178 episodes

46 Chapter Six Claws (4)

It was no coincidence that Tyrian is here now.

After the incident at the old university tower, the reincarnation of the great mage continued to meet Sion and wish to prove his qualifications.

So, before carrying out the plant raid, Shion summoned Tyrian to the Imperial Castle and made a suggestion.

If you participate in this operation and successfully complete the mission, you will be recognized for your qualifications.

Tyran gladly accepted Zion’s words, and that was the reason he was confronting Hisselor here.

‘ I mean, I had to hold out until Prince Zion arrives against that guy.’

As soon as Tyran saw the demonic opponent, he could immediately understand why Prince Zion told him to hold on instead of dealing with it, and even attached the war hero, Liam Reiner.

It is so overwhelming that it can’t even be compared with the high-level demons you’ve seen in the old magic tower.

He was an opponent that could never be overcome even with his magical skills, which he had recently raised from level 6 to just below level 9.

When Tyrian’s head spins at a frightening speed and searches for an opponent’s way,

“ Yeah, but it seems like you’ve made some basic preparations to deal with me.”

Hisseller’s face, who had a surprised expression on his face, slowly began to look young.

Usually, if the opponent’s strength becomes stronger, it is normal to be withdrawn or uncomfortable, but he was not.

Because Hisseller was the kind that felt alive only in the battle between life and death.


With him, the magic that flows out of his body begins to wriggle as if alive, and blacken the plant covered with Muspelheim’s flames again.

“ Coming.”

The moment a low voice came out of Liam’s mouth, who was staring at the scene with hardened eyes, Whoo Wook!

Hisseller’s new model disappeared on the spot without any warning.

At the same time, Liam slams his fist into the empty space in front of him.

But the result was not.

blah blah blah!

The aftermath that bursts out in a wave with a crash that shakes the entire atmosphere in the plant tore the atmosphere to shreds.

Then, in the midst of the aftermath, Hisseller appears with his fists fisted with Liam.

“ Is one fist still worth using? Or is that armor great?”

It was the moment when he was about to climb up on Liam’s hand, which was in contact with the snake-like magic that flowed out of the demon’s hand, who laughed along with that word.

Ignis’ Breath of Fury.


The space next to Hisseller opened, and a huge red dragon’s head popped out, pouring out breath of flames.

The flame is so high that it melts even the ice cap that exists only at the northern tip the moment it touches it.


“ Oh, hot!”

With harsh words, Hisseller gently waved the other hand, throwing it!

The breath and the dragon’s head that shot it were shattered and scattered.

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Magic that doesn’t work at all.

However, such Tyrian’s spell was not without meaning.


It gave Liam, who was right in front of him, time to prepare for the next attack.

Liam’s clenched fists sucked in the flames that were around him, and shot towards Hisseller’s head.

At the same time, Liam turns his fist to add rotational force.

Did he think it was a loss to receive Liam’s fist like that?

“ Ugh!”

Hisseller, who avoided his fist by tilting his head at an angle that a human would never turn, used the recoil to insert his left leg straight into Liam’s side.

In response, Muspelheim’s flames focused on the point of impact and demonic legs pierced over it.


Dozens of magic explode at once, and Liam’s new model is thrown away like a bouncing.

Liam, who had been staggering greatly because of the impact, could not even straighten his posture, blah blah!

Hisseller, who appeared right in front of Liam, tearing up the space as if not to give him a chance to breathe, cut out five nails that had grown like snake fangs vertically.


The seven walls of Ahina.

Seven shields appearing right in front of Liam according to Tyrian’s spell completed just before that.


The shield was broken in an instant, but in the meantime, it was enough for Liam to escape.

“ It’s annoying. like a fly.”

I wondered if the new model of Hisseller, who muttered with irritation, would disappear once again on the spot, hoo-wook!

It appeared right in front of Tyrian, who was quite a distance away.

Using his power to manipulate space, he made the distance between them zero.

But did you already know that it would come out like that?

gravity lightning.

Let’s weave!

The magic that Tyrian had prepared in advance turned into a transparent thunderbolt and slammed it towards Hisseller.

A new type of demon that didn’t get effective hits, but paused for a moment due to the sudden increase in gravity.



In that gap, a fierce battle began with a blow like a siege cannon exploding from Liam, who reached right behind him.


Although Hisseller had a slight advantage, it was a fierce battle that could not be easily won.

The reason for this was that Liam and Tyrian’s passing was better than expected, but the biggest thing was the ten thousand armor that Zion lent to Liam.

Because Muspelheim made it possible to defend against attacks that would not normally be blocked, and to break through defenses that could not be pierced.

The magic of the perfect workshop.

As a result, the battle continued to grow longer, but Hisseller’s eyes were bent.

It wasn’t because of the joy of the battle itself.

It was because he had already grasped the weaknesses of the enemies.

Soon after,

“ You.”


Hisseller, who received the fists engulfed in Muspelheim’s flames by coagulating sticky magic and space at the same time,

“ Are you not good at that?”

He looked at Liam, the owner of his fist, and smiled horribly.

* * *

“ What? What else happened here?”

These were the words that came out of Lane Dranir’s mouth when he arrived in the capital, Hubris.

it will be too,

“ It’s an attack! The capital has been attacked!”

“ The building is collapsing!”

As soon as she entered the capital, her eyes caught sight of the buildings that were collapsing, with smoky smoke everywhere, and the people who were confused by it.

And the knights and soldiers rushing towards those buildings.

“ I don’t think I was really attacked… … .”

There were several strange things about it.

“ What do you think… … uh? what’s the matter?”

Lane’s eyes, as he turned his head toward the silver-haired woman, were dyed with suspicion.

The woman’s expression hardened seriously.

“ They… … .”

