176 episodes

46 Six Claws (2)

A conference room that exists in Chimseonggung Palace.

Since Sion held most of the meetings in the library, there were five or six people in the meeting room, which was rarely crowded, unlike usual.

The face of such people was very great.

Such as Ludwig, the head of the Heavenly Swordsman Ascalon, and Groud, the first heir and acting head of the Tsushima clan Ozrima, people who can truly influence the entire empire.

Their personalities were so different that it was strange to be gathered in one place, but they also had one thing in common.

All of them came from Zion’s call.

And it clearly showed how much Zion’s status had changed compared to before.

who would have imagined

It is expected that the heads of the five great families, boasting the highest authority in the empire, will gather at the unofficial call of a prince who is not even an emperor, and who, up until a year ago, was called the shame of the imperial family.

“ Long time no see.”

Among them, Groud Ozrima opened his mouth to Ludwig, who was sitting next to him.

“ Are you feeling a little better? I heard it wasn’t good.”

“ Thanks to you for worrying about me, I have improved a lot, and I’ve been able to move like this. So what is your family like? I heard that you suffered a lot because of the 3rd prince last time. Did you get it right?”

The sword king who answers the question of a growing blade with the same sharp edge.

Among the five great families, these words were nothing but exchanges of greetings to them.

“ Haha, there was nothing to be embarrassed about. I’m glad it was revealed sooner rather than later.”

Groud, who lightly smiled at him and passed it over, continued.

“ By the way, do you know why His Majesty Zion has called us so secretly? Because I didn’t hear the reason.”

With him, his gaze slowly turned to a man who was sitting in one of the conference rooms with his mouth firmly shut.

That man was Liam Reiner, the former commander of the Guard Corps and the Exorcist.

He knew that he had something to do with Prince Zion, but he didn’t fit well here.

“ I don’t know. Because he’s not the type to explain why. But this one… … .”

It was the time when the sword king shook his head to answer Groud’s question.

“ Are you all gathered?”

A small but clear voice could be heard in the ears of the people gathered in the conference room.

The peculiar boredom felt in that voice turned the heads of those who recognized who it was at once.

with their eyes,

bum bum, bum bum.

She opened the door to the conference room and saw Zion walking inside.

‘ This is… … .’

Groud’s eyes flickered.

An ominous feeling and pressure emanating from the whole body of Zion approaching slowly.

They were much stronger than when he last saw Zion.

Now, just by looking at it, a cold sweat runs down my back and my breathing becomes irregular.

It felt as if I was facing the emperor of the heyday.

‘ Competition for the throne may be meaningless… … .’

When these thoughts came to his mind,

“ I see you, Prince Zion Agnes.”

Zion was greeted by the people and sat down at the top of the conference room.

Sion looks at the gathered people with an expression that does not know what they are thinking without opening their mouth.

At that moment of silence, tension slowly rises in the conference room,

“ You must be wondering why I called you guys.”

Finally, Zion’s mouth was opened.

People nodded their heads in agreement.

“ Are you aware of the battle that took place in the middle of the capital not too long ago?”

“ Yes, my lord.”

couldn’t know

Because the entire capital was in turmoil due to the battle for which the cause was still unknown.

“ As you may have guessed to some extent, the battle is related to magic. To be precise, it is a battleground where our side and the demons collided.”

“… … !”

To those who looked surprised at the words, Zion briefly summarized what he was doing.

“ Then the one who called us today… … .”

“ It’s just to pay you back.”

Shion responded with a smile to Ludwig’s words.

Of course, the subject was needless to say.

“ But, my lord, didn’t you say that the demons disappeared immediately after the battle? He’s even been hurt, so he’ll try to hide himself, and it seems difficult to find them in a short time… … .”

“ It doesn’t matter. It will make it impossible to come out.”

The way existed.

The most essential facilities built in the capital by the Magic Station side for their great succession.

Zion was going to hit them all.

If it breaks down, the whole world itself will be disturbed, so it will have no choice but to show up to prevent it.

‘ I knew the location from the beginning, but I kept watching because there was a possibility that it would cause a large-scale confusion at the national level.’

But the battle has already begun, so it would be better to use this as an opportunity to deal a huge blow.

“ Then I will join you.”

Ludwig expressed his intention as if he had been waiting for Shion’s answer.

Ever since the last Ascalon family incident, he has harbored a huge hatred for demons.

That’s why he was always waiting for the day he would pay it back, but he was just trying to save his broken family and his body.

In the meantime, an opportunity like this came along, so there was no reason to object at all.


“ Then how should we move?”

So did others, including Liam.

Except for one person.

“ Sir Zion.”

Groud, who had been silent unlike the others, opened his mouth slowly.

“ Why do you think I will follow your orders?”

The head of Ozurima continues his words while resisting Shion’s eyes that seem to follow him just by looking at him.

In fact, he had no reason to follow Zion.

First of all, the imperial family to serve was different, and there was no benefit to following them.

In addition to that, it was also not Prince Zion who killed the 3rd Prince whom they had originally worshiped and put the family in a corner.

It wouldn’t interfere, but there was no need to listen to instructions either.

From Shion’s mouth, who looked into Groud’s eyes for a moment,

“ The head of Ozurima.”

A random question arose.

“ Are you still out of your mind?”

“… … !”

