160 episodes

44 The Assault (3)

A hill that exists a long way from where Zion and Rubrios are fighting.

“ They have gotten stronger… … .”

There, one of the Oma Spirits, the anti-magical general Serkia, murmured while watching the battle with a tired expression.

The name of the demon unit currently fighting against Zion Agnes is ‘Purple Death’.

As a unit made up only of countless high-level demons and intermediate demons who had almost reached the upper ranks, they were elite enough to make their name widely known in the demon world.

But it was really unrealistic to see such an elite unit being so helpless.

‘ How the hell can you grow so fast?’

A scene I can’t understand.

But there was something else that Serkia couldn’t understand more.

‘ Why are you consuming this purple death?’

I didn’t expect that there would be such a big difference, but it was a fact I knew from the beginning that they alone could not stand against Zion Agnes.

Even so, I couldn’t understand why they sent them alone without even making any special preparations.

However, there was nothing Serkia could do.

Because in the first place, someone other than her was in control of this matter.

“ Wow, are you really strong? Would it be fair to say that it is comparable to the ‘Seven Heavens’, which are the strongest among humans?”

A man with wide slit eyes and two horns playfully bursting with admiration next to such Serkia.

He was the one who created this situation right now.

The desire to argue with such a man about this matter was like a chimney, but Serkia’s mouth did not open.

No, you were right that you couldn’t.

It was because a man had a higher status than she, one of the five magic spirits.

The man’s name is Hisseller.

It was one of the ‘six claws’ that existed just below the four great princes in the Demon Station, and was newly dispatched to eliminate Zion Agnes this time.

“ You mean that guy is that Zion Agnes?”

Without taking his eyes off the battle, Hisseller asked Serkia.

“… … That’s right.”

“ It will be fun. It was really fun.”

The eyes of the demons glistened with anticipation and excitement.

Hisseller was genuinely delighted with the power of Sion Agnes, who seemed stronger than he had expected.

Because he was the kind of person who felt the more intense the stronger the opponent, and the more he trampled on such an opponent, the more he felt pleasure.

at that time,

“ But… … what’s that look? Just by looking at him, he looks dissatisfied with what I do.”

Hisseller, who looked towards Serkia for a moment, asked.

“ No.”

“ No, what is it? To be honest, it’s not even a proper attack, but you don’t like the fact that we threw some of the most famous guys in the magic world as scapegoats, right?”

Is it because it’s already been read in my head?

“… … .”

Serkia is silent without making any more excuses.

“ Well, I understand. Actually, I’m a little sad too. by the way. you guys did That Shion Agnes is not someone to look up to lightly. In fact, two of the Omaryeong were hit.”

Hisselor smiled like a snake towards Serkia and continued.

“ Even if you put a mediocre power against such a guy, you will be annihilated without understanding anything. In that case, wouldn’t it be better to invest the elite and figure it out for sure?”

In fact, there were some political reasons mixed with that, but Hisseller didn’t bother to mention it.

There was no need for him to explain the reason to his subordinate Serkia in the first place.

“… … .”

At Hisselor’s words, who seemed to regard not only humans but also demons as expendables, the light in the depths of Serkia’s eyes grew tired.

A person who acknowledges that ability, but does not match her inclination at all.

‘ Why the hell did the magic station send such a person… … .’

Serkia shook her head inwardly and followed Hisseller, who had turned her head, and moved her gaze to the place where Zion Agnes was again.

The battle was almost coming to an end.


Soaring flashes of light, raging magic, and the darkness that covers them all.

Among them, the number of demons was rapidly decreasing, and now only a single digit was left.

at that time,

“… … uh?”

Serkia’s eyes, watching the battle, suddenly had a small question.

The eyes of Zion Agnes, who were slaughtering demons without hesitation, wrapped in darkness.

Because that characteristic languid eyes met Serkia’s own eyes for a moment.

It was impossible.

From the distance, they were far enough to be seen as dots, and they existed within a barrier that had been layered, completely hiding even their presence.

‘ Is it an illusion?’

When Serkia tilted her head to him,

“ Did you realize it?”

Hisseller’s voice filled her ears with a little surprise.

“ Should I be ready?”

“ Yes? All of a sudden, what are you preparing for? … .”

“ Prepare to run away. I have no intention of fighting today.”


Serkia’s eyes, which had been dyed with doubt for a moment at his unknown words, began to tremble violently the moment they saw something.

The battlefield where all demons were annihilated and the battle ended.

However, it wasn’t because of that that Serkia’s eyes fluttered.

Wedge lover!

Zion Agnes.

Because his new model was being shot straight in this direction.

The darkness scatters behind my back and the atmosphere ripped apart by frantic speed.

“ Uh, how… … !”

A bewildered voice erupted from Serkia’s mouth.

Even though she is still far away, the terrifying pressure she feels from him begins to weigh heavily on her whole body.

It’s as if you were told not to move on the spot and wait.

I’ve never dealt with it in person, but is it because I’ve been dealt with countless times?

Serkia loses her will and takes a step backwards with her eyes stained with fear.

“ It’s a pity, I can’t taste that power today.”

But unlike Serkia, Hisseller, who smiled as if enjoying the pressure, lowered his hand into the air.


Following his hand, the cracked space turned into a passageway leading to another place.

“ Then see you next time.”

After finishing his last words while looking at Zion like that, Hisseller walked into it.

Serkia rushes to follow him and pushes her body towards the passage.

‘It’s already too late.’

Sion’s eyes, looking at it, fell cold.

They were moving almost as if they were folding the space, but the distance was too far.

It’s probably impossible to get there on time.

then… … .