A muffled mumble came out of the woman’s mouth.

I knew it the moment I saw it.

The buildings that are now collapsing are all “plants” of the magic station.

‘ What happened?’

There was no way the witches could destroy their own plant, so it was right to think that someone in the capital was doing it.

How the hell did he know the locations of all the plants?

Did he even return like himself?

And there was something more worrisome than that.

‘ If the plants are broken, the horse station will also rush to prepare for war.’

If so, the timing of the outbreak of war will also be earlier than expected.

It was not a good thing because the woman herself and her party had not yet grown up enough and the power of the empire had not been gathered.

But things have already happened.

‘ Then it would be right to find out whoever did this.’

With that thought, the woman’s steps began to increase gradually.

“ Are you going?”

“ Yes.”

The place in the eyes of the woman who briefly responded to Turzan’s words was a plant located on the western outskirts of the capital.

* * *

dark silver type.

‘ dark area’, a new type of Shion draped in deeper darkness slides toward Keria like a ghost.

A demon who is surprised by the presence of Shion, which is not felt at all even though it has reached right in front, reaches out and responds with one hand.


Is it really a demon with the nickname ‘Lord of Poison and Corruption’?

The bandage released from his hand melts all the air it touches and shoots.

The moment Keria’s bandage, which moved as if alive, was about to wrap around Zion’s whole body, it’s so soft!

Dozens of solid lines appeared on the surface of the bandage, and then they split.

Black Island Stage 3 Gwangcham.

Shion, protruding from the scattered bandages, immediately launches a slash.

‘ How can I take my bandages off so easily… … .’

At that, Keria gave her a perplexed expression and bounced her body backwards with all her might.

Because I realized that it would be a loss to receive that slash from the front due to the previous clash.

The tip of Shion’s sword that lightly brushed the tip of the demon’s nose.

I wondered if an incomparable amount of bandages would come out of Keria’s body, which was so far apart.

They split into thousands and were all shot towards Zion.

Each one is powerful enough to annihilate a garden in one blow.


Remnant of dark flow.

Shion’s new model split innumerable in accordance with it, and at the same time began to move forward, bleeding all the bandages approaching.

Nevertheless, Zion’s speed does not decrease at all.

Eventually, the darkness surrounding Zion’s sword approaching right in front of Keria fell in an instant, forming double blades.

At the same time, the maddening amplification of dark areas and partial lunar eclipses!

Keria’s new type moved at an invisible speed, avoiding Sion’s sword attack, as if she had decided not to accept it again this time due to the eerie energy she felt.


Get a card!

At such Keria’s destination, Iklaxia, whose orbit was sharply broken, had arrived first.

“… … !”

While expressing her embarrassment at the incomprehensible sword attack, Keria hurriedly corrupted the space around her and grabbed Zion’s sword.

But in the end, it wasn’t enough


Sion’s sword that leaves a long cut on Keria’s abdomen.

The Heukseongha seeped through the wounds that were created and began to inflict secondary damage to the demon body.

“ Wow!”

Shion’s attack immediately continued as if he would not even give him a chance to breathe towards Keria, who was moaning at him.

name lightning.

The moment when all the black lightning bolts that came out of the darkness that filled the room like that were about to be locked up in the demons, all the way!

A different level of magic poison flowed from Keria’s whole body and melted the thunderbolts as it was.

‘ Are you saying it’s still one of the six claws?’

Seeing that, Zion’s eyes lit up.

It seemed that Keria’s poison could melt not only objects but also ‘power’ itself.

Upon acknowledging that fact, the name lightning was activated once again.


However, the lightning bolt did not shoot directly towards Keria, unlike just before, but gathered at Zion’s sword.

“ It’s no use though. The poison that contains my power melts everything that belongs to ‘power’.”

Seeing that, Keria spoke coldly and unfolded a curtain made of mad poison.

It was the moment when the tip of Zion’s sword touched such a tent.

“ I know.”

A low voice came out of Zion’s mouth.

That moment,


The veil of maddening created by Keria disappeared as if it did not exist from the beginning.

It was amplified to the maximum by the lunar and partial lunar eclipses, and the concentrated power of the Black Star had denied the veil itself.

‘ If you melt all the abilities, it’s enough to erase them before then.’


With him, Keria’s eyes, which were dyed with astonishment, rapidly enlarged Shion’s sword.


A new type of demon that bounces backwards and crashes into the wall of the plant with a loud noise that seems to tear the eardrums apart.

“ Big… … !”

Before the screams that came out of Keria’s mouth could even end, whoops!

With a burst of fire from Zion who reached right in front of him, an unimaginable workshop began.

Thing blah blah blah!

How fierce was the battle?

‘It can’t be like this.’

Shion’s eyes, which were constantly thrusting swords at Keria, subsided.

The situation was not unfavorable.

No, the victory was gradually leaning this way.

The problem is that it’s slow.

Of course, if time passed like this, victory was certain, but it took too long.

If you make a mistake, you won’t be able to get to the plant on the eastern outskirts on time.

Perhaps aware of that fact, Keria was also gradually engaging in the battle defensively and wasting time.

‘ I have to end the battle quickly somehow.’

One way that suddenly came to Shion’s mind as she was worried about it.

‘ I was going to put it off until this was over, but I can’t help it.’

With that thought, Shion immediately took out a blue light and a bead emitting a terrifying cold from her bosom.

It was the Frost Queen’s fourth power fragment obtained this time.

“ What are you doing… … !”

Although she did not know the identity of such a marble, Keria rushed to stop Shion at the cool and ominous sensation she felt for some reason.

However, Zion’s movement was faster than that.

“ Eat.”

Shion’s voice, which is not calm and drowsy.

That moment,


The revealed Frost Spirit swallowed the last piece of power without hesitation.

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