43 episodes

13 The Welcome Army (8)

The god said to the king who destroyed his temple and slaughtered his followers.

From now on, you will repeat your favorite battles forever.

Neither die nor live, until the last one remains.

Standing on the battlefield endlessly, you will regret the past.

According to the words of the god, the king and his army repeated war over and over in the world of the past where the blue moon rose.

In such an endlessly repeated battle.

The king of the army abandoned by the gods waited.

I hope that one day someone will come to end this cursed fate.

* * *

The darkness that breaks down the blue moon that serves as the central axis of the barrier and falls toward the ground.

The true identity of the darkness was Zion.

After getting the ‘coordinate’ from the dead Cainris’ corpse, he immediately used it to jump into the barrier.

The reason why Shion had to summon Cainris to summon an army of illusions and jump directly into it was simple.

‘This is the only way to get Kronos’ Noble Phantasm.’

To be precise, a person who has the ‘coordinates’ to summon troops directly participates in the battlefield that repeats forever.

That was the first condition for obtaining Kronos’ Noble Phantasm.

‘ Indeed… … .’

As he watched the ground and the welcoming army getting closer, Zion stood out.

Even though they are so far apart, they can feel the immense energy from the phantom forces.

Its majesty was indeed called one of the seven great plagues.

In the Chronicles of Plosimar, the hero Plosimar, along with his allies, annihilates that phantom army.

Zion had no such companions, but instead had something else.


An infinite force of handshakes rushing towards the welcome army with horrifying screams.

The thousand-year-old witch who summoned that army, Liusina Bloodwalker, was the most important key that Shion prepared for the phantom army.

“ Hey hahahaha! Kill them, kill them all!”

The witch’s maddening laughter echoed loudly throughout the barrier.


Hearing that laughter, Shion descended into the middle of the battlefield.

Even though he fell from the sky so high that he couldn’t even fathom it, he landed without any sound.

The moment when an alien darkness descends heavily around Zion.


Finally, the forces of the cursed past collided with the forces of handshakes where only endless murderous intentions existed, and a full-scale war began.


Quajik, quajik!

Handshakes bursting with lively screams and, on the other hand, phantom soldiers who mechanically wield swords as if they had no emotions.

It was a battlefield where people died and killed each other, and in an instant, they turned into a biography.

‘ Where are you?’

Without taking part in the battlefield, Shion looked beyond the army of illusions with her still eyes.

A smile formed immediately on Shion’s lips.

‘I found it.’

In Shion’s eyes, there was a knight in black armor looking down on the battlefield while riding a horse that had nothing but bones from behind the army.

A distinctly different aura and atmosphere from other soldiers and knights.

Even though he was just standing still, the atmosphere around him screamed and the space was distorted little by little.

Even though they are so far apart, they have a distinctly different presence.

That black knight was the ruler of this phantom army and the king cursed by the ancient god Cronus.

And it was the goal of Zion now.

at that time.

Quad Duck!

“ Hey hahaha! i love it! I like it so much I’m going crazy! You did a good job following your master!”

Riusina, who appeared while tearing apart dozens of phantom forces that existed nearby, shouted to Shion with an ecstatic expression on her face.

Even if the same time was repeated, those who belonged to the phantom army were not yet dead.

So, to her, this place was like heaven.

Are you trying to get rid of all the desire to kill that has been accumulated for a long time?

Shion, who had been looking at Riosina, whose eyes had already turned halfway, opened her mouth in a low voice.

“ You must go to the king’s place.”

“ Ugh, okay.”

A witch who summons a handshake in the shape of a horse in front of Zion without asking why.

Shion got on the back of such a handshake without hesitation.

“ I will open the first way.”

Seeing Shion like that, Riusina smiled and stretched out her hand as she looked at the welcoming army in front of her.


With him, all the blood that had wet the surrounding earth was sucked into her hands and began to condense into small spheres.

Unable to withstand the power, the surrounding atmosphere screams.

The moment when the aggregation of such spheres finally reaches its peak.


A red flash of light that started from the witch’s hand was drawn straight forward.

soon after

blah blah blah blah!

The void of the battlefield that was created in an instant as all the forces of illusions that existed in the place where such flashes passed are erased.

ride it!

Zion did not miss that gap.

Shion’s new model runs along the open road with a handshake.

Fit geek!

With the sound of rusty armor, the army of illusions that filled the void in an instant began to rush in to stop such Zion.

Seeing the soldiers rushing towards him like that, Sion does not slow down, but raises it even further.

It was forbidden to slow down when breaking through the enemy camp like this.

‘ I’ll be surrounded by that moment.’

Suga Gak!

Shion, who took out Iklaxia, uses that speed to cut off the neck of one of the knights blocking him and proceed.

Unlike when he was dealing with demons a while ago, Sion did not use the Black Star to create the other half of the Extinction Light Sword.

To face the cursed king, I had to leave as much power as possible.


Zion’s pupils turned black, and he converted all the movements around him into information and put them in his head.

at that time.


Dozens of arrows pouring down towards Zion from the side.

‘ It only shoots out the ones that fly to the vital point and catches the rest.’

Recognizing this, Shion kept her speed and wrapped a thick darkness over the black she wore.


An arrow that bounces off without breaking through the dark curtain of Zion.

