213 episodes

53 Boundary Road (2)

The inside of the magic station where you have to go a little deeper from the border.

ride it!

From there, a group of people was running fast towards the border.

Despite being a demon that only monsters can survive, the members of that group are all humans.

To be precise, it was the party, including the hero Claire Flosimar.

‘The time is already approaching.’

The gray sky gradually fades toward the border.

There was little urgency in Claire’s eyes as she ran as she looked up at the sky.

Death of the Lion Princess Iveline Agnes.

That death meant a lot.

This is because, beyond the simple disappearance of one of the world’s strongest people, it was an opportunity for the magical powers to begin their full-fledged activities.

Evelyn, who is called the strongest knight, played a role in deterring the war to some extent just by being there.

Therefore, if she died, the period of the great war would be accelerated, and the destruction had to be accelerated as well.

‘ It’s even faster than the previous episode.’

If it was normal, it was supposed to happen four or five months from now.

Even though many things have changed compared to before the return, I never expected that it would be this soon.

If it hadn’t been for Prince Zion’s message, he wouldn’t have been able to move in such a timely manner.

That was then.

“ Claire.”

Turzan, who was running next to him, called her name with a firm voice and stopped in place.

“ Something passed here before us.”

The giant’s eyes, who said so to the party who stopped following him, were scanning the traces of something engraved on the earth.

It was a very weak trace of Magi.

In a way, in a magical area where there are more monsters than grains of sand, traces that are insignificant enough to be overlooked.

But there was a reason Turzan stopped like this.

It was because his whole body, who had reached the third of the ‘Seven Heavens’, was trembling regardless of his will, just by sensing the faint traces.

It’s like Magi looking down on everything from a high place and pressing down on it.

What kind of existence is the owner of these magical devices?

“ This is… … !”

Following Turzan’s words, Claire’s eyes began to fluctuate as she scanned the traces of Magi.

It wasn’t because of the fear of the remnants of an unimaginably powerful force that was felt from the traces.

Because it was planned from the beginning that the large supply chain would intervene in this matter.

It was the nature of such magic that made Claire’s eyes flutter.

‘ The future has changed again!’

Obviously, the Archduke who was aiming for Evelyn Agnes before returning was a frenzy.

However, this was not a trace left by Acrimosia.

No, there was only one existence in the world who could harbor this kind of magic.

‘ The Grand Duke of Oman.’

Their future seemed to have been distorted by using the jealous archduke Jellis to cause a riot.

“I must hurry.”

There was urgency in Claire’s eyes.

The strength of both beings may be similar, but the Archduke of Oman was far more dangerous, in her opinion.

Frenzy would spend time uninhibited in the first place for his own pleasure, but arrogance had none of that.

“ From now on, we will move at maximum speed.”


The new type of the party, who exchanged glances with the words of the hero, began to move faster than ever before.

* * *

The sky of the Magician was very black, unlike other ordinary skies.

There were several presumed causes of this, but the most influential hypothesis was that the magic energy emitted from the demonic power did not dissipate but went up and covered the entire sky.

Shion thought that the hypothesis was correct to some extent.

Otherwise, the sky at the border between the Demon Demon and the Empire would not have that gray color.

Perhaps it is a phenomenon that occurs when the magical energy that spreads out of the demon reaches the original sky.

‘ It doesn’t really matter what the reason is.’

You’ll get your original light back by yourself anyway.

With that thought in mind, Zion looked at a group of people approaching from afar to welcome him and his companions.

“ See you, His Majesty Zion!”

The man who was at the forefront of the crowd approached Zion and bowed his head deeply.

A muscular man with an impressive scar drawn from his left eye to his lips.

It was Girard, the commander of the border corps.

Hearing that Zion is visiting the border, he immediately came to meet him.

“ It’s easy.”

As Shion nodded, Girard raised his head again and opened his mouth with puzzled eyes.

“ May I ask what happened to you here without a message?”

“I have business to do.”

Sion passes by Girard’s side and enters the garrison of the Guard Corps with a voice with a characteristic boredom.

Girard asked, chasing right next to Shion.

“ If anything… … Are you talking about eradicating monsters?”

“ It’s similar. You look pretty busy anyway.”

Saying that, Shion’s gaze moved quickly between the barracks, looking at the soldiers preparing for something.

“ It… … It is because of the preparation for the competition.”

“ Participate? The whole of the Border Corps?”

Lucas, one of the people who was following Zion, opened his mouth with puzzled eyes.

As he knew, the Border Corps was the most powerful of the Empire’s forces guarding the borders, and therefore it was also playing a central role.

The fact that such a vigilante corps was moving as a whole would mean that something serious had happened.

“… … After all, your Majesty must have known since you have visited the border, so I will explain it from the beginning.”

Girard, who had been silent for a while as if to organize his thoughts at the question, slowly opened his mouth.

“ Sometimes an anomaly was detected on the outskirts of the perimeter. The large-scale movement of high-ranking demons, which has never been seen before, and the rapid change in the existing demonic frontline.”

The change was a serious problem that could not be ignored, and the atmosphere of the Imperial forces, including the Border Corps, was also tightening.

