221 episodes

56 Fairy Forest (1)

The Gwando of the Fairy Forest was different from other regions.

An unpaved dirt road and the grass that grew on it.

In addition, all the trees surrounding it even thought that it was not a road, but most of the facilities in the fairy forest with the spirit of not damaging nature as much as possible looked like this.

And on that coffin, Zion and two other women were walking.

“ Master, so the place we are going now is the capital of the fairy forest, right?”

One of them, Liusina, asked Shion with a dull voice.

“ Yes.”

Shion nodded, looking at the huge city that slowly appeared in the distance from the front.

Even though it was quite an official visit, there was a reason why Zion moved with only such a small number of people.

With the preparations for war that began in earnest, the entire empire, including the capital Hubris, began to become chaotic, and as a result, discord was also occurring here and there.

In such a situation, even Zion himself had to vacate the Imperial Fortress, so he was devoting all his energy except for the minimum number of people to dealing with that task.

‘ Sometimes this is enough to handle Fairy Rim’s work.’

With that thought, Shion recalled the information about the fairy forest in the chronicle.

‘ By now, the world tree must be in danger.’

The depletion of spirit power due to the absence of the Spirit King class summoner.

Of course, that was because of the magic.

One hundred years ago, a secret facility such as the plant in the capital was built secretly in the fairy forest, and what that facility was doing was to steal the blessings of Achenidia that should be directed to the fairies.

So, of course, there was no choice but to come out as a Elemental King-class Summoner.

Destroying this facility was what Zion had to do in the fairy forest this time, along with climbing to Heukseongha 7 Castle.

‘ Also, the rats that are hiding are organized.’

at that time,

“That ’s right, you say you have a unique ability?”

Liusina, who looked around with a bored expression on her face, suddenly looked at another party, a woman with pale pink hair, and her eyes lit up.

It was a selfie.

“I heard they eat monsters.”

“ That… … I can’t eat monsters.”

A selfie with the witch’s eyes slowly falling one step away as if it were burdensome.

Riusina, who was more attached to her as if she didn’t care about her words, continued with a subtle tone.

“ Then how about this? It’s called mint, and it’s so delicious that it can’t even compare to monster-like things.”

Was this the purpose from the beginning?

The appearance of Liusina holding out a can of mint coffee with something completely unrelated to it was enough to call her a witch of mint, not a thousand years old.

“ Mi, Mint?”

“ Yeah, this is very hard to find. Do you like sweet things? So how about this? This is mint chocolate mixed with chocolate. I recently made… … .”

A witch who pours out words like meat in water, recommending a mint flavored drink that is no longer even coffee.

To that, Selfia gently turned her head to send a look of salvation, but Shion turned away from that gaze.

Because it was better than being tormented by that Mint missionary.

‘ This is an ordeal, so endure it.’

How long did he walk while expressing his condolences to the new victim in that way?

All of a sudden, many fairies gathered in the eyes of Zion who arrived in front of the main gate of Elbrium, the capital of the fairy forest, entered.

He must have heard the news of the visit in advance and came out to meet him.

“ Welcome, Your Majesty Zion. Welcome to Elbrium.”

Among them, one of the fairies standing in the front bowed deeply to Zion and greeted them.

The fairies behind him begin to show their respects after him.

Since it was to welcome the next emperor, the fairies’ attitude was very polite, but

‘ It’s like this from the beginning… … .’

Zion’s eyes, looking at them, had subsided.

‘ Are you testing me? Or is it just stupid?’

A cold smile that begins to grow young on Shion’s lips with him.

‘It would be right to go with either one.’

“… … Your Majesty Zion?”

It was when the fairies who felt strange at the sight of Zion who did not respond to their greetings raised their heads one by one.

“ There are rats.”

A languid voice came out of Shion’s mouth.

“ They hide behind the shadows and gnaw at me like silverfish.”

A young question appeared in the eyes of the fairies at the sudden, unknown words.

However, Selfia’s eyes were already trembling when she had heard something similar to this at the former academy.

“ Most of those rats are gathered here now, but the boss is nowhere to be seen.”

The only reason why Zion is not using his hand right now.

“ What should I do?”

“ Sir Zion, what does that mean… … .”

One of the fairies, who felt an unknown ominous sound from those words, opened his mouth, but his words were not continued to the end by Riusina’s voice that was immediately heard.

“ Master, why are you asking such a thing?”

As if the cheerful appearance when she offered Mint Choco to Selfia was a lie, an eerie smile hung over the witch’s lips.

“ It is wrong to put up with prey in front of you.”

Words with horror like laughter.

“ I was going to sort it all out anyway, so it wouldn’t be a bad idea to start now.”

At that moment, words like permission flowed out of Zion’s mouth.


A small red magic circle appeared in front of Riusina’s left eye, who smiled more deeply.

“ Uh, what… … !”

It was the moment when the fairies were about to take a step back at the strange magic that was felt from him.

Quad Duck!

The neck of the middle-aged fairy standing in the front was torn off with a crackling sound.

Blood gushing out in all directions with the fairy’s head soaring into the air.

Before the fairies who saw the scene even opened their mouths,

“ It’s been a while since the fairy’s blood.”

Liusina, who had created the scene, gently waved her hand in an expectant voice.


The blood that spread with him condensed with a bizarre sound and turned into dozens of red solid lines and began to slaughter other fairies that were around.

“ No, is it the blood of a monster?”

“ You crazy witch!”

Were there any talented people among them?

