113 episodes

31 Ascalonga (8)

Quad Duck!

It wasn’t enough just that the Black Stars of Zion, who had gathered at one point, smashed Kreon’s saw blade column, it blew up half of the demon’s upper body.

– Whoa!

A huge scream erupted from Creon’s mouth as he suffered a severe injury that was almost on the verge of death.

Such Creon’s eyes were contorted with pain and astonishment.

Because he didn’t understand how the saw-blade column containing all his magic was shattered so easily.

But Creon’s thoughts did not last long.

With one step forward,


“ I am dying of life.”

Shion, who narrowed the distance between the two of them right in front of them, smiled and swung Iklaxia.

– Damn it!

Kreon spit swear words at him and blocked Shion’s sword attack with one hand as he had just replayed.



In an instant, Creon’s arm was cut once again by the double overlapping Black Island.

Even that wasn’t enough, Shion digs closer and inserts a continuous sword attack.

Suga Gaga!

There was no part that was cut off from such Zion’s movement.

As if all movements were a single movement, they flowed like water, aiming for vital points in the entire body of the demon.

A selfish sword that brings breath and initiative without being bound by form.

Therefore, the enemies that Shion has faced so far have never been able to reverse the victory once lost, and that was the same with Creon.

‘ Die.’

If you go on like this, you will really die.

One emotion that filled the eyes of such demons.

It was the fear of the opponent in front of him.

The thought of having to fight Zion had already disappeared from his mind.

I’m just afraid of getting out of this situation somehow.

at that time,

‘ That’s… … .’

A movement beyond Zion caught the eye of Creon, who had barely endured the attack.

As such, one of the high-ranking demons hiding in the Ascalon family was secretly approaching behind Zion.

‘This is your chance!’

Creon, who quietly lit his eyes, pretended not to know, and deliberately showed a fatal vital point toward Shion.

Without hesitation, Shion rushes towards the revealed vital point and inserts an attack.

That moment,

– You idiot, you got it!

A sneering cry erupted from Creon’s mouth.

With him, another high-level demon, who came right behind Zion, revealed its original form and swung its front paws.

If you don’t retrieve and block the sword you’ve been throwing out, Shion’s head will explode as it is.

However, it was a dilemma that if Shion turned around to block the attack, a gap would be exposed to Creon on the other side.

Quad Duck!

However, without stopping, Shion plunges Iklaxia into Kreon’s vital point.

From then on, great pain came, but the young joy in Creon’s eyes deepened.

If this continues, Zion Agnes’ head will be shattered to pieces.

Did you choose a path to take even one person?

But his joy soon disappeared without a trace.

“ Who the hell is saying who caught someone?”

A cold voice came out of Shion’s mouth.

with him,

Suga, go, go!

Because the heads of other demons rushing from behind disappeared by the silver flash.

A man who lost his strength and appeared from the back of a higher-class demon who leaned to the side.

It was Lucas Ascalon.

“ Are you okay, Your Majesty Zion?”

From the beginning, he was focusing his senses on Sion, so he was able to react immediately to the movement of demons approaching from behind Zion.

– Ah… … .

Creon’s eyes are stained with despair because all the remaining hope has disappeared.

The last scene reflected in those demonic eyes,


It was a heterogeneous darkness that exploded and filled the field of vision with Shion’s curved eyes.

Creon’s corpse is scattered as ashes without leaving a trace due to the explosion of the Black Star.

Lucas approached Shion, who had perfected Creon, and asked again.

“ Sir, are you okay?”

“ Any other demons?”

“ Yes?”

At Shion’s question, Lucas’ eyes were dyed with doubt.

Because he couldn’t understand why he was asking about the demon he had already killed by cutting his head.

But at that moment,

– Whoa!

The body of the high-class demons lying on the floor along with the screams regenerated their heads in an instant.

Tuhwa Hahak!

Then it started popping out of nowhere at an insane speed.

