85 episodes

24 Fallen Stars (5)

With Zion’s consent, the plates were made in an instant.

The superficial reason was that the heir’s memorial service, which was the next order of the funeral, could not be held while doubts about the orthodox heir remained, but everyone here knew that it was not the essence.

‘ The battle for the throne of the next generation.’

When the Emperor Urdios was alive, the dark battle that had only been hidden under the water was finally revealed to the surface.

It was right, at least after the emperor’s funeral was over, but that time was hastened by Utekan.

It is obvious that the one who takes the initiative here will have a more advantageous position in the future strife.

The eyes of the onlookers also had a much more interesting light than before.

It was only natural that he was more interested in the next battle for the throne than the emperor’s funeral.

“ After… … .”

With a small sigh, the 5th Princess Diena began to climb onto the pedestal where the relic sword of the Rebellious Emperor was placed.

Utekan had just grabbed the sword, so it was her turn right away.

There was something to gain from this incident, but nothing to lose, so her expression, which should of course be bright, looked somewhat uneasy.

‘ Something is wrong.’

Diena thinks while looking at the sword stuck in the slate.

It wasn’t because of Zion’s still eyes that still couldn’t understand her thoughts.

‘ He said that he reacted to Agnes’ blood.’

Then, it was only natural that Sion, who did not get along with Agnes, was at a disadvantage until she became an adult in common sense.

No matter how late the blood awakens, it won’t change because the time is short.

However, there was one variable.

‘ Annihilation Blade.’

During the battle with Rgan Ursula and the 3rd Prince Enoch, the half-silk sword that slitted all kinds of magic by sprinkling alien darkness from Zion’s hand.

Diena knew that the sword was the sword used by the Eternal Emperor, the first emperor of the empire.

That is to say, Zion may have progressed through the Eternal Age.

Will Agnes’ blood be light enough to carry on the progress of the Eternal Age?

‘ If it really is, then maybe this is all… … .’

One assumption that comes to Diana’s head with him.

But it was such a leap that she shook her head and brushed off the assumption.

Then he grabbed the handle of the old sword that was stuck in it.


Then the starlight bursts out from the sword and fills all directions.

“ Oh!”

At that, the force that supported her exclaimed.

Because the brightness of that light was not inferior to that of Utekan a while ago.

No, in a way, it even made it look a little brighter.

Even so, Diena, without a sign of rejoicing, immediately puts down her sword and comes down from the platform.

“ I’ll do it next.”

As soon as the 5th Princess came down, Evelyn went up on the podium.

Her face looks unsatisfied for some reason.

‘ I don’t like it.’

Evelyn did not like the present situation itself.

Of course, she was well aware that she had to compete with Zion in the future, unlike before, and she knew that now was an opportunity to weaken Zion’s power.

However, he did not want to fight for the throne until the funeral of the emperor was stopped like this.

The situation is not very suitable for her, who values principles and pursues fair competition.

So Evelyn wanted to end this situation as quickly as possible.

With that in mind, it was the moment when she grabbed the handle of the sword without hesitation.


A little while ago, a brilliant starlight that could not even be compared to when Utekan and Diena caught them began to burst from the sword.

White light enough to blind you in an instant!

Not only that, but the unknown letters on the slate the sword was on were also shining.


With him, the sword begins to come out little by little from the slate.


A huge shout erupted from the side of the knights, who had been staring blankly at the sight, which was clearly compared to the previous one.

Is it true that he is one of the most powerful men of our time?

The sight of even a sword stuck in a stone slab being pulled out due to the tremendous achievement of nature made her supporters as well as rivals admire her.

“ I’m not being picked anymore.”

Despite the admiration and shouts of such people, Evelyn muttered indifferently and released the handle.

Soon after, her new model headed under the podium.

“ Haha, it’s Evelyn after all. If this is the case, I will not be burdened with the next turn.”

The first prince, who spoke in a soft voice to Ivelyn, passed her as she descended and slowly headed up the podium.

Contrary to his words, his face looked calm.

“ Light, give me strength.”

As soon as Lubrios grabbed his sword with a brief prayer, a brilliant light burst out and filled the room just like the rest of the royal family.

Was it because he was also a monster who learned the heavenly sea up to 6 stars?

The brightness of the light was comparable to that of Evelyn of the past, and the sword of the anti-villain was also drawn out a little more from the slate.

“ Oh, holy light!”

Seeing this, the priests prayed to the god of light, and the eyes of others were once again amazed and amazed.

Soon after such prayers and admiration faded away,

“ Now, it’s your turn, Zion.”

Rubrios, who put his sword down, opened his mouth with a smile as if he was looking forward to Shion.

People’s gaze naturally focused on Zion.

Sion, who looked at the first prince with quiet eyes for a moment, began to move.

bum bum, bum bum.

Even just walking, you can feel the same foreign sensation as before.

The moment the eyes of those who looked at him shook, the new model of Shion was standing on the podium.

“… … .”

There, Zion’s eyes slowly scan the people.

Soon after, Zion’s eyes stopped in front of one person.

That person was Utekan, who was looking over here with a leaning face.

Shion knew what that young expectation meant on that Utekan’s face.

‘ What I fail to do.’

It was not just a failure, but a failure so severe that it could not be recognized as Agnes’ bloodline at all.

‘ Hurry up and grab the sword, Sion!’

Utekan urged her eyes toward such Shion.

