While crying, the woman behind the insignia ran out of the lounge and looked around the banquet hall, but Erina was nowhere to be seen.

“What are you up to?”

Cardan gritted his teeth and stepped out onto the terrace.

Shortly afterwards, a crow landed on the terrace railing.

“Erina, find out where she is.”


He took out a miniature dictionary from his chest pocket and opened it at the sight of the crow rushing without listening to his orders.

The crow immediately found some words and pointed them out.

Pigeon, far away. We’re leaving. Crows, nails, chasing.

Cardan swept his hair impatiently.

It’s so far away that the crow can’t go.

If it’s not the Imperial Palace, or the duchy…….

Suddenly, he remembered the ships anchored in the dock where the Duke had been in and out of these days.

He thought she was going to take over Count Linoa’s trade business in the East.

What if the trade business wasn’t her goal?

Cardan jumped right over the terrace railing.

“Kka! Kaa!

Behind his back, the crow cried asking what to do with the banquet, but it was no longer his business.

However, no matter how fast he hurried his steps, he couldn’t get rid of the feeling that he was always one step behind the Duke of Baloa.

As expected, when he arrived at the carriage house where the imperial carriage was stored, the carriage assigned to the Prime Minister was gone.

“Damn it.”

Cardan, who bit down a swear word, took away the sword of the knight guard who was guarding.

“I’ll borrow it for a while.”

“Who, who… Your Majesty!”

The guard, who was protesting, also closed his mouth immediately at Cardan’s expression.

Cardan strode toward the carriage that had just arrived at the carriage house and cut down the tied horse with a single strike.

Before the coachman could stop him, Cardan rode out of the carriage house.

Holding a sharp knife in one hand and the reins in the other, Cardan rushed out.

He didn’t even know if he was already too late.

The Duke was a person who achieved her goals.

This time, everything must be proceeding according to what the Duke has planned.

Nevertheless, Cardan had no choice but to drive his horse like crazy.

He doesn’t know if what he’s been suffering from is unreasonable or if his lingering attachment is from long-standing hatred.

He just feels he has to get Erina back.

He’ll never trust her this time, if he gets her back.

He will lock the Duke up and take away everything she has, so that she will never put a knife in his back again, even if he breaks it.

(t/n: the yandere is showing ಥ_ಥ)

Cardan rationalized his emotions that he felt as he crossed the road.

Considering what Erina has done to him, that’s enough.

How long did he run for?

Arriving at the end of the sea, the ships still anchored in the dock were barely visible in the dim dawn light.

A dry laugh broke out.

Maybe this time, he was one step ahead of the Duke.


I climbed into the carriage, struggling with my long dress.

It was a bit uncomfortable to leave right away with my dress covered in wine, but it was urgent for me to get on the ship first. I can change her clothes after I leave.

“What happened?”

Knoxus, who was already in the carriage, freaked out as soon as he saw me.

“I just did what I had to do. Be His Majesty’s Cupid.”

I fired a finger gun with a winking eye. Fortunately, despite the grim sight, Knoxus smiled.

“I think I succeeded today”

There’s no way I didn’t

I left him alone in the lounge with a woman who was entirely his cup of tea.

In addition, the two were, in many ways, a well-matched couple in the original.

I threw off my high heels and slid my feet on the other chair.

“His Majesty is happy, and I am happy, too. The world is beautiful.”


My pigeons next to me cried happily as if they agreed.

The carriage ran quickly toward the shore and by the time dawn broke, the pier was visible from afar.

It was also the day of my departure, so there was a lot to prepare for, and I could clearly see the torch moving from afar.

My heart was filled with excitement when I looked at the three huge ships loaded with all my assets.

“Knoxus, once we arrive on the East continent, I will get you a house where you and Catherine can live together. We can build it in the middle of the capital if you want, or where would you like to live? Haha, just say it, just say it.”


He smiled kindly as I shook my hand with excitement, then Knoxus stared out of the window with a stiff face.

“Something seems to be wrong with the ship.”

I looked out the window again, waving my hands excitedly.

“Huh, what’s the problem? I’m preparing very well-.”

I stared out the window again.

“Knoxus… Knoxus. That one. That light. It’s a torch, isn’t it?”


“The crew has been going back and forth of the ship for inspection, right?”

Knoxus only swallowed in silence and gave no answer.


I knocked on the wagon wall.

“Speed up! Come on!”

However, as the ship got closer, it became painfully clear.

The light from afar was not a torch, but a huge fire.

“What’s going on!”

As soon as I arrived at the pier, I jumped out of the carriage, which had not yet stopped completely.

I almost tripped over my skirt, but I forced myself to stand up.

“Butler! Handmaid! Where are you all!”

My cry echoed through the air.

I couldn’t breathe at all.

Whether it was because of the acrid smoke or if I lost my ability to breathe, I suddenly couldn’t breathe.

