153 episodes

42 Overwhelmed(1)

There were a total of two ways to get to the City of Lights.

One horsepower train, the other on foot.

Now, most people have come to Legero by way of the more efficient and convenient horsepower train, but there are still a steady stream of people using the foot.

One of the rare roads leading to Legero like that.

There, two humans and a giant were walking towards the City of Light.

“ Is that Legero?”

Among them, a giant with a thick hair and beard, wearing a leather garment, opened his mouth as he looked towards the city.

The giant’s name is Turzan.

‘ Seven Heavens’ and one of the most powerful people in the modern era with the nickname ‘Steel Mountains’.

“ Right. Doesn’t it just look like that? But why is your face like this? It looks like you don’t want to go.”

Lane Dranir, who was walking next to him, looked at the giant’s skeptical face and asked.

“ Because I don’t believe in the God of Light.”

“ I’m sure there is a God, but you don’t believe in it?”

“ You don’t have to believe everything that exists.”

“… … What do you mean?”

When Lane’s face changed into a mysterious one, Turzan turned his head toward the hero, the silver-haired woman walking in front of him and asked.

“ Why are you heading to that city now?”

“ I have a new colleague over there.”

“ A colleague?”

“ Yeah, it’s time to wake up soon.”

In answering that, the woman recalled Elesis Desire, who was in charge of assisting and healing the party before returning.

How many crises have she overcame in the past due to her deceptive healing and assisting abilities?

No matter how much I thought about it, there was no one who could replace Elesis, so it was an essential companion to the party.

‘ Actually, like all my colleagues.’

As much as possible, the woman was planning to form a party in the same way as before the return.

So, I wanted to prove that I wasn’t wrong.

If I didn’t do that, it seemed that all the sacrifices and deaths I had seen and experienced before the return would all be in vain.

‘ There are still a few discrepancies, but… … .’

It was when the woman thought so and thought of Tyrian Friharden, whom she had not been able to bring as a party last time.


As if they had made a promise, the heads of the three men including the woman turned towards the sky of Rezero in the distance at the same time.

A gloomy light that extends from the center of the city and darkens the sky.

The three eyes looking at such a light are also colored with surprise and bewilderment.

“ That… … .”

The immense power of power that can be felt even here, which is quite a distance from the city.

The woman’s eyes, which had been hardened by that power for a while, were more suspicious.

“ Why now… … !”

That power was obviously of that ‘being’.

Fallen Angel Belial.

A being who rebelled against Luminus, the god of light, and was sealed in the city as punishment.

Why is it that something that should have appeared only a year from now came out at this time?

“ Come on to the city!”

The new model of the woman who cried like that with an urgent voice jumped forward at a speed that couldn’t even be compared with before.

Following that woman, the other two also began to speed up.

* * *

As if time had stopped.

The square where everyone stopped moving due to the pressure from the angels.


An angel with seven pairs of black wings begins to walk slowly in the still-flowing square.

‘ Ah… … .’

When the moans of people stained with despair linger inside without coming out of their mouths,

“ Ugh… … Ha ha ha ha ha!”

Suddenly, a loud laughter resounded in the square.

The angel was not smiling.

A single demon standing next to a half-destroyed statue with a full body.

It was Gullihur.

“ It’s been a while since I’ve seen the sunlight, how is it, angel? I am the one who unlocked your seal.”

Seeing the angel turning his head towards him, Gulihur exclaimed with joy.

Finally, the plan he had been preparing for decades was coming to an end.

Now, all I had to do was to destroy this city and return to the demon.

“ Now, let me destroy this disgusting city of light.”

There was no thought in the minds of such demons that the fallen angel would reject his proposal.

Because he and the fallen angel both hated the god of light and wanted to destroy the city.

But the next angel, Belial’s words completely overturned his expectations.

– Why do I have to listen to the disgusting demons?

A voice with so much divinity that it can destroy the minds of ordinary people just by hearing it.

“… … What?”

It was the moment when Gulihur questioned him with a stupid expression on his face.

– And don’t talk to me. It’s like that disgusting odor permeates my body.

With the hateful voice that continues once again,


Without any warning, the entire upper body of Gulihur turned to dust and scattered.


Pasta crispy!

The bodies of other demons around them also began to disappear in the same form as Gullihur.

