190 episodes

48 Floating City(7)


“ Hey, I’m crazy!”

A cry that sounded like lament came from Renette’s mouth, who had barely avoided the attack from the front by bending her body almost on her face.

The place where she is now is in the heart of the ‘Forest where the sun never rises’ in the northwestern part of the empire.

There is one reason that Renette, who was trying to get out of the forest not so long ago, came to the center.

“ Hey haha! Do you have a taste for this?”

It was because of Liusina, who was now slaughtering monsters made of blood by her side.

Liusina semi-forced her to leave the forest, and Renette, who has relatively weak power, had no choice but to follow her with tears.

Still, the reason I think Renette is anti-compulsory is that she, too, was very curious about what was at the center of the forest.

The inescapable adventurer’s instinct!

‘ What the hell is that curiosity!’

Of course, Liusina, who was leading the way, had wiped out most of the monsters, but Renette’s life was going back and forth despite the blind attacks of the monsters that came out once in a while.

‘ By the way, I think I’m stronger than the last time… … Is it an illusion?’

Even in the midst of such a life-threatening situation, Renette stuck her tongue out at Riusina’s clearly visible performance.

Even though I had already seen it during my journey in the blood world, there was something about that witch’s power that frightened the beholder.

The power of which the source is very curious.

‘ Just ask me… … I won’t even tell you.’

Whether he knew Renette’s thoughts or not, Riusina was concentrating on moving forward by slaughtering all the monsters that stood in her way.

‘ Obviously, the owner said that once you get to the center of this forest, you’ll see a ‘path’ that goes further up.’

Of course, she didn’t even know what was at the heart of the forest.

Just trusting Zion’s words and moving forward.

And apart from that, a question was growing in Riusina’s head.

‘ These guys are familiar with something… … .’

Red monsters endlessly protruding from the inside of the forest.

Their physical structure was very similar to that of Liusina’s handshakes made with blood magic.

It makes me wonder if this is what it would be like if there were Aryu.

Of course, she had never passed on her blood magic to anyone.

It wasn’t something that could be passed on in the first place.

‘ Would you like to catch one and study it?’

With growing doubts, it was finally time for Liusina to even think about it.

“ Stop!!”

A loud voice resounded from the depths of the forest.

And that cry wasn’t directed at Riusina.


As if the extreme aggression they had shown so far was false, the monsters stopped there.

And from behind these monsters, a group of dark-skinned fairies and humans rushed out.

‘ Hmm? That’s… … .’

At the same time, a young person in Riusina’s eyes.

In her eyes, there was a tattoo of a six-headed beast engraved on the body of the protruding group.

‘ I must have seen it before… … .’

in between,

“ Sorry for not recognizing you right away, Mother of the Beast!”

The crowd that came right in front of her fell on the floor with a shocked expression on their faces.

Those who lowered their posture as if it had nothing to do with the fact that Riusina could blow off their exposed necks at once.

That moment,

“… … Jeonghwagyo?”

A single word came out of Renette’s mouth, who was watching it from the side.

* * *

a few hours ago,

‘ How can I make this power enter the shadow nest?’

Obergia answered Zion’s question like this.

‘ The first thing I need to do is remove the ‘veil’ of Stigma that interferes with my heavenly dragon poem.’

The reason why the shadow nest has not been discovered by the eyes of the Gwangryong, who can see through even the heavens.

‘ In addition, the coordinates of the passage’s destination must be engraved inside the nest. To do that, someone must first enter the nest.’

‘ I’m going to enter. What else should I do?’

‘ No. I’ll take care of the rest.’

Was it just that Zion had been waiting for the ‘veil’ to be removed?


With the power of Obergia, which is activated as soon as the core of the veil is broken, channels of light are created endlessly behind Zion.

And beyond those passages,

“You have suffered, His Majesty Zion.”

The watchers of light, led by Archendelt,

“ From now on, we will be together.”

The Empire’s wizards, led by the White Flame Lord Ahmad Ozrima, were looking at this side with their cold eyes shining.

After showing the example of the battlefield to Zion, the wizards quickly begin to cross the passage.

“ What… … .”

Cardiff’s smiling face begins to contort in astonishment and bewilderment.

Something he had never imagined or should have happened was happening right before his eyes.

It was a shadow nest that had never allowed intrusion since it was created.

But now into such a nest, their enemies, the Watchers of Light, were pouring endlessly.

“… … How the hell are the watchers here?”

“ Isn’t it supposed to be balanced like this?”

Shion smiles as she looks at Cardiff who shouts with her eyes wide open.

