108 – Chapter 5. Academy Spring Day (2)

The provincial training program consists of 4 nights and 5 days, departing from Sejong Island on Monday and returning to Sejong Island on Friday evening.

In some cases, they go to islands such as Ulleungdo, Jejudo, and Ganghwado, and in other cases, they are dispatched to Seoul or the outskirts of Gyeonggi-do.

-Hey, isn’t this a rural practice?

-Mua! Seoul and Gyeonggi-do are farming and fishing villages!

-That’s what the horse says!

This field practice, organized under the official name of ‘regional practice’ according to the request of some uncomfortable people, focuses on one of the hero’s duties, supporting the public.

Using this ability to restore flood-damaged areas.

Check the poor environment of the province through night patrol work.

Hearing various advice from B-class or higher heroes in the provinces.

Or, going into actual combat against the villains that appeared during the practice period.

There are various purposes, but most of them go out to date.

-Who is my practice mate!

-A chance to get a ride legally…! When you’re staying at a pension, you can secretly call them out at night and ask them to take a walk together…!

-Last time it was a group of two and it was a day, but this time we are staying together for 4 nights and 5 days, so there is a high probability that we will become a couple!

Many people would click their tongues and shake their heads if they were to say that those who do not study and are only interested in dating are aspiring heroes.

But think about it.

Most of them grew up on Sejong Island from a young age, and went to school on Sejong Island for a long period of time.

Even if they can come every weekend, the reality of the students is that the process is as annoying as entering and leaving the country, and the opportunity to come out is not good enough.

Living far away from life outside of Sejong Island and within the peninsula is likened to being in the military.

I’m not a student, but I think it was probably one of the faculty members who said it, but what about the students who have lived in a dormitory on Sejong Island for several years?

-Students should also have some time to catch their breath. Think of it as going on a spring picnic, and visit the countryside once for 4 nights and 5 days. Climbing the mountain, watching nature and maintaining a clear mind.

The local practice in April is a time that provides students with various opportunities.

opportunity to learn.

opportunity for love.

Opportunities for mental training.

I put all kinds of slick words, but the ultimate purpose is like a healing camp to prevent runaways of people with special abilities.

Like this, once at the academy level, you have to send an outing.

That way, people with special abilities can get along well without feeling trapped and not runaway.

After all, everything is focused on the proper maturation of people with special abilities, that is, ‘not running out of control’ and ‘cultivating a heroic mindset’ from a social point of view.

However, young children always have an accident when they go outside.

It would be great if there were only children who did not have accidents, but there are cases where accidents happen when you go outside and act without restraint.

Those who do not observe the minimum order during the one-week field training.

A person who does not follow the basic curriculum and secretly goes outside and commits harmful acts.

There are many incidents and accidents caused by such people, so it is said that field practice should be eliminated every year, but the academy conducts field practice every time.

-Is this also a weeding out?

All to make a patriotic hero who is loyal to his country and sacrifices himself for the people.

this too.

It’s the process of raising a hero.

Even if

No matter what hardships and adversity shut up in the process.

* * *

Original Volume 1 – So, if the main story of March is the attack of Yuliana and Jocadiel, the great devil of the holiday, then the original Volume 2 leaves Sejong Island and heads to the countryside.

And as much as they are far away from Sejong Island, as much as they are out of the environment of the island, all sorts of temptations come from all sides toward aspiring heroes.

“Jumo. What can you do to seduce the academy students?”

I entered the host mother’s house and organized the materials for the regional field trip with the host mother.

“Isn’t it different depending on age? Field practice, everyone from middle school to college students goes there.”

Elementary school students, first-year middle school students, and children under the age of 14 repeat the same curriculum as treasure hunting within Sejong Island.

“I’m talking about adult students.”

“College students?”

“Yes. It’s out of my interest for middle school students to go on field trips, and what I’m interested in is the adult division.”

“Because middle and high school students are closely watched by faculty and seniors with special abilities?”

“Yes. Since I’m still a student, there’s a lot of social gaze, so I can’t act recklessly.”

No matter how talented a person is, as old as he is, society’s surveillance network for those with special abilities is thoroughly spread out.

“Their accidents are just like, ‘Whoa, at that age, you can do that.'”

In particular, in the case of middle and high school students who have not yet reached adulthood, police officers, soldiers, and even people with special abilities who have already become adults and are active as heroes are mobilized to supervise.

one could say that

– No, aren’t teenagers more dangerous? In a period of gale-force? Don’t you know puberty, puberty?! People with special abilities don’t even have puberty?!

