203 episodes

50 World Conference (5)

It was an instant.

The crowd split on both sides with the appearance of Zion.

The time it took for a few men with swords to jump out at Shion in the midst of such a crowd.

“ For His Majesty Enoch!”

The skills of the men who ran and screamed were very good.


The mana condensing and burning from their swords was terrifying enough to astonish those who looked, and their speed was fast enough to leave a faint afterimage.

The first man, who reached right in front of him in such an instant, wields the sword he had pulled in advance without hesitation.

Even then, without even moving, Sion looked at the man with languid eyes as usual.

It was the moment when the man’s sword finally reached right in front of Shion’s neck.


A cutting sound rang out.

But it wasn’t the sound that came from Zion’s throat.

“… … !”

It was the sound of the man’s arm holding the sword being cut off.

In the place where the man’s arm had fallen off, there was a single sword with a fluttering silver flash.

“ Dare you.”

The master of the sword was Lucas, the leader of the Twilight Swordsman, who had been following Zion until recently.

Starting with Lucas’ cold stew,

Suga Gaga!

Other members of the Twilight Swordsman leap out at an imperceptible speed and begin to deal with the rest of the raiders.

“ Aww!”

The situation is sorted out in an instant with him.

Soon after,


The only man who survived the first time knelt in front of Sion with his neck fixed between the crossed swords.

“ It’s a shame, if I had been a little quicker, I could have decapitated my head.”

At eye level with such a man, Sion smiled and opened her mouth.

But everyone watching the scene knew.

That Prince Zion’s words were not true.

“ Zion Agnes! How dare you try to assassinate His Majesty Enoch with cowardice and shamelessly ascend to the throne! Even if you fail now, someday someone else will punish you!”

“ It’s a beast… … I really wish there was something like that.”

If God could be directly involved in this world to that extent, there would be fewer things that Zion himself had to do than now.

At those words, from the mouth of Shion who briefly looked at the man who was staring at him as if he was about to kill him.

“ Where are you from?”

A low voice came out.

“ We were serving the 3rd Prince… … !”

“ No.”

Before the man’s words could be finished, unclean words came out of Zion’s mouth.

It was Zion’s own nature to pull out the enemy who revealed it to him to the root.

That means it will thoroughly remove everything that is involved.

So there could be no leftovers left to do this.

‘ Still, the existence of these guys means that they are a third force.’

In addition, it was highly likely that there was another intention to attack in such a public way, knowing that it would fail.

For example, to degrade the image, or to use this as a trigger to bring people who are dissatisfied with them to the surface and unite them.

‘ There are only a few guys who can make things like this at this time. Among them, the most promising is… … .’

A single word came out of Shion’s mouth while he was thinking about something in his head for a moment.

“ Ouroboros.”

At that moment, the man’s eyes flickered very slightly.

The commotion was so weak that even Lucas, who was right next to him, did not notice, but he could not deceive Shion’s eyes.

“ I was leaving it for the growth of the hero, so he did this kind of trick.”

From the eerie voice that came out of Shion’s mouth, did he feel that things were going strangely?

“ Heh heh, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Today’s enemies will be avenged by our comrades.”

The man who hid the agitation with a smile on purpose activated the explosion magic that had been installed near his heart in advance with those words.

There was little joy in the eyes of such a man, probably because he had approached Zion for this purpose from the beginning.

Whoa ah ah ah!

“Your Majesty Zion, it is dangerous!”

It was the moment when Lucas, who was next to him, was urgently trying to block the relationship between Shion and the man in the light of mana that was increasing in brightness in an instant.


The light disappeared completely, as if it had never existed in the first place.

And the alien darkness that has taken its place all of a sudden.

“ Hey, this is… … !”

The man’s eyes began to shake as if he couldn’t believe it, feeling that the magic that had been activated had disappeared in an instant.

Because this wasn’t in the plan at all.

What the hell happened?

“ Did you try to self-destruct? Not so. We still have information to extract.”

Sion, speaking quietly to such a man, had a smile that felt sinister just by looking at it.

“ From now on, everything about you will be decided by my will. Even to death, of course.”

With those words, Shion, who passed the man with a blank face, began to slowly walk towards the empty chair.

“… … .”

People who look at Zion with their mouths shut and with a stiff face.

Various emotions were floating in the eyes of such people.

‘ How… … .’

Some expressed fear and concern at the appearance of a cruel tyrant.

‘ After all, Prince Zion is… … .’

Some people admired and admired it.

And the latter was far more numerous of them.

When the world was at peace, Ingun was the supreme ruler.

The demon, which had been quiet for a hundred years, was slowly churning, and the empire was collapsing, causing constant disturbance and civil war, filled with those who pursued only their own interests.

In such a situation, Ingun would only become poison.

A ruler with a brutal charisma like Prince Zion might be the most needed for the present empire.

Sion, who arrived at the top seat with the gaze of such people, stopped for a moment next to Diena while heading to his empty seat.

“ You didn’t reveal the details of the meeting.”

Zion’s mouth opens quietly with him.

“ Honestly, I was shocked. Does the last conscience remain? Or is it just a good feeling?”

In fact, this was a kind of test that Zion placed on Diena.

A test to determine her disposition.

Does Diana know?

That this choice made her a little bit more likely to live.

“… … .”

Diena just stared at Shion’s words and didn’t respond.

The moment Shion, who smiled at her once, sat down,

“ Let’s start the competition from now on!”

The long-awaited world competition finally began with the cry of the nobility in charge.

There was a small incident before the start, but it was not enough to cancel the competition, and it was possible because Zion passed without any hesitation.

