“Crown Prince Momad?”


Janet avoided my gaze as if she was uncomfortable.

“I’m not used to imperial life yet……. I think I’ll be relieved if I have someone to rely on.”

I was just thinking of peeping behind the crown prince.

It was a good thing for me.


I smiled broadly. I couldn’t hide my excitement because I was looking forward to next week.

“Don’t worry. I, no, His Majesty, will wear out his bones so that it can be a week that neither Crown Prince Momad nor Madam will forget.”

Fortunately, Janet still fiddled with the letter and didn’t notice my slip of the tongue.

“Yes……I’m really looking forward to it.”


I started working right away to lead the ‘Romantic Week at the Star Palace of Letira’ to success.

I sent a message to Cardan that his tea time with Janet would be delayed, and I headed to the boutique with Knoxus with a light heart.

“Welcome, Duke.”

Madame Rosette welcomed me.

“What can I do for you today?”

I looked around the dressing room with a grim face.

“I’m here to pick up a gift.”

Before Madame Rosette opened her mouth, I poured out my words in a quick shot.

“As a man and a woman look at Lake Arabesque, where the sun is setting, the man is looking for a gift that he can give beautifully, saying, ‘I prepared this while imagining your beauty blending in with this lake.'”

I flicked my finger at Madame Rosette’s increasingly distant gaze.

“It could be a hat to protect the lady’s skin from the sun, or a soft glove that covers her hands so that they don’t get cold in the chilly evening wind. Or leather slippers to support the Lady’s fragile feet while taking a walk around the lake.”

Madame Rosette managed to come to her senses and started to take notes.

“For your information, the Lady is a gentle-looking woman with light brown hair and eyes. If you’re thinking of her personal color, I think it’s a spring worm.”

“Spring worm…”

When Madame Rosette tilted her head to the unfamiliar word, she had no choice but to add an explanation.

“It means that fresh colors like spring will suit her. Her favorite colors are light green, yellow, and cream, and I think she prefers pearls among jewels.”

I raised my eyebrows.

“This is enough information, isn’t it?”

Madame Rosette smiled faintly.

“Of course. If you wait a little bit, I’ll show you a good product that you will love.”

“Oh, you can charge the expenses to the Imperial Palace.”

I strode to the sofa after adding the most important detail.

Knoxus naturally stood beside me and began to be wary of the surroundings as if escorting me.

“Sit comfortably.”

I tapped on the seat next to me.

“There’s a lot to buy anyway, so it’ll take a long time.”

“That’s all right.”

When Knoxus refused firmly, I tugged at his arm.

“Just sit down.”

When my hand reached, Knoxus flinched and hesitated to sit next to me.

“Then excuse me, master.”

When the word “master” bothered me, I shot Knoxus a look, and he swept his hair away embarrassingly.

His odd-colored hair between gray and silver gently fell on his back, revealing his glittering green eyes speckled with gold dust.

“Wait a minute.”

My hand went out without me realizing it.

The tip of his ears quickly turned red when I grabbed both cheeks of Knoxus and made him look straight at me.

“What’s wrong…?”

“You’re a spring worm.”

A few minutes later, Knoxus was wearing all kinds of props, stiff as a mannequin.

“As expected, this light pink lace looks gorgeous on you.”

I tossed the lace that hung like a veil on his wide-brimmed hat.

“What do you think of Madame Rosette?”

“It’s as the Duke said!”

Madame Rosette glistened her eyes and put a handkerchief decorated with the same lace on the shoulders of Knoxus.

“It makes him look better when we use light pink.”

The assistants around them gathered after choosing miscellaneous goods and clothes one by one.

One hung a creamy robe on Knoxus’ shoulders, and another hung a light turquoise tote bag on his arm.

The assistant in charge of the shoes couldn’t find the shoes that fit the big feet of Knoxus, so she put them into his hand.

Among the clothes brought by the assistants, I pointed my finger at the ones that went well with Knoxus.

“Let’s pack them up first.”

Knoxus sighed with relief and took the garments off one by one.

“I’ll go get the coachman.”

“Hold on.”

I stopped Knoxus from escaping like a loach.

“It’s not over yet.”

At my beckoning, two assistants held onto Knoxus’ arms.

“We have to hold a gift event every single day of the week, so this is not enough.”

I ignored Knoxus’ pale complexion and picked up satin gloves from the shelves.

“I’ve only picked presents for the first day. What about the coachman?”

When the blood completely drained from Knoxus’ face, the door to the dressing room opened with a rattle.

“You left your work behind so I wondered where you were. You’ve been showering gifts on your pet.”

