140 episodes

37 Flock of Giants (10)

“ Are you saying that red light poured out of these ruins, and people who touched the light turned into monsters?”

“ Yes, that’s right!”

The heart of Hoire Village, where the corpses of monsters are piled up like a mountain.

Renette nodded frantically to the red-eyed woman who looked at the huge ruins in front of her and asked.

After being chased by monsters, she was rescued by women and blood wizards, and she has been walking with them ever since.

No, it was correct to say that he was being dragged around as a guide.

Because Renette didn’t have the courage to disobey a woman who could annihilate dozens of monsters with just one swipe of her finger.

‘ Damn it, I need to get out of here!’

What is happening here is very serious, and Renette herself was obligated to make it known.

However, being caught and dragged by this unknown woman, I couldn’t help but feel frustrated.

What’s more, this woman was not even thinking about going outside, perhaps because she was interested in the artifacts that had created this situation.

‘ If this happens, the relic once again emits a red light… … .’

There could have been a way to stop it, but not knowing it, he had no choice but to turn into a monster.

Whether she was aware of Renette’s anxiety or not, Liusina was stroking the ruins with her eyes full of interest.

“ It’s like a door leading to another place… … .”

It was the conclusion she came to after examining the ruins for 30 minutes.

The remains of this snake’s tongue were filled with ancient magic and witchcraft techniques.

‘ The red light that bursts from the ruins is highly likely to be the power flowing from the other side as the passage opens.’

To raise the level of blood magic, that power was needed, and to confirm it, I had no choice but to wait for the red light to pour from the ruins once again.

‘ No. why do i have to wait You can open it yourself.’

With that thought, Riusina grinned and began to breathe her own blood with her palms on the surface of the ruins.

She is a blood mage who has reached the apex.

There were almost no magic tricks in this world that she could not interfere with.

How long has it been since Liusina touched the ruins?

Ded Ded Dude!

At some point, the entire ruins in response to her blood began to shake.

“ What are you doing now… … !”

Renette, who felt an unknown ominous feeling, forgot her fear and shouted at Riusina.

“ Done!”

With the cry of a cheerful witch,

Whoa ah ah ah!

The eerie red light that Renette had seen before burst out from the ruins once again and began to cover the whole village.

* * *

Tarahal, the lord of the mind.

As a psychic demon who hardly exists even in the Demon Magic, he had one obsession.

It is to be completely assimilated with the original owner of the body he took away.

From the way you speak, to the trivial habits, actions, powers you use, and your way of thinking and ideology.

Based on the memories he absorbed, he matched everything to the same as the master of his body, and even wanted his name to be called that of his master.

To become the being that has taken away your body.

Tarahal, who does not have a life of his own, felt that he was alive only through it, so he never did anything to break it.

But now, Tarahal broke those rules by himself and was revealing his original magic.

There is only one reason.

Because it was more important than his entire life to destroy the descendants of eons that existed before his eyes.


Combined with Tarahal’s magic, the dark red light of the Heavenly Sea spreads out in all directions and begins to encroach on the entire space.

The earth shakes like crazy and gradually cracks.

The power he felt from him was so powerful and evil that he couldn’t even compare it to before.

“ Utecan… … majesty?”

“ No, Magi!”

The giants around them who felt such magic stopped fighting and looked towards Utekan, or Tarahal.

their fluttering eyes.

The blue claw tribe and the red horn were all expressing bewilderment and dismay.

Even though they only knew battle, they knew how absurd the current situation was.

A direct blood relative of the Agnes Empire.

Among them, why is magic flowing from the body of Utekan, one of the closest beings to the next emperor?


‘ I must kill you here.’

As if he didn’t care about the surprises of such giants, Tarahal clenched his fists tightly while keeping his gaze fixed on Sion, who was standing still.

The youngest prince of Agnes, who was called the shame of the imperial family in the past, had the power of the Eternal Nightmare, an eternal nightmare, but it seemed not yet complete.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to hold on so much time against Tarahal himself, whose power was limited by this dark-blue chain.

‘ Before you grow any further, you must kill me unconditionally.’

The odds were good enough.

Now that he was able to use his magic, his power had increased nearly twice as much as before.

‘ But I can’t take it easy. Destroy them at once.’


As if reacting to that thought, the dark red flames that wrapped around Tarahal’s body burned like an explosion.