The moment Zion raised one hand and pointed at the wizards in the nest who were standing blankly with him,

“ As of today, the shadow nest disappears from the floating city.”

Along with the cold recitation, the combined forces led by Akendelt and Ahmad began to unleash the magic they had prepared for them.

A clash that begins with the magic of the shadow nest that counterattacks.


Unlike the clash of knights or general warfare, the battle between wizards was slightly different.

Close combat was almost non-existent, and rather than directly hitting the enemy, the focus was on destroying the opponent’s technique and occupying the space itself.

It is a battle that takes place in a fierce calculation where there is not even a single point of error.

And the most notable among them was, of course, Ahmad Ozrima.

Is it also one of the ‘Seven Heavens’?

Ahhamd’s magic showed a different level of presence even on the battlefield where only high-ranking wizards were gathered.

“ There is no mercy for those who sacrifice their lives for their own benefit.”


Every time he shakes his hand, the white flame, which is his symbol, extends infinitely through the air, consuming all the magic of enemies it touches.

A magic like the power that only the white flame Ahmad can unleash in the world, which contains all the negation techniques in each flame.

As if that was not the end, while maintaining such a white flame, Ahmad lightly flicked his other hand.

That moment,


A pure white embers appearing in the middle of the shadow wizards without any warning.

“… … ?”

The moment when the doubts in the eyes of the enemies looking at the embers are young, Tuhwahahahahak!

Such embers multiplied hundreds of times and burned all the wizards that existed around them without leaving a trace.

A firepower that is not enough to say that it is truly overwhelming.

Thanks to Ahmad’s activity, the other Watchers of the Light also begin to aggressively attack.


‘It’s holding up well.’

Nevertheless, the balance of the battlefield was barely maintained.

Is the level of the Shadow Nest higher than you think?

Or is it because of the advantage of being a hometown?

Either way, it had to be seen as remarkable that it could withstand this much against the Light Warden and the Empire’s highest level wizards.

‘ You have to break the balance.’

Shion thought as he scanned the battlefield.

Of course, as the charter is gradually leaning this way, even if we leave it as it is, we can win the victory naturally, but there was a fear that Stigma would appear in a situation where the battlefield was not organized if it took a long time.

So, somehow, it was right to grab the win before that.

‘ I think that guy is the center.’

Soon after, Shion’s eyes gleamed coldly, looking at one of the wizards on the side of the shadow nest.

The second head of the shadow nest, Cardiff.

“ Don’t panic, stay in line! Concentrate on defense rather than attack until the ‘veil’ is restored!”

He had been smiling relaxedly at Sion until just a moment ago, but he was pouring out magic and instructions with his face contorted.

‘ Then… … .’

With that thought, Shion, who gently stretched out his hand to the side, grabbed the air.


Agduvar, who was naturally held by Shion’s hand, burst into tears as if he was happy.

The darkness that exists around begins to be sucked in toward Zion, who pulls the dragon bomb spear backwards like a javelin, as if it had made a promise.


A space that tightens around the tip of Agdvar’s spear.

As if he couldn’t fully withstand the cohesion of Heuk Seong-ha, who was much stronger than before, the dragon bomb spear frantically dropped the spear.

The air and the earth trembled and screamed at the concentration of power beyond imagination.

As a result, the battle stops momentarily, and the thrilling eyes of the wizards gather toward Zion.

Soon after,

“ What… … !”

The moment Cardiff realizes that the tip of Shion’s spear is pointing at him is himself, and the moment Cardiff casts a spell, woong!

At the same time as Agdevar disappears from Shion’s extended hand,


A line was engraved into the world.

A space that is torn apart with a huge roar that the human ear cannot hear.

Then, a shock wave that occurred late causes the atmosphere to burn and a secondary explosion occurs.


‘… … Sah, I lived!’

Cardiff’s body was fine.

In the old days, the ‘Absolute Defense’ that could prevent a single attack under any circumstances, which Young Dragon gave him directly, prevented Shion’s spear attack.

It was the moment when Cardiff sighed in relief and was about to cast a space shift spell to get out of his seat.

Quad Duck!

A huge explosion that occurred when Shion’s spear strike and ‘Absolute Defense’ collided.

A magenta sword protruding from such an explosion pierced through dozens of defensive magics on Cardiff’s body and pierced his heart.


“ Gagging!”

Shion, holding the Iklaxia that pierced Cardiff’s body, appeared in the explosion.

A little while ago, when Sion threw a dragon bomb spear, he threw a strand of dark death, and as soon as the first hit failed, he moved directly in front of Cardiff through the dark flow.