Isn’t adolescence dangerous?

In fact, even if you look at the villains that have appeared so far, it is the same.

Like Lilith, the devil I first met when I came to Sejong Island, and Yuliana, who stole Taejo’s genes.

Dangerous is right

However, if you think of it as ‘the danger of a goblin coming out’, that’s a bit absurd.

“Leave what the heroes can care for, and investigate how they spread their demonic powers to adults.”

Adults are at risk.

In particular, Ymir’s age, such as the age of 20, which has just reached adulthood, is even more dangerous.

“Because you can access Wijeongchuksa, Hwalbindang, all kinds of villain organizations, and other countries?”

“That’s right. Especially… Weijeongchuksa – Pandemonium guys are dangerous.”

To be honest.

Local practice is a kind of ‘recruitment season’ for villains or outside organizations.

And it is another ‘test’ conducted by the state.

“Housekeeper. You know what? What NIS agents and government dogs do during provincial practice.”

“Disguising yourself as a diplomat, scout, or member of a villain organization to seduce you?”


Now that you have come out of Sejong Island, you will encounter various people, and among them, there will be many people who make so-called offers to people with special abilities.

I stopped by a public restroom for a while, and a business card flew in from the next room.

I used an external communication device, and an immigration proposal came in from abroad.

It secretly visits those who lack strength at night and tempts them to become demons by asking, ‘Do you need strength?’

“Some are led by the academy, and some are actually seduced by foreign countries or villains. But why do you practice like this? Why do you do it when you know that it will happen?”

“Of course, this isn’t the process of verifying loyalty.”

“Yes. …Only those who remain unwavering can remain patriots in this country.”

Even so, until middle school.

When I was in high school, I shook off the demon of temptation that was slowly approaching me.

Now, at the age of 20, you can become a true hero of this country only after shaking off the hands of the true devil.

“Is this also a weeding out?”

“What do you mean by that?”

“That’s what the president often says. That’s what he says while creating a very plausible environment and cutting out those who are not patriotic to the country.”

In the original work, the president said this while looking through the glass window in the president’s office.

“I feel sorry for the children who were seduced and pruned. They don’t even know they were tested and will be branded for the rest of their lives.”

“Then they really emigrate. If they have the stigma of ‘the person above agrees to receive a large amount of mana powder and an annual salary of 60 billion from a broker in C country’ for the rest of their lives. Display that. Map of the whole country.”

I pointed to the red dots on the map that Jumo had put up.

“I’m sure you’ve taken a pension or condo that costs close to 2 million won per night, or a place like the National Training Institute over there. Please research around it. The terrain, hiding places, and vehicles that suddenly appear frequently nearby… .yes?”

belt ring.

While investigating the neighborhood of the accommodation prepared for the local practice with the hostess, an alarm went off on the smartphone.


“Who is it? Baek? Yu?”‘

“Ymir. I sent the picture without saying anything.”

I opened the lock screen of my smartphone and immediately closed it.

“What? Did you send anything strange?”

“…It would be difficult to send something like this.”

“Is it naughty to see that you’re in trouble?”

“Naughty… naughty? I’m not sure.”

In a way, it’s wholesome, and it’s like it would appear on a health program at 9 o’clock in the morning at a broadcasting station over there.

“A picture that can be posted on the Internet?”

“It is, but there is no need to raise it.”

It must be a picture sent only for me to see.

“Housekeeper. I’m sorry, but I’ll leave the investigation to you. It looks like our Gold Master wants to fight again.”

“What’s there to be sorry about? It’s my role to investigate the basic data, and the manager’s role is to charm women. Fighting. Oh, do you need this?”

The housekeeper took out a box from the bedside table.

“Maguk box.”

“……Not very useful, no.”

After approaching the housekeeper, I took out a vitamin candy from the broth box.

“I’ll need one for aggro.”

“…doesn’t that mean you won’t use it?”

“The housekeeper.”

After putting the vitamin candy in my wallet, I snapped my fingers at Jumo.

“I know.”

on this island.

to this country.

“You can’t be a traitor.”

“Then why are you taking it?”

“For intimidation.”

I pointed to the trash can and stepped out onto the porch.

“Do you want to be a traitor or a patriot? If you are a patriot, shouldn’t you be a patriot?”

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