51 episodes

15 Harvest Night (2)

5 Princess Diena Agnes.

Is it because half of the blood in his body was a fairy?

She liked to walk through trees and grasses, such as gardens and forests, and meditate.

And Diena’s favorite place in the Imperial Palace was the Lilia Garden.

This garden, named after one of the successive Empresses of the Agnes Empire, had flowers and trees to suit her taste, and the arrangement was wonderful.

The only thing I didn’t like was that it was close to the Hyukseonggung Palace where the 3rd Prince Enoch was located.

Even today, Diena was wandering in such a Lilia garden with some of her attendants, meditating.

“ Sion Agnes… … .”

One name that came out of her mouth.

He was the youngest half-brother who has been strangely concerned these days.

‘ Why do you care?’

Even if he solved one of the disasters and received the official successor qualifications, it was still Zion with weak power and no humble power.

Still, I couldn’t figure out why I was so concerned.

‘ Is it because of what I saw at the award ceremony?’

Surely, Shion at that time was very impressive from the moment he appeared.

It was because he grabbed everyone in the hall with a completely different atmosphere from before.

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Moreover, through this incident, I realized that his heart was also deep.

However, as it was originally, there was no way that it would leave such a deep impression.

something else invisible.

Something about it existed in Zion.

‘ Should I put it in the surveillance target soon?’

It was when Diana thought so and made a worried expression on her face.


A loud noise from afar in the garden.

“ It seems that there are uninvited guests today.”

With a slight frown at him, Diena’s steps turned towards the direction where the roar was heard, perhaps curiously.

soon after

“… … uh?”

Arriving at the epicenter of the loud sound, her eyes began to widen when she confirmed the identity of the uninvited guest.

* * *

The first start was from the moment when Zion took a step forward.


With him, the head of the wizard closest to Zion explodes without warning.

“ What… … !”

The moment when the other wizards in the vicinity utter embarrassing voices as they watch the wizard’s corpse leaning toward the floor with his head missing.


Darkness rolled in and their heads began to explode at once.

The silence that descends with him.


In such silence, the corpses of the headless wizards hit the floor, making a small noise.

Zion enjoys the noise and walks among the corpses.

“ Kill!”


Soon after, the wizards of Icarus, who came to their senses, belatedly began to shoot their magic indiscriminately towards Zion.

bum bum, bum bum.

Without looking at the magic that was being shot at him like that, Shion walked towards Legan only.

After all, there was someone else in charge of them.

At the end of the moment, dozens of magics approaching right in front of him are about to attack Zion’s whole body.


The mouths of dozens of beasts that were created around Zion devoured all the pouring magic.

“ What is that… … !”

It was a moment when a trembling voice came out of the mouth of one of the wizards of Icarus, who shot magic at a sight he had never seen or heard before.


The head of such a wizard was swallowed up by the mouth of the beast from above without warning.

“ You are mine.”

Another eerie voice echoed in the ears of other wizards along with him.

Soon after, the image of Riusina, approaching towards them with a blood-red energy flowing through the eyes of those wizards, came into view.

The moment when a cold sweat flows down the nape of the wizards’ necks at the sight that gives you goosebumps just looking at it.


The blood-colored energy that arose from Liusina’s whole body turned into hundreds of lines and was shot towards the wizards.

“ No, stop!”

In response, the wizards unfold all kinds of defense magic.

Soon afterward, the defensive magic of those wizards and the red lines created by Liusina came into contact with each other.


A huge roar bursting out.

However, unlike such a roar, the defensive magic created by the wizards easily shattered like a glass cage.

Suga, go, go!

Hundreds of red lines ripped through the bodies of wizards immediately after breaking the shield so easily.

“ Ouch!”

“ No, stop it! Alas!”

With him, screams began to come out of the wizards’ mouths.

“ There is only one enemy. Attack!”

Is it still one of the top ten battle wizards in the Imperial Castle?

