134 – Chapter 5. Jihwan Do’s Yasimmanman Project (11)

Heroes need their own time.

However, the world wants the hero to always exist as a hero, not as an individual.

-That’s the duty of a person with special abilities!

Since he was born with the blessing of this ability, he needs a mission to dedicate himself to the vast majority of people.

However, people with special abilities are humans, not machines.

Even if a person with superpowers seems to move like a machine, he is still a human after all, so humans need proper rest.

A dilemma arises here.

How long should a person with this ability rest?

If an accident occurs even while resting, should the person with the ability immediately jump out and respond?

-Hey. If you’re a person with this ability, even if you’re pooping, don’t you have to stop pooping, wipe it roughly, and then come out?

There are those who say extreme.

– While the superpowered person is watching TV at home, the villains kill an innocent citizen.

There are people who say that.


It’s absurd nonsense.

However, people with special abilities are still a minority in this world, and those with much more life experience than those with special abilities who have taken their place in the middle of society, and the world has already made people with special abilities into heroes from the moment they grow up.


When there is always a situation where others cannot step forward, a person with special abilities must deal with the problem if he or she is capable of it.

Persons with Special Ability Safety Act Article 131 (2003.04.28. VR6I-2GB7UGV)

-Those who do not step out while knowing that a disturbance caused by a villain or devil will be punished by imprisonment of 5 years or more or a fine of 1 billion won or more.

That’s a problem regulated by ‘law’ in this world.

Since the mainstream people living in this world have already stipulated it in the law, the number of people with special abilities who have the right to vote cannot resist this ridiculous law.

Aren’t you overdoing it?

Excess is right.

It is a very absurd law from the point of view of people with special abilities, but the law was already made when people with special abilities were learning Hangeul in kindergarten.

In this era, after 2020, as people with special abilities began to enter society in earnest as adults, some laws were amended and relaxed to the extent that they are realistic, common sense, and consider the human rights of people with special abilities.

However, the keynote of ‘You step forward’ to those with special abilities is spreading throughout society.

But the talented people don’t step out.

They say to punish such people, but if you actually punish them with that, what if that person becomes a ‘perpetrator of corruption’?

What if you are killed because you hate someone with this ability?

No one can speak openly, so they have no choice but to gossip behind their backs.

“Although it is illegal for a person with special abilities not to get involved in all incidents and accidents, it is illegal to just say something, and in fact everything goes beyond knowing.”

I put Ymir on the right and Seolhee Baek on the left and pointed at the people in the front TV image.

“Before Platinum Taeyang, a master of gold, came out, there were so many people on Ulleungdo who could subdue B-class demons. For now, Mr. Seol-hee is excluded.”

Baek Seol-hee nodded slightly.

“Although it’s Naero Nambul, first of all, Seol-hee is not officially on Ulleungdo. She is currently spending a day on vacation on Sejong Island, and she has been officially permitted by the government and association, so there is no legal problem even if she does not step out.”

No company ever calls an employee on sick leave due to health problems.

No organization will ask a public official to fly in immediately and deal with civil complaints when he or she is on sick leave.

If that person has committed a mess or it is not necessarily a problem that only he can solve, someone in the organization who can do it should step forward and deal with it according to the situation.

Furthermore, Baek Seol-hee is a woman, and for the time being, she took leave for a legitimate reason.

Therefore, Baek Seol-hee is innocent.

“Then, how many people can come forward now and not come out? There is no need to find out. Right now, the Netizen Investigation Team has come forward and is investigating all of SNS and data.”

I put the Taegeuk Watch screen on the TV.

“Here, can you see? People are on a witch hunt right now.”

-Hey. Ariadne I think it’s true that Ulleungdo is there now. The photo of the cafe taken on social media is Ulleungdo.

-Ah hahahaha Since they are busy being patriotic, leave it alone~ They say that giving birth to a person with special abilities is more important than the death of an ordinary person~

-Did you not go out because you thought it would be cheaper to die? When I saw her with her boyfriend, she pecked at me.

-You went to Ulleung with your boyfriend? Are you married?

“A B-class female hero was caught on Ulleungdo. Did you see it? People in the world, it’s scary when you really make up your mind and investigate. It’s not just that there are Internet secret agents.”

