181 – Chapter 7. Crisis as opportunity (5)

What does it mean for a person with this ability to lose their ability?

There was a story that sounded like an urban legend in America.

– Bomb Horse is no longer Bomb Horse.

Regarding the statement that the person with the explosive ability lost his explosive ability and became a normal person, ‘Wang Huan’, a Chinese undergraduate at Sejong Academy who was ‘a person with an A-class ability’, treated the news as just a joke.

However, after the existence of Platinum Sun appeared, he became a demon once and lost this ability.

He seemed to be able to understand why the suicide commotion caused by the bomb horse had occurred.

I want to die.

I feel like I’m going to die when the overflowing power is gone.

It is decorated like a luxurious single room, but everything in this room is only painful objects that make you suffer and hurt yourself.

When he was a person with this ability, he didn’t feel any pain even if he bumped his little toe on the edge of the bed.

I didn’t feel hungry easily, and I didn’t feel bloated when I ate food.

It didn’t hurt at all even if I hit my head with the tray after eating food from a plastic tray.

It didn’t hurt more than that, but now the pain is over.

The very fact of being reduced to a normal human being is frightening, painful, and painful.

That’s why, among others, there must have been people who couldn’t stand this condition themselves and harmed themselves and were arrested as if they were confined to a psychiatric ward.

Fortunately, Wang Huan himself was a person with special abilities who was protected by the party.

As long as his father is a high-ranking person in the party, he will surely come to his rescue.

others did.

In a channel where he could not face-to-face but was able to communicate with other Genros through the monitor panel, he had hope through what the other person had said.

– The party will come to rescue us.

Because, if you go into Sejong Island, you won’t be able to come out anymore.

Because they have lived on Sejong Island, they are well aware of how prison-like it is, and they did not want to go inside Sejong Island because they had heard it as a gift.

-Wang hyung. I heard that there is a laboratory under Sejong Island where people with special abilities are tested on humans.

-That’s just a conspiracy theory. Could such a thing actually exist?

-If not, why would they want to take us to Sejong Island?

-That’s because Sejong Island is the safest fortress in Korea.

-It would be really worth seeing if human experiments were conducted in the basement of the Cheolongseong Fortress.

Anxiety crept in at those words.

What will happen if you really eat the so-called Korungtang on Sejong Island?

When I saw old movies, I heard that people had their heads dipped in water, were forced to sit on an electric chair, and were roasted with an electric grill.

If I were to actually experience something like that, if I had this ability, it would be a breath holding contest or an electric massage, but with my current body, it would be nothing more than torture.

“Damn it….”

Wang Huan was going crazy.

I would rather become a demon again and escape from this place.

When I was a demon, I had more power than when I was a person with special abilities, and I could achieve anything I wanted.

Even if an impulse arises, humans who are not possessed of special abilities are weak and unable to do anything.

Especially if you kill people like Wang Huan and get locked up.


The bell rang.

Soon, with the sound of a cart dragging outside, a woman who had brought food in a plastic cart placed the food on the table.

“The meal time is 1 hour. If you do not eat, we will collect it as it is.”

“……Without chopsticks?”

“I have Pocarak.”

The woman, an employee of the association, pointed to the pink plastic spoon placed next to the plate with a calm face.

The end of the round spoon’s spoon was bluntly extended, and it looked like it would leave a mark even if you poked something into it.

“Should I go this far…?”

“In another room, there were cases of self-injury with pocaraks. I hope that doesn’t happen.”

“Hey, why are you harming yourself?”

Wang Huan looked down at the food on the table.

Most of the food was soft or soft, and nothing hard like shells existed.

“Is this chicken?”

“It’s boneless chicken.”


Even the bone fragments were not allowed to come out, so he had no choice but to say that he was really terrible.

“It’s not about dealing with prisoners.”


“Why? Do I really feel like a prisoner?”

Wang Huan took a picture of the boneless chicken with a pokarak.

“Do you think it’s funny that I’m nothing right now? Even if I was a week ago, an E-class agent like you…”


The agent took something out of his pocket.

It was a wireless earphone, and the agent just stood still with the earphone on.

“…Damn it.”

Wang Huan quietly chewed the chicken.

It’s unpleasant, but you can’t force it to be unpleasant.

Because he’s just incompetent, and that E-class agent can kill himself with just one finger.



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Juice explodes in your mouth.

And it felt like something was chewed that shouldn’t be chewed, and Wang Huan calmly chewed the chicken and moved his tongue.

yikes, yikes.

Wang Huan finished eating, and the agent took the cart and left.

When the agent closed the door and left, Wang Huan pretended to be asleep, covered the blanket, and put his hand inside his mouth.