Without having to look back, I could tell who the owner of that voice was.

Since I was caught, I decided to go out more brazenly.

“I was choosing a present for Lady Janet, and you came at the right time, Your Majesty. Your Majesty can take care of odd days.”

“Okay, then.”

Cardan, who answered unexpectedly kindly, strode up to me.


A faint sense of evil crept up as he pulled up the corner of his mouth at an angle.

“What if the master leaves everything to his mistress?”

Cardan chinned at Knoxus buried under all kinds of clothes.

“The pain should be shared fairly.”

When I came to my senses, I was also held by the assistants.

“Your Majesty! I am a winter cool tone! Armpit cool!”

But Cardan didn’t even listen to my protest.

“Madam can work with that mannequin. This mannequin is enough for me.”

Contrary to my initial concerns, the role of a mannequin was more enjoyable than I thought.


I assessed myself in front of the mirror.

It was a color combination that would match Janet, so there were some parts that didn’t match me, but thanks to the main color scheme, a pretty picture came out.

“You can wrap it like this.”

I took off my gloves and handed them over to Madame Rosette.

“Then let’s pick a gift for the last day.”

It’s been a long time since I’ve forgotten my original intention to get Cardan to pick a gift.

I hummed my way to the place where the banquet dress was displayed. On the last day, I needed a perfect dress as I was planning to invite several nobles to hold a banquet.

“Your Majesty, what dress do you think will suit her?”

As a matter of courtesy, I diligently rummaged through the dresses hanging on the hanger while asking Cardan.

“Either this or that.”

Cardan picked up some dresses in a soulless gesture.

“This looks good, too.”

I pointed to a dress without even looking at it.

Then he looked at me shamelessly and tilted his head.

“What do you think?”

I tried to straighten my twitchy eyes and examined the dresses with sincerity, unlike Cardan.

“I think the light yellow color will add a lively and lovely atmosphere. This dress is not meant to be worn at a banquet. Why did you choose……. The green dress goes well with Janet’s eyes and shows off an elegant atmosphere.”

But Cardan only looked dull.

Why did you ask my opinion?

Putting aside Cardan, who was only a lump of luggage, I quickly scanned the shelves as a whole.

As the season is spring, most of them were designs that would suit Janet.

Among them, there was one dress that stood out at once, but I didn’t think the color would suit her, so I tried to look away.

“What about this?”

Then Cardan picked up the dress.

It was a dress with a mysterious gray lace as it went down to the hem with a purple color.

It was a color that would never suit Janet, but I couldn’t bear to insult the dress, so I only offered a short appreciation.

“It’s pretty.”

The next moment I was being pushed toward the fitting room by Cardan, who touched my shoulder.

“Get changed.”

Cardan smiled as he pushed my back gently for the last time.

But as soon as I changed, I regretted it.

It certainly wasn’t a color for Janet.

The problem was that it was too perfect for me.

I caught myself in a fierce internal conflict, clutching the mirror with one hand.

The devil whispered in my head. Just make this the last day’s present and let yourself live vicariously through Janet.

Then the angel dissuaded me from doing such a vicious thing to an innocent person.


A small complaint was forced out of my mouth.

Why am I at this situation?

Because Cardan was watching me, I tried to swallow my words.

However, I remembered the day when all my assets burned down.

“Do you like it?”

“As expected, this dress won’t do.”

In the end, the angel won.

“Let’s look at that green dress again.”

Fortunately, Cardan stepped down without a hitch.


It was really a soulless voice.


“It is inevitable that His Majesty has been so absorbed in preparing for the perfect vacation for the madam for the past week that he has put off state affairs for a while, and regrettably, he has to work on the backlogs throughout the carriage ride.….”

I bent down at a perfect angle with as much apologetic expression as I could summon.

Janet, who was waiting in front of the carriage, was visibly disappointed.

“Then……, is His Majesty riding in another carriage?”

“Sadly yes…….”

I checked Janet’s countenance.

“His Majesty was so disappointed. However, it was inevitable because it was a matter of having to wrestle head-to-head with aides.”

Prince Esland, who was watching from the side, raised his chin proudly and asked.

“If so, which carriage does the duke get on?”

“……I have to work overtime as the Prime Minister…”

I awkwardly pointed to another carriage in which Cardan had already snuck in.

The emperor. He’s always making me do his thing.

Fortunately, the crown prince nodded without saying much.

“Then I’ll see you again at the Star Palace.”

When the crown prince opened the carriage door for Janet, I barely swept my chest and headed to the other carriage.

When the carriage door closed with a click, the crown prince affirmed with his arms crossed.

“They seem to have a deep relationship.”

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