136 episodes

37 Flock of Giants (6)

Agnes Empire was very wide.

Therefore, there were countless dungeons, areas, and relics that have not yet been revealed, and there were also countless expeditions looking for such things.

However, among such expeditions, there were only five places in the entire empire that received the title of ‘Excellent’.

A group that can only be called the most elite, composed only of adventurers with skills that are different from those of other expeditions.

Therefore, the level of difficulty was so high that it was incomparable to other places.

And now.

“ Huh, huh!”

One of such expeditions, Renette Illones, a member of ‘The Digging Eyes’, was running frantically through the burning village.

“X foot!”

Rough swear words came out of her mouth.

Usually she rarely swears, but the current situation was so bad that she spit out abusive language.

“ What the hell is going on!”

The work started not long ago when a request came in for Renette’s expedition.

It was a request from ‘Hoire’, a small town on the eastern edge of the empire, asking them to investigate the strange ruins that suddenly appeared in the center of the village.

They would have rejected it originally because the level was too low for them to carry out, but the exploration leader, Alos, who felt something strange in the description of the ruins written in the request, eventually accepted the request and dispatched her and three other expedition members to the village of Hoyre. .

‘ I shouldn’t have accepted that quest!’

With that thought, Renette increased her running speed even more and glanced behind her.

hey hey!


In her sight, she saw countless villagers chasing after her, transformed to such an extent that she could no longer be considered a human.

It was only a few hours ago that the villagers became like that.

A huge ruin that suddenly rose from the center of the town.

A bright red light erupted from the ruins without any warning, and all the people who touched the light were transformed like that in an instant.

After that, Renette continued to be pursued without knowing the whereabouts of the other expedition members.

‘ What the hell is that… … .’

Renette recalled the appearance of the ruins that she had inspected briefly before this happened.

It’s like a snake’s tongue that has been enlarged thousands of times.

Even she, who had explored numerous dungeons and remote areas, had never seen it before and could not find out anything even if she researched.

‘ Plus, it’s highly contagious!’

At first, there were people who did not reach the light and were still intact, but as soon as they came into contact with those who had already been transformed into monsters, they were changing the same.

If it is contagious like this, it must be a matter of time before it spreads beyond this village to other nearby villages.

‘ No, it may have already spread.’

The situation was very serious.


She, who had a reputation for excellence, was whispering that this situation might become a new disaster.

There was a possibility that it would spread to such a huge disaster that it was not possible to find the origin of it until now, not just the seven major disasters.

‘I have to tell you!’

There was nothing Renette could do here and now.

It was best to get out of here and report this to the expedition and the Empire.

Kia ah!

If you turn into a monster, will your physical abilities also increase dramatically?

Even though all mana was being used only to escape, the distance between the monsters and Renette was getting smaller.

“ If you go on like this… … .”

Renette’s face darkened with him.

at that time.

hey hey hey!

A monster suddenly appeared in front of her and blocked her way.

It was a monster created by transforming Albert, one of the expedition members who came here with Renette.

“ What a f*cking dog!”

Renette twists her body while swearing once again.

But the distance was so close that she couldn’t completely escape the monster’s claws.

The urgency and despair on Renette’s face are both young and young.

It was the moment when the monster’s claws were about to crush her head.

“ I mean, it’s really amazing.”

With a cheerful voice that doesn’t fit the situation.


The upper body of the monster that had swung its claws towards Renette disappeared as it was.

A person standing behind the corpse of a monster that had fallen to the floor was reflected in her eyes, which had turned large in an unexpected situation.

“ How does the master know all these things? Did you really read a lot?”

A woman with dark hair and contrasting red eyes.

It was Riosina.

“ All right, you… … !”

Lynette opens her mouth with a trembling voice.

Kia ah!

Numerous monsters rushing behind her.

Riusina looked at those monsters with curious eyes.

“ Are they strange guys?”

The power that transformed villagers into monsters was a unique ability and magic that she had never seen for hundreds of years, but at the same time, it smelled similar to blood magic.

Did Zion know this from the beginning and send himself here?

“ Kill them all! A thousand-year-old witch is with us!”

“ Wow!”

Soon after that, Riusina’s blood tower wizards along with the blood tower master Kerma DeColes pour out and begin to indiscriminately baptize the monsters with magic.


A chain of explosions caused by dozens of attack magic and monsters disappearing without leaving a trace.

“ Maybe we can raise the level of the Blood Tower one step further.”

As she watched the village gradually turning into a battlefield, Riusina murmured quietly.

* * *

The first thing Shion did when he came out of Daejeon with Batar was to announce to the giants of the Blue Claws that he was leading this war.

It was not difficult to convince the other giants to agree with Bataar, who already had complete control of the anti-Utecan faction, and had Giga Perses.

“ From now on, we are going to break the red horns.”

After that, Zion sent the giants straight to the Red Horn tribe where Utekan was located.

Unlike other places, there were almost no hidden monsters in the giant colony, and the traitors were also killed by Batar immediately after the attack last night, so there was no problem.

Is it because they are warlike giants who like to fight from the beginning?

Preparations were quickly completed even though they had just received a large-scale attack, and the opposing giants, who were united around the Blue Claw tribe, were able to enter the territory of the Red Horn tribe in an instant.

‘ Is this really true?’

The blue-clawed chieftain Batar thought so and looked at Sion moving along with the swordsmen who appeared to be the bodyguards in front of him.