At the same time, the moment his one foot stepped forward,


A new form of Tarahal, who disappeared on the spot, appeared right in front of Zion.

A movement that far surpassed even the perception of the giants who were looking around.

Tarahal’s fist, which hit all the kinetic energy, broke through the speed of sound and fired to smash Shion’s head.

As a result, the surrounding space appears to be curved.

Could it be that you haven’t responded to such a fast pace?

Up to that time, Shion was still bowing her head slightly without making any movements.

Finally, the moment Tarahal’s fists, which have been concentrated in magic, reach right in front of Shion’s face, go!

There was the sound of something breaking.

It wasn’t the sound of Zion’s head.

It was the sound that came from Tarahal’s fist, or more precisely, from his shoulder, which was being shot at Zion.

At the same time, his split arms fall to the floor without any warning.

“… … uh?”

When a stupid voice came out of Tarahal’s mouth at a sight that his own head could not comprehend at all.

Shion’s head slowly lifted.

In Zion’s eyes, the four stars glowing black and the fifth star faintly appearing between them.

Just as Tarahal’s body, which met those eyes, hardened like a prey that had encountered a natural enemy, Sion’s hand, which was suddenly stretched out in front of him, lightly touched his stomach.

That moment,


The new model of Tarahal disappeared without a trace on the spot.

At the same time, his new form reappears at the end of the battlefield so far away that the figure of Sion appears as a dot.


With a single line drawn between them,


A shock wave bursting from the line began to spread around and devour everything it touched.

Before Tarahal’s body, bouncing off at such an invisible speed, even reached the floor, Shion, who appeared above him along with the darkness, grabbed Tarahal’s head and cut it down.


A huge explosion that explodes as the demon’s body crashes into the ground.

Perhaps that wasn’t enough, Sion’s hand gripped his head, and Heukseongha started to burn like crazy, giving an additional shock.

bang! bang! bang! bang!

As a result, the demon head digs deeper into the ground.

“ aah!”

A cry that sounded like a scream came out of Tarahal’s mouth, barely grasping the consciousness that was about to break at any moment.

At the same time,


From his whole body, all the magical powers currently available exploded in the form of hundreds of waves and began to shatter everything it touched.

At that moment, Tarahal, who barely escaped from Shion’s hand, raised his head and corrected his posture.

However, the appearance of Zion invisible to his vision.

The moment Tarahal’s eyes were dyed with doubt,

“ Where are you looking?”

A low voice came from behind.

As Tarahal looked back with the sensation of the hairs all over his body, what came into his eyes were Shion, who was smiling as if he was very happy, and a smoky sword swaying.

Demon Wall.

Tarahal hurriedly struck the air with his only arm left, creating a defensive barrier mixed with magic.

The upper form of the wave barrier that we unfolded earlier.

The power that went into it was also incomparable to what it had been a while ago, so of course he could block one sword attack… … .


Before Tarahal’s thoughts were over.

Shion’s Iklaxia, who smashed the barrier so lightly, passed through the half of his abdomen that was exposed as the chains opened.

“ Take it off!”

Tarahal vomits out a choking scream from a fatal injury that could cost her even her life.

There was a great disbelief in his eyes.

‘ Why, why!’

I increased the output of my power by using it until I used it, but why was it pushed back even more than before I used it?

Until a while ago, there was still hope to win, but now, far from hope, he was being crushed like an insect by an overwhelming difference.

Absolutely incomprehensible situation.


‘ It’s better than I thought.’

It was a natural result for Zion.

As soon as he saw Tarahal revealing his magic, Zion also superimposed one more lunar eclipse.

Normally, overlapping lunar eclipses was suicidal.

The burden of a lunar eclipse that the body could withstand was the maximum once, and as soon as it passed more than that, the body itself would collapse.

Even the ‘time lock’, which was used to kill Enoch in the past, is a method that you cannot even try unless you use it again.

However, in the present Zion, it was possible because of one special object.

‘ Sacrifice doll.’

In the past, the Ascalon family received a reward from the Black Dragon Kalonix, and Agdvar was not the only one.

After taking care of everything, I was given several additional items, and the ‘sacrificial doll’ was one of them.

An artifact that bears a single burden on the user’s body for a certain period of time.

By using this, Shion was able to relieve the burden of the second lunar eclipse.

‘ Although it can only be used once.’

If it was to be used to eliminate Tarahal, one of the Omar Spirits and a competitor to the throne, it was worth it.