A scene where you can’t even see what happened.

And it was also the futile end of Gulihur, who had been secretly hiding in Rezero, the City of Light.

– Deleting this city and everything related to light is something I have to do alone. That is the reason I exist in the world.

It was time for Belial to take his eyes off Gulihur, who had disappeared with those words, and turned his head back to Elesis and others.

Whoa ah ah ah!

The rain of the divine power of light began to fall, covering the entire sky of the square.

A divine rain that inflicts a blow to the fallen angels and at the same time neutralizes the pressure on people.

with him,

“ Stop it! We must make sure that being never harms the city!”

New personnel began to enter the square.

A much stronger and larger number of troops than the reinforcements that Archbishop Verdio had brought a while ago.

It was the elite troops that hit the six seals and the additional power sent from the denomination.

Did you clearly acknowledge the seriousness of the situation?

Among them, there were other archbishops present in the current denomination as well as the apostles, who were the only two of them.

Their eyes were tinged with astonishment at the already released Belial, but at the same time, there was also a desperate sense of duty to stop the fallen angel somehow.

“ Oh! Reinforcement has arrived! ”

In the meantime, the existing personnel who had brushed off all the remaining pressure also joined the new reinforcements and began to insert the highest holy spell towards the Fallen Angel.


‘ If it’s like this… … !’

Suddenly, the light in the eyes of Elesis, who was supporting them with the wings of light spread out again, was young.

The power of the angel of rebellion, Belial, was powerful.

The presence felt from him made it impossible to even breathe properly.

However, the Church of Light was also pouring out all of the city’s power.

Besides, when she looked at it, that angel looked somehow incomplete.

As if the seal was not properly released.

So, Elesis thought there was a certain chance of winning.

for a very short time.

“ Light, give me strength!”

One of the five elite paladins, who has a position comparable to that of the archbishop in the church, is shot in a straight line towards the falling angel.

The divine light that not only covers his whole body like armor, but also pushes away the power of Belial that has engulfed the square.

As if jumping through space, the paladin who appeared in front of the fallen angel in an instant lowered the sword, which he poured all his power into from the beginning.

A blow that was so relentless that even advanced demons could easily crush it.

However, the blow did not reach Belial.



Because it was blocked by a single finger of the fallen angel that was lifted lightly as if chasing a fly.


A shock wave that explodes from the point where the sword and the finger meet.

“… … !”

The moment when the eyes of the special paladin shake at a sight that has never been experienced before, poop!

Just like Gulihur a little while ago, his head exploded without warning.

and starting with it,

Bubbly bubbly!

The heads of dozens of elite paladins rushing after them began to explode.

“ The power of rebellion! You must block that power!”

One of the archbishops, noticing the power, exclaimed urgently.

All the remaining priests practiced holy defense techniques, but to no avail.

Belial lightly presses her finger in the air as if making a dot.

A single wave that started from the fingertips of such an angel spreads throughout the square in concentric circles.

Let’s do it!

A divine magic that breaks like a glass cabinet the moment it touches such a wave.

No, not only the rite, but everything touched by the wave was being shattered.

even people.

Seeing the power of the denomination diminishing so quickly, did you think that this was not the case?

“ O Almighty Light! This wretched servant will borrow your power!”

The Apostle Callemisson stepped forward and unleashed the strongest divine spell he could use.


It was a spell that only the apostles could exercise, which directly reproduced part of Luminus’ divinity through his own body, not the indirect divine power.

It was so burdensome that I had to risk my life, but now was not the time to think about it.


The miracle of Luminus realized on this land by Callemisson instantly enveloped Belial’s whole body.

A fallen angel who trembled with his head bowed to see if it was working.

It was a time when the priests around him, including the apostle, clenched their fists.

– Ah, it’s the power of a mother that I haven’t felt in a long time.

With those words, Belial slowly raised her head and smiled faintly.

At that moment, I wondered if the light that covered the whole body of the fallen angel would change color to black in an instant.

Carlemison’s whole body exploded in blood.

An apostle who possesses the greatest force in the three fingers of the denomination.

At the moment when people’s eyes fluttered at such an Apostle’s so futile death, deed de de de!

The immense pressure from the fallen angel with its wings spread out began to relentlessly crush everything around him.

