I Became The Villain In A Novel

Chapter 168 Respond Skillfully 】

Zhu Xingfa's face was extremely ugly.

I was secretly surprised that Jiang Hao was indeed difficult to deal with.

Jiang Hao has seen through Zhu Xingfa's mind long ago, he will not give Zhu Xingfa the chance to pretend to slap him in the face.

On the contrary, he wanted to seize this opportunity and fight back hard.

Tao Yunhan acted quickly, brought thousands of dollars, and sent a lot of food.

The beggar burst into tears and was extremely moved.

"Old man, my company is currently recruiting cleaners. The salary is only two to three thousand yuan. If you are interested, you can sign up.

Jiang Hao looked at this unkempt and thin old man, and said kindly.

The beggar was so moved that he knelt down to Jiang Hao.

Jiang Hao supported him in time.

"You're a good man. To tell you the truth, I came here today because I was instigated by someone. He said that if you speak ill of me, I'll make me mess with you. He also gave me a Ten thousand dollars."

The old beggar looked at Jiang Hao guiltily.

"Then do you know who instigated you to come here and trouble me?"

Jiang Hao said flatly, not surprised by the old man's words.

Just now, when he saw the beggar coming, he had already guessed this.

Although Jiang Hao was very angry, he knew that posting was meaningless.

Jiang Hao decided to go against the trend.

By touching the beggar, he severely slapped the person who instigated him behind the scenes.

When Jiang Hao said this, he deliberately looked at Zhu Xingfa.

Others also pointed their finger at Zhu Xingfa one after another.

"It turns out that someone instigated a beggar to make trouble for Young Master Jiang. This person is too vicious!"

"Zhu Xingfa came to trouble Jiang Shao today, could it be that he sent someone to do it?"

"It's very possible!"

"Seeing that there are five people and six people, and they are still engaged in the industry of curing diseases and saving lives, who knows that their thoughts are so vicious.

"It's hard to paint the skin of a tiger, but you can't know the heart if you know the face! From now on, Jiang Shao has to be careful about this person."

All kinds of remarks against Zhu Xingfa rang out, and everyone almost believed that this matter was done by Zhu Xingfa.

"I don't know who that person is. He was wearing sunglasses and a mask at the time, so I couldn't see his face clearly."

Do beggars.

Jiang Hao did not hold the beggar accountable and let him leave.

But the people on the scene are smart people.

Even if Zhu Xingfa wanted to trouble Jiang Hao, he would never show up in person to deal with this matter.

In most cases he will send someone to handle it.

Zhu Xing was furious, what kind of eyes did these people look at him?

Jiang Hao came towards Zhu Xingfa.

"There is no impenetrable wall in the world. Who knows exactly who made it. But I, Jiang Hao, really look down on this kind of person. I dare not admit that I am playing tricks behind my back. Do you think he is a coward?"

Jiang Hao looked at Zhu Xingfa with a sneer, and took advantage of the opportunity to dig a hole for Zhu Xingfa.

If Zhu Xingfa disagrees and dares to refute Jiang Hao, it will prove that the murderer is him.

If Zhu Xingfa doesn't want to be exposed, then he can only suffer from being dumb.

"Yes, this kind of person is really a coward, and I look down on him." Zhu Xingfa gritted his teeth and stared sharply at Jiang Hao.

Today's revenge, he will find Jiang Hao to settle accounts someday!

Jiang Hao smiled coldly, provoking with a voice heard by two people: "I admit that I am a coward, you are definitely the first person!"

"You..." Zhu Xing's angry face was almost stained with ferocity.

But he couldn't show it, otherwise it would be confirmed that he was the murderer.


At this moment, a loud applause sounded.

Jiang Hao looked over and found that it was Bao Zikang, the vice president of the Liushi Commercial Branch.

"Jiang Shao, it's really not easy. You have achieved such extraordinary achievements at a young age, and you can still be so approachable. You are a role model for everyone to learn from."

Bao Zikang praised.

"Vice President, I didn't expect you to come here."

Zhu Xingfa went to shake Bao Zikang's hand and say hello.

Bao Zikang hummed lightly, ignored him, and went to talk to Jiang Hao with a smile.

After all, Zhu Xingfa is from a second-rate family, but Jiang Hao is different, he comes from a first-class top family in Liushi.

And young and promising, there are infinite possibilities in the future.

"Even the vice president of the Liushi Commercial Branch has come to praise Jiang Shaochang. Jiang Shao will definitely be generous in the future."

"Young Master Jiang is not ordinary. First he married the Xia family, and later established a good relationship with the Xiang family. Now he has attracted the vice president. How much ability does this have?"

"From now on, we can only look up to Young Master Jiang and the Jiang family."

People around all admired Jiang Hao and Jiang Hao's ability, and wanted to make friends with him.

"I hope you, Jiang Hao, will always be so proud!"

Seeing Jiang Hao being treated with admiration by everyone, but he was ignored by others, Zhu Xingfa felt a serious sense of imbalance in his heart.

Say something coldly and leave with a flick of your sleeves.

"Go away, don't be ashamed here."

Jiang Hao spoke coldly.

He doesn't need to be polite to enemies with malicious intentions.

"Counter attack value +1000."

"Host, you are doing too well."

The system couldn't help but praise Jiang Hao.

"The counterattack value obtained is quite a lot, can it be possible to pretend to face..."

"That's right, you can also gain counterattack points by pretending to slap your face. Because this also belongs to the category that can't be done in the original book, but can be done now.

The system successfully answered Jiang Hao's doubts.

"This is great. I hope there will be more people like Zhu Xingfa. In this way, I can pretend to face them a few times and get more counterattack points. This can also improve my counterattack progress as soon as possible. .”

Jiang Hao felt quite happy in his heart.

After the system was upgraded last time, the way to obtain the counterattack value is more extensive.

Jiang Hao suddenly felt a pair of menacing eyes staring at him, he immediately looked in that direction and saw Ye Feng.

Both sides did not speak, Jiang Hao looked at each other coldly, no less imposing manner.

Ye Feng snorted coldly and left immediately.

"You won't be able to dance for a few days."

The chill in Jiang Hao's eyes was fleeting.

With the help of a powerful system, Jiang Hao's strength in all aspects has grown quite fast.

He wants to slap Ye Feng in the face constantly, so that every purpose of him will be defeated. Finally expose his true face of hypocrisy. In the end, he was trampled underfoot by Jiang Hao like an ant.

The lights are on.

Five star hotel.

"Ye Feng, who did you bring me here for today?"

Lu Weizhi asked in a bad mood.

Recently, things happened one after another in the Lu family, which made him very depressed.

"It's this box, you'll know when you go in." Ye Feng said lightly.

Lu Weizhi didn't ask any more questions, and went into the box to see clearly who was sitting inside.

Lu Weizhi instantly became furious. I rushed over and grabbed Zhu Xingfa by the collar. It was you? You were the one who snatched my honorary title of Outstanding Entrepreneur in Liushi before. How dare you appear in front of me?"

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