“ And a few days ago, High Evelyn, who was the first to detect the anomaly, led some of the forces of the vigil, including the knights, to the outskirts of subjugation.”

“ Looks like it didn’t work out.”

Before Girard’s words could be finished, a low voice came out of Zion’s mouth.

Even without knowing the future, it was enough to guess.

Otherwise, the vigilante corps would not have been able to move.

As if Shion was right, Girard nodded with a dark face.

“… … That’s right. Exactly the day before, I lost communication with His Majesty Evelyn. We decided this was an emergency, so we immediately started preparing for the deployment.”

There was one more reason for Girard to judge that the current situation was urgent.

Exactly when communication with the 2nd Princess was cut off, the movement of the Demonic Forces, which had been facing the Guard Corps, was unusual.

As if to show off their presence, their appearance, provoking much wilder and stronger than usual, seemed to divert their gaze from something.

“ The preparations will probably be over in two or three hours, but… … .”

With those words, Girard, who looked at the soldiers busily moving around for a moment, turned his gaze to Shion.

“ What will your majesty do?”

Perhaps he was asking if he would stay here or accompany him.

“ Let’s go, master! If I accompany you, there will be fewer guys I will kill!”

It was at the moment when Shion, who had heard the cry of Riusina from behind, was about to open her mouth.

“ Oh, corps commander!!”

A soldier who appeared to be a scout ran and shouted, unable to hide his urgency on his face.

“ What’s going on?”

“ It’s an attack, it’s an attack! The monsters are advancing, no, they are charging!”

A soldier who was gasping for breath and continued to speak without even being aware of how urgent Zion was.


A new model of Girard, whose expression quickly hardened at that, was shot towards the front of the garrison at the speed of light.

Arriving at the border in such an instant, a startled sight began to unfold in his eyes.



It was a legion.

An army of monsters that filled his entire field of vision was running frantically toward this side from the demon station, screaming as if his eardrum was about to burst.

Everything on the earth is dyed dark red due to the magic that comes out of it.

Due to the violent movements of tens or even more monsters, the whole earth shakes as if there was an earthquake.

“ What… … !”

And Girard’s eyes, looking at it, also began to shake without mercy.

I mean, how the hell did this happen?

The monsters that are now charging towards this side in front of their eyes are the demonic corps that have been confronting them.

Knowing that each other should not move recklessly, so far, only small local wars have been waged.

But all of a sudden, all of the main forces are moving.

‘ If it’s a normal monster army, it’s enough to subdue it quickly… … .’

The problem was that it wasn’t a normal monster army.

As they were confronting the Empire’s elite, the Border Corps, the level of that monster corps was much higher than that of other enemies, and many high-ranking demons were included.

‘ In addition to that, the guy who leads that corps… … .’

With that thought, Girard smiled madly in front of the monster corps and looked at a demon approaching this way.

– Ha ha ha ha!

A demon with four legs and six arms resembling a horse.

That demon named Cltheon was one of the ‘six claws’ that were said to have the highest level of strength in the demon world.

A being that has reigned as the greatest trouble and the strongest enemy.

soon after

“ After… … .”

From Girard’s mouth, taking a moment to catch his breath and cool his head.

“ The whole army is ready for battle!!!”

A loud cry rang out.

It was a situation I had not expected at all, but I couldn’t keep quiet about it.

The good news is that, since he was preparing for an expedition anyway, he was able to prepare for battle quickly.

‘ If a fierce battle takes place like this, the expedition will be canceled due to a huge loss of troops… … Can not help it.’

Is it really the elite among the elite?

It was a moment when Girard’s eyes sank as he felt the vigilant corps quickly aligning behind him.

Whoa ah ah ah ah!

All the energy that existed in the field of vision began to be sucked into somewhere in an instant.

At the same time, the gaze of the soldiers, including Girard, naturally begins to return to the place where the energy is absorbed.

What was reflected in their eyes.

hey hey hey!

A silent spear that cohesives into one point while replacing all the absorbed energy with darkness.

It was the figure of Zion pulling out such a spear.

“ Zion… … majesty?”

A dazed voice came out of Girard’s mouth as he felt his whole body being crushed by the terrifying pressure that spread from him, but Shion’s eyes were fixed on the target the tip of the spear pointed to.

The target is Cltheon, the ruler of the monster army and one of the six claws.

Zion knew.


The advance of the monster corps that unfolded in front of them was meant to hold their ankles here and waste time so that they wouldn’t pay attention to Evelyn.

However, Zion did not have the heart to match the rhythm.

One layer, two layers, three layers… … .

The black island continues to overlap over the extremely condensed darkness at the tip of the spear.

gurg gurg!

A space shaken by Agdvar, who can’t stand the power and screams, and the aftermath.

It was as if the world was tightening around Zion.


‘ It ends with this blow.’

The dragon bomb spear, which has been stacked with a total of ten black islands, is drawn to the maximum and pointed towards the heart of the demon.

-… … you, you!!!!

At the same time that the goal of such a spear was himself, it was the moment when Cltheon’s eyes, realizing the identity of Shion, expanded to the point that it could not grow any longer.


The pulled Zion’s spear was shot.


the world has been pierced

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