48 episodes

14 Award Ceremony (2)

In front of the main gate of Chimseonggung Palace.

“ Would you mind if I go alone?”

There, Thierry, the shadow chief of the eons, looked at Zion and asked.

The place where Zion was headed now was to officially confer upon Sion the qualifications of the heir designated by the emperor.

It was not a very dangerous place to go alone, but there was little concern in his eyes.

Because I already knew something else was going to happen there.

“ Yeah, what else did you order?”

Shion gently nodded and asked.

After all, Thierry was a shadow, so I couldn’t take him to such a place.

“ I prepared everything, but… … Are we really going to move on?”

Thierry answered Shion’s question as if he was a little suspicious.

Since he was the true master of the shadow, Zion, he would unconditionally follow it, but it was true that he was not sure about this instruction.

Because if even one of them was distorted, it would be useless as it is.

“ Well then! Who are you talking about? Have you ever been wrong about what the owner said so far?”

Before Shion could answer that, Liusina, who was next to him, suddenly leaned forward and opened her mouth.

“ Anyway, master. Can’t I follow you too?”

A thousand-year-old witch who asks Zion with deep expectations and young eyes.

But at that question, Zion shook his head.

“ No. And anyway, what you think is not going to happen this time.”

“… … ?”

A question lingered in Liusina’s eyes.

It wasn’t because Zion told me not to follow him.

As much as she killed a lot of people, she was superior to anyone else in smelling blood.

Even though such a smell of blood was wafting from Zion right now, Zion was denying it.

“ Wait a minute.”

Shion turns around with a grin, as if she has no intention of answering the witch’s question.

“ Please take care of yourself.”

Looking at Shion’s back, which was getting farther away, Fredo muttered as if praying.

Shion thought that Fredo’s words were wrong.

It was the enemies, not themselves, who had to take care of themselves.

The sun is slowly setting over the people’s palace.

The light that flowed from him cast a long shadow of Zion.

* * *

There were a total of eight palaces used for ceremonial purposes in Agnes Imperial Fortress.

Uiseonggung Palace is the fourth largest among them.

A large number of people had already gathered in the large hall that existed in such a palace.

‘You’re busy.’

Legan, the leader of Icarus, thought to himself as he looked at the people entering the hall with cold eyes.

Is it because it is the ceremony of conferment of the successor to Prince Zion, the hottest topic in the capital, including the Imperial Palace?

The number of aristocrats attending this ceremony was much higher than other ceremonies usually held at the Imperial Palace.

Legan could read the deep curiosity in the eyes of such nobles.

Perhaps that curiosity is about Prince Zion, who will appear soon.

‘ The more eyes there are, the better.’

When a smile crept on the corner of Rgan’s lips.

“ It’s been a long time. Mr Legan. How have you been?”

The nobles around who discovered such a legan began to approach them one by one and greet them.

The highest-ranking wizard of the Summon Tower, and a genius wizard among geniuses who rose to level 7 at a young age of only 40 and built his own realm.

Along with him, he was the right arm of the third prince, Enoch, and the leader of the Wizard Icarus, and it was Legan who rose to the ranks as one of the powerful men of the imperial castle.

It was only natural for people to flock to him as he soared upwards on the perfect elite course.

“ Haha, you seem to have a better character than the last time I saw you. If you are still thinking of getting married… … .”

“ My name is Brune of Penroll. I read your thesis on summoning magic this time, and it’s amazing… … .”

There were only low-level people who just picked up the falling congo and tried to build connections somehow.

So, Legan dealt roughly with them, and looked at the chief seat on one side of the hall.

The third prince, Enoch, caught his eye.

“… … .”

Unlike Legan, Enoch was quietly observing the ceremony, with only a few of his subordinates, the great nobles, around him.

Enoch’s eyes and Regan’s eyes met.

The 3rd prince nodded his head slightly enough to be able to understand it by himself.

From the eyes of the third prince who nodded like that, a light as if he had entrusted everything to Rgan was emanating.

The presence of the third prince Enoch at the ceremony of conferment of the successor of Prince Zion was a very different scene.

There was no agitation in Rgan’s eyes, as if it had already been destined to do so.

‘The preparation is perfect.’

3 Legan thought as he nodded to face the prince.

The third prince he served was the most influential witness to prove what would happen here today.

A person who should never be absent from today’s event.

‘It takes a while for the 5th Princess to attend the ceremony, but… … .’

With that thought, Legan looked at the 5th Princess Diena, who was sitting on the other side of the table.

It was an ironic sight to see that there were other imperial families who were no different than competitors in the position of conferring the official title of successor appointed by the emperor in the first place.

Even Enoch, who had been told in advance, could not understand that the 5th Princess was here.

‘ Well, it wouldn’t be bad because there was one more member of the Imperial Family to prove today’s work.’

As Legan concludes her thoughts as she looks at Diena, who is looking at the ceremony, with curious eyes as if expecting something.

“ By the way, the main character of today’s award ceremony is a little late.”

