114 – [2] Basic Hunting


* * *

A week has passed, and another has begun.

The end of a week where everything was comfortable and unmatched produced numerous patients with Monday sickness.

“Oh my gosh.”

Of course, I was also suffering from this.

It was a sad reality that couldn’t be matched.

It was definitely a comfortable weekend until yesterday, but why does time go by so quickly?

And why is my body so heavy just because I drank some alcohol?

In the end, I headed for the classroom while maintaining a zombie-like appearance.

Thousands and Shannon, who played like yesterday, were also together.

“Ahhh… ….”

“Kieeuheek…… Ugh.”

“Keaaa… ….”

No, what are you talking about?

When I reached the classroom, there was something between a rag and a human.

“Start of class? Start? Start of class?”

“Lecture? Lecture? Lecture?”


A truly terrifying sight.

I was so miserable that I was speechless.

Students became living corpses and screamed in agony, and we sat in the classroom avoiding them.

After that, the zombie ensemble began, and the entire classroom became noisy.

It was also around that time that the professor entered.

I was able to listen to the first lecture in the true sense only when the pain of sound gradually stopped.

“The job of a hunter is basically to bring magic stones from Shareltea, do various things, explore and excavate, or fight hostile forces.”

“Hunters are basically registered with each country’s Hunter Federation, and in that state, they either work as freelancers or join guilds.”

“For reference, there are articles similar to hunters, and these are mostly names used by pro-World Tree groups.”

But the f*ck didn’t come.

I’m sure I knew it, but it didn’t stick in my brain.

I feel like my brain is vehemently refusing to listen because I know most of the content.

On the one hand, the professor talked like reading a textbook, so there was such a thing.

But if I let go of this, the only thing that would come was low grades.

I was forced to listen.

“Today’s lecture ends here! See you all next week~”

Eh? What is this?

I closed my eyes while holding the pen, and when I opened them, everything was over.

The professor took care of things and organized the lecture, and the students left the classroom discussing lunch.

I felt like I was choking on the reality of being a college student.

“Why do we look like college students?”

“That’s right, a cadet. Because I am a college student.”

“Oh my God.”

A place called an academy is said to be an academy, but in reality, it was like a university focused on practice.

That’s how it turns out…… It was a bit like a university.

There was adequate freedom and appropriate study.

Unlike when I was in high school, I felt lighthearted and worried about the future considerably less.

Also, there were situations that I couldn’t see when I was a teenager.

That is, it was to logically constantly confront educators with educational content.

What I witnessed while walking down the hallway.

The discussion between the professor who finished the lecture and a freshman was strange in many ways.

“That part of the magic isn’t like that! Be sure to use the x-axis and z-axis of mana…….”

“Honey, it is correct to use only the x-axis. The z-axis will always be optional.”

Very virtual courage.

Soon, the professor’s words, ‘You mean, might have the talent of a graduate student?’ Echoed in my ears.

“University…… Aboriginal…… ?”

“It’s a job to explore the truth at the academy, learn more, and realize the logic of the world.”

“Ohh…… ! How can I get a job like that?”

“New graduate students are always welcome! Because I will recommend it. How about starting with undergraduate research students?”

“Really? Yes I will!”

Hey, are you crazy?

As soon as I heard that, I prayed for peace and left the building.

It seems like a place overflowing with comedy like this, but it wasn’t necessarily like that.

The problem was that as people grew older and their backgrounds changed, their condition also changed somewhat.

“Ugh, should I go to places like this after I grow old?”

“I mean.”

“Two minutes…… ?”

20 Years old and sick.

In the academy, where such people were scattered, there were no aid stations for the sick and the dead.

It was difficult to guarantee a win even if you faced the old people of Silver Town, a wizard in a big city.

Both are old and sick, but it was only natural that Silver Town, which had more dementia patients, would win than this place, which was relatively sane.

It was truly a tragedy.

I lamented that I liked my youth, when I was in the prime of my youth.

Although being betrayed by others, fighting with someone like eating, giving up while preparing for the college entrance exam, suffering from exercise and training every day, and clearing the gate as part of Nartika, it seems that life has become a bit strange!

Anyway, it seemed to be slightly better then.

“By the way, what was our next lecture?”

“Isn’t that basic hunting? Was it something else?”

“It must be basic hunting.”

Now that one lecture is over, it’s time to prepare for the next lecture.

Of course you should eat, but you shouldn’t spend too much time on it.

Anyway, I had to prepare a lecture to learn how to hunt at the hunting grounds and training grounds beyond the Charelthea campus.

However, since the academy was half-baked, it would be difficult to practice with artificial monsters and golems like last year.

Therefore, there was a high possibility that the proportion of theory would increase and the proportion of practice would decrease.

However, there was no expectation that practice would disappear altogether.

Theory is important, but the field has always been more important.

Isn’t it the same with games?

It was several times better to actually do it yourself than to learn it by watching texts or videos.

I’m not going to practice today, though.

I was looking forward to what the heck I was going to do in a lecture called ‘Basic Hunting’.

