255 episodes

65 Assault on the Imperial Castle (2)

“ It must be stopped! Never give up on this place! Stop it even with your life!”

Kia aah!


It was a word that expressed the current state of Hwangseong.

An army of monsters constantly pouring out from a huge hole in the sky, and the army of the emperor who desperately resists to stop them.

“ Kah ha ha! Humans, tear them apart… … !”

quagga gag!

“ I wish I could do something like this… … .”

Claire, who slashed two high-ranking demons rushing towards her with one sword, scanned the battlefield with dismayed eyes.

Yeah, to be honest, it wasn’t that I didn’t think that the magic station would try to counterattack.

Because they were the ones who had only suffered from Emperor Zion until now.

However, he had no idea that such a shocking attack would come.

‘ No, such an attack itself would have been impossible in the first place.’

Agnes Imperial Castle, the most important place in the Empire.

Therefore, the imperial castle was covered with the highest level of barrier tactics unfolded by countless archmage and old dragons that existed from the past to the present.

It is said that such a large-scale summoning is impossible, no matter how much one of the Five Magic Spirits sacrifices their whole life.

The one who made the impossible possible was the owner of the eyes that appeared from the abyss that had just opened in the sky.

‘ What the hell is that existence… … .’

Fortunately, the existence disappeared immediately without participating in the battle.

However… … .

‘The timing is too bad.’

The power in the Hwangseong Fortress now was far less than usual.

2nd Princess Ivelin and the 5th Princess Diana were absent, and the third generation also returned to their respective regions for final preparations.

In addition, the imperial forces are also moving toward the border.

‘ The most serious of them all… … .’

It was the absence of Emperor Zion.

Power that can never be replaced.

They had no way of knowing that Emperor Zion was absent, so they could only see it as bad luck.

Perhaps they felt the imperial misery, troops were gathering from all over the capital, but they were blocked by the red dome surrounding the imperial castle and could not enter.

“ People’s Palace… … Protect the people’s palace, no matter what!”


Of course, that didn’t mean that the power of the Emperor, who was now fighting against the demons, was weak.

No, it was powerful enough to be counted among the entire empire.

However, the reason why the warrior’s face is dark is that

Ded Ded Ded Dude!

It was because of the two beings approaching the center of the imperial castle, revealing themselves from the outside as the five palaces surrounding the people’s palace collapsed and devastated the surroundings.

– It’s the outside air you’ve been smelling for a long time.

A giant dragon with eight heads,

– Ha, king. You didn’t leave me.

A green-haired witch who melts everything that comes into her sight with a dazzling expression on her face.

Although they were still only visible as dots, Claire’s hands were trembling slightly due to the power and intensity they possessed.

Claire knew the identities of those beings.

‘ Four grand dukes of the squadron.’

In the past during the First War, beings sealed under the Imperial Castle by Magnus Flare, the hero of the squadron.

They appeared again in the world.

‘ I have to stop it.’

However, the footsteps of the hero who thought so did not fall easily.

It was because of the memories of defeat he had been through.

The first defeat he suffered against the Grand Duke of Oman at the border and the sense of helplessness he felt in front of Wolbyeokcheon, which gained the body of the first King of Beasts.

Those two memories grabbed her by the ankle and didn’t let her go.

‘ If I go, will I be able to stop them?’

Claire’s eyes fluttered like an unsure heart.

Gram’s sword, which reflects the master’s will, gradually loses its light, and on the contrary, her hand holding the sword becomes more and more powerful.

It was when Claire, crushed by such a sense of helplessness, was unable to move while watching the squadron’s grand dukes getting closer and closer.

“ Kyahahahahaha!”

A single red line, starting from the side of Chimseonggung Palace, started to shoot towards one of the two archdukes, the green witch, Iades, along with a huge light that could tear your ears.

It was Riosina.

“ I will deal with you.”

With a creepy smile,


A red-eyed witch who clashes with the Archduke as it is.

“ There are people who shouldn’t exist in this world. Let me help.”

After that, Rubrios, who joined after him, began to assist Liusina by scattering the divine light that was higher than before.

‘ How could that be?’

Claire’s eyes fluttered at the sight of Riusina, who had no fear of being defeated by one of the Archdukes just like herself in the past.

He can’t move even a single step, how can he move forward without hesitation?

How could I have looked at Riosina like that?

‘ Yeah, it wasn’t a matter of being able to stop or not from the beginning.’

Claire’s eyes slowly closed as if she realized something.

It’s always been like that.

Numerous battles have been fought so far.

Never was he sure of victory in any such battle.

Even so, the reason I was always able to come forward in the best condition was the goal of saving this world and my unwavering will.

‘ What is important is my attitude.’

The tremors slowly subsided from the hero’s eyes, which were soon re-opened.

“ Claire.”

As if noticing Claire’s change of heart, the colleagues gathered around and called out her name.

“ From now on, we will take care of the one remaining guy.”

The warrior’s holy sword speaking towards them began to shine again.

* * *

“ Actually, it would be correct to say that in order for Heukseongha to rise to the 9th Star, he must first ascend to the Godhead.”

Although the post-war relationship was different from the 8 Castles of Heukseongha, who achieved the status of being a half-god at the same time as attaining the status quo, Shion was able to understand the remnant’s words at once.

