150 episodes

40 Shaking Seals(3)

What happened?

I couldn’t understand it even with my own two eyes.

The heads of the highest-ranking figures in the Church of Light disappearing in an instant.

“ Ah… … .”

To the unrealistic sight, Archbishop Verdio and everyone present in the conference room did not even respond and watched the scene with their headless corpses falling to the floor with dazed eyes.

How long did the silence pass after that?

“ You crazy killer!”

The first move was Paulo.

A paladin rushing towards Zion with his face contorted like a demon.

Is it really one of the less than fifty first-class paladins in the entire Church of Light?


The divine power that erupted from his sword was huge and splendid enough to fill the entire conference room.

Paulo approached Zion at an almost invisible speed and lowered his sword.

The blow was terrifying enough to tear even a small garden apart, but it did not reach Zion.

Zion’s dragon bomb spear that came forward at the perfect timing, as if he knew it beforehand.


Paulo’s sword that came in contact with such Agdevar sparked friction and flowed down the side with a spear.

“Your personality is more urgent than I thought.”

Without hesitation, Shion inserted the opposite fist into the opening of the paladin that was revealed by that.

blah blah!

At that moment, a new model of Paulo, who disappeared from the scene with a terrifying wave that exploded at that moment, reappeared, hanging on the wall of the conference room.

His body drooped as if he had lost consciousness.

Sion saved Paulo for the time being.

To the city center square where the seals on the outskirts and the fallen angel’s body rest.

Because we had to hit all seven places at the same time, it was better to have more power than just one person.

‘ Plus, he’s the only human among the top managers of Bongji.’

It was surprising that Paulo, who suspected and drove Zion the most, was the last remaining human being, but it was a clear fact.

Probably because they didn’t have an eye to understand the situation or people, it seemed that the magician side left it alone.

“ Designator! What the hell are you doing!”

In the meantime, Verdio, who had managed to grab hold of his mind, shouted to Zion with a face mixed with bewilderment and astonishment.

I couldn’t quite understand why a person who had been designated by the light and went through the advent of the church was killing the people of the denomination.

at that time,

“ Look, you know.”

After giving a short answer, Shion quickly engraved a red stripe on the floor, then immediately inserted Agdvar into the center of it.

Whoa ah ah ah!

With him, the light from the red circle went through the dragon bomb window and was amplified in an instant, then burst out in all directions and began to fill the entire conference room.

And the next moment.

people could see

The corpses lying on the floor with their heads lost by Zion.


The scene where such corpses rise up with a horrifying scream and turn into a bizarre one.

“ I, that one!!!”

At that sight, Verdio and other people’s eyes began to swell so large that it could not even be compared with before.


The energy emanating from the transformed beings of the corpses was definitely a magician.

Why the hell do demons exist in the depths of the Church of Light?

So while people are once again stained with shock,


A new type of Shion, who drew Agduvar from the red circle, was shot in a straight line towards the demons.

Such Zion’s eyes were as calm as the first.

‘ I think it’s all advanced.’

As it was originally, it was an unfinished red circle, so it was impossible to search for even higher-level monsters.

However, due to the amplification of the dragon bomb spear and the recent blow, the body and core of the demons became incomplete, and thanks to that, they were able to reveal their identities.

– Damn it!!! What are you… … !

Were you not expecting things to turn out like this?

Rosary, who had completely transformed into a demon, shouted with a face full of bewilderment, and shot a greenish venom at the approaching Shion.


Even the air that touches the surface melts away and the venom that has advanced spreads out as if it is alive and covers Zion’s whole body.

No, it was correct to say that he was trying to cover it up.



Because the cold air of the Frost Spirit, which started from the tip of Zion’s spear, freezes all the poison.

Quad Duck!

Sion’s spear continued to pierce the center of the frozen venom and shattered Rosary’s entire upper body beyond it at once.

This time, as if completely out of breath, the demon’s lower body fell to the floor and did not move.

in between,

– Even that guy must be killed!

The other demons who decided they could not escape rushed towards Zion.

However, Zion was not the only one they had to be concerned about.

“ Ugh!”

Olivia took a deep breath, wildly emitting divine power from her body, blocking the front of one of the demons.

She had already fought once with Zion, so she expected something like this to some extent, and thanks to that, she was able to move the fastest.


A roar erupted from the clash between Olivia and the demons.

“ Everyone, help the Designator-sama to destroy those demons!”

Archbishop Verdio, who finally came to his senses from the roar, quickly grasped the situation and vomited fiery instructions.

As a result, other priests and paladins also participated in the battle and a close battle began.

Chaeeng! Chaeeng!

“ How dare filthy demons come all the way here!”

“ I will judge you in the name of the light!”

Victory waned in an instant.

Are they really the highest-ranking members of the church?

The divine power emitted by each person attending the meeting was enormous, and it was enough to suppress the demons’ magic.

And among them, Archbishop Verdio’s divine power was particularly overwhelming.


Every time he recited a prayer, the highest holy spells poured like a flood, and the demons melted without even being able to resist properly, – these disgusting servants of light!! Aww!

After that, even the last remaining demons are destroyed and the battle is over.

Archbishop Verdio, who had been looking at the corpses of the disappearing demons for a moment, sat down with a bewildered face.

His eyes were filled with confusion and confusion.

That feeling was not because of Zion.

Because of the battle with the demons that just happened, he knew that all Zion’s words were true.

Therefore, the doubts about Zion had completely disappeared.


