82 episodes

24 Fallen Stars (2)

A night where even the moon hid behind the clouds.

“ As planned, the emperor’s death has been hastened.”

In a remote place in the Imperial Castle, a man who had no expression on his face spoke to a woman in a monk’s robe.

“ Yeah, it will make it easier for me to move forward. It was a good idea.”

The woman smiled at him and nodded her head.

Now they were saying it was their fault that the emperor died yesterday.

Actually, he was half right.

It wasn’t them who poisoned the emperor with magic poison, but it was their fault that the symptoms quickly worsened.

“ In addition, Hwangseong will also become more confused.”

Originally, they had no intention of touching the emperor’s side, but the death of the third prince, Enoch, also caused them to get involved, and it was the emperor’s death that they came up with as a way.

The recent emperor was seemingly very chaotic and eventful, but it wasn’t the chaos they had hoped for.

They all happened under the initiative of someone other than them, and even after the chaos, the emperor seemed to be stabilizing.

The death of the emperor would be the starting point that would change the current situation.

“ Where do you want to move first?”

The man opened his mouth to the woman who was muttering in a pleasant voice.

“ Before that, how about using the emperor’s funeral to target Zion Agnes?”

“ I don’t really want to recommend it, do you? Obviously, at the funeral, envoys from many places, including the third generation of the Apocrypha, will gather at the Imperial Castle. Then the second thing that stands out is too high a chance of failure.”

If a large number of people gather, of course there will be many strong people, and the boundaries will become stricter.

In the meantime, if you moved to deal with Sion Agnes, the difficulty had to be higher than usual.

“ Then how about bringing Zion Agnes to us instead of disposing of it?”

“ What nonsense… … !”

The woman who had denied it immediately opened her eyes wide as if she had remembered something.

A man who nodded his head as if he was thinking that such a woman was right and continued the conversation.

“ After all, what we need is not the spirit of Zion Agnes.”

“Are you going to make him look like the 4th Prince? Surely that might be possible… … .”

Why hadn’t I thought of this before?

“ But isn’t that Tarahal’s jurisdiction?”

The woman, who had thought about the possibility for a moment, asked the man.


Although they were the same five demons, they had different jobs and were in a competitive situation, so they were demons who had no contact with each other until now.

“ You must bow your head once and enter.”

It was very difficult to bow down to a demon of the same position, and it was a shameful thing, but the man thought he had to get rid of Sion Agnes even in this way.

That is why Zion Agnes was a nuisance to the current man.

“ You told Dir’al last time, so I’ll do it this time.”

A woman shrugs her shoulders and speaks to a man’s words.

Even for her, Zion Agnes was a nuisance.

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Maybe more than men think.

“ This time… … .”

The woman’s eyes were as cold as if they were about to freeze.

* * *

Death of Emperor Urdios Agnes.

Even if he was sick for the past few years, was it because he was once called the master of the world?

The news spread throughout the empire in an instant and had a considerable impact.

From the day after the emperor’s death, the funeral process began within the imperial castle, and thousands of mourners from all over the world were gathering.

‘A lot of them are coming.’

A large open space in front of the Baekseong Palace, where the preparations for the emperor’s funeral are in full swing.

There, Zion thought as he looked at the condolences that continued to line up after that, unable to fill the vacant lot.

Even this had not yet arrived halfway.

‘ Isn’t Suinhae not coming?’

Even among such numerous mourners, the beasts are almost invisible.

It was a strange sight, but it was a natural sight for Zion, who knew what would happen within a year from now.

Sion’s gaze, looking at the mourners for a moment, turned to the side of the coffin of Urdios that was placed on the splendid pedestal.

‘ He asked me to save the empire.’

The Emperor’s last wish and will.

Zion had no intention of even saving the empire as he had asked the dead emperor.

However, at least as long as Zion himself exists in the world in this chronicle, he intends to make sure that the empire does not collapse.

And there were a few things that had to be done in order to do that.

‘ First of all, how to deal with the other royal families.’

Shion thought so and first looked at the 2nd Princess Evelyn, who was busy taking charge of the whole funeral.

As the official heir appointed by the emperor, he could have organized the funeral, but Zion did not.

Although it acts as an advantageous factor for succession to the throne in the future, the effect was not so great, and she was the only person who truly grieved when the emperor died.

‘ Evelyn is still kind to me, and there is a high probability that she will play an important role in the war against the devil that will happen in the future.’

So, I was still thinking about saving it.

‘ That one is ambiguous.’

Such Sion’s gaze turned from one side to the 5 princesses with her entourage.

As if she was still conscious of this, as soon as her eyes met Shion herself, Diena quickly turned her head.

5 Princess Diena was well worth using if used well.

In fact, she even collaborated once, but due to her nature, there was a possibility that she could turn into an enemy at any time.

So it’s still hard to decide for sure.

‘ Utekan must be killed for sure.’

Soon after, Shion’s eyes moved once more and looked at the 4th Prince, who was having a conversation with the giant delegation who came to condolences.

Unlike when he looked at Evelyn and Diena, the light of young worries in Shion’s eyes had disappeared.