I ran out to the pier, forcing my staggering legs.


I heard the voice of Knoxus calling me from behind, but I ignored it.

It was on fire.

My only way to escape from this novel’s terrible fate, as well as my entire wealth that I had collected, was turning into a handful of ashes in front of my eyes.

“No way.”

There was a small whisper between my dry lips.

I walked toward the fire, bewitched.

Not because there’s a solution, but because there’s nothing else I can do.

I walked on, weighed down by a sense of helplessness.

When I put one foot on the pier.


A cold blade touched the back of my neck.

“Where are you going in such a hurry, Duke Baloa?”

When I looked back at the familiar voice, Cardan looked down at me with a piercing look.

His red lips were beautifully rolled up, but I could tell just by his dark blood-colored eyes.

That he’s not laughing because he’s in a good mood.

I eventually fell to the ground in conformity with my fate.

“Your Majesty.”

“Let’s go back to the palace and talk about the Duke’s sin.”

Cardan drew his sword with an indifferent expression.


He put handcuffs on my wrist instead.

The touch on my bare skin was as cool as a blade.

“I think the duke is good at hitting me in the back of my head.”


Then he wrapped the other side of the handcuffs around his own wrist.

“I refuse to be subjected to it again.”

Cardan, who laughed bitterly, strode away. I had no choice but to hurry up and stand up so as not to be dragged along.

That’s how I was imprisoned in the basement of the Imperial Palace for “the crime of stealing the secrets and wealth of the empire while communicating with the East continent” without even being able to step on the land of the East.


Cardan crouched on the floor of the prison and stared at Erina, who was asleep.

Lying right in front of the furnace, she shook her shoulders intermittently as if she was cold. She was still dressed in her fancy wine-covered dress.

As he drew the furnace closer, he could see her hardened features better.

“Damn it.”

Cardan groaned lowly.

His fist was clenched tightly.

He must issue a summary judgment

It was obvious now.

No matter how much she lost her memory, ‘Erina Baloa’ was a person who would betray him time and time again.

It must have been his illusion that she had changed and felt like she had returned to her old self.

So it’s not enough to interrogate her right away and find out her purpose of trying to stow away to the East.

She’s been sneaking around like a rat for days while he’s asleep.

He couldn’t make a decision at all.

At the same time, he felt a strange sense of relief seeing her trapped in a cage and unable to escape.

It’s ridiculous to say that he’s nervous because his opponent is someone who wants to leave.

But that’s exactly what he looks like now.

It’s like he’s holding on to a thorny vine that needs to be burned.

As he forcibly stretched her fingers one by one, the tips of her nails, which had been deeply embedded in her palms, came off with red blood.

He shook his chin at the guard who had come to stand guard.

“Keep a good watch. You don’t know what trick she’s going to try.”

He didn’t know what he was saying to the guard, but Cardan said with a smile.

“She’s more vicious than a witch.”

He is the person who had already been played with by the witch, so he had to warn the small soldier.


I opened my eyes as soon as Cardan stepped away.

From the moment he appeared, my body began to tremble again.

“I almost lost my mind.”

I still had goosebumps on my arms.

I pretended to sleep as much as I could whenever Cardan came, fearing that I would immediately confess if he knew I was awake.

I wrapped my head around and groaned.

The shock of losing all my property has not disappeared, but now my life is at stake.

This situation was very suspicious to anyone.

A duke of a country is trying to bring her entire fortune to another country, while she is in a prime position of the nobility

It was an incomprehensible act in common sense.

It may be considered an act of treason in partnership with other countries.

“I’m screwed. I’m screwed.”

I slammed my forehead into the cage.

Cardan must have been very angry, too, that’s why he just stared at me for a few minutes outside these days and left.

I nibbled at my nails.

What a bloodthirsty tyrant. He didn’t blow my neck right away?

That meant that he was so angry that he didn’t want to let me go easily.

“Looking at me from the outside…”

It was clear that he was thinking hard about how to execute me.

How much pain will I experience? Like how he’ll make me beg to just end my life…

He must be thinking hard about something like that.

It was only then that the furnace that Cardan dragged close to the bar came into sight.

At that moment, what Knoxus once said to me rang in my ears like a hallucination.

“I’m telling you now, when I was in the Guards, I overheard His Majesty muttering that he would put you in a hell fire pit and throw you with crow rice.”’


I stepped back from my seat and got caught in handcuffs tied to the bars.

“A curiously cruel fellow.”

It seemed that he was going to achieve his long-cherished desire.

“I don’t think I can do it.”

I chewed my nails again.

I thought for a while about whether I would just be executed peacefully rather than starve to death after living like a beggar anyway.

“No hellfire.”

I spat out my nails.

“I’d rather live as a beggar than be roasted in hellfire.”

I have to run away, too.

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