He could have avoided or knocked them out one by one, but for now, breaking through was the top priority, so this was the best way to do it.

‘ Faster.’

Kia ah!

As if he had heard the thought, the handshake that Shion was riding began to speed up even more.


To stop Shion from crossing the battlefield, this time a full-plate knight, who looked like a captain, blocked the front, riding a horse half-flesh.


The knight, who exhaled wild breath through the helmet, swung the great sword he was holding towards Shion as it was.

A relentless blow with the power to tear a single hill apart.

Sion, who knew that such a blow was coming towards him, but did not slow down, pulled the half-extinction lightsaber backwards with indifferent eyes.


Heukseongha gathered together with the tip of Shion’s blunt sword.

Immediately, the knight’s greatsword was about to shatter Shion’s upper body.


Zion’s sword was thrust forward.

The tip of Iklaxia’s sword that reached the point of the sharply swung great sword.

That moment.


In addition to being made of steel, the knight’s greatsword, which was protected by mana, fell like a cookie.

… … ?

The knight tilts his helmet as if he can’t understand the situation.

Soon after, the neck of such a knight as well.


Shion’s sword attack followed, and it immediately fell off.

“ Mak, ah, la!”

Did you think that just a soldier or a knight couldn’t stop it?

The three knights of the welcome army, who were facing other handshakes, rushed towards Zion at the same time.

As if speaking for the first time in decades, the voices of those knights were split.

The wizards of the phantom army who were nearby also recognized Zion and began to shoot powerful magic.

The magic that reached the front of Zion beyond the knights who started first in an instant.

“ Keep moving forward.”

Sion, who looked at the approaching magic with quiet eyes and whispered softly toward the handshake, wrapped a curtain of darkness around himself and his hand shaking hands just as before.

If it had been there, the curtain would have been torn as it was, but Zion added one more thing.

Black-out sashimi (回).

At that moment, the veil of darkness rotates at a frightening speed.


Soon after, dozens of magic pierced on top of it, causing a huge explosion.

As a result, a thick layer of dust spreads.

In the meantime, the knights who had reached just before were about to wield their weapons.

That moment.

“… … !”

The knights could see.

Shion, who appeared in the dust without any injuries.

hey hey hey!

A silent sword that absorbs all the light while forming a perfect sword in Shion’s hand.

Black Island.

Zion’s Iklaxia, pulled to the maximum, swung horizontally, drawing a black line in the world.

soon after

Dumpling Duck Duck Duck!

Everything caught in the orbit of such a black line was distorted and began to disappear.

And it was the same with the three knights who rushed in.

The knights are sucked into the black line drawn without even making a sound and disappear.

Shion, who had released the blade of the Extinction Lightblade, quickly passed through the empty space.


In this way, the handshakes follow behind the road that Zion has drilled, and they begin to indiscriminately slaughter the phantom army that rushes to Zion.

“… … Is that the Prince of Zion?”

A muffled mutter came out of Liam’s mouth, who was watching it from afar.

From the summoning of the handshake army that started with Liusina, to the appearance of Prince Zion, and that incredible breakthrough.

All of this happened so quickly that he hadn’t even been able to properly participate in the battle yet.

“ I knew from the moment I saw that the rumors were wrong, but it must have been that much… … .”

Shion’s battle performance ability to break through the enemy camp in an instant while riding on the back of a handshake was a level that made even the hero of the battlefield burst into tears.

Of course, Liam could also break through the enemy camp at the same speed as Zion, maybe even faster, but it wasn’t such a simple problem.

‘ That battle sense and judgment.’

The sense of battle, which catches every movement of the adversary and then grasps the emphasis and destroys it, was also amazing, but the ability to judge from moment to moment was terrifying.

What should be exactly hit is right, what should be avoided is avoided, and what should be cut is cut.

The maximum efficiency that comes naturally as a result.

What was impossible even for a veteran who had been rolling the battlefield for decades, Prince Zion was using it naturally as if breathing.

‘ If it was to produce the same result, I could do it, but… … .’

If he had to do it that way, Liam himself couldn’t.

‘ That’s it… … A direct blood relative of Agnes.’

When Liam looked at Zion like that, and was in shock.

‘ If it’s like this… … .’

In the meantime, Shion, who was advancing, slashing away all the phantom forces that stood in the way, grasped the distance between the king and the remarkably nearer, and gripped Iklaxia strongly.

‘ It pierces at once.’

With that thought, the Extinction Lightblade once again forms a perfect swordsman.

hey hey!

At the end of such Iklaxia, all the energy under the Black Star that Zion could produce at once was condensed into a single point and began to rotate at a frightening speed.

At the same time, the arm holding the sword of Sion, which was bent backwards as if pulling a bow.

Immediately, I wondered if Zion’s body would bend like a bow like that arm.


With the sound of the air exploding, the new form of Shion disappeared from the spot.



A new form of Zion that reappears right in front of the king behind the army.

That moment.

Soo much

Everything that existed in the path where Zion appeared again from the original place began to split in two.

“ Have you waited long?”

Without even checking the scene he had created, Shion smiled at the cursed king.

The moment when the king’s eyes, radiating indifferent light from the helmet, turned to Zion.

blah blah blah!

The two swords were swung at the same time as if they had made a promise.

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