‘ Restrictions.’

Achenidia, the god of nature that I met in the fairy forest in the past, said that the Black Star is the shackle that limits her power and the key to unlock it.

Perhaps reaching the Divine Deity was the limit to reaching the 9th Star, the last realm of the Heukseongha.

“ Then why did you make a contract with the gods because of the condition of ascending to the Godhead?”

At Shion’s words, Jaan-jae nodded slightly.

“ Yeah, ever since I found out about the existence of another world, I tried to ascend to the Godhead many times in the past. But it failed. Even though he already possesses the rank and strength commensurate with it.”

“ Why?”

“ Causality.”

Remnant’s voice becomes even lower.

“ Are you aware of the existence of causality?”

Shion nodded.


Literally, it is one of the most important elements that make up this world as ‘effect according to cause’.

In the past, when the gods talked about him, Zion remembered that he couldn’t tell because of a lack of causality.

“ In order to ascend to the Godhead, causality is necessary. It’s also an incomprehensible amount. Usually, if you build a myth, legend, or achievement that will go down in history, you can build it naturally, but… … I did not.”

To be precise, it is correct to say that causality did not accumulate at all from the beginning.

As if there was no such concept at all for the character Orrelion Khan Agnes.

“ It was as if the world itself was denying me ascension to the Godhead.”

Zion’s eyes lit up at him.

It seems that what Janjae is saying now has something to do with the strange pressure he is feeling these days.

‘ The world rejects it… … .’

In addition, Zion could not erase the feeling that this was related to the ‘outside’ that he had heard of.

“ Then, is it because of the causal ratio that only some of my achievements are recorded in history?”

The wars he had fought with the devil in the past and many other things.

They were erased from the present history as if they never existed.

At Shion’s question, Janjae nodded.

“ It is most likely. In the war against the devil, I have intervened in the past.”

Zion knew the reason without asking.

Perhaps it was because of a contract with the gods.

Perhaps reading Zion’s thoughts, Janjae continued the conversation without explaining the reason.

“ So I was worried about the past. How can we bring up this lack of causality? And that conclusion was to be drawn directly from the gods.”

But was it because he was a demigod, not a god?

“ At that time, I couldn’t meet or trade with God by my own will, so that’s why I thought. If I can’t find them, I’ll make them come to me.”

“ Then the way… … .”

“ Yeah, it was magic.”

It was a very accidental idea.

A thought that came to mind very accidentally just before he destroyed the existence of the Demon King standing in front of him, driven to the end and drenched in despair.

“ The demon king I saw was strong. If it weren’t for me, enough to destroy the world. So this thought came to mind. So, what would happen if the Demon King was left alive without killing him? If a guy destined for destruction later reappears in the world and the world comes to an end… … .”

He said that the gods in a corner would come to him.

Of course, before that, by a fateful being such as a hero, the demon could have been destroyed in reverse, and could find someone other than himself, but nonetheless, it was a worthwhile attempt.

And the attempt was completely successful.

‘ Now I think you know what I meant when I first offered you a deal.’

Shion felt the many questions that existed in her head have been resolved.

No, actually, a lot of things were becoming clearer.

“ As for the contents of the contract itself, I cannot tell. Because there are restrictions. But I can guess enough.”

At the remnants of such remnants, Shion gently nodded her head.

‘ To save the world in exchange for the causality of the gods.’

From the beginning, everything was going according to his plan.

Of course, it was almost impossible for a being who had lost all its powers to save the world from destruction within the limited time of three years, but the former self would have readily accepted the terms of such a contract.

Not only was he confident enough, he would have thought that such a situation would free him from boredom.

“ Ask me one more thing.”

After sorting out his thoughts in his head for a while, Shion opened his mouth again to the remnant.

“ What?”

Shion thought it was a bit awkward to see Remnant asking such a question, but he immediately brushed it off.

The remnants were only a part of themselves, not all of them, so they won’t be exactly the same.

“ Do you know what the word ‘outside’ means?”

“ Outside?”

Remnant asking him with doubts in his eyes.

“ The gods I met looked at me and Heukseongha and said ‘outside’.”

“ It’s outside… … It’s definitely a power that doesn’t fit anywhere in this dark world. No, should I say that my very existence is heterogeneous?”

After thinking about something for a moment with the recitation, the remnant shook his head.

“ I don’t know anything about him. I may be missing a memory, but that’s very unlikely.”

This meant that even the former self did not know about it.

‘ Does this have to be heard from the gods?’

Shion erased the regret that came up with that thought.

Now, with this alone, there was much more information than I was originally going to get, and I was satisfied enough.

at that time,

“ The time is slowly running out.”

Remnant, who had been staring at his gradually fading body, opened his mouth to Shion again.

“ If you have one last question, please ask.”

“… … .”

Shion, who had been thinking about a question in his head for a while, said as if he had remembered something.

“ Have I ever hired an empress in the past?”

The fact that Agnes’ bloodline has been passed down for hundreds of years meant that it was highly likely.

However, even before entering this body, Zion had no intention of adopting the Empress.

So, if the past self had hired the Empress, I was a little curious about who it was.

“ Oh, didn’t you know?”

With his strange eyes on him, Janjae slowly opened his mouth.

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