One of the nobles surrounding the rgan opened his mouth, looking towards the entrance of the hall.

“ If you are the main character… … Do you mean His Majesty Zion?”

“ Yes, one of the most famous people in the capital city these days by subjugating the phantom army, one of the disasters.”

“ Heh heh, I still can’t believe it. I hope that ‘that’ Prince Zion will subdue the disaster… … .”

A middle-aged nobleman with a handsome brown mustache nodded his head as if the others agreed with him.

In fact, no one here could have expected it.

Prince Zion, who is called the shame of the imperial family, will solve one of the disasters.

Even if he passed the succession ceremony recently, it was only a basic rite that any member of the immediate royal family had to go through, so the evaluation of Zion was only slightly improved.

But this case was different from that.

A feat that no one in the royal family has yet accomplished.

Therefore, the evaluation of Zion had no choice but to rise rapidly.

“ The Emperor already knows that this will happen, and Prince Zion is his successor… … .”

The nobleman, who had been speaking up to that point while stroking his chin, looked at the eyes of the legan next to him and shut his mouth.

It was a well-known fact that Legan was the third prince’s henchman.

at that time.

“ But do you know that? That this subjugation of the phantom army may not have been accomplished solely by the power of His Majesty Prince Zion.”

A male official with curly hair with thick eyebrows, who was watching from the side, spoke in a subtly voice.

“ Yes? What does that mean?”

“I heard that when we were subjugating the phantom forces, there were not only His Majesty Zion, but also Liam Reiner, the retired commander of the exorcism, and the Ashen Lions.”

“ Huh, is that really true? then… … .”

“ Yes, His Majesty Zion may have been helped by His Majesty Yvelin. Perhaps, from the beginning, His Majesty Evelyn was in charge of everything.”

It was a fact known to everyone here that Iveline Agnes, who was away from the Imperial Palace, felt pity for Zion because she was currently on an expedition to the border of the Demon Station.

I don’t know how many people were there.

Even the fact that there was an elite order of knights, the Ashen Lions, under Iveline Agnes was enough to be suspicious.

No, it’s good enough to have certainty rather than doubt.

“… … I wondered how His Majesty Zion subjugated the disaster, but if the Ashen Lions intervened, it would have been possible.”

“ Huh, then, shouldn’t the succession certificate be invalidated as well?”

“ If that’s true. What do you think, Legan?”

A nobleman with a mustache asked, looking at Legan.

It was the moment when Legan, who smiled at him, was about to open his mouth to answer.

“ His Majesty, Prince Zion Agnes, is coming!”

A loud cry came from the mouth of the servant who was standing at the main gate of Uiseonggung.

People’s gaze naturally focused towards the front door.



Finally, the door opened and Zion entered the palace.

At that moment, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly froze as if immersed in ice water.

The stillness that begins with him.

bum bum, bum bum.

In such silence, only Zion’s footsteps begin to resonate regularly.

Zion slowly crossed the center of the hall.

The eyes of those who chase after such Zion flutters.

The overwhelming presence that flows from Zion.

And the ominous and eerie feeling that rose with each step naturally swept people down, spreading a feeling of fear.

“ That person… … Are you really that Prince of Zion?”

A quiet word came out of the mouth of someone who saw Zion for the first time here.

Various modifiers that have been attached to the back of Prince Zion like a tag so far.

None of the modifiers in front of me matched the Prince of Zion in front of me.

It’s like looking at someone else.

How many people in the world overwhelm others just by their presence?

It was possible only for very few people who were born with the qualities of a ‘ruler’, and among them were direct blood relatives of the Agnes family.

Prince Zion didn’t have such qualities, so he was almost abandoned by the imperial family.

However, Prince Zion, who appeared at the award ceremony right now, was exuding the scent of a perfect ruler.

than anyone else here.

bum bum, bum bum.

Sion, who crossed the hall still filled with silence, sat down in her seat next to the 5th Princess Diena.

Could it have been a signal?

“ Whew… … .”

It was then that the atmosphere of the hall and the people’s tensions were relieved.

However, the aristocrats are still not able to get close to the main character of this award ceremony, Sion.

Even if he didn’t give off any momentum, there was still something that made it impossible to approach Shion recklessly.

‘ It’s darker than the last time I saw it.’

Looking at Shion like that, Regan twisted his lips.

No matter how low the level of those in the award ceremony right now.

If it was enough to create such an atmosphere just by appearing and walking, it was right to think that the level was higher than the last time.

‘It ‘s rather good.’

It would have been disappointing if Prince Zion had simply become stronger, but what Prince Zion learned was the power of demons.

The higher the level of black magic, the stronger it reveals its characteristics, and the harder it is to hide.

And it will be easier for Rgan himself to find out.

‘ Now, the actors are all ready. The last one left.’

Thinking like that, Legan smiled softly as he looked towards the entrance of Uiseonggung.

But he didn’t know.

Suddenly, Zion is looking at him with the eyes of interest.

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