“Will you please make the maids leave first? What I’m about to say is confidential so I have to be careful.”

Princess Janet nodded after a moment of hesitation.

However, when she was left alone with me, she rolled her eyes again anxiously.

I guess she was still scared.

I need to be more friendly.

I dragged a chair and sat down diagonally next to Princess Janet.

In my past life, I have read from a psychological site that when you are on a blind date, the seat on the diagonal has the highest success rate than the opposite or next seat.

I didn’t mean to seduce Princess Janet, but I needed to get close to her.

“I’m so happy that Princess Janet entered the palace as a concubine. Welcome again.”

“T, thank you.”

Princess Janet gave an awkward smile.

“The inner palace problem was a big headache for me.”

I touched my forehead with an exaggerated sigh.

“As I said, His Majesty has left the selection of concubines entirely to me. But no matter how hard I tried and tried, I couldn’t find a woman who could completely fill his heart.”

Princess Janet was in tears at once.

As the corner of her eye drooped, her pitiful attitude stood out more.

“Your Majesty must have very high standards……. I don’t know if he’d be happy with me.….”

The moment I heard that, I remembered it belatedly. In the original, Princess Janet was commonly referred to as a heroine with low self-esteem.

“No, that’s not it!”

I decided to be the guardian angel of this woman.

“Rather, you are the most suitable match for His Majesty!”



I grabbed Princess Janet’s hand.

Her white, thin, and soft hand felt quite pleasant.

“His Majesty’s reasons for rejecting all the concubine candidates I searched for were common.”

I held my index finger to Princess Janet’s nose.

Princess Janet waited for my words, holding her breath.

I raised the corners of my mouth gently as if raising tension, and I smiled regretfully.

“It’s because they can’t sever their ties to their family.”

“Ties to family……?”

When Princess Janet blurted out the end of her sentence, I began to make up a story with a smile.

“There is no one else who values integrity and honesty as much as His Majesty. However, the candidates who have entered the palace so far began to make various demands the moment they thought they had captured his heart.”


“It was a demand from their families.”

I clicked my tongue and shook my head sadly.

“His majesty values faith above all else, and he was quite disappointed by the candidates for the concubines who are making selfish demands with the intent to make their parents’ home richer.”

Princess Janet, who was still pondering my words, avoided my gaze as if something was uncomfortable.

But I purposely poked my face in the direction she raised her head.

“So I have no doubt that the princess will be able to capture his heart. You’re from another country that has nothing to do with the complex political interests of the empire.”

Then Princess Janet lowered her head completely.

I made eye contact with Princess Janet as I climbed down from my chair and kneeled on one knee.

“Princess, please take good care of His Majesty. His Majesty had a very painful childhood. That’s why he doesn’t trust people very well.”

Then, I clasped the princess’ hands tightly with both hands.

“His Majesty needs someone who would dedicate herself only to him. I have no doubt that Princess Janet will be such a person.”

In response to my voice of trust, Princess Janet nodded slowly.

“I see……. I’ll try.”

I didn’t believe her answer right away, but if she falls for Cardan later, my words will continue to haunt her.

That was a success.

Princess Janet glanced at me as I tried to get up with a satisfied smile.



“In addition to severing ties to family…”

I awaited the helpless princess’ words with patience.


“What should I do for His Majesty to like me sooner?”

Seeing her big light brown eyes, Princess Janet blushed.

“For example, what does he prefer externally, of course.…. His preference…….”

I hesitated at her unexpected question.

Cardan’s taste in women?

It turned out to be untrue that he targeted only modest women as commoners.

When I carefully thought about what else was there, I realized that I didn’t know anything about it.

Yet I can’t claim to know nothing about the Emperor now. Since I’ve been talking a lot about knowing him as if I’m an expert who knows everything.

I decided to lie with my eyes shut.

“He likes women like you. A good-looking and innocent person. He’ll think you’ll never betray him.”

I smiled broadly, hoping my smile wouldn’t look awkward.

The princess looked at me with her hands on her chest.


“Yes, yes. Don’t worry, princess.”

I emphasized once again as I touched the princess’ shoulders.

“His Majesty will gladly accept the princess as his own person as long as family matters are not involved.”


As the sun went down, Cardan had no choice but to head to the princess’ room.

Still unwilling, the Duke was not wrong.

It would be a great help to bring down the Empress Dowager if they could bring Princess Janet to their side.

“But why do I feel so dirty?”