But since I didn’t know that,

“ How… … .”

Cardiff’s breathless eyes glowed with incomprehension to the end.


The silence continues with Cardiff’s corpse falling to the floor.


It was just a separation.

The Shadow Nest, and the Light Watchers knew.

How great is Cardiff’s power, which is ranked 4th in the city’s magic rank.

He was the only wizard who could compete with Ahmad, who ascended to the ‘Seven Heavens’.

How do you handle such Cardiff so simply?

No matter how surprising it is, it is a sight that cannot be said at all.

‘ This should be enough.’

Seeing Cardiff, who had become a corpse and the quiet battlefield, Shion’s eyes lit up coldly.

Now that the center of the enemy has been removed, it must be natural for the balance to be disturbed.

It was the moment when Zion was about to head towards the remaining wizards of the Shadow Nest to accelerate the distortion.

Stand tall!

Zion’s movements stopped for a moment.

‘ This is… … .’

Zion’s gaze turned towards the floor with him.


It was a shadow.


A single shadow that absorbs all the other shadows that exist around it and calls on them indefinitely.

The distant feelings that flowed from the spreading shadows weigh down the existence of people and force them to surrender.

and finally,


Two pupils appeared from the center of the shadow that engulfed the entire floor of the cavity.

A pupil of such a huge size that cannot be considered a normal existence, and a pupil that is vertically torn like that of a reptile.

Those eyes stared straight at Zion and uttered a single word.

– Disappear, descendants of eternity.

A supreme verb that changes the structure of the world itself just by reciting it.

That moment,


The new form of Zion was erased on the spot without a trace.

* * *

Imaginary space.

As a space of the opposite concept of ‘ existence’, it was an incomprehensible place that even the gods could not fully understand.

A space used to expel beings who should not exist in the world or who have committed such a great sin.

Of course, once exiled to the imaginary space, they could not return to their original world.

It was a place where there was no spatial coordinates in the first place, and even its very existence was denied.

and now,

‘ I didn’t know that I would ever say such a swear word.’

Zion was in such an imaginary space.

He was immediately expelled to this place by the ‘absolute word’ used by Young Dragon Stigma a while ago.

It was Shion, who was not prepared for it, because he did not think that Young Dragon, whose lifespan was short, would activate the ‘Absolute Dragon’ from the beginning every time he used it.

In fact, I wondered if it could have been prevented even if I had been preparing for it.

‘ But… … Why are you so used to it?’

With that thought in mind, Shion looked at the imaginary space surrounding him and trembling strangely.

Obviously, this was the first time he had come here.

But I never knew why I felt this way.

Cozy as if you were lying on a very soft bed.



The black star, which was activated by itself, floated black stars one by one around Zion, while at the same time tapping the walls of the six castles that had been blocked without hesitation.

‘ Maybe… … It might be possible to break through here.’

It was not known why this was happening, but it was an opportunity and it was clear what he had to do in this situation.

‘ First, raise the Heukseongha to 6 stars.’

The next step is to get out of here.

Soon after, the sixth star, which hovered faintly in Zion’s eyes with the gradually spreading darkness, began to reveal its existence.

The youngest prince in the novel episode 191

48 Floating City(8)

What the hell happened?

Ahmad looked at the place where Zion had disappeared without a trace in front of his eyes.

“… … His Majesty Zion!”

It happened so suddenly that even he couldn’t react properly.

The archmage’s eyes fluttered, knowing intuitively that it was something more than mere space movement, but Ahmad couldn’t pay more attention to it.


A shadow that covers the entire floor of the battlefield and rises upwards to form a single shape.

Because that shadow was forcibly drawing the attention of him and all the wizards there.

A distant feeling and a crushed spirit that you can feel just by looking at it.

And finally, in the shadow of the perfect dragon, two dark pupils look down on the Watchers of Light.

Young Dragon Stigma.

The founder of the floating city and the head of the shadow nest.

In addition, it was the appearance of the ancient dragon, who reigned as the absolute absolute second in the city’s magic rank.

– You can be proud of yourself enough. Because in the end they succeeded in summoning me.

Along with the arrogant recitation, the shadows emanating from the young dragon’s whole body begin to extend toward the light watcher and the wizards on the Empire side.

“ Unleash your brilliance magic and prepare for the erosion of the shadows! And focus your attacks on that evil dragon!”

Akendelt, who was awakened by the sight, shouted evilly.

The sudden disappearance of Prince Zion was certainly a variable enough to upset the flow of the battlefield and the entire plan, but he couldn’t stay still.

If you do, you will be instantly annihilated by that absolute being.