It wasn’t even worth thinking about.

Because in the beginning, Utekan’s identity was a demon.

It wasn’t just demons either.

Five superlative demons who rule over all demons that have passed over from the demon world to the human world for the purpose of overthrowing the empire.

They were called Omaryeong, and one of them was Utekan.

‘ To be precise, it’s the guy who swallowed up Utekan’s body.’


The name of the Omar Spirit who completely destroyed Utekan’s mind and devoured his body.

He was one of those guys that I had to get rid of someday.

‘ I’ll have to sow new seeds for him soon.’

When Shion quietly lights up his eyes as he comes up with a plan to hunt Tarahal in his head.

“ Sir Zion. The Ascalon family has once again requested contact in secret.”

Thierry turned to the side and whispered quietly as she approached.

Even during the emperor’s funeral, political movements continued behind the scenes.

No, it was right to think that it was worse during this period.

Not only in the capital, but all kinds of powerful people from all over the empire were gathering.

Perhaps the same goes for other royal families.

“ Like everyone else, put it off until the funeral.”

“ I see.”

Although the funeral had just begun, many people had already approached Zion.

Among them, there were many imperial nobles who were loyal to the former emperor, especially to the bone.

Zion, the last powerful royal family before the emperor’s death, seemed to play a major role.

In addition, many of those who are here now were consciously glanced at the side of Zion.

Perhaps it is because of the shocking and unconventional actions that Zion has built in succession recently.

In particular, the incident in which the 3rd prince was killed outright in the middle of the Imperial Palace was hard to believe even by those who saw it with their own eyes, so this kind of reaction was natural in a way.

“ What else did you order?”

Shion naturally accepted the gazes of such people and asked Thierry.

“4 The prince took the bait. And it looks like the other will arrive soon.”

It was time to reply as if Thierry had been waiting for him.

“… … !”

There was a commotion at the entrance to the vacant lot.

The heads of people who turned towards the side where the commotion occurred.

Soon after, they saw dozens of priests entering, dressed in pure white robes that did not match the funeral.

The sun embroidered in gold on the robes of the priests.

It was telling them that they were the Church of Light.

And a man walking in front of those priests.

It was obviously the first time he had seen it, but Shion knew immediately who the man was.

‘1 Prince Rubrios Agnes.’

Hair dyed in brilliant gold to prove that he had completely surrendered to the god of light.

In addition, the golden eyes like hair were overflowing with the divinity of the god of light instead of the stars of the heavenly sea.

In addition to that, she has a beautiful sculptural appearance and outstretched arms and legs.

The characteristics of the first prince described in the chronicle were being revealed very clearly.

‘ Did the content change again?’

Sion’s eyes looking at such Lubrios were dyed with doubt.

According to the original chronicle, the first prince should not have seen anything at this funeral.

No, not only this time, but also in the future, it was right that we should not see each other very often.

Rubrios’ alias name is Prince Fanaticism.

True to his nickname, he devoted everything to the Church of Light and had no interest in power struggles, including the throne.

Because of this, he was almost insulated from the emperor and the imperial family, and even Rubrios himself was staying in the church instead of the imperial castle.

Therefore, it was more strange to appear at the funeral.

“ What’s going on here?”

Ivelin asked in a cold voice towards Lubrios, who had come right in front of the Emperor’s coffin.

“ What kind of habit is that to an older brother I haven’t seen in a long time?”

“ I asked what was going on.”

“ It’s my father’s funeral, so of course I have to come, right?”

The first prince answered with a relaxed expression as if nothing was wrong with his coldness.

“ Ha… … .”

Seeing that, Evelyn put on an absurd expression on her face.

From the time his father, Emperor Urdios, started lying in bed, until he died.

Because it was Rubrios who never showed his face.

at that time.

“ Oh, and from now on, I will take care of my father’s funeral.”

Once again, a soft voice came out of Rubrios’ mouth.

Evelyn and the people around him for a moment did not understand the meaning and looked at the face of the first prince.

“ You worked hard preparing for the first day, Evelyn.”

Rubrios speaks to her with sincere thanks to her.

Of course, in the original case, it might have been right for the first prince to take over.

But, drunk on religion, abandoning all affairs of the imperial family, and not even reflecting on the imperial castle for several years, he had absolutely nothing to say.

However, Rubrios’ eyes, not even trembling at all, seemed to take it for granted.

As if he was the heir to the next throne and the other members of the imperial family were merely helping them.

In fact, Rubrios’ words to lead the funeral also revealed his ambitions for the throne.

“ How shameless and absurd… … !”

Before Evelyn reacted with angry eyes to the attitude like that of the infant loner.

“ Oh, and.”

Rubrios turned around with a brief mutter as if he had remembered something and started walking somewhere.

And then his steps stopped.

“ It’s true that a lot has changed since then.”

It was none other than in front of Zion.

The first prince looking at Zion with a gentle smile.

Shion looked at Rubrios’ eyes like that.

Eyes full of fanaticism that only one’s own beliefs are correct.

soon after

“ Come under me, Zion.”

From the mouth of such a first prince.

“ And return to the God of Light.”

A low voice came out.

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