164 – Chapter 6. and no one knows (2)

At that time, somewhere in Daejeon.

“Finding Duooksini is the first step.”

“No. The priority is to transport the Zenros from Daejeon to Busan.”

“How? By air? Didn’t you see that there are protesters all over the road right now? That the Genros should be executed immediately.”

“Before talking about the death penalty, first of all, vaccines for them…”

“What kind of vaccine is it for those who will die soon! If you go to Busan anyway, everyone will be executed!”

“It could be that it isn’t!”

Goseong comes and goes.

There is such a commotion in the conference room where the heroes are gathered, what kind of situation are the ordinary people now?


Looking at the conference hall where people come and go from Goseong in full swing through the glass wall, Seol-hee Baek was listening to the late-night emergency discussion on the news through her earphones.

The problems were too many.

It was unspeakably confusing.

As if the United States and China were on the verge of starting a war of abilities, fear and confusion filled the community across the country and around the world.

“We have to find the two-headed fox! We have to find it somehow and kill him first!”

“How do you find it? How do you know where the two of us are?”

biggest problem.

Where are you two?

In the first place, even the Hero Association did not know where Duoxini had disappeared.

The last place to appear was Ulleungdo.

Afterwards, people presumed to be Doooksini appeared in various places, but it was just a false report.

Duoxini disappeared after appearing on Ulleungdo.

Even that appeared on Ulleungdo for a very short time and then disappeared, so the Hero Association had no choice but to keep going in vain.

“Is it true that you two were kicked out by Platinum Sun?”

“It is certain that Platinum Sun appeared on Ulleungdo. First of all, the two men there, Nam Doo-chang and Gong Tae-beom, were Zen Loss.”

“What about the testimony of the students there?”

“Student President Yoon Yi-sun and Yumir? According to the testimonies of these two, Doooksini turned the two men into demons, and Platinum Sun drove them away. Dueoksini ran away as soon as he met Platinum Sun.”

“Can you really believe that testimony? Video material?”

“No. But I’m the student council president. Do you think she lied?”

“A person’s status does not guarantee that person’s testimony. The fact that the Platinum Sun appeared was only to release Zenross only on Ulleungdo…”

“Ah, stop. It’s not Platinum Sun that we need to find, it’s Duoxini. We have to find and kill that monster.”

Criticism about Duoxini follows.

Since no one knows when and where to turn people with special abilities into demons on a large scale, the heroes had to quickly find and get rid of them.

“Then the goblin…”

“It’s not time to pay attention to the goblins! He’s at least as good as this one! He’s killed all the demons!”

“I didn’t kill all of them, I only killed demons that had already eaten or killed people.”

“What? Are you advocating goblins?”‘

“I defend it. I killed all the demons without getting my hands dirty.”


There is no other crucible of confusion.

In the midst of such chaos, Baek Seol-hee could not get an answer even if she tried to speak, so Seol-hee Baek quietly slipped out and sipped her coffee.

She just wants to find out where Duooksini is.

At least through the information received from Ulleungdo, I know for sure that the culprit of this incident is Duuksini, so I just want to find and eliminate the culprit right away.



A text has arrived.

Looking at the Taegeuk Watch, it was a text message from someone who was talking about heroes over there.

-sister. Are you okay? Shall I go if you’re uncomfortable? I’m worried.

On the surface, it’s an ordinary greeting message.

However, Baek Seol-hee is well aware that Ymir is not the kind of person to send text messages like this.


Seolhee Baek called right away.

[Ah, sister!]

“Sorry. Short. What happened?”

[Well, that’s it. How do I tell… ah.]

After answering the phone, Ymir thought about something, and then seemed to put his mouth on the receiver.

[Caught. Got it.]


The voice that came through the receiver was slightly altered as if it had been mixed with magic.

“Catching it? What?”


Later, if someone hears this conversation, they will be able to infer it immediately after thinking a little, but Baek Seol-hee realized Ymir’s meaning and raised the corner of her mouth for no reason.

“I understand. What are you talking about? Let’s meet next time we go to Sejong Island. Take good care of yourself.”

[Yeah. Oh, it’s a secret from others. I’ll talk to you later. My sister is also getting a good rest.]

The phone is disconnected.

Baek Seol-hee was deeply relieved.

“…it’s uncomfortable.”

maybe that problem.

Wouldn’t you have consulted with Do Ji-hwan?

He wants to talk to Do Ji-hwan too, but it’s too late to call or text him right now.


space movement.

The technology that moved in an unusual way back and forth between Daejeon and Ulleungdo.


She was full of thoughts of envy, but Baek Seol-hee had no such thoughts at all.

“You’re two hundred thousand dollars right now!!”

The idea that we should inform those who are arguing in there about Duoxini’s death.

Ymir told me not to tell.