In the first place, there was no way that a high-level demon with a stronger vitality than a cockroach would die from just being decapitated.

Have you already thought that there is no chance of winning?

A new type of demon that rushes to the entrance of the Great Sword Hall in an instant as if trying to escape from this place.

“ It’s not like that.”

Sion looked at the scene with his still eyes and stretched his right hand to the side.

That moment,


Agdevar, who was stuck in the center of the red circle, crossed the space and caught Zion’s hand.

Heuk Seong-ha begins to amplify endlessly by gathering with such a dragon bomb spear.

with him,

Good luck!

The tip of Agduvar’s spear, which was dyed even more black, was pulled towards the heart of the fleeing demon.

And finally, the moment when Heuk Seong-ha’s aggregation reaches its peak and Shion’s right arm, holding the spear, is pulled to the maximum, Whoouk!

The spear disappeared from Zion’s hand, which was pushed forward.

Agdubar reappears with precision piercing the demon’s heart.

a little later than that,


A single line was drawn from Zion’s hand to the dragon’s spear.

Then a huge shock wave bursts along that line and begins to rip apart everything it touches.

The body of a demon that could not withstand that power and exploded.

And the silence continued.

… … .

The overwhelming sight was enough to instantly stop the entire clash in the Great Sword Hall.

Shion smirked as she scanned the inside of the Great Sword Hall, which had become so quiet that even breathing could not be heard.

‘It will be over soon.’

The number of monsters was significantly reduced than before.

Now the battle was slowly coming to an end.

* * *

Cheongseonggung Palace is one of the five palaces that surround Baekseonggung Palace.

In the office on the highest floor there, the 5th Princess Diena was furrowing her eyebrows.

It’s like you don’t like something.

“ Zion… … .”

The reason was still Zion.

Her half-brother, who is the youngest but does not look like the youngest at all.

“You haven’t figured it out yet?”

“ Yes. I’m sorry, Your Majesty. That night, when Prince Zion removed all the snow in Chimseonggung… … .”

“ I don’t mean to reproach. As the opponent is the opponent, there is nothing we can do about it.”

What Diena asks Lloyd is what happened on the day when the starlight of the Cheonseonghae from Chimseonggung lit up the night sky of Hwangseong.

‘ Obviously, something has changed since that day.’

She had even figured out that what happened that night had something to do with Utekan.

Otherwise, since that day, the red-eyed woman, a servant of Zion, would not have been able to rob Utekan’s secret powers.

But I couldn’t figure out anything more.

As if someone deliberately interrupted.

“ Whew… … It’s frustrating.”

A sigh escaped Diana’s mouth.

It was frustrating not being able to know what happened that night, but the most frustrating thing was that Zion and his subordinates were growing much faster than she expected.

Now that Zion has visited the Ascalon family, it must be only a matter of time before he will gain their support.

“ I have to check it somehow.”

They said they cooperated against Enoch, but that was only a temporary alliance.

As long as they were aiming for the same throne, there was no change in the fact that they were rivals who had to destroy each other.

‘ And if… … .’

As Diena herself speculated, if Shion had truly succeeded in the power of the Eternal Age, it would have been the most difficult competitor.

at that time,

“ My Majesty, Diena.”

Lloyd called her in a quiet voice.

Diana stopped talking to him and looked at him.

“ The most important sense for a person is sight, no matter what anyone says. It is the same for organizations and forces. Without vision, it becomes difficult to move.”

“ That means… … .”

“ Yes. How about aiming at the eyes of Prince Zion?”

It was an eye, to be precise, an information organization.

“ But I couldn’t figure out where Zion’s eyes were.”

“ Prince Zion has two eyes. One of them, as you know, has not been identified, while the other has been caught by the tail to some extent.”

“ Where is it?”

The 5 princesses who asked Lloyd with her eyes lit up with a smirk.

“ It’s called the Eye of the Moon.”

Lloyd also responded with a cold voice.

