253 episodes

64 Underground (3)

In front of the main gate of Agnes Imperial Castle.

“ Ugh… … .”

There, a woman was slowly approaching the front door.

The woman’s true identity is Serki.

He was one of the Omaryeong and was called the anti-magical general.

She, who had disappeared after being fatally wounded by Zion in the past, reappeared after a few months.

“ Turn it off… … D, you have to go in.”

Serkia’s condition didn’t look that good.

A staggering gait and skin slowly dripping down as if he couldn’t focus.

Dark red blood flowing through them, blurry eyes, and even saliva flowing from the corners of his mouth.

It looks like his mind and body are not all in good shape.

“ Stop! This is the golden castle! You can’t go inside anymore!”

It was a moment when the floodgates blocked Serkia, who had already approached the front gate.


At the same time as it swelled bizarrely, the demonic arms swung at an invisible speed and blown away all the heads of those knights.

The knights in the back who stared blankly at the scene for a moment in the unexpected situation.

“ Hey, it’s an attack!!”

Belatedly, they started running towards Serkia.

But the result was the same.

Quad Duck!

The knights whose upper body flew into the arms of the anti-magical general, who were swung forked and split into several branches just like before.

Serkia, who had killed the knights guarding the main gate in such an instant, staggered again and slowly moved into the Imperial Castle.

“ Ugh… … . Wow, the king is calling me.”


The dark red magic that flowed from her back began to spread slowly, coloring the earth of the Imperial Castle.

* * *

Had the entire battlefield been frozen?

A stillness that lasts so quietly that not even a single breath can be heard.

Breaking such silence.


It was a huge black horse.

A black horse approaching Zion’s side as if riding on his back and bowing down.

It was the horse that Sion was with on the battlefield when it was Eternal.

Because he was smarter than most people, the first thing he noticed was Zion’s thoughts and approached him.

Riding on the back of such a black horse without hesitation, Shion was shot straight at the enemy forces.


“… … Yes, His Majesty has always been like that.”

Ian, who was staring blankly at Shion’s back, smiled and started spurring the horse he was riding.

Even in any impossible situation, they always take the lead, clear the road, and eventually lead them to victory.

Ian himself fell in love with his appearance and followed him.

And this time, the emperor’s back, moving toward the center of the enemy without a single move, made all the troops, including Ian, follow him.

“ I’m going to put on a defensive spell, so stick together as much as you can and charge.”

Like an experienced person who has fought many wars so far, Liswell immediately grants all kinds of magic to the entire unit, including Zion.

soon after


With a terrifying clash, Zion’s power began to sprint through the siege at a tremendous speed.

“ No, stop!”

One of the leaders of the Allied Forces, who was watching the situation from behind the army, rose from his seat in an urgent voice and shouted.

“ Never break the siege!”

It was surprising that the ambitiously summoned Earth Spirit King was reverse-summoned at once, but now it was more urgent that the siege was not broken than that.

It was an opportunity that was barely seized with countless sacrifices and a huge amount of troops.

This might be the last chance.

Therefore, even if all the troops in this place were changed, the head of the enemy had to be cut off.

However, the expressions of the leaders who had been shouting with such urgency soon changed strangely.

“ What is this… … .”

Because the direction the enemies were heading was the center where they were, not the outside.

“ No, stop!”

From the mouth of Ligretto, the fifth leaf of the Fairy Forest, a cry that was the same as before, but with a different meaning erupted.

“ Never let me come here! Close the siege and pour out all your firepower!”

A cry more urgent than ever.

Of course they knew.

Compared to theirs, the enemy’s power was on the same level as poor, so it was just how reckless that charge was.

They say you just reverse-summoned the Earth Spirit King, but that alone wouldn’t be enough.

Still, I couldn’t figure out why it was so ominous.

‘ Orrelion Agnes.’

A being that appeared like a comet a few years ago and is devouring the whole world at a terrifying speed.

Is it because of the incredible number of achievements that the man has made so far?

in between.

“ I can’t get past this!”

The warriors of the Hwaung tribe, who are said to have the strongest power among bear beasts, blocked the front of Zion, which was shot by scattering darkness behind it as if leaving an afterimage.

A space that vibrates like a haze in the momentum flowing from the uninhabited as if to prove its level.

If it was a normal horse, he would immediately get up or change direction, surprised by the momentum, but Zion’s Black Horse was different.


A black horse that snorts like a snort and speeds up even more.

With him, hundreds of black dots began to appear around Zion.

partial lunar eclipse.

Black Island application, sunspot.

Convergence Mistletoe.


As soon as it is completed, black dots are shot in all directions leaving a long tail.

Such sunspots pierce the hearts of the Hwaung people who stand in their way without a single error.

“ aah!”

Since they were shot at almost the speed of light, the soldiers collapsed without even reacting properly.

That alone was powerful enough to open his mouth, but Zion’s attack did not end there.

Papa Papa!

As if light is reflected in a mirror.

The refracted black lines spread farther and farther, cutting off the breaths of the other warriors behind them.

As a result, a huge vacant lot was created around Zion in an instant.

Using such an empty space, the subordinates follow Zion, who digs into the army, and widens the path.

“ Do not approach, attack from afar!”

The Allied Forces, who changed their strategy to their overwhelming appearance, widened the distance and fired thousands of spirit magic at the same time.

A magic that fills the entire sky and pours down to the entire army, including Zion.

It was an attack almost like a disaster, but not even a single one of it reached Shion.


Hundreds of dark beasts, resembling Liusina’s handshake, soared out of the shadows and swallowed all the magic that fell.

“ Ah… … .”

Silent voices that came out of the mouths of the fairies who saw the scene unknowingly.

In the meantime, Shion, who was moving forward without slowing down at all, drew Iklaxia horizontally as it was.

