199 episodes

50 World Conference(1)

A place where only darkness exists.

“ In the end, you didn’t listen to me and you had an accident.”

There, a voice so strong and low that it broke the heart just by hearing it resounded.

“ I had an accident, but that doesn’t mean I’m breaking your word.”

A high-pitched voice, the frantic Archduke Acrimosia, glanced at him and answered.

“ I was just there to see. Because I didn’t mean to kill myself.”

“ I know you tried to blow up the floating city at the end.”

“ That… … Of course, Sion Agnes knew how to stop it. I actually blocked it.”

At Acrimosia’s remarks, a low voice glared at her.

Even so, while I was worried about the ‘coming of eternity’ predicted by Mirae-an the other day, this happened, so it was a pain in the ass.

“ This could put the entire empire on alert.”

“ From my point of view, even if this isn’t the case, you think you’ll be on alert soon?”

“ What do you mean?”

A low voice asking Acrimosia with questionable eyes.

“ Sion Agnes. He had already devised a perfect way to differentiate us.”

“… … Really?”

“ Yeah, because I saw it with my own two eyes. Now we’re going to use that to start hunting our children who are hiding in the Empire. That time will probably be after Zion Agnes ascended to the throne.”

The Grand Duke of Frenzy was guessing that the time was short.

The Zion Agnes she saw was not a strange person to ascend to the throne right now.

“… … .”

At those words, the face of the silent low voice hardened.

Because this was a really serious matter.

“ So, the time of the war has to be advanced even further. Before the Empire moves in earnest.”

In fact, from Acrimosia’s point of view, it would have been better to wait until Zion Agnes is fully ripe, but there was no intention of ruining the line itself.

“… … That’s something we can’t decide on our own. To start a great war, you must first ask the king for permission.”

“ Hmm, that’s a problem.”

To the low voice, Acrimosia answered with her arms crossed.

The problem she was talking about wasn’t that their king wouldn’t allow war.

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More fundamental than that, the confrontation with the king was a problem.

In the past, after the end of the First World War, their king had never appeared after entering the deepest part of the demonic realm.

– I have to prepare.

It was the last word the king had left before he disappeared.

Of course, none of the four grand dukes who heard the words knew what the preparations were for.

“ The matter is still serious, so I think we should visit the king this time.”

It was the moment when a low voice that had been thinking about it for a while said that.

“ It’s a big deal!”

A completely different voice resounded from the abyss.

It was the same voice as the last time, but the seriousness and urgency in that voice was incomparable to that of that time.

“ What’s going on?”

Acrimosia, looking at the owner of such a voice as if to say something, asked.

“ The Jealous Archduke Jellis has rebelled!”

At that question, shocking words came out of the new voice’s mouth.

* * *

world conference.

It was the largest meeting held in the Empire, and it was the most important event in which the imperial family, as well as the kings of the apocryphal third generation, and all other rulers gathered to compete for supremacy and determine the direction of the empire going forward.

In addition, this world conference was attracting more attention than before.

Because the imperial throne, which is still vacant, and the imperial family who challenged it, one by one, was fiercely contested.

Probably everyone expected that fierce competition for the next great emperor would be held at this world conference as well.

With such anticipation and concern, the time of the World Conference was gradually approaching, and as a result, many rulers and successors were gathering in the capital.

And the day before the start of the world conference in earnest.

“ It is an honor to see someone who will lead the next generation of fairy forests.”

“ I am very happy to have met Prince Langrit, the heir of the great family.”

A large banquet was currently being held at Makgung Palace (樂星宮), which was in charge of the main social events of the imperial castle.

However, there was one special thing about such a banquet.

It is that all the people who attended the banquet are the heirs of a huge power.

It was a strange scene that would not normally happen, but it was also a scene that could be understood if you knew the purpose of this banquet.

Before the world conference, heirs who will lead the next empire gather to exchange and build friendships.

That was the purpose of the banquet, so the name of the banquet was also ‘The Night of the Heirs’.

And among the many successors that exist in the banquet hall, there were those who especially flocked to the surroundings.

It was Kaftan, the next successor to the giant colony, and Illipa, the successor of the fairy forest.

It was natural in a way.

Because they had the highest position and great power among those gathered here.

‘ Except for one person.’

Although he is actually leading the Ozurima clan, nominally he was still the heir, so Groud Ozurima, who attended this banquet, thought so and looked at the ‘only one’.

A man sitting in the corner of the banquet hall quietly holding a teacup with bored eyes.

It was Prince Zion Agnes.

‘ I mean, something is different.’

He had these thoughts from the moment Prince Zion entered the banquet hall.

Unlike usual who took the initiative by suppressing everything with his sinister charisma from the moment he appeared, today’s Prince of Zion was very quiet.

It feels like looking at the surface of a calm lake.

Nevertheless, due to his unique presence, most of the people in the banquet hall were naturally conscious of Prince Zion.

‘ By the way, what were your thoughts on attending the banquet?’

After the last conversation, he was still in a confused state, so he didn’t come close, but he kept his gaze on that side, thinking Groud.

Of course, Prince Zion was also able to attend the banquet because he was the heir appointed by the previous emperor.

But there was no reason to attend.

‘ If there is, it is exchanges with other successors… … .’

It didn’t even look like that.

As the doubts grew in Groud’s head,

“ This is… … Coffee?”

Shion put down her teacup and furrowed her eyebrows.

There was only one reason why Shion attended ‘The Night of the Successor’ was because of the green coffee in the teacup in front of him.

The finest coffee made from plants grown only in fairy forests in very small quantities.

It was Zion who had been informed that this coffee, nicknamed ‘mint coffee’, would be coming to this banquet through the successor of the fairy rim, and was there to taste it.

And the result was disappointing as it is now.