At that, Shion slowly reached out towards the sword of the anti-regression agent.

Finally, in the eyes of Utekan and everyone else, Shion grabbed the handle of the sword.

… … .

But the silence that leads to the sword where nothing happens.

‘ Ha ha ha! Also!’

In such silence, all the young expectations in Utekan’s eyes are turned into ecstasy,

“ What… … .”

It was a moment when a small question came out of someone’s mouth.



It was dark.

In an instant, the endless darkness that erupts from the swordsman goes beyond the vacant lot where people gather and begins to color the entire palace in black.

The stone slab that could not withstand the power and crumbled into ashes, and the sword of the repulsive agent that shook as if crying.

People were staring blankly at the sight, far beyond common sense, without even making a sound of breath.

What the hell is going on?

There was not a single person in this place who understood it.

“ How… … .”

Utekan looked at the Sword of Rebellion in Shion’s hand with eyes brimming with bewilderment and astonishment.

It couldn’t be like this.

No, I couldn’t.

It was a sword that responded only to the natural sun.

But why is he reacting so violently at the hands of Zion Agnes, who has not mastered the natural sea?

‘ This should be enough.’

Shion looked at the 4th Prince and smiled lightly.

Does Utekan know?

That all of this was Zion’s own intention from the beginning.

Shion knew that there were many people who had doubts and dissatisfaction with Urdios’ designation of him as his successor, and he also knew that the problem would arise again someday.

So I used it in reverse.

‘ It was a coincidence that Utecan got caught.’

Sion, who learned information about the sword of the Rebellious Emperor through the shadow of an aeon, shed it to the other members of the royal family at the same time as the emperor’s death.

And it was none other than Utekan who bit the bait.

It was very easy to predict that such a Utekan would organize things for the most crowded funeral.

‘ To be honest, I didn’t expect a reaction like this.’

With that thought, Shion looked at the sword of the anti-repulsive agent that was still emitting darkness.

In fact, I was sure that the sword of the anti-reverse agent would react under the black star.

Because I guessed that the reason why he was obsessed with Seongseonghae was because he couldn’t use the power of the Eternal Age.

If that was the case, there would have been some regrets about the power of the Eternal Eternals, and there was a high probability that those regrets were contained in this sword.

I didn’t know the reaction would be like this.

‘ Does this fit better?’

Shion remembered for a moment the assumptions he had made about this world, and then brushed it off.

For now, I had to finish the work first.


Sion looked down at Utekan as he drove the almost shattered Relic Sword of the Rebellion to the podium.

It looks like he hasn’t been able to get his mind right yet.

“ I believe you will keep your promise.”

Shion smiled and said to Utekan like that.

* * *

The funeral was over.

It wasn’t exactly over yet, but it was safe to say it was over.

Only a few formal procedures remain.

Therefore, people from all over the country gathered to commemorate and are slowly preparing to return, Kwaang! Quang!

From Jaseonggung (紫星宮), one of the five palaces surrounding Baekseonggung, a loud noise was heard.

It was Utekan who was beating a large rock in the dance hall of Jaseonggung Palace.


A rock that visibly digs out whenever Utekan, who has no strength, touches it.

It showed how great his basic physical abilities were.

But the expression on Utekan’s face as he hit the rock like that was distorted.

In fact, this is what Utekan did when he was angry to release it.

“ Whoa, whoa… … .”

It was exactly what Utekan was doing before the demon Tarahal swallowed it, but there was no need to distinguish it.

Because Tarahal wanted to be Utekan himself.

Therefore, he imitated all of Utekan’s thoughts and actions, and wanted those who knew his identity to call him Utekan rather than his original name.

Quang! Quang! Quang!

After taking a short breath, Utekan starts hitting rocks again.

There was only one reason he was so angry.

‘ Zion Agnes.’

The youngest brother, who was called the imprisoned prince until just a few months ago.

However, he was also one who has grown relentlessly and has now reached a position similar to that of other royal families.

“ No, maybe because of this funeral, you are already in the same position.”

When people were asked what kind of imperial family they had decided to support after the funeral of Emperor Urdios, the answers were divided into several answers, but when it comes to the most impressive royal family, they all chose only one: Sion Agnes.

The hero Liam Reiner and the vigilante corps.

And to the succession proof.

In particular, in the proof of succession, the appearance of Shion, who grabbed the relic sword of the rebellion, was so intense that everyone who thought of it was trembling.

Even Utekan himself stared at it for a moment, lost in his rapture.

Quang! Quang!

Utekan was so angry that he was the one who made it.

Even the suspicion of the succession that had been following Sion since then had completely disappeared.

Because people focused on the very fact that the relics of the Rebellion reacted so strongly, regardless of light or darkness.

‘ What happened? Obviously, that power wasn’t natural… … .’

I still couldn’t figure out why the artifact reacted that way at that time.

But now was not the time to think deeply about it.

First of all, I had to somehow solve it, starting with handing over one of the Jeongroo-kun to Shion.

‘ Do I really have no choice but to use this?’

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Mental erosion.

Although he was asked by the other two demons, there were so few demons capable of eroding the high spirits that he didn’t want to do it.

‘ Originally, I was going to use it after getting closer to the 2nd Princess, but I can’t help it.’

Utekan, who was weighing the values in his head for a moment, called a nearby demon under his command.

“ Tell Shion that you want to meet. and… … Call Azela.”

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