Even after Cardan left, I stared at his seat, staring at the spot he was at.

I felt like I was doused in cold water.

Now I had to admit it.

Cardan has feelings for me.

I rubbed my face.

“I’m in trouble.”

Everything is described by that word.

As long as Cardan is interested in me, it would be difficult to escape from his eyes, and it would be even more difficult if he tries to come after me after fleeing.

While I was thinking like that, someone rushed to knock on the door.

“Is it true?”

As soon as I replied with my approval to come in, Knoxus, who opened the door, asked while gasping for breath.

“Are you going to marry His Majesty?”

My head is already throbbing.

“Don’t say such terrible things.”

Knoxus exhaled a long breath.

“I thought it was true because the whole palace was buzzing with the wedding news.”

“What? The whole palace?”

“Yes, I heard it was decided unanimously at today’s cabinet meeting.”

Oh, my.

“The rumors are disgusting.”

“I’m glad it’s not true.”

Only then did Knoxus’s face, which had been hardened, become more relaxed.

“It may be a presumptuous remark, but I would not have recommended His Majesty as a husband to any woman.”

“Hmm, really?”

I answered half-heartedly.

My mind was already complicated by concerns about how to overcome this difficult situation.

“Yes, when I was the captain of the guard, there was no bar in the capital that His Majesty didn’t stop by. And he’s never been with a woman twice.”

On an embarrassing subject, Knoxus rubbed the back of his neck.

“It was quite a struggle to stand guard all night in front of His Majesty’s bedroom.”

Realization struck my mind like lightning.

“Yes! That’s it!”

When I knocked on my desk, Knoxus blinked in surprise.

“What…… do you mean?”

“So, His Majesty is an irredeemable playboy when it comes to women’s affairs.”


I muttered, ignoring the red-faced Knoxus.

“Yes, I was one of the witnesses. Why did I forget? I saw him clearly in the village in the mountains on our trip…….”

Knoxus’s face grew more and more shocked, but there was no time to care about him.

“But when I brought the noble young ladies as candidates for concubine, I turned a blind eye.”

I flicked my finger.

“He likes commoners. He only likes commoners!”

I looked at my clothes before I could explain myself to the stunned Knoxus.

My dull jacket and trousers are the same color. It was infinitely monotonous compared to the colorful dresses of the nobles.

In addition, how was the female lead in the original novel?

I clearly remembered. The incident in which the princess of the small country appeared in an infinitely shabby dress compared to the luxurious dress of the Imperial ladies at the banquet she first encountered Cardan, and was bullied by the extra villains.

“As expected… Everything is falling into place.”

I leaned on the chair with a satisfied smile.

This solved all my worries.

The way for Cardan to lose interest in me and for me to leave this empire without a rat or a bird knowing was really simple.

“Knoxus, please contact the boutique. I’ll go order a dress for the upcoming spring banquet .”

He doesn’t get involved with a woman twice, so if I stray from Cardan’s preference, everything will be solved.

Besides, isn’t there a woman who is about to come?

“It would be perfect if the Princess of Esland appeared in shabby clothes…”


There was no other way.

I have no choice but to visit the Empress Dowager again.

“Duke. I’m glad you look well.”

The attitude of the Empress Dowager, whom I faced for the first time in a while, was much more cautious than before.

She still had a bright smile like a girl, but she seemed to be worried that I might be investigating the background of the assassins based on the looks she’s giving me.

At this critical time when my exile was at stake, I had no time to investigate the assassins. The Empress Dowager did not know this, so I have to reassure her first.

“Oh, don’t even mention it. I don’t even have enough time to sleep because of the upcoming spring banquet these days. I’ve been stuck in my office all day looking at papers.”

I waved my hand.

“I barely made it to teatime today.”

“Oh, you must have a lot of work.”

“It’s an event where royalty from other countries will attend, so I have to be fully prepared.”

“Of course.”

The Empress Dowager glanced at me again.

“I heard rumors that the Duke’s wedding will be announced soon, are you planning to officially announce it at the banquet?”

The Empress Dowager looked at my face secretly, pretending to be drinking tea.

What, you’ve been glancing at me not because of the assassins but because of the boring marriage rumors?

“No, there’s no marriage. It’s all rumors.”

“Oh my, I’ve been fooled by rumors again. I was looking forward to it. His Majesty should find a mate as soon as possible.”