Zion’s silent eyes do not know what he is thinking.

Despite the rapidly changing situation and Zion’s instructions, which were done without hesitation, the giants were gathered and set out, but a faint light of distrust still remained in Bataar’s eyes.

Of course, he thought this was the best way.

‘ Because it’s better to hit first than to sit still and wait for it to be annihilated.’

In addition, their front lines were not very wide, so they could concentrate their power quickly, and the pro-Utecan faction had not yet fully gathered their power.

The best time for an all-out war.

The problem was that even if they did, their power would run.

Therefore, even though Prince Zion said that he would win, he could not easily believe it.

‘ Did you say that reinforcements will arrive soon?’

With that thought, Batar recalled the conversation he had with Prince Zion just before he left.

– But His Majesty Zion… … Are you really going to wage an all-out war with only this power?

– Why do you think you’ll lose?

– Honestly… … That’s right.

– No need to worry. Because I have no intention of fighting like this.

– Then… … .

– Our reinforcements will arrive before the war begins.

I also asked what the supporter was, but Prince Zion only smiled, saying he would find out soon, but did not tell him about it.

‘ Obviously, Prince Zion said that he only brought the SS when he came to the large crowd. But how do the reinforcements arrive? Does a latecomer even exist?’

Even so, in order to arrive on time, you must already be inside the swarm, but Batar has not heard any information about him.

something really unknown.

at that time.

“ Hey there!

“ Chief Batar, look over there!”

Before the skirmishers sent earlier returned, the warriors who saw something began to shout with trembling voices.

Batar’s eyes, which turned his head forward to him, also began to tremble.

Something approaching from beyond the distant horizon.

It was giants.

An army of giants filled the field from end to end.

Each of the giants that made up the army wore helmets with horns dyed red.

“ The Red Horn tribe… … .”

It was the pro-Utecan giants centered on the Red Horn tribe.

The flags of dozens of countless tribes, the land that rings louder as you get closer.

The light began to fade from the eyes of the opposing giants looking at the forces of such giants.

Just by looking at them, there was a huge power gap between them and them.

The power that was not even gathered was that much.

They loved fighting, but that didn’t mean they didn’t like battles that were destined to be defeated.

‘ Really, we… … Can you defeat that army?’

As with the other giants, Bataar’s darkly colored eyes turned to Zion.

Whether he knows his thoughts or not, Sion is still looking at the army of red horns approaching with languid eyes.

When the chieftain’s eyes darkened even more.

‘ Zion Agnes, you were also my purpose from the beginning.’

Utekan on the other side was also looking at Zion.

There was a huge distance between them, but it didn’t matter to him.

‘The monster corps was just an excuse.’

Otherwise, he would not have been able to move as soon as he arrived at the large colony.

‘ Actually, there is no other place where you can kill your opponent without paying attention as much as here.’

Because it was a region far from the imperial fortress, and there was a large colony of wars taking place every day, it was possible to create a reason enough to cover the imperial family even if there was a communion between them.

And in fact, now that the competition for the throne has intensified, even if it was not for the imperial castle or the capital, even if they killed each other, there was hardly any problem.

‘ Of course, I’ll get some criticism.’

Thinking like that, Utekan smiled at Shion, who made eye contact with him.

I never even dreamed that I would really come to attack myself first.

In a way, it can be seen that the situation was completely deceived.

However… … .

‘ What does that mean?’

Sion’s actions were literally completely unexpected, and there was nothing that could change the situation.

Nothing has changed, and Zion and the opposing giants are still very disadvantaged.

No, it was more correct to think that death was hastened even more.

‘ I mean, I don’t understand why you made this choice.’

A very stupid choice.

I would have been able to save my life a little longer if I had just scattered and ran away.

‘ You probably still don’t believe that the Wollo Corps is coming… … Do you have any other plans?’

In fact, it didn’t matter what happened.

Because there was an overwhelming difference between the two that would be enough to destroy them no matter what other variables there were, unless the power that could surpass one of the Empire’s top elite corps suddenly appeared.

Of course, I thoroughly researched him before coming here, and such a power did not exist in the crowd.

thud! thud! thud! thud!

Do you get excited at the thought of the massacre that is about to begin?

The giants of Utekan began to stumble, smashing their weapons to the floor in place.

The eyes of giants gleaming with life.

“ Sir, now give me instructions.”

The giant standing next to Utekan looked at him with eager eyes and rushed to order.

‘ Zion, today is your last day.’

It was the moment when the order to move forward was about to fall from Utekan’s mouth after he had finally thought about it.

That ah ah ah ah ah!

It was a roar.

The roar of beings completely different from humans or giants.

At the huge roar that filled the entire battlefield, the heads of the giants, including Utekan, all turned toward the direction the roar was heard.

And they could see.


the army of monsters.

An innumerable number of monsters were approaching this way at an insane speed, filling their entire field of vision.

‘ A gang of monsters? Why are these guys all of a sudden… … .’

Utekan’s eyes are stained with doubt at the unexpected appearance.

At that moment, the figure of Shion looking at himself and smiling brightly came into his eyes.

Soon after, Shion’s mouth slowly opened and he began to say something.

It was so far away that he could not hear the sound, but Utekan could understand the words by the movement of Shion’s mouth.

I’m. army. rock. case.

And that moment.

Boo woo woo!

In the camp of the Blue Claws, the horn sounded announcing the battle.

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