In order to deal with Stigma, the brilliance magic created by the Light Watcher is activated, pushing away the approaching shadows.

As a result, the battlefield becomes brighter.

And in the middle of that battlefield,

Whoa ah ah ah ah!

A path of flames that looked pure white and transparent crossed them.

The King’s Wrath.

One of the most powerful spells Ahmad Ozrima crafted after reaching the end of level 9.

‘ burn’ is only aimed at Stigma.

Ahmad knew.

No matter how revered he is as the pinnacle of wizards, his level and level are not enough compared to the dragon called the master of magic, especially that old dragon who has lived for countless years.

So there was no need to search.

From the beginning, I just unleash the strongest magic possible.

And the moment when Ahamad’s flames finally devour the Spirit Dragon Stigma,


The whole field of vision was glowing.

The aftermath of a collision that extends infinitely in a world colored with silence because even the atmosphere, the medium that transmits sound, has been burned down.

Anything touched by such an aftermath burns immediately, leaving only the ashes of a pure white flame.

Will the world of Loki, the god of fire appearing in myths be like this?

Although their sight was slowly returning, the eyes of the wizards shaking as they were captured by the overwhelming sight showed no sign of stopping.

“ This is the wizard of contempt… … .”

The admiration that came out of Akendelt’s mouth as he watched the scene involuntarily.

‘ If it’s like this… … .’

It was a moment with a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

– It was good magic. for a human.

A terrifying voice echoes from the remains of the incandescent light that still remains.

“… … !”

The moment Akendelt’s face hardened,

quagga gaga gaga!

Tens of thousands of spears that erupted from the shadows that covered the battlefield pierced the Wizards of the Light Watcher.

Ahmad and other high-ranking wizards who quickly unleash a defensive technique to block the spears.

But not all wizards are like that.

“ Big, gagging!”

Countless spears made of shadows are embedded in the entire body of the wizards whose defenses have been penetrated because they cannot even react properly or do not have enough power to respond.

The number of wizards who died like that was a whopping one-fourth of the total power.

It happened with just one attack.

“ Ah… … .”

Was it then that you realized the difference?

In the eyes of the other watchers looking at the scene, the feeling of despair gradually fades away.

– Now you’re making the look I wanted.

Around Stigma, who had satisfied eyes, a pitch-black shadow created by the fusion of powers and verbs appeared and began to encroach on the entire space that came into view.

Despair and fading hope are deepened by the inaccessible power that comes from him.



A one-sided battle that leaned perfectly to one side had begun.

“ aah!”

“ Ouch!”

A constant burst of screams and a rapidly diminishing number of watchers on the side of the light.

Their attack was blocked by the wall of shadows that wasolates the space itself, so it did not work at all, and on the contrary, all of the dragon’s magic was working fatally.

“ How am I supposed to deal with something like that? … .”

In fact, it was unreasonable from the beginning to deal with a dragon made of that shadow with only the power we have here.

No, in the first place, in this floating city, the only being able to face Stigma was the light dragon Obergia.

Nevertheless, this operation was carried out because Prince Zion said it was possible, but now such Prince Zion did not exist here.

“ Sir… … Where the hell did you go?”

Ahmad’s hand trembled as if he was struggling to even hold on to it.

– Waiting for those who will never return.

Hearing Ahhamd’s remarks, Stigma twisted her lips as if smiling.

And the reason why Yeongryong said so was perfectly reasonable.

Because the place he banished Zion Agnes was from the imaginary space.

A space of unknown and negation that cannot be escaped except by the immortal Godhead.

Although it had to consume a large amount of power and a small portion of his life to send Zion Agnes there, Stigma did not regret his decision.

No, I should have said that I didn’t have time to judge exactly.

‘ The darkness that emanated from Zion Agnes.’

The moment he recognized the alien, yet unmistakable darkness he had seen somewhere, the dragon was unwittingly spitting out the words of exile.

A reaction that was almost instinctive.

Even though he was a descendant of the Eternal Emperor, he still did not understand why he reacted that way.

‘ Now that I never see you again, it doesn’t matter.’

Good luck!

With that thought, Stigma gathered all the shadows in the cavity in front of him.

There was still a lot to prepare for crashing the floating city, so I decided to finish it without wasting any more time.

“ Ah… … .”

The eyes of the wizards, including Archendelt, are dying at the overwhelming power felt from the shadows gathered like that.

Death that cannot be avoided or prevented.

Such death was near.

– Yeah, those eyes.

Stigma, who was delighted with the appearance of such wizards due to their twisted values, smiled deeply and shot the completed wave of power towards the wizards.