Some fairies who blocked or avoided those blood vessels began to rush towards Riusina.

“ Are you thankful for saving me the trouble of having to go on my own?”

With those words, a small magic circle appeared in front of Riusina’s left eye again.

That moment,


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More than half of the fairies who rushed in without warning had their upper body disappeared.

The mouth of a huge beast that appeared from the scene belatedly.

“ I will kill you!!”

The fairies left behind in the death of the clan rushed at them like crazy with their eyes completely turned over, but unlike before, Liusina did not kill them.

Tuhwa hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

They simply summoned thousands of demon eyes and bound their whole bodies.

‘The effect is good.’

Sion, who knew what Riusina’s unfamiliar behavior meant, smiled lightly.

Filtering out monsters and non-monster fairies.

Although they had already recognized the existence of the red circle due to the events at the floating city and the world conference, the reason they appeared in front of Zion himself must have been because of the confidence that they could detect the red circle before it was triggered.

Until now, the red circle required time to prepare, and the effect when it was activated was too flashy.

But there was something they overlooked.

‘ The rate of development of the red circle.’

Even after the improved version was completed, the color circle continued to improve by the university’s horse tower and blood tower, and at this time it was in a state of development to the point that it was confusing whether it was the same.

Evolution is the right word.

The small magic circle that appeared in front of Riusina right now was also one of the forms of such a red circle.

It cannot be forced to reveal its appearance, but it is a simplified form so that it can be distinguished anywhere.

‘ I don’t really need it, though.’

With that thought, Shion turned to look at a fairy woman who was leaving the scene of the massacre, trembling in fear from a distance.

Was it because he had to take charge of one of the three by himself?

Each of the demons who secretly attacked the Fairy Forest and the Water Inhae had one superlative lieutenant to assist them, and the lieutenant here was that fairy.

To be precise, I should have said that he was a demon who was acting in a fairy costume.

Probably, he noticed the disadvantage of the situation and pulled himself out.

‘ I can’t let it be like that.’


Zion’s body starts from his toes and gradually turns into darkness and scatters.


The only mobile device that exists under the Black Star.

6th and headed towards the 7th was even more bizarre.

Now, even right in front of my eyes, I can’t understand or recognize the principle.

“ What… … !”

Of course, Thalys, a demon who wore a fairy woman’s mask, did not recognize the dark currents of Zion.

Still, is it the second rank among the demons who are secretly invading the fairy forest?

Quad Duck!!

“ Wow!”

Just by giving away one of her arms for such Shion’s blow, Thalyss, who was reckless, immediately summoned a spirit and counterattacked.

Let’s weave!

A blue thunderbolt falling from the sky.

Perhaps because the spirit itself was derived from nature in the first place, the power of the thunderbolt was no inferior to that of a natural thunderbolt.



Shion extinguishes such a thunderbolt just by raising one hand and gently grasping it.

Thalys, not panicking as if he did not think it would work from the beginning, immediately summoned the following spirits.

Fire, wind, darkness.

The moment when the high-ranking spirits that appeared, scattering the power corresponding to their attributes in all directions, inflate their bodies to the size of a house, and try to swallow up Shion, tumbling hahahahahahahaha!

The explosive flames of Muspelheim that erupted from Shion’s whole body began to set fire to all those spirits.

“ Gagging!”

Thalys vomits blood due to the aftermath of the reverse summon.

Shion’s fist, which was wrapped in nephritis in her eyes, widened in an instant.

blah blah blah!

The opposite arm of Thalys that flew away with the ensuing clash.

Even though she lost her arms so quickly, there was a glimmer of hope in her eyes.

‘ If it’s like this… … .’

Were the rumors exaggerated?

Or is there some kind of restriction that can’t be used right now?

The strength of Sion Agnes that Thalys was experiencing right now was much weaker than he had heard.

Somehow, only fatal injuries were avoided and a counterattack was possible.

‘ If I do my best, I can run away.’

Thalys’ eyes, which had finished calculating in an instant in his head, were dyed dark red.

At the same time,


A huge magical energy that begins to spring up from her whole body.

It was time for Thalys, who had raised his powers like that, to shoot magic bullets at Shion right away, while at the same time bouncing in the opposite direction.

Go away!

Thalys’ body stopped on the spot.

It wasn’t her will.

“… … uh?”

One hand protruding through her chest.

Thalys’ body begins to slowly collapse by the white hands that protrude from the core and heart.

“ I’ve been waiting for you, when are you going to use Magi?”

In the eyes of such demons, the figure of Shion, who pulled out his engraved hand and grinned, came into view.

And then,

“ Still, you have to convince me at least.”

The moment she entered the figure of the 5th Princess Diena and Hallegrion, who were looking at this side with disbelief faces in the sight slowly falling down, Thalys was finally able to realize.

From the beginning, Zion Agnes did not intentionally kill himself.

“ The devil… … The devil has the devil as an enemy.”

With those words, the breath of the top-class demons, who had been secretly performing numerous crafts for decades in the fairy forest, were completely cut off.

Shion immediately opened his eyes from the slowly disappearing demonic corpse and turned his head.

‘ It looks like it’s almost cleared up over there too.’

After Riusina, who slaughters demons with an expression that looks more excited than ever, and Selfia, who reluctantly confronts the demons next to him, Sion’s gaze stops at Diena, who is staring at this with a hardened expression and swaying eyes.

“ I’m not going to pay for this.”

Shion smiled and opened her mouth to Diena.

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