That must have been the result of consulting Do Ji-hwan.

He told himself that because he believed in him, and betraying that trust would be betraying Do Ji-hwan.

“Sister? What are you doing outside the conference room?”


Cheok Joon-gyeong, who approached with a tired face, pointed to the inside that was arguing.

“Haa. I’ll have to find Duoxini soon. Duoxini, where will he be by now?”

“…Where is it stuck?”

Either in hell or under the ground.


Baek Sul-hee sipped her coffee and apologized lightly to the people who were arguing fiercely.

At least.

Until she had a conversation with Ymir on Sejong Island, she decided to keep quiet about Duoxini’s death.

If that’s Ymir’s, Do Ji-hwan’s will.

* * *

Dawn, accommodation in Ulleungdo.

“You, I think you need to look at the situation a little more and move.”

In a room where no one else was present, Yumir and Yoon I-sun had a quiet conversation while setting up a place for themselves.

“Now, it is known that Platinum Sun first appeared on Ulleungdo. First of all, thanks to our testimony, it has been known that ‘Platinum Sun drove away Doooksini’, but we will soon find out that there is an error.”


“Things must be complicated and difficult. But the most important thing is that the two Zenros who did not appear anywhere else appeared only on Ulleungdo. And sooner than in Daejeon.”

That’s how things turned out.

“It is said that the goblin ran toward Ulleungdo, but the goblin actually came to Ulleungdo? There was no way to prove this anywhere.”

At least, that was the case for Yoon Yi-sun to investigate.

“In the end, Platinum Sun kicked out Doooksini, and I learned Platinum Sun’s last whereabouts.”


After dealing with the two Ooksini and returning.

It was late at night, but of course the investigation was conducted targeting the academy students, and Yoon I-sun and Yumir kissed to prove the situation.

There were no goblins there.

“What are you going to do now?”

“…I want to consult and decide.”

“with who?”

“Do… with Kaebi.”

“Is there a way to contact the goblin?


The two of you are in serious trouble.


A new text has arrived.

The text arrived at the two Taegeuk Watches at the same time, indicating a link to a certain broadcast.



“Oh, no. It’s not smishing, it’s this address.”

After opening the hyperlink that flew to Taegeuk Watch, Yoon I-sun pointed the Taegeuk Watch at the TV.


As soon as the TV was turned on, a black silhouette appeared out of the darkness.

While holding a black turtle in her arms, an unknown little ‘girl’ petting the turtle’s shell was wearing a bridal mask on her face.

[Ahh. Say goodbye to all people around the world. If you are going to speak with this body.]

“Lee Mae Mang-ryang’s captain, total number…!”

[I am the leader of the World Conquest Organization, Li Mae Mang Liang.]


As the girl who identified herself as the gunman clapped her hands, a light began to twinkle behind her.

Dunggi Dangdang.

An unidentified Korean traditional music resonated, and the girl continued to pet the turtle before extending her finger forward.

[Rejoice! humanity This body has sent the person it cares about the most, and has dealt with the two.]


Yoon Yi-sun fell into confusion.

“Now, is the gunman directly announcing that the goblin killed the two-headed fox…?”

[Yes. The strongest mace this body possesses, the goblin, came forward and took care of the two wooksini. Now Duoxini no longer exists in the world. So don’t worry, humanity.]

The girl stretched out her hand.

[Humanity! Our society does not hold hands with the devil! If there is someone who turns humans into demons, whether that person is the president or someone with S-class abilities, our association will not stand by! In the name of the ‘Dark Demon Dragon’, I will punish those who throw the world into chaos, which we will rule and this body will rule!!]


A rainbow-colored firecracker explodes behind the gunman, and the video ends.

“…What kind of a recording.”

“It’s not a recording.”

Yoon I-sun turned the news channel.

-Uh, the breaking news that just came in…you all saw it…didn’t you? The black magic dragon, the leader of the society, removed the two oxen on its own…


Ymir cried.

“Did I call Seol-hee unnie for no reason…”

one dead

Two people who claim to have caught it.

“If you ask me what happened later…”

“Don’t make it complicated. If it’s Seolhee, that’s her, right?”


“Then, think of it this way.”

Yoon Yi-sun held Ymir’s hand.

“The villains killed each other. We don’t know.”

* * *


The red-haired woman stood up while watching a TV broadcast.

The toast she was about to put into her mouth fell to the floor and the sauce leaked out.

“It can’t be. It can’t be…”


A little younger than the woman, a girl who looked like the woman ran out of the room.

“Calm down! First, calm down…”

“Does it look real?!”

The red-haired woman screamed and put on her coat.

“There’s no way that person died…! Yeah, sure…! If you killed him, if he died…!”

The woman’s hair began to scatter like a ghost.

“I will kill all goblins, all, all…!”

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