Then I wondered if the black line created along the trajectory could be drawn long in the space in front.

blah blah blah blah!

The elemental magicians caught in the line began to separate.

“ This is… … what… … .”


Zion, without hesitation, drives a horse through the corpses of the falling fairies with muttering meaningless.

“ Die, you monster!”

On both sides of such a Shion, two beasts who were considered to be the highest-ranking uninhabited warriors of Suinhae swung their weapons at the same time.

An attack aimed at an unavoidable vital point at a timing so precise that it can no longer be perfect.


sensory denial.

Quad Duck!

At that moment, the swords of the two warriors, whose trajectories were strangely twisted by the Black Star, pierced each other’s necks.

“ Big, gagging!”


Shion, who cut each other’s swords into their necks with wide eyes and cut the breath of the suffering prisoners with an indifferent expression, steps forward without hesitation, stepping on the corpses of the beasts and the fairies.

‘ It’s definitely easier than it was back then.’

When he was Orrelion in the past, Shion’s eyes lit up as he recalled having had a lot of trouble in this battle.

It was partly because it was a battle he had already experienced once, but the biggest reason was the state of the Heukseongha he had reached now.

At this time, the status of the Heukseongha that he had reached was 6 stars.

And now he was 7 stars.

It was just one step difference, but the gap was so huge that it was impossible to even measure it.

But nevertheless.

‘ More speed.’

Zion’s eyes were sunken and emitting a cold light.

Because the fate of defeat in this battle itself has not yet disappeared.


“ Huh? Suddenly drinking… … .”

Liswell’s magic, which was unfolded to block the rain of arrows pouring from the side, is canceled with a spark.

It was a mistake that could never happen because she had already reached the level of an archmage.

“ The sword won’t listen… … !”

Beside him, Ian Ascalon was wrestling with his sword, Gram, and barely blocking the pouring attack.

As if it wasn’t just the two of them, the knight who was running on the flat ground stumbled on his own in an empty place, or the blind enemy’s arrow cleverly penetrated through the gap in the defense magic and pierced the wizard’s head.

But every time.


The darkness that erupted from the wielded Sion’s sword cut through something invisible in the air and restored the state of such subordinates to their original state.

causation and negation.

Zion’s sword attack with the power of negativity cut the causality of his subordinates who were twisted by the fate of defeat.

Originally, it was the highest level of negation that could only be used after reaching 8 stars, but with this limited range, it was possible two or three times.

‘ Something is different.’

Ian Ascalon thought so while looking at Shion’s back with exasperated eyes.

Of course he knew.

The fact that his master is so special and outstanding that no one else can touch him.

However, the current master seemed to have surpassed even that and reached a far more distant place.

At least Ian felt that way.

The infinite sense of relief you feel with him.

Although he was clearly breaking through hundreds of thousands of enemy forces, he felt such relief just because he was with Zion.

‘ Your Majesty, please do not go too far. Then I can’t help you.’

As he looked at the master’s back, which looked so wide, and muttered to himself, he smiled quietly.

“ What the hell is this… … What does this mean!”

A cry of astonishment erupted from Ligretto, the fifth leaf, who was looking at the emperor and his army, who had reached the vicinity.

His eyes fluttered incessantly.

And all the chief executives there had the same eyes as those ligrettos.

“ How could I use that force… … .”

The general of Su In-hae, who murmurs as if he can’t believe it.

I knew that a human named Orrelion had non-human strength, but I never imagined it would be this much.

Suga, go, go, go!

Every time the jet-black sword made of darkness itself is swung, the Allied forces are cut through without any resistance.

Conversely, any attacks fired from this side will not reach it.

It was as if the knights of the dark gods came out of myth to punish the mortals on the earth.

It was a sight where the difference between the troops became meaningless.

“ Hey, this isn’t… … . This cannot be possible.”

As if denying the reality in front of him, one of the top executives shakes his head and lets out a desperate voice.

“ Damn it! must be stopped! Whatever happens, you have to stop it! Summon all the remaining Spirit Kings here!”

Looking at Zion and his army that had come so far, Ligretto shouted with evil.

The remaining top-level elemental magicians gathered all the mana into one place and began to perform the combined summoning ceremony.


From there, the three spirit kings appear at once.

The world around him is distorted by the power flowing from the summoned spirit kings.

Then, the top-level shamans of Su In-hae begin to draw the transcendental technique of death.

A super-giant attack aimed at only one person, Zion, not an army or country.

‘ It ends in one blow.’

Sion, who looked at the powers and transcendental techniques of the Spirit Kings approaching him, grabbed Iklaxia with that thought.

Due to the few causality and negation that just unfolded, there is only one chance to wield the sword with all its power.

Even though the number of Spirit Kings had increased three times from the previous time and the scale of the attack had grown incomparably larger, Shion’s eyes remained calm and unmoved at all.

Because there was no need to deal with those spirit kings, it was enough to just send them back like they just did.

hey hey hey!

An extinct light sword that throbs like crazy and absorbs the surrounding light, and the battlefield where darkness descends rapidly.


Whether he was expecting the scene that would soon unfold, the black horse began to wrestle even more vigorously.

Contrary to the increasingly dark world, Iklaxia, which absorbs light and shines brighter and brighter.

– What an ominous power!

– It is not a power granted to mortals!

The spirit kings, who felt fear from the anomaly, rushed towards Zion, accelerating even more.

At last, in a world where only darkness existed, only Iklaxia was the moment to shine brightly.


The sword of Zion was drawn slowly downwards.


It cuts off all the connections and results that exist in the reproduced world.


And that moment.

[ The ordeal has ended.]

[ The Master of Trials asks you to meet.]

[ Are you sure you want to?]

The voice of an emotionless artificial spirit resounded in Shion’s ear.

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