“…I just uploaded a picture of drinking tea at a cafe.”

“People find everything with a little bit of information. Especially, people with obsessions like stalkers are more frightening. They investigate the hero’s every move from the color of the wallpaper in the room, the structure, the location, the sound of passing planes, and even the tiniest clues.”

“Why would you do that?”

“There are various reasons. Those who received the request with money, those who lost their family members because the hero did not step forward, or those who enjoy discovering heroes by hiding behind a mask of anonymity.”

If it’s because of money or vengeance, I can understand it logically.

But the latter case is very different.

“It could be stalking, a villain scratching a hero to destroy it, or a sense of mission and achievement for finding out the identity of a hidden hero. There are so many different people in the world.”

“Then, sir, are you looking for people with special abilities that most people don’t step up to?”

“Not most of them, maybe 20 percent.”

I refreshed the ranking of search words in the Internet search window.

“Congratulations, student Ymir. You’ve ate all of the search terms from 1st to 10th.”


Ymir exclaimed in exclamation when he saw NEW in the green window search term rankings, and words referring to himself from 1st to 10th.

“Platinum Sun, Gold Master, Demon Purification, Let there be light… I never imagined they would become so popular.”

“Witch hunting is unpleasant, so I’m looking for it, but Platinum Sun is a national concern. Isn’t that right, Mr. Seolhee?”

“…There is an S-class that has not been revealed so far. It is also an estimated S+-class, so it is a person who could be ranked in the top 10 in the world right away. Because the TF team has been established and is moving. Even the NIS.”

“Really? Wow, something makes me proud.”

Ymir smiled in satisfaction at Baek Seol-hee’s leak of non-confidential information.

“I think it’s more thrilling than being chased by the CIA and the FBI at the same time. That South Korea even mobilized NIS agents to investigate me!”


Something feels strange.

It feels strange to see Kimchi Premium suddenly appearing in the muddy worldview.

“…Well, the authorities of each country are now digging behind Platinum Sun, so you have to be careful. Following the demon Lilith, Ermina Sternfert, and Halftoad, the current female demon, uh…”


“Yes. Thank you Mr. Seolhee. Even the official name Sirmilla. I have already intervened in the case of four demons and purified three demons. When the demon was released…”

“The goblin came forward and killed the devil.”

Baek Seol-hee shook her head with a disapproving face.

Ymir sipped hot milk with honey and quenched his thirst, and I also responded with a heavy nod to Baek Seol-hee’s words.

“Ymir, be careful of the goblin. Right now the government is speculating that Mr. Ymir has built a cooperative relationship with the goblin.”

“Cooperation? Me? With goblins? On what grounds?”

Ymir burst out laughing.

The smoke was like, ‘What am I-

“What do you mean I’m cooperating with some goblin scumbag?”

“Then I’m glad. Have you ever talked about it?”

“Yes. He thinks he’s good at something and pushes against him, but he’s a very annoying person. When I meet him, I’m sure I want to punch him in the face. Come to think of it, Seol-hee threw a punch at a goblin, right? In Gangwon-do.”

“There was a little bit of feeling that the goblins were welcomed, but I felt a little bit better.”

It’s a conversation between goblins.

One doesn’t know at all, and the other is dissing the goblin without even a hint of laughing at me.

“Dokkaebi, must have been ugly? His face might have been really ground.”

“That’s… I’m sure it’s not.”

“Yes? Mr. Seolhee?”

“Goblin, you’re handsome.”

“…Have you seen the face?”

I’m just nervous

“Have you ever seen a goblin’s face?”

“Really? Oh, really…?”

“No! It’s just, uh, guess. uh, that feeling that you can get a rough idea of how it feels just by hearing a little bit of your voice…?”

Baek Seol-hee twisted her hair with her fingers and murmured.

“He must be handsome. That’s why he behaves like that with women. Of course…”

Seolhee Baek put her hand on my shoulder and smiled.

“From my point of view, Jihwan-ssi is much more handsome than the goblins who cover their faces with masks.”

“…I’m glad you complimented me to the point of embarrassment. Thank you, Mr. Seolhee.

I met Baek Seol-hee’s gaze.


Ymir was drinking hot milk and maintaining a poker face.

But I saw

Ymir’s eyes trembled as if convulsions had occurred.

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