“ How did Rosary… … .”

The highest dignitaries of the denomination.

It was difficult for Verdio to accept at once that the people he had been living with for decades were demons.

His face looked ten years older in an instant.

Shion canceled the summoning of the dragon bomb spear and waited for Verdio to calm his emotions.

how much time has passed

“… … Is it a seal?”

A more calm voice came out of the archbishop’s mouth.

“ So, are you really saying that all six seals have been occupied by demons and that the seals of the Fallen Angels are also on the verge of being lifted?”

“ I already told you a while ago.”

Verdio, who had been gathering his thoughts with heavy eyes for a moment, said to one of the bishops nearby.

“ Let’s call in the forces involved in the case of the disappearance of the contestants of the saints right now and gather all the available forces in the headquarters. From now on, the Church of Light will put all its efforts into reclaiming the seal.”

If Zion’s words were true, this was a huge crisis.

If the seal was really broken and the angel of rebellion came out of the world, Rezero’s destruction would have been certain.

So, somehow, it had to be stopped before the seal was released.

“ I will speak directly to the Holy Father.”

“ I see.”

When the bishop who answered those words left the conference room with an urgent expression,

“ I will have the authority to command all the forces involved in this recapture.”

Shion looked at Verdio and opened his mouth.

“… … Yes? It seems a bit difficult.”

Verdio replied to him as if he was in trouble.

No matter how much he received the designation of light and experienced the advent of the light, it had not been even a day since he had actually seen it.

Even his identity was unclear.

Therefore, it was virtually impossible to entrust the commanding authority of such a large-scale denomination force.

“ Even though the light has designated it, strictly speaking, Zeon-nim is an outsider who has not yet turned to the denomination. All those present here have given their all to the Light. Therefore, it is impossible to follow orders from anyone other than the Agnes family.”

“ Yeah? Good.”

Shion responded with a smile.

The archbishop’s face was stained with doubt.

Obviously, he said he refused, so why did he say it went well?

at that time,


I wondered if Shion’s face was shaking, and the appearance conversion magic that had been applied so far began to be lifted.

Finely shifted features and dark gray hair.

And the moment when Shion’s face is completely restored to its original shape,


The mouths of everyone present, including Verdio and Olivia, began to open once more.

* * *

A small abandoned old castle on the outskirts of Legero.

“ Did you notice it now?”

Within such a fortress, the demons with impressive two horns on their foreheads laughed and murmured.

His name is Dercal.

It was the demon who oversees the sealing of the fallen angels that exist here in the old castle.

“ It’s really slow.”

A little while ago, he received a report from the demons that the movement of the Church of Light was unusual, but Dercal’s expression was very relaxed.

“ There would be no use moving now.”

Now it was really soon.

The time remaining until the Fallen Angel’s seal is completely broken and this city is destroyed.

‘ Of course, the denomination may come here before that, but… … .’

It didn’t matter.

The power of the demons in the castle right now was considerable, so even if they couldn’t win, it was possible to survive until the seal was lifted.

Also, this place was a seal.

Because of this, the enemies had to be careful not to touch the seal, and there must be many restrictions as well.

favorable conditions in many ways.

“ It’s something he and we have been working on for decades. You must never fail.”

Recalling his direct superior Gulihur, who left this place to himself a while ago and left for the center of the city, Derkal muttered and looked towards the main gate of the old castle.

All other places are blocked, so there is only one place for the power of the denomination to come in.

Therefore, he had all demons waiting in front of the main gate except for those who controlled the sealing core in the basement of the castle.

“ When are you coming?”

Derkal murmured with eager eyes.

It was best not to come until the seal was lifted, but he was hoping that the denomination’s forces would reach this place before that.

It wouldn’t be fun if everything went smoothly like this.

at that time,

“ Um?”

Doubts flowed from Dercal’s mouth, who had discovered something.

Small stones on the floor.

Click click!

One of them was shaking.

When the demons furrowed their eyebrows while looking at the shaking stones even though there was no reason to shake them, the shaking of the stones began to slowly spread around them.

Ded Ded Dude!

The shaking that extends beyond the other stones and objects that exist nearby, to the floor, walls, and the entire castle.

“ What, what!”

Even the eyes of the demons who noticed the anomaly were young.


The entire space inside the castle was shaking like crazy, as if it were terrified.

An ominous sensation crept into Derkal’s mind at this bizarre situation.

“ All out… … !”

It was when urgent instructions were about to come out of the demon’s mouth.

Break up!

A small spark that appears in the air.

The moment Dercal’s eyes fluttered when he saw it,


The whole field of vision was glowing.

What would it be like if God sent a wrath upon the earth?

Everything, including demons, disappears into a pure white light, and the world is dyed with complete silence.

And one beat later than that.

Explosions and shockwaves beyond imagination that explode in a glowing world.

how much time has passed

Finally, after the pure white light completely disappeared, the appearance of the old castle was no longer visible in the revealed scene.

A little bit of rubble on the floor just proves that there was a castle in this place a while ago.

In the middle of such a perfectly shattered castle,


A man with a black spear, still trembling in the aftermath of the shot, slowly descended.

Tired eyes and a heterogeneous darkness emanating from the whole body.

It was Zion.

“ Erase everything.”

The moment when Zion mutters softly while looking at the sealed core and the surviving demons that are brightly exposed beneath the ruined castle, hwaah!

The elite forces of the denomination that followed, began pouring out a baptism of brilliant light.

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