No, it was more than disappointing, it was even shocking.

‘It would be better if Riusina rode it in the past.’

It was hard to believe that there were people who liked this kind of thing.

With that thought, Zion’s eyes, which had pushed the teacup out of reach, began to scan the other successors in the banquet hall.

‘ Didn’t Su In-hae also attend this time?’

Among the numerous successors that come into view, not one of them exists.

Su In-hae will not be able to attend the world conference that starts tomorrow.

The reason existed.

Now, Su In-hae was fighting a long civil war with the power of the previous King of Su-in and the opposing forces collide.

Sion knew that one of the Omar Spirits was at the center of the civil war.

‘ I’ll have to deal with that as well soon.’

There were several factors that Zion had not dealt with until now.

It was because there were a lot of more urgent things, and the power of the beasts and the demons that were secretly invading the fairy forest was strong enough to say that they were different from other demons.

‘ A level of at least six claws.’

In fact, one of them even belonged to the six claws.

So, after raising the status of Heukseongha to some extent, I was going to face it, and now I was ready for that.

‘ Actually, there is a bigger problem than that.’

With that thought, Shion recalled the frantic Grand Duke he had seen a while ago.

In fact, the Acrymosia seen was far more insane and unrestrained than it had been seen in the chronicles.

Because I was going to blow up the city right there on the spot, without thinking about the restrictions and aftermath that would follow.

Since she became interested in Zion herself, there was a high probability that she would come to him at any time without worrying about any restrictions.

‘ To deal with that guy, you have to somehow reach 7 stars.’

If that’s not the case, it’s hard to win.

It was time for Shion to organize his thoughts and reach out for another mug besides the mint coffee.

“ Now, the atmosphere seems to be ripe, so let’s get into the main, shall we?”

Illipa, the successor of the fairy forest and called the fifth leaf, drew people’s attention and took out a long branch that gives a refreshing energy just by looking at it.

The main thing she said was ‘measurement of quality’.

This is a traditional event of the “Night of Succession” that has been passed down for countless years along with the World Conference.

“ Who do you want to start with? I will measure only those who want it.”

The qualities referred to in ‘ Quality Measurement’ were the qualities of a ruler.

All those who are here now will be rulers of large and small powers, and their qualities were inevitably important to that extent.

A part of the world tree that Illipa took out, the ‘branch of the king’, was able to accurately grasp the ruler’s qualities and the fate of the king, and measurements were carried out using such ‘twig of the king’.

An event that is both a kind of entertainment and a competition between successors.

Heirs who scored high in the quality measurement were able to rise to the next level with the recognition and envy of those around them, while those who came out low were often despised without knowing it.

“ Can you measure me first?”

“ Then I will do it.”

The successors who demanded measurements in a hurry, even though it could be a double-edged sword in a way.

It is also true that all of the people here were the heirs of great families or comparable powers, and the belief that they were destined for the king’s fate was firmly established.

Over the heads of those who measure such qualities,


The green light emanating from the ‘ The King’s Branch’ began to form a certain number.

A digitized combination of the qualities of a ruler and the fate of a king.

48, 64, 72… … .

figures appearing in various ways.

Of course, those who recorded the highest figures were Kaftan and Ilyfa.

Unlike others, they were the ones to rule over an entire race, so the ‘Fate of the King’ had to be greater.

Those numbers are 87 and 89.

Considering that the maximum value of the figure is 100, it can be said that it is staggering.

“ After all, heirs of the third generation of apocryphal … … .”

It was a time when words of admiration flowed from the mouths of others who saw the shame.

“ His Majesty, Prince Zion Agnes.”

Illipa called out to Shion, who was watching the successors measure with an indifferent expression from one side.

“ Why don’t you measure it once?”

She smiled brightly at Sion, who looked at him as if what was going on, and continued.

“ It looks like this, but it is quite accurate. Aren’t you also curious about your own qualities? Of course, it will come out so high that it can’t be compared with us.”

Various calculations were being made in Illipa’s head as he spoke to Zion.

‘ I heard that he has monster-like power and charisma… … In fact, it seems that the rumors are exaggerated. Besides, even if that’s true, it’s hard to judge a person’s qualities or fate based on that alone.’

Among them, the fate of a king is determined from birth, so even if the qualities were high, there were cases where they came out low.

And in fact, what Illipa was aiming for was not this place today, but the world conference to be held tomorrow.

To be more precise, the initiative of the five princesses, Diena, supported by Fairy Rim.

‘ If Prince Zion’s figure is lower than that of His Majesty Diena, who had previously measured it, his position at the meeting would definitely be narrowed down.’

In addition, it will change in favor of Princess Diena.

‘ Her Majesty Diena’s figure is 96. It is almost the highest among the fairy forest and the Agnes royal family. It’s good enough.’

No, not to the point of trying, she was sure that Prince Zion would come out lower.

‘ The question is whether Prince Zion will accept this offer… … .’

at that time,

“ I do.”

After giving a light answer, Zion got up from his seat, went straight to Illipa’s face and held out a hand.

‘ Okay!’

At the same time reflecting on him,

“ You just need to hold this branch lightly, Your Majesty.”

She politely hands the branches to Zion.

According to Illipa’s words, it was the moment when Zion held the ‘The Emperor’s Branch’.

The green light I had seen so far did not flow out.

Ded Ded Dude!

A branch that just starts vibrating like crazy.

“ Uh… … ?”

The moment when Illipa’s eyes, who had been looking at the abnormal reaction, also fluctuated,

The ‘Branch of the Emperor’, which has measured the qualities of numerous successors for hundreds of years until now, has not been cracked anywhere.

Those branches were just broken.

At the same time, in the banquet hall filled with silence,

“ It’s defective.”

Zion’s quiet voice resounded.

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