A transcendental technique in which the result of ‘hit’ is already determined from the time it was created.

“ Is it over?”

A voice of despair came out of Ahmad’s mouth as he looked at the waves.

The waves of shadows that finally reached just before were about to swallow up all the wizards.

Damn it!

A small spatial distortion occurred between them and the waves of shadows.

A space that opens in a circle around such distortion.

and at that moment,


Waves of shadows began to be sucked into the circle.

As if the ceremony itself did not unfold.

Stigma’s attack that erases everything in an instant.

– That’s… … !!!!

Yeong-ryong’s eyes, which had been voicing doubts about the incomprehensible phenomenon, begin to color with deep astonishment.

That place seen through the open space.

It must have been the imaginary space where he had expelled Zion Agnes a while ago.

– Maybe… … .

When the eyes of such a dragon tremble in a single family that comes to mind,

“ Should I say thank you first?”

I heard a voice that should never be heard here.

The moment when Stigma, feeling eerie in the world’s decreasing brightness with him, quickly turned to the side where the voice was heard.

faster than that.

Sool from above

A blow that fell from above smashed the shadow barrier at once and hit Young Dragon.

Stigma’s head is slammed to the floor by the tremendous shock from him.

Even before that stigma pulled out the stumped head,

“ I used to say that the more times you say thank you, the better, maybe.”

Shion, who appeared just above the head of the studded dragon, wanted to raise one leg upwards, and then, quadruped!

I pulled it down again.

Stigma’s head digs deeper into the floor with an unimaginable shock wave that bursts out of it.

Still, it was time for Shion to raise his leg again, probably not satisfied.

Tuqua Gaga!

I wondered if all the shadows around me would rise up, and then they turned into thousands of blades and flew towards Zion.

Shion lowered his legs and gently stirred the Iklaxia that he had taken out before he knew it.

But the results were never easy.


Because all the shadow blades that had the trail of such annihilation lightsabers disappeared without leaving a trace.

It is not simply broken, but literally annihilated.

– How! Did you get out of there!!

Stigma, who took advantage of the gap between them, pulled out her head, glared at Sion and shouted as if chewing.

No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t understand it.

“ He just let him go.”

-… … what?

At Sion’s reply, Stigma’s eyes were once again stained with doubt, but the dragon couldn’t think about it any more.

It was because Shion, who had approached right in front of him, was lowering the sword he had raised vertically towards him.

Intuitively realizing that he couldn’t take that sword from the front, the huge new type of Young Dragon disappeared entirely on the spot.

Sion’s sword that cuts through the space where the stigma disappeared with the difference of a single piece of paper.

Sooll from above

The black line created along the trajectory of the sword of Zion like this erases everything it touches.

Among them were the atmosphere and even space.

‘ That’s not heavenly sea.’

Stigma, who felt the chill at the unbelievable scene, but calmly analyzed it, immediately unfolded the word.

– Sink into despair.

Such proverbs erode and change the structure of the world in an instant.

The distortion caused by such an inverted structure turns into waves of shadows and attacks Zion.

It’s the same as before, but this time it’s several times stronger and the waves crashing from all directions.

However, in Zion’s eyes as he watched the waves approaching like that, there was neither fear nor embarrassment, but joy.

Because it was an opportunity to try out the new realm of Heukseongha, which had risen a while ago.

Black Star 6 stars.

There were only two differences between the 6 and the previous stage.

The scope and strength of the power of negativity, which can be said to be the source of the Black Star.

The purpose of Heukseongha 6 Star was to maximize the two.

destruction (滅步).

With an unbearably heavy advance,


A wave propagating from it.

The moment when the waves of Zion and the waves of shadows rushing in from all directions collide with each other, Whoo Wook!

There was no noise.

There was no explosion.

Waves of shadows that disappear as if they did not exist in the world itself from the beginning.


Beyond the unbelievable, the unacceptable spectacle blinds the eyes of all watching.

– That power! What the hell is that power!

Stigma asks Zion almost as if screaming at the alienation and ominous familiarity transmitted from him.

in between,

“ Still, I recognized Obergia at once. You’re more stupid than I thought.”

As if denying the distance between the two, the moment when Shion reached the front of the dragon in an instant and smiled with those words, -… … what?

A scene from the past began to overlap slowly in Stigma’s head.

‘ You’re more stupid than I thought.’

Obviously, even in that scene, the person in front of him smiled the same as he did now and said the same thing.

And that person is… … .

– Eternal Eternity!

A cry of great fury erupted from the dragon’s mouth.

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