The Empress Dowager smiled softly and put down her tea cup.

“I hope he finds her at this banquet.”

I realized again that my purpose was the same as the Empress Dowager’s.

To make Cardan interested in the Princess of Esland.

Of course, I needed it for a successful asylum.

The Empress Dowager will use it as a means of swallowing the empire.

“I agree. There’s no better chance than this banquet.”

I rubbed the rim of my teacup with my finger.

“But I have a concern.”

“What’s that?”

“His Majesty does not seem to be interested in the nobles. He wandered around the streets of the capital and paid attention to women, yet he refused all the young ladies I recommended stubbornly.”

I added, deliberately pulling my jacket in a rustling manner.

“Hmm, I think this outfit played a part in the unsavory rumor with me.”

By this time she’s noticed what I’m trying to say, right?

“Oh, come to think of it, that’s right.”

As expected, the Empress Dowager’s eyes widened.

I murmured as I poured the remaining tea into my mouth.

“I hope that a woman of noble status will appear to catch his eyes.”

I trust you, Empress Dowager.


It’s already the banquet day.

I was able to prepare for the banquet at ease thanks to the pseudo agreement with the Empress Dowager.

My plan was perfect.

After today, Cardan won’t even come out of his room with the female lead. I can take advantage of that gap to leave this empire.

Neither Cardan, who will be confined to his room with the female lead, nor any other subjects will search for the Duke, who is enjoying her vacation after the spring banquet.

“I have a chance to enjoy the ropan before I leave this damn novel.”

(t/n: ropan = romantic fantasy genre)


Madame Rosette paused while taking out the dress I ordered.

“It’s nothing. Come on, I can’t wait to try on the dress.”

Thanks to the deft touch of Madame Rosette and her assistants, I was able to stand in front of the mirror in a dress at once.

It was the same dress that Cardan prevented me from buying for my date with Young Lord Linoa.

The dark blue dress was mended more splendidly for the banquet, and diamonds were embedded in the skirt instead of pearls.

I always wore a jacket, so I chose a halter-neck design that carefully covers my neckline, but it was an adventure in itself since both my arms were exposed.

“Very unconventional.”

I smiled inwardly, contentedly.

Madame Rosette sighed slightly.

“The latest trend these days is a design with a deep neckline, Duke. The shoulders are exposed by default.”

An assistant with scissors crept up.

“I can repair it right now…”

No matter how much I wear a fancy dress that is the opposite of Cardan’s stubborn taste, I can’t provoke a playboy tyrant who doesn’t know where to go.

I ignored her lightly and took out a set of sapphire and diamond tiara and earrings that I ordered from the jeweler.

“My pretty babies…….”

Madame Rosette gave up and beckoned her assistants.

“Then I’ll help you with your makeup.”

Under the careful hands of the assistants, my dull skin became smooth like a peeled egg, and my cracked lips became plump like cherries, as if they were about to spill juice.

After putting on makeup, I became so pretty that even my eyes widened.

My blue eyes shone as still as a deep lake, and the lines on my sensitive face became softer.

Even my short hair was woven into a tiara and transformed into an elegant hair-raising style.

Only after painting my face with silver powder that glistened to my fingertips did the assistants retreat satisfactorily.

I stood in front of the mirror for a while, mesmerized.

“It’s so beautiful.”

“There will be no noble woman more dazzling than the Duke today.”

“You are more beautiful than the night sky.”

Madame Rosette and her assistants praised me generously, wearing their commercial smiles.

I was so moved that I even teared up.

Yeah, this is what Ropan is.

Pretty dress, cheesy comments, the world’s most beautiful.

I’ve never had a maid to compliment me on being pretty.

As I was praised, I made up my mind.

When I go to the East continent, I will have ten maids and be told that I am beautiful every single day.

Even after I sent Madame Rosette away, I stood in front of the mirror for a long time.

“Oh, Lady Erina. You look very good in your dress today, hohoho.”

I tried to make up a cute smile by covering my mouth.

“Oh, thank you. It’s from my fiance. He’s so silly, too. I made it clear that I didn’t need…….”

At the thought of my future life in the East, I was full of dreams to brag about my future fiance as I flocked to the banquet hall with young ladies of my age.

The door burst open.

“Hey, Duke Baloa. Are you thinking of going to a banquet or not…?”

I finally remembered what I had forgotten.

Oh, right.

Cardan is my partner.

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