The figure in the form of a black shadow reached out toward Licht.

When he touched the shadow without any touch, memories related to Yernian started pouring out at random.

How long has it been? A faint smile passed over Licht’s lips when he opened his eyes again.

“Since when have you been able to use magic?”

In the memories that his clone showed, Yernian completely controlled the mana flowing through her body before she was even two years old.

In addition, she had never used proper magic before, but she succeeded in chanting magic. A child who is only four years old now.

Licht, sticking his tongue out, waved his hand, and the dark clone disappeared back into Yernian’s shadow.



“What should I do with you?”

At first, he obviously thought she was just a chess piece that had to be kept in the Myo World somehow.

Even today, that thought has not changed.


[…Don’t die, Licht.]

Licht’s eyes sank deeply at the soft voice that brushed his ears.

After looking down at the sleeping child for a long time, he grabbed his numb hand. After fiddling with his lips for a while, he reached out and tapped Yernian’s small back.

The light of the lamp flickered through the drowsily loosened blue eyes.

“You have no fear.”

She seems to have quite a talent for magic, though…

‘Shall I teach her?’

A smile that Licht didn’t recognize by himself appeared on his lips.


“That’s perfect. If we can amplify the mana a little bit more, I think the results will be better than now.”

The moment I heard that voice, I realized it.

‘Oh, it’s a dream.’

I didn’t expect to repeat the moment I hate to remember the most like this.

‘I can’t see.’

The sound of a man’s laughter filled with satisfaction dug into my sensitive eardrums.

“Very good.”

A drug-modulated voice complimented me.

The man who was called ‘Doctor’ among them was persistently tormenting me during my last life. I couldn’t stand the harassment, and my mana ran out in the end.

“So, stay just a little bit stronger, Yernian.”

The creepy voice that deceived me began to drift away from my ears little by little.

Instead, I woke up to the soft voice calling my name.



As I got up, gasping for breath at my painful heart, a large hand gently pressed my shoulder.

“Sleep more. It’s still dawn.”

I raised my head involuntarily and hardened my face.


Licht in an open gown occupied half of the large bed. All the scars I had seen before had disappeared and looked clean. The dim light of the lamp cast a deep shadow over Licht’s cool face as he looked back at me.

Embarrassed enough to cause my eyelashes to tremble violently, I immediately grasped the situation.

“…That’s a relief.”

The magic has succeeded.

For a moment, I felt a sense of relief so strong that I couldn’t even think of that disgusting nightmare.

Then, Licht’s expression, as he looked at the papers piled up next to the bed, became mysterious.

“What’s a relief?”

“Licht ish alive.” (Licht is alive.)

Damn it.

I was so exhausted mentally and physically that as soon as I spoke a little longer, my pronunciation was muffled.

He turned his head away with a look that struggled to contain his laughter.

“Do you like me that much?”


“Then why did you give this to me?”

When Licht bumped his thumb and forefinger, mana that was a faint mixture of pale pink and silver were released.

I secretly averted my eyes and lay back on Licht.

“I’m going to shleep.” (I’m going to sleep.)

My mental fatigue was too great for me to attempt a rational conversation.

If my mind is clear enough to avoid making unnecessary mistakes later, I will be able to make the excuses I have prepared in advance.

I closed my eyes and tried to force myself to sleep when I heard a loud sigh next to me.



I yawned while buried in the blanket.

Then, I stuck my head out, unable to overcome my curiosity at the answer that didn’t come back after a while.

Licht was staring down at me with an oblique posture. It was too close to the point where his firm chest could be seen through the gaping gown.

In the wall covered in darkness, I could see myself clutching the blanket tightly.

“Do you, want to learn magic properly?”


Licht’s unexpected proposal made me fall asleep completely for a moment.

“…Why magic all of a sudden?”

When I asked in a voice full of doubts with me peeking out of the blanket, Licht let out a low laugh.

“It’s just like that. I think you’ll do better if you learn.”

It was a word with a strange nuance.

‘Come to think of it, why don’t you ask anything?’

Even if he had heard a separate report from the escort, there wouldn’t be just one or two suspicious things.

I reflected in my mind the excuses I had prepared before entering the bedroom.

‘As I saw in a book I read in the library, I just hoped that Licht wouldn’t die, but the mana moved on its own!’

I deliberately practiced even an innocent voice.

“So, what’s your asnwer?”

“Um? Ah.” After pondering for a moment, I nodded my head with a solemn look on my face.

“I want to learn.”

There were many parts that were difficult to understand by self-study. If I had a proper teacher, it would be much more beneficial to me.

A slow smile spread across Licht’s lips.

“You thought well.”

I tilted my head while rubbing my eyes at the rush of drowsiness.

“But who am I learning from?”

As far as I know, the only beastmen that can handle magic in the Myo World are the Persian direct descendants.

‘Ah. It’s said that beastmen live twice as long as humans, so are there other direct descendants who haven’t died yet?’

It was said that Licht and the princes, who are now living in the main palace, were the children of the former squadron commander and sovereign, who died at a young age.

Therefore, there was a high probability that the brothers of the former squadron commander were still alive.

However, my reasoning, which was confident in its own way, quickly lost its power at the words that came out of Licht’s mouth.



“Learn from me.”

Suddenly, feeling like my eyes were getting far away, I lost the blanket I was holding in my hands.


