into my ear like frost.

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