What came out of his mouth was red vinyl.

And when I unfolded the vinyl all the way, letters were written on the inside of something like a long transparent tape.


The Moon at the bottom of the sea.

It was a lion idiom, but the meaning of that short word was clear.

“I have to come. I am. hehehehe…”

if you wait

will definitely come to the rescue.


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Just like retrieving the moon from the sea, accepting Zenross to Sejong Island is all in vain.

Even if they say they killed and damaged Koreans.

Because the trial should be the trial of the home country, not the trial of Korea.


When you return to your home country, you will be supported by the Party.

And at the end of research after study, I will finally regain this ability.

The word “how” is not used.

This ability will surely be recovered, and based on that power, you will have to taste that pleasure again.


Wang Huan lightly grabbed the pillow with his hand.

Right now, it’s just putting cotton in your hand and holding it.


If I could get this ability back, if I could rather get back the power I had when I was a demon.

“……I want to crumple it.”

Once I tasted it, I couldn’t stand it.

* * *

In the midst of deciding on the concept in Ulleungdo.

“Yes, I am Do Ji-hwan.”

[Hey, can I make a short call right now?]

Baek Seol-hee called me with a voice that seemed to notice others.

“Yes, yes. It is possible. What are you worried about this time?”

[Oh, I’m glad. I have something to discuss.]

“If it’s something I need to know about.”

[I don’t think there will be much of a problem.]


[This time, the Zenros are going to Sejong Island, right? Will the goblin appear?]


[Yes. It’s a goblin. Because the goblin is the one who kills all villains.]

“Do you dare to step out?”

Did you want to ask that?

Are the goblins stepping out?

“I can’t say for sure what a goblin feels like, but if I were a goblin.”

[…What if it’s a goblin?]

“I became a normal person after being turned into a normal person by the Platinum Sun, so I don’t think there is a need to find and kill Zenloss by getting your hands dirty.”


“Um, because it’s annoying? Or goblins have their own circumstances. Like being busy patriotic with someone you like.”


Baek Seol-hee exclaimed as if she realized something.

[If that’s the case…]

“Did you get the answer?”

[…Yeah. But a little bit. Something, it’s because it’s a goblin again that appears as if it’s messing around.]

I’m asking.

While saying that, I wonder if he will appear again.

“If you’re being sloppy, wouldn’t it be to stop the villains, not the villains, who are trying to gain some malicious advantage through Zenros?”

[Malignant gain?]

“There’s always such a rumor going around. What about the genes of people who became demons and then returned to being human? If they could have children, would they be human or demonic?”

[…Such experiments are unethical and inhumane.]

“Why, isn’t there such a thing when you watch movies? Criminals are stolen and used for human experiments. In history, ordinary people, not criminals, were just mobilized.”


It is the silence of empathy.

As much as Seolhee Baek and I have actually seen such a movie before, she did not deny what I said.

“Mr. Seol-hee. Humans can become even worse than demons for the sake of malice and desire. Those who become demons with this ability are not necessarily demons. Just.”


“The kind of doubt that a goblin will act as a goblin. Huhuhu.”

[…I think I know what it is.]

Baek Seol-hee answered in a somewhat refreshing voice.

[excuse me. the last question.]

“Yes. As much as you like.”

[Are those who the nation defines as ‘villains’ always villains?]

“If that’s the case, I’ll answer you like this.”

The answer to the question I had when I was classified as a villain.

“In the Japanese colonial period, from the point of view of the Japanese Empire, those who fought for independence were no different from villains to them, right?”

[…that’s a bit complicated.]

“Well, the goblin might be thinking that way.”

He never thinks he is bad, and thinks that those who define him as a villain are evil.

“But don’t forget. Dokkaebi is like an incarnation of Naero Nambul. He’s a selfish scumbag who speaks self-centeredly when he’s comfortable and judges everything by his own standards, not the standards of the law.”

Whether society defines goblins as villains, I know best that what I do is a villain.

“But sometimes, isn’t there such a thing? Even villains sometimes do not act as villains for the sake of justice or the greater good. Rather, they can boldly commit acts that heroes cannot.”

[Hmm… Really?]

“Yes. Do you remember that movie? Hero Tyranno and Mecha Tyranno.”


It was the first movie that Baek Seol-hee and I saw together at the cinema.

“Even if heroes and villains fight each other, when an enemy emerges from outer space, it is Earthlings who fight together.”

I am not from this earth.

[Then it’s not a goblin…it appears wearing a mask or something?]

“Whoops, Mr. Seolhee.”

After taking a peek at the concept Ymir and Dool were preparing, I answered her question while holding back a smile as much as I could.

“Wouldn’t it come out in an unexpected way?”

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