While she was frantically cut off by the blood-red lines that Liusina had created, some wizards began to rush towards her.


Their two hands are full of attack magic.

Not all wizards were weak in close combat.

No, rather, some battle wizards preferred close combat.

Those rushing towards Riusina now were also such wizards.

Doo doo doo doo!

As if to cover the rushing wizards, all kinds of attack magics were shot from the wizards behind them.

‘ That woman is a blood wizard. Then close combat would be relatively weak.’

With that thought, it was the moment when the battle wizards who finally approached right in front of Riusina were about to explode the fire and lightning magic they had gathered in their hands.

“ Huh, did you think something would change if you came closer?”

A thousand-year-old witch who muttered with a voice that felt at ease and in a way even joyous was not appropriate for the situation, and gently swung her raised right hand.

Then, the space above opened up, revealing the jaws of something huge.

Kwa-duk, quad-dud-duk!

They began to chew and swallow the bodies of the rushing wizards.

Wizards who can’t even scream properly and die.

soon after


The blood that spewed out of those wizards gathered at will and turned into thousands of small awls.


It collided with the magic that was pouring on Liusina and created a huge explosion.

As a result, the surrounding trees were smashed.

With him, Riusina, without a single scratch, walks out from the thick dust and smiles softly.

An elite mage group within ten fingers within the imperial castle?

what does that mean

She was one of the top three blood magicians throughout the history of the empire, and she was called the enemy of mankind by killing more humans than anyone else.

If I had struggled like this, the nickname ‘Thousand Years’ would not have been given.

Kwajik, Kwajik, Qwajikjik!

“ Hey, this can’t be!”

“ Who the hell is that woman? … .”

Because they were relatively behind, a tired cry came out of the mouths of the wizards who had not yet reached Riusina’s attack.

Among the talents of the tower, the wizards who gathered only the elite were themselves Icarus.

How many people in this world can slaughter themselves so unilaterally?

Truly overwhelming power.

But what the wizards got tired of was more than that kind of powerlessness.

“ Kyahahahahaha!”

It was the appearance of Riusina, who was tearing themselves apart and bursting with a big laugh as if she was genuinely happy.


jerk, jerk

Sion crosses the scene of the massacre created by a thousand-year-old witch and walks towards Rgan.

“ How is this… … !”

In Rgan’s eyes, who was looking at Shion and Riusina who was slaughtering his subordinates, the light of disbelief was young.

Because his Icarus, who had prided himself on being so strong, was falling down so easily.

And by just one person.

A scene that doesn’t make sense.

“ So I told you to be careful.”

In the meantime, Shion, who came right in front of the legan, smiled and opened her mouth.

The Heukseongha, which was rising from Shion’s body, slowly began to take over the surroundings.

Legan, who was about to take a step backwards without knowing it, stopped abruptly at the instinctive fear he felt.

Soon after, in his two eyes, a young, dark life.

I couldn’t understand.

No, it was unacceptable.

That he and the whole of Icarus would be destroyed by just the two of them.

“ I cannot accept it.”


As if against the darkness of Zion with a chewing voice, a huge vortex of mana erupted from Legan’s whole body and began to tear the surrounding atmosphere.


With him, a space opened around Legan, and bird-shaped summons made of fire appeared.

“ I’ll burn you so that you don’t even leave a shape.”

As if those words were a signal, dozens of summoned beasts began to rush toward Zion at the same time.

Its speed is so high that even the eyes cannot follow it.

Regan did not downplay Zion’s power.

No matter how much Evelyn helped me, I would not have been able to subdue the phantom army without basic abilities.

So he was sincere from the beginning.

‘It’s a level 7 summoning wizard.’

In a world that seemed slow due to the bright eyes that were activated at the moment the battle started, Shion thought as he watched the summoned creatures of flames approaching him.

In the original world, the word level was not used when dividing the realm of a wizard.