Cardan stopped in front of the princess’ room, sweeping his hair roughly.

He was hesitating because he hated even holding that doorknob, but the door burst open.

“Oh, Your Majesty, you have come at the right time.”

It was Erina.

Erina also looks happy with a broad smile.

As Erina, who came out of the room, grabbed him by the arm, Cardan naturally took a step closer to her.

“This way for a moment.”

Erina dragged Cardan to the back of the hallway and inserted something into his arms.

She whispered softly, making sure no one was around.

“It’s a sleeping pill.”

Erina scratched her cheek embarrassingly.

“So, you know, if you want to get through it without any problems at night, you can add a drop to Janet’s drink.”

Cardan snatched the small bottle with a laugh.

“Thank you very much.”

Erina looked away awkwardly when he stared at her.

“I already brought one, so you don’t have to bring it from now on. The Duke is looking at my situation so carefully.”

“Did you bring it already?”

Erina raised her eyebrows in surprise.

“Yeah. How do you think I’ve been wandering around bars pretending to be profligate while deceiving the Empress Dowager’s eyes? You may not remember, but a few years ago you said the same thing and handed me sleeping pills.”

Despite Cardan’s sarcasm, Erina only smiled awkwardly.

“Hmm. Well, well. Since you have a lot of experience, things will proceed smoothly.”

He was dissatisfied with Erina’s calm appearance, but whenever she scratched her head, his eyes fell on her hair.

He grabbed the medicine bottle that Erina had handed over to him, as his hands naturally tightened.

“You don’t have to use anything. You might change your mind.”

“Really, until the end…….”

Cardan touched his forehead when Erina looked up at him with her wide open eyes.

“Ha……Forget it.”

It was clear that arguing with her would only hurt his head.

Cardan turned abruptly and strode to the room of the princess of Esland.

Erina’s last whisper came from behind.

“Oh! Everything else is fine, but we shouldn’t look for a successor yet!”

Cardan ended up mumbling a curse.

As he entered the room, Princess Janet approached him as if she had been waiting for him.

“I see the Sun of the Empire.”

When the princess tried to greet him according to complicated imperial etiquette, Cardan waved his hand.

“Forget it.”

With slightly frightened eyes, she retreated and looked at him.

‘I’d appreciate it if you smiled at the princess and treat her well.’

When Erina’s voice rang in his ears, Cardan almost muttered foul language again.

“You can stay comfortable.”

Cardan tried to loosen his expression.

His mood was still in the mud because of Erina, but he had to treat the princess kindly.

Cardan beckoned to the table set for two.

“Sit down.”


Princess Janet sat down carefully at the table, still looking at him.

‘Please smile at the princess.’

Cardan forced up the corners of his mouth.

‘I’d appreciate it if you treat her well.’

He cleared his throat.

“I heard you entered the palace today. Was there anything uncomfortable?”

“Nothing, Your Majesty.”

The lips of Princess Janet of Esland loosened along with Cardan. However, the difference between her and Cardan was that Janet smiled brightly, with her smile reaching her eyes, but Cardan’s smile didn’t reach his eyes.

“That’s a relief.”

Janet, who blushed at the words of Cardan, who answered drily, did not seem to have noticed this.

“You can tell me whenever you have any problems. It must be hard to adjust to a foreign land far away. I’ll be as considerate as I can be.”

“Thank you. Your Majesty is a very warm person.”

“Thank you for thinking that way. The princess too.”

Cardan grabbed his collar, which had been uncomfortably tightening his neck for a while.

“I’m relieved that you seem to be a good person.”

Janet stared blankly at Cardan as if possessed by his words.

As Janet’s blank gaze continued for a long time, Cardan wrinkled his eyebrows slightly.

Since Erina told him to smile a lot, he only smiled a bit.

“Is there a problem?”

“Oh, no!”

Janet must be thirsty, so she lifted the glass in front of her and gulped it down.

“Oh, dear. The glass is empty.”

Cardan filled Janet’s glass again and dropped a drop of sleeping pill in it.

Erina’s strategy is to win the princess’s heart unconditionally, but he didn’t have the energy to do more here today.

Janet, who didn’t know what he was up to, blushed again and received the glass.

when less than twenty minutes had passed


Cardan took a sip and looked at Janet, who was stretched out.

He was about to leave the room after roughly moving her to bed, when he heard a violent shaking of the window.

“Kkaa! Kka!

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