Groud’s eyes widened at him.

Although he is said to be the first heir to the family, he is still only a heir, and that is the reason why he works as a head of the household.

The current head of Ozrima is unconscious, and it was also related to the fact that Groud had asked Ludwig such a question a while ago.

Externally, he treated it as retirement and kept it a secret, but how on earth did Prince Zion know about it?

Before a voice came out of Groud’s mouth, Shion’s words continued.

“ Who do you think are the guys who made your family that way?”

“ Maybe… … .”

Groud’s eyes, which had fluctuated at him, subsided.

As the head of the magic family, he had a good head.

Apart from knowing the family secret, it meant only one thing for Prince Zion to ask such a question at this time.

“ You think that’s the devil’s work?”

“ It’s not a thought, it’s a fact.”


At those words, Shion continued, looking at Groud’s face, which was stained with embarrassment and anger, with emotionless eyes.

“ I think that would be enough of a reason to be together. In addition, if you follow my instructions, I will nullify all charges related to the third prince that you have been investigating so far.”

Anyway, sooner or later, the Ozurima family will fall into Shion’s own hands.

Therefore, giving such a benefit was not a loss.

“… … .”

At Shion’s words, Groud was silent for a moment.

Perhaps in his own head, he is judging whether Zion’s words are true and the profit or loss that can be gained from it.

Soon after,

“… … Okay. I will follow your instructions.”

The words of acceptance flowed out of Groud’s mouth.

Shion, who smiled as if he knew it, opened his mouth as he looked at the others.

“ From now on, let’s decide what each of us should do.”

A full-fledged meeting that begins with those words.

how much time has passed

“ By the way, Your Majesty, the points you mentioned are those that seem to be perfectly fine. If you raise troops in the capital to attack these places without any justification, the backlash and backlash will be fierce.”

Hearing the blow point from Shion, Ludwig opened his mouth with a worried expression.

“ It doesn’t matter.”

Shion responded with a drowsy face as usual.

“ It’s a cause, because it’s enough to make it.”

However, Zion’s eyes were filled with anticipation for the things to come.

* * *

A small shack on the outskirts of the capital Hubris.

“ Things are messed up… … .”

Inside, Hisselor, a demon with slit eyes and two horns, murmured while examining the condition of his body.

His body was covered with large and small wounds.

Although it healed quickly due to its unique regenerative power, it took some time to return to its full state.

“ I didn’t know those kites could be so strong.”

With that muttering, Hisseller recalls the battle from a few days ago.

It was a battle to appease the boredom before meeting Sion Agnes, but the opponents were too strong than I thought.

‘ Especially that red-eyed woman.’

As a result, he suffered serious wounds in the battle and had no choice but to withdraw from the position.

at that time,

“ So you didn’t tell me to wait until I arrived?”

In the darkness behind Hisseller, an Inyeong appeared.

It wasn’t Serki.

A skinny man with bandages all over his body except for three eyes.

It was Keria, one of the six claws like Hisseller.

In the first place, the Four Grand Dukes did not send Hisseller alone to the Empire.

In order to control his propensity to dodge, although he has excellent force, he dispatched one of his claws as a latecomer, and that was Keria.

“ No, I was waiting, and they came?”

Hisselor opens her mouth with a brazen expression on her face, even though she could have died on the spot if Keria had not arrived on time.

“ By the way, it seems that Zion Agnes has returned to the Imperial Castle… … Can’t we move right now?”

“ I think it’s best not to move right now. Because you and I are not in the best condition right now. The Archduke is strong enough to send the two of us together. You’d better pay close attention. if not… … .”

“ Or?”

“ There are ways to create a situation in our favor enough to offset our physical condition and then call it out.”

“ Oh… … Is that a bit enticing?”

At that, Hisseller made an interesting expression.

The last time he witnessed the power of Zion Agnes, he continued to hang on.

The only way to cool this body was to fight Sion Agnes as quickly as possible.

“ By the way, what is the status of the ‘plants’? When the Archduke arrived, he told me to check them as well.”

Keria, who shook her head at Hisseller’s reaction, changed the subject.

“ That’s what Serkia knows… … Oh, aren’t you here?”

Hisseller, who was looking around him, opened his mouth as if he had suddenly remembered.

When she left the mansion, things were so urgent that she couldn’t afford to take care of her, and that’s why they were now separated from each other.

Of course, the location was unknown.

“… … I’ll have to go check it out myself.”

“ Don’t worry. you know too There is no chance of anything happening there.”


It was one of the most essential elements of the future as a magical land secretly created in the heart of the empire for over a hundred years.

Therefore, the security was also very thorough, and even in the entire Magic World, there were fewer than twenty people who knew about its existence.

Unless you are involved, you will never be able to grasp its location or existence unless you look into the future.

“ I will make that judgment, so let’s start with the location of the plant… … .”

It was the moment when Keria spoke out in a low-pitched voice at Hisseller’s words.


The floor they were standing on vibrated with a loud bang.

In the sudden situation, Hisselor and Keria’s heads turned at the same time toward the epicenter of the explosion seen outside the window.


“ What… … !”

Hisseller’s eyes began to widen with astonishment to the point where they couldn’t get any bigger.

A huge building that is collapsing, spewing black smoke from the center of the epicenter.

That was where the plant was.

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