Since he had read the chronicle, Sion was well aware of how high level 7 was.

From a simple point of view, even if Shion himself used the perfected Iclaxia, it was impossible to guarantee victory.

But there was no anxiety in Zion’s eyes.

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Magic is the ability to use mana to cause phenomena that do not exist in the world.

Because such a magical nemesis was black.


Shion stretched out his right hand and lowered it vertically as if wielding a sword.

The darkness engraved along the trajectory of the space drawn by such Zion’s hand.

Shortly thereafter, the summoned beasts who touched the engraved darkness.

Fu Chemicals!

It disappeared from the spot as if it did not exist from the beginning.


When Rgan’s eyes fluttered violently at the incomprehensible sight.


Shion, who pushed her body into the gap created by the extinct summoned beasts, rushed to the front of Legan as it was.

Are you really a level 7 wizard?


Legan, surprised at the insane speed, reacted immediately and attacked Shion by pulling out two iron knights from both sides.

The swords wielded by the Knights of Steel are aimed exactly at Shion’s neck and heart.



As expected, Shion avoided all attacks by leaning her body slightly and taking one step at a strange angle.

tuk, tuk.

Then he tapped the body of the knights made of steel with his finger once.

The black star that flowed from such Zion’s fingers permeated the knights’ bodies, erasing all the magical powers that made up the inside.


The knights of steel that collapsed into chunks of scrap metal.

“ What the hell have you been doing… … !”

Legan vomited out a startled cry as he watched the scene where his summoned beasts disappeared.

I summoned a shoe-shaped beast with wings under my feet and quickly spread the distance.

A new type of legan that moves backwards in an instant.



The new version of Shion, moving through the ominous darkness, was much faster.

“… … !”

As if he would not give up the opportunity, Regan looked at Shion, who was following him in an instant, with bewildered eyes and signed a seal.

Kia aa!

In response to such a call from Regan, the space in front of him opened and a huge reptile-type monster with two heads came out.

Twin Head Lizard.

A monster that inhabits only in very deep remote areas and is of the highest level in terms of physical strength.

It was a summoned summoned by Legan, who instinctively realized that it couldn’t be a pet made of mana.

But even so, it didn’t change anything.

Even before such a twin-headed lizard pulled all of his body out of the open space.

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Mukroe (墨雷).

By the black thunderbolt that burst out from Shion’s fist, which had already been pulled to the maximum.


Lizard’s two heads flew at the same time.

A twin-headed lizard that falls to the floor without losing its head as soon as it is summoned.

But was such a summons itself to buy time?

“ Take this one at a time!”

In the meantime, Legan, who once again spread the distance, smiled for the first time and signed the seal.

A huge door appeared behind him with him.

Ded Ded Ded Dude!

From the inside of that door, a summoned beast with an overwhelming presence that cannot even be compared with before began to appear.

tens (十獸).

A unique magic that can only be used anywhere else in the world that made the wizard Legan the highest-ranking sorcerer in the Summon Tower.

7 can summon only one at a time, the highest level of summons.


A huge dragon-like head of Drake appears from beyond space and howls.

The atmosphere vibrates and screams just by the sound of its cry.

Immediately, I thought that all the energy around him would be sucked into Drake’s mouth.


It turned into a wave of destruction and was shot towards Zion.

A wave with overwhelming power to the point where the space in the past is distorted and shaken.

“… … This!”

The aftermath of the power contained in the wave extends beyond the garden to the surroundings, drawing the attention of people far away.

Sion, who was running without even slowing down his speed while facing such a wave head-on, reached out to the side and grabbed the empty space.


A single silent sword that emerges from such Zion’s hand.

The moment when Shion, who drew out Iklaxia, who had been a perfect swordsman from the beginning, drew the sword horizontally forward.

Black Island.

A wave of destruction approaching right in front of Zion.

And the body of the summoned beast that launched the wave.

Soo much

It started to split in two.

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