Fortunately, the magic class with Licht has been postponed to next month.

It was thanks to Mir who gave him a lot of work that had been pushed back after three years.

“It all belongs to His Majesty.”

“… What were the documents I received from telegram each month and I paid for?”

“It was a collection of the most important things on the agenda.” Mir, who had been abused on behalf of Licht for three years, seemed determined.

I sat down in the baby chair, sighed heavily with my chin held.

‘I can’t believe Licht is my teacher.’

Licht suggested that I stay  in his bedroom until my body recovered.

[But I’m fhine.] (But I’m fine.)

[Then shall I go to your bedroom?]

In the end, for the past three days, I had no choice but to live in Licht’s bedroom.

I got out of the suffocating bedroom only after being cured by the doctor who came to see me once a day.

‘Ah, I’m tired.’

While staying in Licht’s bedroom, my body may have been comfortable, but my mind was extremely tired.

It was because I was too nervous to make a useless mistake.

‘It’s still like this now, so what should I do with classes starting next month?’

A sigh escaped the silence.

Licht was the supreme decision maker of the Myo Clan, and he was a powerful person with the power to transform me from the Messiah to a test subject at any time.

So, in front of Licht, I had no choice but to be nervous about every little action.

‘Can I do it well?’

The reason why Licht wants to teach me magic is most likely related to the rift in the Myo World.

‘I’d rather do fine.’

If I formally learn magic, I’ll be able to protect my own body in case of an emergency in the future.

In addition to that, Licht was acclaimed as a powerful monarch even among the nobles, so I had met the best teacher.

[If you follow the class well, I will grant you a wish.]

I clenched my fists as I remembered the carrot that Licht had thrown at me while suggesting a magic class.

It was a golden opportunity to naturally try to negotiate with Licht using that wish as an excuse.

At that moment, the sound of footsteps approaching the terrace disturbed my thoughts.

“Princess. Are you really okay now?”

When she turned her head, Alice was looking at me with a worried expression.

I answered with a more courageous voice on purpose.

“Yesh! I’m perfecthly fhine.” (Yes! I’m perfectly fine.)

“If you don’t feel well at all, you have to come back right away.”

From today, education as a royal family, which had been suspended for a while, was scheduled to resume.

After repeating the same request several times, Alice let me go just before class started.

“You’re here, Your Highness the Princess.” The guards who saw me coming down the stairs were polite.

“Hewwo.” (Hello.)

Their ears flinched at my little hand greeting and opened the door.

Perhaps Mir hadn’t yet arrived, it was quiet in the study. Instead, the profile of Askari, looking out the window with his chin clenched, caught my eyes.

‘If you keep your mouth shut, you are as pretty as Noha.’

In fact, today was the first time we saw each other properly since the uproar in the hallway.

Askari, who had unintentionally turned his head whether he heard the sound of the door being opened, widened his eyes as if they were about to pop out.

“You… !”

“Hewwo. Ashkari.” (Hello. Askari.)

As I said hello with a wide smile, unlike usual, Askari’s voice lowered as to how he interpreted my smile.

“You didn’t say anything useless to Brother, did you?”

“Um? What do you mean?”

“That… Last time I was in the hallway…!”

I tilted my head in front of Askari, who couldn’t even speak.

“In the hallway? I don’t remember anything.”


I took my hand off the clock, went to the desk next to him and sat down.

Askari, who had been at a loss for words for a moment, licked his lips with a teary look on his face, and the door opened again.

“Whoa, I apologize for being late. His Majesty didn’t let me go.”

Mir, who had his curly hair in a mess, began busily preparing for class.

“It’s very difficult to live as a servant who is loved by His Majesty.”

“Are you excited to die at Brother’s hands, Mir? Can you tell me that literally?”

I was convinced once more by the gentle growl coming from the side.

‘It turns out that Askari likes Licht.’

And also so, so much.


At the end of the second lesson, Mir gave me an assignment.

“By this time next week, you can read a book about the life of Akamar, the creator and first monarch of the Myo World, and submit a book review.”

“If I’m a Myo Clan, why would I even write a book review about a story that everyone knows?”

Despite Asuka’s grimacing protest, Mir was determined.

“For your reference, the review will be reviewed by Your Majesty.”

As soon as those words were finished, Askari jumped up from his seat with the book.

Even if he remembered an important promise he had forgotten, it was a quick move like a beastman.

Mir looked at me with a smile on his face.

“Then, Your Highness the Princess. I will see you at this time next week.”

“Yesh, Mir. It was fun today!”

In this class, we learned about the policies that Akamar used to induce harmony between humans and beastmen in the early days of the founding of the country.

It was right after the war was over, so the process of bringing the two races who didn’t have good feelings for each other to come and go was quite exciting.

In addition, Mir was the type of person who could speak coherently, so it was fun.

‘There is an etiquette class in the afternoon.’

I heard that a simple math class will start tomorrow as well.

Most of the classes were basic because I was still young. But even those were so high that I wouldn’t have been able to understand if I hadn’t been a regressor.

‘How the hell did the beastmen get to their mental age?’

Even young beastmen only had difficulties in controlling their emotions, and their thinking ability seemed to be higher than that of most humans.

Shivering, I left the door to eat lunch and stopped.


Noha sat down in front of the arched window, looking through thick books.


Noha raised his head at my cautious call.

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