In addition, if it was used instead of Kronos’ question, it would be even more surplus.


Tarahal pours out indiscriminate storms of magic in all directions, regardless of whether he has lost his half due to pain or not.

Shion’s eyes, who jumped into the air to avoid it, shone coldly.

‘ I’m done this time.’

The time of the first lunar eclipse was almost coming to an end, so there was no time to delay.

Was that thought even passed on?

“ Zion Agnes Whoa!”

Tarahal, who raised his head and glared at Shion, sharpened his teeth so strongly that it made a popping sound, and pulled his clenched fist with all his might.

With him, the storm of Magi and the light of the natural sea that had been encroaching around him all began to gather into his fist.


Unable to withstand the force, Tarahal’s legs dig into the floor and the space around him screaming.

Tarahal, who had condensed power beyond the limit he could produce into his fist, slowly pushed the fist upward.

Demonic Wave.

The strongest technique he can use today, created by fusing the natural sea and magic.

As its name suggests, a wave of dark red light bursting from Tarahal’s fist surged backwards and aimed at Zion.

The atmosphere is torn and the space to be smashed by just passing by.


In Zion’s eyes as he watched the waves of light approaching him, the stars began to swirl and shine even more black.

With him, Zion’s right arm was bent like a bow.

hey hey!

With the tip of Iklaxia held by his right arm, all the darkness scattered around him was compressed into dots.

Annihilation lightsaber that vibrates as if screaming at him.

Soon after, the darkness at the end of Iclaxia reached its maximum.

The moment Zion’s body also bends like a bow,


With the sound of the air exploding, the new form of Zion disappeared from the spot, and at the same time appeared right in front of Tarahal.

‘ Why are you here… … ?’

With the eyes of Tarahal who recognizes such Xion belatedly and makes a questionable expression, it’s all right!

The wave of his own light, which was still shooting upwards, begins to completely split in two.

“ Maybe… … .”

A long solid line is drawn vertically from the head to the groin even on his muttering body.


Then, Tarahal, split in two along the line, fell to the floor as it was.

An unbelievably absurd ending.


Sion, standing in front of the image lord who met the end like this, recovered the giant destroyer who had been released and looked at the corpse as if waiting for something.

at that time,

– Whoa! This cursed descendant of eternity!

Tarahal, who escaped from the corpse into a psychic state, was shot at Zion.

Because of this, they decided to devour Zion’s body and try to recover.

However, his attempts were unsuccessful.


It was because he was immediately thrown out without even being able to penetrate with the spirit of Zion.

In the first place, none of the mortals could interfere with the mind of Zion.

Unless Zion directly permits it.

-… … why?

A cerebral body that is completely annihilated by the Black Spirit of Zion without finally being able to solve the questions that arise from it.

One of the Omar Spirits and the head of the spirit world demons.

And it was the true end of Tarahal, who entered the body of the 4th Prince Utekan and wielded the power of the empire and a large horde of giants.

‘ This should be enough.’

At that moment, Sion opened his eyes from the corpse of Tarahal, no, Utekan, and looked around.

All of a sudden, the battles around him stopped.

The giants who looked at this side and made an expression of disbelief.

“ Ah… … .”

“ Really Utecan… … !”

Soon after, in the eyes of those giants, two opposing emotions appeared, joy and despair, depending on the camp.

Whoops, whoops!

One by one, the giants wearing red horned helmets begin to drop their weapons to the floor.

Due to the counterattack of the anti-Utecan faction and the monster corps, the formation had already completely collapsed, and even Utekan, the central point, died after using magic.

There was no reason to continue the war in which the cause had disappeared and even the defeat was certain.

“ Surrender… … I will surrender.”

Finally, the declaration of surrender came from the mouth of Valarma, the chieftain of the Red Horn tribe.

and at that moment,


Loud shouts began to erupt from the mouths of the anti-Utecan giants.


It was their victory that no one expected.

‘ You really want to win this war… … .’

Amid the shouts, the blue-clawed chieftain Batar was looking at Zion with a look of disbelief.

“ I can do the post-processing by myself.”

Shion, who spoke to such a Bataar with a languid voice as usual, moved slowly.

The recoil of the lunar eclipse will come soon, so it was time to rest.


A group of horror monsters who realize that the war is over in the distance and begin to retreat.

Finally, the work in the large crowd was coming to an end.

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