* * *

The drawing room of the Heavenly Sword Hall that exists within the Ascalon family.

There were Zion, Sword King Ludwig, and Lucas.

“ A little while ago, the raids at the Great Sword Hall were all over.”

Ludwig opened his mouth first as he saw Sion holding a cup of coffee.

The battle that continued after the previous silence was over was one-sided, as Sion had expected.

In the first place, one of the higher-ranking demons, who could be called the boss, was ugly while running away, so the morale of the demons had no choice but to hit the bottom.

On the other hand, the morale of the people who were stained with anger was not to mention.


“ I didn’t even think that so many demons could have permeated the family.”

Ludwig’s face darkened as he said that.

A whopping one-third of the members of the family flew away in an instant, so it was not good.

They were monsters anyway, so they had to be cut out, but they couldn’t help but be bitter.

‘ And most of the people who remain are still unable to get out of the panic state… … .’

It would probably take some time for them to return to their normal form.

I had no choice but to believe that if I stood up from this, I would become much stronger in the future.

“ By the way, may I ask how your majesty knew all this?”

Ludwig’s eyes gleaming as if curious about the existence of Zion Agnes.

From healing his body to meeting the black dragon Kalonix and receiving the dragon bomb spear.

Even the magic circle that revealed the identities of the demons and the tremendous force of the past.

Not even one was surprised.

Rather, it feels like the rumors that have been heard have been reduced.

Shion, who put the teacup down on him, slowly opened his mouth.

“ Think. Did the demon that devoured even Ascalon not reach out to the Imperial Castle?”

“ I hope the Hwangseong is already… … !”

“ It’s much worse than here.”

“ Huh… … .”

At Sion’s words, the sword king exhaled a deep breath, as if he was stunned.

Since when did demonic beings dig so deeply into the Empire, and since when did Prince Zion fight this nonsense alone?

“… … .”

Ludwig, who looked at Sion with shaky eyes for a moment, slowly lowered his head as if he had made up his mind on something.

“ From now on, we, Ascalon, will follow His Majesty Prince Agnes Zion with our lives no matter what happens.”

Words like an oath.

It was not simply that he would support Shion because he had the possibility of becoming the next emperor.

The belief that an empire that has been torn down by demons must be rebuilt.

That belief was engraved in the sword king’s eyes.

In addition, he was full of gratitude for Zion who saved the Ascalon family from the abyss.

“ Oh, and I will keep my promise.”

With those words, Ludwig blinked at Lucas next to him.

At that, Lucas stood up and bowed his head toward Zion.

“ I greet you formally, His Majesty Zion! This is Lucas Ascalon, the 22nd lord of the Twilight Swordsman, who will serve his Majesty in the future!”

Twilight Blade.

A group that boasts the strongest power among the shadows that exist in the Ascalon family.

The leader of the group was Lucas Ascalon.

“I wish you all the best in the future!”

Was Sion’s performance in the previous Dalian and Great Sword Hall impressive?

There was no hesitation in Lucas’ eyes as he said that.

No, he seemed more willing.

“ It is me.”

Shion, who answered with a grin in response to his passionate cry that did not match the shadow, looked at Ludwig again and asked.

“ What happened here today hasn’t gone out yet, has it?”

“ Yes, my lord. We have thoroughly cracked down on the members of the household and put several layers of defense so that additional information does not leak out.”

Ludwig knew.

It is very dangerous if this fact is known to the public without being sufficiently prepared.

Obviously, the empire will be covered in great chaos, and the demons hiding here and there will giggle and instigate even more chaos in the dark.

However, Zion’s subsequent words exceeded his expectations.

“ Let it leak a little bit.”

“… … Yes?”

The king of swords questioned the unknown words with questionable eyes.

“ I have to pull out a big rat.”

Shion replied with a smile.

The darkness that fluttered in Zion’s languid eyes.

Now it was time to sow the seeds in earnest to catch the 4th Prince Utekan.

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