I Became the Villain’s Own Daughter

Vol 2 Chapter 958: Are you so hungry that you want to lick the plate?

   Chapter 958 Are you so hungry that you want to lick the plate?

  Chen Zhu, this is...Hungry enough to even want to lick the plate?

  Hey, blame them for being too economical, there are not many leftovers, and Assistant Chen can’t have enough of a box lunch and can only eat plates.

  Chen Shuo didn’t know that Old Xu’s brain hole would have been opened larger than the universe.

   even made up for the incomparable poverty and hardship that he must have lived through in his childhood. Every day, he had to carry a broken bowl and go to the street to beg for food.

  Seeing that Old Xu said that he hadn't cleaned it up, Chen Shuo hurriedly called a few people from the cleaning company to come over and clean up all the things that Zhang Ma had touched.

  At that time, someone will naturally burn these things.

   And Old Xu was rushed to another, and Zhang Ma went to the new kitchen that she had never touched.

  Old Xu didn’t have time to think about why the people from the cleaning company were here.

  He was busy cooking for Lu Junhan and Lu Li, who had not eaten yet, and Song Qingwan and Lu Qidong, who had just returned.

   Suddenly remembered the poor, gluttonous Assistant Chen.

  Old Xu loaded two bowls of rice, after thinking about it, he added two more bowls of rice.

  I cooked a whole big pot of rice.


  Chen Shuo himself, who had already eaten lunch outside, did not know that another lunch of his was being arranged properly.

  He asked the housekeeper to supervise the people in the kitchen to clean the kitchen.

  Fortunately, the living room of the Lu family is very large, and the people in the kitchen sweep theirs, and the noise can't disturb them at all.

  Chen Shuo turned his head and continued to report to Lu Junhan about Zhang Ma.

   "The people in the research institute have burned the food that was tested, and cleaned up the mice that were poisoned by the food. I watched the live video sent by Xiao Liu and it was indeed cleaned up."

  And the way to verify the cleanup is to naturally put a batch of mice in the past after the cleanup.

  The sense of smell and sharpness of some animals is indeed much better than that of humans.

  This time, the white mouse did not scurry around again.

   "But just in case, Xiao Liu and the others still disinfected the entire space with high temperature."

  Speaking, Chen Shuo handed the pink mobile phone he found to Lu Junhan, for fear that there were hidden immortals among the servants who were immersed in cleaning.

  Chen Shuo did not mention Zhang Ma’s name, but said:

   "Also, Shao Lu, this is her mobile phone. I took a look at her, and she didn't leave any useful clues or information. The only useful one is probably this mobile phone."

  Lu Junhan stretched out his hand to take it, as if he had noticed something, he raised his eyes suddenly and looked straight at the third floor.

   Chen Shuo saw this, was stunned, and followed it.

   Then, at a glance, two sneaky heads were protruding from the railing on the third floor.

  And one of the sneaky short-haired heads was still facing the other long-haired head, and said excitedly:

   "I saw it, I saw it too, it's really pink!"

  The long-haired head lowered his voice: “It’s okay. Although the person didn’t bring it back, at least it’s a big step forward to bring the phone back!”

   "Indeed, this kind of thing can't be rushed." The short-haired head said: "Who can let the one who can't be loved is him!"

  Lu Junhan: "..."

  Chen Shuo: "..."

  What are Song Zong and Lu Dong doing on it?

  How weird.

  But it's not over yet.

   At this moment, in the railing, in the gap between the two columns, a jet-black head came out with two beautiful double pony tails.

  And those **** eyes that are bright and clear are appearing looming behind the cylinder, looking very cute.

  Little milky voice is still chanting:

   "Dad can't see my dad can't see me..."

  When they saw Lu Junhan raising their eyes and looking over, Song Qingwan and Lu Qidong felt that this little fat girl said that her father couldn't see me, but what they thought might be that father would see me soon!

  Otherwise, how could that brat find them so quickly!

Since    had been discovered, Song Qingwan didn’t hide it anymore.

  She straightened up, and with the patience of the turbulent emotions in her heart, she withdrew her gaze from the pink phone in Lu Junhan's hand.

   also upholds the supreme truth of "I am not embarrassed, but others are embarrassed".

  She lifted her hair casually, and smiled kindly and naturally:

   "Then what... brat, Lili is hungry, let's take her out to find something to eat."

  Lu Qidong also straightened up and said righteously:

   "Yes, we just came out to find something to eat for Lili. If you don't eat anything, this child will be starved alive!"

  That glorious breeze, the handsome and innocent gentleman is just like the appearance of Young Master Pianpian.

  I couldn't see at all that he was the one who was eavesdropping just like being a thief.

  The little girl held on to the white columns on both sides, and tried her best to pull her head out from between the two columns.

  Hearing this, she frowned and shook her head into a rattle:

   "Auntie, Grandpa, Lili is not hungry! I am not hungry! I am still very full now!"

   "You kid, what silly things are you talking about, how can you not be hungry!"

  Song Qingwan covered her mouth and said with a smile:

   "Look at your little fat face, you are almost hungry!"

  Lu Qidong: "Yes, walk around, grandpa will take you to eat!"

  Little girl: "..."

  Speaking, Lu Qidong and Song Qingwan hugged the little girl and hurriedly slipped under Lu Junhan's eyelids.

  Chen Shuo looked silly.

   He turned his head to look at Lu Junhan, still a little confused: "What's wrong with Dong Lu and Song?"

  It's so sneaky, it's too ruinous.

  Chen Shuo felt that his three views were about to be subverted.

  Lu Junhan was sitting on the sofa, looking at the phone that needs a password to unlock, obviously he didn't take it to heart.

   just casually said:

   "It's okay, it's just menopause."

  Chen Shuo really believed it, but then he remembered that there was another person who drilled the railing: "That’s not right, the little lady, she..."

  Lu Junhan said lightly: "Oh, her menopause has advanced."

  Chen Shuo: "..."

  It's impossible for it to be forty to fifty years in advance.

  Lu Junhan raised his eyelids: "What's the problem?"

  Chen Shuo: "...it's gone."

  Lu Junhan: "Continue to report."

  Chen Shuo: "Yes."


  Many people come from the cleaning company.

  A small kitchen was quickly cleaned up, and it was also fully anti-virus.

  Wait for old Xu to make the meal, and when he had just changed it to a new one, but the table was exactly the same as before, the person cleaning the company had already left.

  This time, the kitchen for cooking is the new kitchen.

  When cooking, there was only Lao Xu inside.

  Old Xu is completely trustworthy.

  Furthermore, just in case, Chen Shuo asked the housekeeper to find a chance and took a look at his body.

  There are no corpses on his body.

   ruled out the possibility of old Xuan's men.

  This time, the little girls can rest assured to eat.

  And just in the middle of the little girl's meal.

  The butler received the order and directly summoned all the servants of the Lu family.

  But didn't tell them what to do.

  Wait after they arrive at the designated place.

   entered a makeshift tent and saw a group of doctors in white coats inside.

   realized that it turned out to be a full physical examination.

   【This is an update on the last day of May. It was posted early in the morning, good night. After a while, Lili will find her father and ask her to have no mother, hahahaha. 】



  (End of this chapter)

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