Of course, there were also cases where Shion nodded and allowed the process.

“ Wow!”

The world competition was divided into two categories: a group exhibition and an individual exhibition, and the more popular one was the individual exhibition.

It was an opportunity to fully see the skills of the top performers, who normally couldn’t even see their faces properly.

In addition, as it was a solo exhibition where even ‘Seven Heavens’ appeared once, of course, people had no choice but to be enthusiastic.

That’s why it always started with a group game.

And now that such a group exhibition is in progress,

“ Crazy! It’s crazy!”

“I mean, how high-level is this!”

People were already showing a tremendous response as much as the individual exhibition of the last competition.

The center of the reaction was none other than the Knights of Agnes, who were competing for the first time this time.

“ Wow, it’s cracked! membrane… … !”


“ aah!”

Is it really the world’s strongest knights?

Even though it was a competition that gathered only the strongest armed groups of each faction, the activities displayed by the Knights of Agnes were enormous.

Opponents who are pushed back without mercy and are defeated in an instant without even being able to properly counterattack.

The scene clearly revealed the fact that the level of power possessed by the Knights of Agnes was different from other places.

‘ It’s like that, even if the general manager, Milleon, didn’t participate.’

Sion’s eyes lit up, watching such an activity from the top.

It was the Knights of Agnes, who were always called the strongest in the chronicles, but never showed a proper performance.

Having seen some of the power of such a knight, of course, there was no choice but to be greedy.

To the extent that I want to change the plan I had in mind to get it in my hands faster.

‘ Of course, I’ll have to deal with that first, but… … .’

With that thought, Zion looked at the people who couldn’t take their eyes off the competition.

No, to be precise, I looked at the demons hiding among those people.

Have you not heard of the floating city from above yet?

Not a single demon clad in human skin was participating in the competition.

‘ No, I’ve heard of it, but I wouldn’t have thought it would move so quickly.’

who would have expected

As soon as he returned from the wealthy city to the imperial castle, he would have done something like this.

With him, while watching the preparations gradually being made around the great training center, Shion’s eyes glow coldly,

‘ What the hell are you doing?’

Diena was conscious of such a Zion instead of a competition, and was thinking of these questions in her head.

‘ Didn’t you say that you would prove it in this competition?’

There is only one thing that is different from the last competition.

Only the Knights of Agnes participated.

How are you going to prove it?

‘ Well, if I can’t do it, it’s good for me, but… … .’

If it’s Zion I’ve seen so far, it’s never going to happen.

‘ Ha, I really don’t like it.’

Neither the current situation, nor Zion, nor, in the end, the self who went to a disadvantageous path without leaking the contents of the meeting.

When he was young and irritated in her eyes,

“ Okay, this is the end of the team match!”

The call of the host announcing the end of the group match was heard.

With him, people’s eyes began to be colored with greater anticipation.

Because that means that the solo exhibition will start from now on.

“ Then let’s start the solo exhibition right away! … … Before we do that, we will conduct an event match.”

People’s expectations faded slightly at the host’s remarks.

But in the next moment, that anticipation went beyond an instant soaring and turned into a frenzied frenzy.

“ The target of the event match is the world’s strongest knight and the second sky among the ‘Seven Skys’! His Majesty the Lion Princess Ibelin Agnes!”

read at readwn. com

Momentary silence.



A gigantic roar that could not even be compared with before began to fill the entire banquet hall.

level enough to cause the eardrum to burst.

It was clearly revealing the value of the name Evelyn Agnes.

“ Hey, how the hell did this happen?”

At the same time, the people sitting at the top of the table also turned their heads toward Evelyn and vomited bewildered voices.

Their suspicious eyes showed that they were also unaware of this incident.

Event matches were a frequent occurrence in world competition, but rarely did the royal family directly participate in such matches.

I didn’t even have to do it, and it didn’t help at all if I did.

No, it could have been more of a loss.

In addition, the target is Ibelin Agnes, who is said to be the closest to the imperial family and the strongest of the empire.

The topicality would be great, but there was no real substance.

“… … .”

Evelyn, who didn’t say anything to those people, got up from her seat and started walking slowly towards the main dance hall.

Her eyes were as calm as usual.

I had no choice but to do so.

Because this match was requested by her herself.

“ Wow! Lion Princess! Lion Princess!”

People who always shout Evelyn’s nickname.

Among them, the reaction of the knights was absolutely explosive.

best knight.

The owner of the title that made my heart race just by hearing it was right in front of me, so I had no choice but to do so.

Evelyn sits in the middle of the grand theater, silently accepting the reactions of such people.

With him, the host’s words began to continue as if they had made a promise.

“ As this event match is unprecedented, there are special rules. The first thing that comes out is that it directly designates its opponent. So from now on, I will let His Majesty Evelyn decide his opponent.”

With those words, the whole of the large theater began to be colored with tension as if it were pulled tight.

Who is the opponent directly designated by ‘Sky’, who is looking beyond the ‘strongest knight’ to even the position of ‘the strongest of the empire’?

Sword King Ludwig Ascalon?

White dye Ahmad Ozrima?

However, they were not the opponents pointed to by the sword of the lion princess, who slowly came out of the scabbard.

The head of the Grand Theater.

A single man in the center was looking down at her with languid eyes.

“ Come out, Zion.”

Six, no, now Evelyn’s eyes filled with seven brilliant starlights burn like flames as they look up at the emperor who devoured the world of the past.

At the same time, six black stars began to slowly rise in the eyes of the emperor who smiled while looking into her eyes.

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