“Oh, did everyone prepare the materials for the lecture?”

“What to prepare?”

“Lecture materials?”

But Shannon said something out of the blue.

Preparations, what is that…….

“Did you not watch the orientation video?”

“I just played it and didn’t really look at it.”

“Me too.”

Who the hell honestly watches videos of orientation and lectures?

That kind of thing was only seen right before the fire burned out.

“Uh…… I have something ready for today. There was something to be sure to bring.”

“Oh, damn it.”

And now it was a situation where the instep was on fire.

I was about to pull out my phone and check the video, but Shannon stopped me.

“Ah, you don’t have to watch all the videos. You just need to bring a few things.”

After thinking about something, I took out my phone and picked it up.

A typing sound rang out, and as soon as it finished, the cell phone rang.

– Hunter Watch

– Primary weapon

– Notebook and pen

– Emergency medical supplies (optional)

– Armor (optional)

– Consumables such as potions and throwing weapons (optional)

– Food and water (optional)

“What is this…….”

“Even though it seems like a lot, if you take out the optional items, it’s rather small, right? Would it be okay if I ate and took a taxi and ran back?”

“No, not that…” ….”

The preparations were so strange.

It’s still two weeks, but I felt like I was already practicing.

“No matter how you look at it, it seems like you are trying to practice on a real level. We haven’t learned anything yet.”

Isn’t it usually preceded by a guide, how to fight, and tips?

That’s how you can prepare for an emergency and expect better efficiency.

I made an expression of incomprehension.

“Ah. According to the orientation content. They said that the training room to be used during the lecture was blown away, so they went straight to practice and actual combat.”

“To say that without studying the minimum theory.”

“They say they skip the theory study because there are no classrooms left.”

Writing grades are bad, but heaven for those with good practical grades.

I’m neither this nor that, but I had a low preference for writing, so there was nothing wrong with it.

Let’s practice a bit, well.

“Because of this, they told me to prepare well because it is close to the real battle. Well, there are other matters, but they said they would let you know today.”

“That…… You don’t know exactly how to practice?”

“Yes, I told you to come to the rendezvous point with your supplies.”

Gathering Point.

Coming to think of it, there was no exact place to teach.

“Where is the rendezvous point?”

Shannon has her own back.

Precisely, it pointed beyond that, to the center of the invisible city.

“In front of Arecibo Gate.”

* * *

The only road leading to the destroyed Chareltea Campus.

A road bigger than several apartments attached.

But because of that, the road where the massive closure work took place.

A road lined with guards heavily armed with reinforced exoskeletons and magic tools.

There were a few students in front of the Arecibo Gate, which had been quiet under tight security until yesterday.

From nob le mt l dot com

Me, Cheonmae, and Shannon arrived there not with heavy armaments, but with light armaments of our own.

“Hmm, there are surprisingly many heavily armed people.”

Said the thousand horses tying bandages on his hands.

As she said, there were quite a few students wearing thick-looking armor.

“On the contrary, there are many people who are super lightly armed.”

Students of this level wearing cloth clothes and carrying only one weapon.

In serious cases, I didn’t bring anything, let alone a hunter watch.

In a situation where we don’t know what kind of future will unfold.

The metal golem toddled and stood in front of the gate.

“The 1-08 ‘Basic Hunting’ students should stand in a circle in front of me.”

A hand was raised with a hard voice.

Soon, hundreds of scattered people began to stand as if wrapping metal golems.

At the time the eyes exchanged asking where the professor went and where this guy came from.

The golem lowered his raised hand and quickly scattered the students.

“242 Out of 300 attendees attended.”

It was a disastrous shame.

On the one hand, it was also the increase in the number of students who had a lot of room to spread.

I thought I was lucky.

On the other hand, the golem didn’t care about the lack of numbers.

“I’m sure everyone has seen the orientation video.”

He said with his eyes glowing red.

Golem put her hands behind her back as if she were a professor.

“As you may have heard beforehand, there will be no professors for this lecture due to the lack of manpower and space in the academy.”

A lot of people muttered as if they didn’t know.

Soon, as if asking if that made sense, as if asking what the hell this was all about, as if it was absurd, various gazes poured out.

However, the metal golem only ignored the human mind.

I coldly threw away the protest-mixed gaze.

“Instead, I, an artificial intelligence golem, oversees everything. You will aim to kill knights and monsters under my supervision.”

“Oh my God.”

“Does that make sense? This?”

“What is that…….”

The words were spoken so confidently.

The shocked students’ mouths became loud, but as time passed, they became silent again.

At the end of the day, only the creaking sounds of the city’s machinery could be heard.

Someone in the audience asked how to call Overseer Golem.

First of all, since they are high-ranking beings, it was appropriate for them to be formal even if they were artificial beings.

The golem then coldly punched himself in the chest as if to draw everyone’s attention.

“Call me Overseer Ishmael if need be.”

Feelless Golem Overseer.

It signaled that Palaistra Academy’s policy had changed to focus on actual combat.

And the golem is here.

From nob le mt l dot com

Maybe he looked back at me coldly.

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