“ Ouch!”

There is little satisfaction in Belial’s face as he hears the screams coming out of people’s mouths.

– Servants of my mother whom I love and respect so much.

A voice that slowly came out of his mouth.

– Watch carefully as all that you have achieved is destroyed.

The moment those words end,


A single echo from Belial began to spread throughout the city in an instant.

It was a calling.

A call to summon your own army.

In accordance with such a call,


As the spaces in the city split apart, countless monsters with black wings on their backs that exist only on one side began to pour out.

In the old days, the army of the reverse heaven that followed Belial against Luminus, the god of light.

Some of those forces were appearing here once again.

“ What, what is this monster… … Gagging!”

“ Ahhh!”

“ Poetry, my God… … Aww!”


And in an instant, a riot spread throughout the city.

A man who gets torn apart by a monster while standing still in fear.

A woman who runs away with a child and collapses with her heart pierced.

A priest whose neck is pulled out while fighting against it with divine power.

“ Ah… … .”

There was a deep sense of helplessness in Elesis’ eyes as he gazed at the hell road, still under the pressure of the angel.


Yes, that was a disaster.

A disaster that mortals can never face.

There was a huge gap between them and those seven pairs of black-winged angels.

I couldn’t figure out how to win.

No, I couldn’t even think of a way to survive.

How the hell did humans deal with such a thing?

‘ seven heavens’ come, the situation will not change.

at that time,

– You are an angel’s child.

Belial, who was absorbing Luminus’ divine power from the corpses of the people scattered around, suddenly looked at Elesis and made a strange expression.

– If you absorb it, you will be able to recover power more quickly.

The fallen angel smiles and stretches out a hand towards her.

The fallen divinities begin to gather at the fingertips of such Belial.

‘ In the end, I couldn’t pay back or protect… … .’

A deep despair appeared behind the young helplessness in Elesis’ eyes as he looked at it.

– Don’t let me use your blood well.

At last, it was the moment when Belial’s power was about to fire at her heart.


for awhile.

For a moment everything stopped.

As if all time in the world had frozen.

In a world that has stopped like that.

The eyes of all beings in the city, including Belial, slowly begin to turn to the sky.

Someone instructed me to do that.

It was not promised in advance.

I just had a thought in my head that I had to do it.

And there.

‘ he’.

Their age, gender, and appearance were unknown.

All he sees is a blurred silhouette and he is holding a sword.

But I couldn’t take my eyes off of it.

It was because the far-fetched case flowing from ‘ he’ did not allow it.

“ Ah… … .”

The only thing you can do in the face of such a transcendent presence that you can’t even fathom is to look up and let out a blank voice.

at that time,

Sreuk- ‘He’ began to raise his sword above his head.

It’s like moving in deep water.

A sword that is raised very slowly.

with him,

‘ That’s… … .’

Even in the head of the fallen angel who was looking at it, the alarm began to ring like crazy.


It’s really dangerous.

I had no idea what that being that suddenly appeared was.

However, it was certain that the moment the sword was lowered, something terrifying that could not even be imagined would happen.

In the meantime, the tip of his sword is gradually heading towards the sky.

Ded Ded Dude!

In response, the city, or the world, twists and starts screaming.


There is friction in everything in the world.

One of the most important concepts that make up the world, and the power that allows a being to maintain itself as a being by sharing and combining the components of the smallest unit.

So, what would happen if that friction disappeared?


As if aiming at a target.

A small darkness begins to burn from the bodies of all the inverse forces that exist in the city, including Belial.

– No… … no!!!

Did he finally figure out what he was doing?


Belial, whose pupils dilated to the point that it could not grow any longer, vomited out an urgent cry and rushed towards ‘him’ like crazy.

The forces of Yeokcheon begin to soar toward the sky following the fallen angels.

But at that moment already.

– Stop it!!!!!

The perfectly lifted ‘he’, no, the emperor’s sword was being lowered.

concept negation.

A unique power that can only be used by Orrelion of the Eternal Age in the world.

The strongest power obtained by the emperor, who reached the extreme under the Black Star, by cutting down even the laws that form the foundation of the world.


The moment when the tip of such an emperor’s sword points completely downward,


The friction of all the forces of the inverse forces that exist in the world have disappeared.

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