‘ I’ll have to say goodbye in a grand way.’

After finishing his thoughts, Shion pulled his right arm backwards like a bowstring without slowing down.

Good luck!

In Zion’s hand, the surrounding darkness gathers and begins to form a single shape.

A tight space and a fluctuating atmosphere.

Finally, such darkness takes the form of a complete spear.

When the vibrations of space and atmosphere also reach their maximum,


The spear of Zion was shot forward, and a line was drawn in the world along its trajectory.

A window that forcibly opened a passage that had already been completely closed and dug through the gaps in that space.

blah blah blah blah!

Belatedly, the shock wave generated at the place where such Zion’s spear passed through rips apart the surrounding atmosphere and spreads out.

As a result, the earth vibrates and rainwater bursts.

How long would the impact have been?

“ They are like rats.”

Lubrios, who approached Zion’s side with the slowly subsiding vibration, opened his mouth.

“ Will it be difficult to track?”

Even as he asked Zion that way, he knew it was impossible.

They were enemies who disappeared beyond space from a distance so that even their faces could not be recognized.

There was no way it could be traced.

However, the words that came out of Zion’s mouth were a little different from what Rubrios had expected.

“You ’ll find out when you see it.”

Words of possibility.

Such Sion’s eyes were fixed on the dark shrine that was connected to the outside of the closed space while hanging from the spear that had been shot a while ago.

* * *

A vacant lot in the outskirts of Hubris on the opposite side of where Zion is.


The void of such a vacant lot opened, and two demons jumped out of it.

It was Hisseller and Serkia.

“ Ugh… … !”

Unlike Serkia, who took a deep breath as soon as she came out and calmed her heart, what came out of Hisseller’s mouth was a groan.

His skin rose up like a chicken flesh had sprouted.

It was created by Zion Agnes.

The terrifying presence felt from the approaching Zion Agnes.

Its presence and ominousness were so great that even Hisseller, who had seen so many strong men in the magic station, had never felt it a few times.

‘ There must have been a person with this kind of energy among humans.’

So it was even more sad.

It was the fact that he left without being able to compete properly today.

“ I thought I’d just stick with you on the spot… … .”

It was before all the words that flowed out of Hisseller’s mouth were finished.

There was no foreshadowing.

blah blah blah blah!

A single black spear that rips through the completely closed passage for an instant and pierces Serkia’s chest and Hisseller’s right arm at the same time.

It was such a speed that the two demons could not even recognize it properly.

Did my heart just shatter?

“ Gagging… … Big bang!”

Serkia falls down, pouring blood foam.

“… … .”

As if trying to figure out the situation, Hisseller stares blankly at her, his completely smashed right arm, and the window that is the cause.

After a moment of silence,

“ Kihi… … Kihya ha ha ha!”

All of a sudden, a huge burst of light erupted from his mouth.

Hisselor bursts out laughing endlessly as if he can’t help it because it’s so much fun.

“ This is a real goal-sitter!”

How did you laugh like that?

“ Zion Agnes.”

At last, Zion’s name came out of Hisselor’s mouth, who had stopped laughing.

As if trying to engrave that name in his head.

The eyes of such demons were gleaming with joy and life.

* * *

tower of causality.

Zion’s prediction for him was exactly right.

A week after the Tower of Causality first appeared, the news that the tower’s doors had opened hit the whole of the Empire.

Therefore, the current tower of causality was one of the hottest words in the empire, and many people were flocking to it.

Of course, the exact identity of the tower was not known.

However, the reason that it is the largest dungeon on earth was enough to make people go crazy.

Treasures always existed in dungeons, and their value increased according to their size and risk.

It was midnight on the day the tower was opened.

“ Are you really going alone again this time?”

Thierry asked Shion with a worried face on the outskirts of the imperial castle where the faint moonlight shone.

“ Yes.”

Shion answered him briefly and nodded his head.

This time too, I had to hide my identity, so I had no one to take me with.

Even if Liusina changed her appearance, the personality of the power she used was too strong, and even taking Lucas and the Twilight Swordsman was meaningless.

‘ The moment you enter the tower anyway, everything will be scattered.’

According to the content of the chronicle that Zion remembers, the tests on the first floor of the Tower of Causality were conducted individually.

“ How about taking an attendant with you?”

Thierry recommends taking people to Zion again.

It was a different look than usual, which he immediately accepted when he said it.

Shion knew why Thierry was doing this.

‘ Maybe it’s because of the demons’ attack last time.’

Of course, it ended in failure and he was also safe, but Thierry has been paying more attention to the vigilance around him since then.

Because an attack that happened once could happen again at any time.

Besides, the demons who led the attack had not yet been found.

‘ Although there is a connection between them and the female marriage… … .’

Is it because it is connected beyond space?

In the process, the dark soul was strangely deformed, and because of that, it was difficult to track within a short period of time.

It seemed that he had to go to the Tower of Causality to finish it.

Because now, this one is more important.

“ No, let me go alone. If you really need it, you can use the eye of the moon over there.”

“… … Okay. Please take care of yourself.”

Thierry bowed his head without further urging him to do so.

“ Have a safe trip, Your Majesty Zion.”

Fredo Nogisa, who was standing next to Thierry, also bowed his head to see off Shion.

Riusina and Lucas were not here.

This time too, if I said I was going to leave it, I knew there would be a lot of backlash, so I came out without telling you.

After seeing the two of them behind, Shion slowly left the castle.


In line with Zion’s steps, the surrounding darkness begins to shake quietly.

Annihilation Sword Iclaxia.

Following Kronos’ five questions,

The third magic that Zion himself must acquire.

That divine spirit was right there in the Tower of Causality.

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