186 – Chapter 7. I think I’m the main character of a boy’s manga (4)

How to subdue the powerful.

one. Get a concussion.


Swing the club at lightning speed and strike the agent’s head from behind.

Hitting the scruff of the neck with a capital sword is highly unlikely to actually cause fainting.

The only thing that can be truly overpowered is to shake the brain with a powerful blow like hitting the back of the head with a frying pan and cause a concussion.

Of course, not to the extent of killing.

Through numerous experiences, I learned how to easily subdue people with special abilities, and hit the agents’ heads faster than anyone else, knocking them to the floor one by one.

Kaga River!

Do-ol quickly cuts off the Taegeuk watches of the agents and gathers them in one place, and the gungi sparks and melts the Taegeuk watches in an instant.

there will be an emergency

If the reaction of the Taegeuk watch suddenly disappears from above, it is strange to not notice it if it is also happening inside the ship.

Whether it’s S-class or A-class, it’s normal to run within 30 seconds at the latest.

“You have to move.”

“I’m just treating you!”

Ymir stretched out his hand toward the agent whose heart was stabbed and channeled his magic power.

It was closer to high-speed cell regeneration than treatment, but there was no need to argue in that it saved the heart from being stabbed.

“What is this?”

“You’re lucky. He didn’t kill anyone.”

I grabbed the chasing Zenroth and threw him backwards.

He gathered the Zenloss who had already fallen on the floor in one place, and Dool also gathered the Zenloss he was trying to swap in one place and tied them up so that they could not move one by one.

“First of all, go to Yangyang with Gunggi. It will be a bit difficult to move as a group.”

“Don’t worry! I’ll be right back, so hold on!”

Ymir quickly spread his hand toward the wall.

A golden wall was created on the wall of the break room, and the archery jumped over the dimensional door first.



When Dool passed one hand behind him and stretched it forward, a strong wind rose in the break room and blew the stunned people into the portal in an instant.

The only ones left in the room are me and the one agent whose heart was stabbed.

All the others headed beyond the portal Ymir had opened.

The agents of the association will restrain and manage all of the members of the association, including the Genros escorted to a place prepared in advance, the spies of the Weijeongchuksa, and those who tried to switch to Zenloss.

It’s about restraining people with special abilities, but the association is superior to anyone else in that field.

“Hey. Are you awake?”

“This, what the heck…”

“Think of it as punishment for trying to smoke indoors. Thankfully, you didn’t die. Just think the knife went through your heart briefly.”

I was literally lucky.

“You, you…! Not the guy I know…!”

“That’s correct. But I don’t have time to talk to you.”


I put my magic power in my hand and hit the agent’s head.

The agent fell to the side as it was, and I immediately hid myself in spiritual form.


The break room wall collapsed.

The person who attacked the break room was none other than Lee Joon-yeong.

“What, what is this…!”

‘That’s what I want to say.’

Not coming down the stairs, but drilling a hole in the ferry to get inside.

What kind of ignorant but effective method is this?

“heheheung, what is it? You suddenly come into a place like this.”

The heavenly horse, Lee Ye-ryeong, entered through a hole that was wide open on the side.


“…Just now, dozens of Taegeuk Watches evaporated here.”

“Oh, is that so? Didn’t someone else sneak in?”

“……Is it your fault?”

“I’m not. I don’t kill people.”

Lee Ye-ryeong resolutely drew a line.

“No matter how much I betrayed the country from your point of view, I wouldn’t do something bloody like this. …I don’t think it’s been less than a minute?”

“Yes. People disappeared in that one minute…!”

Lee Jun-young clenched his fist at Lee Ye-ryeong.

“Even if you didn’t show up!”

“Could have done it sooner? That’s hypothetical. If only. If. The people who would have done this would have done it if you were in the room next door?”

That’s right.

Didn’t he try to change Zenros by mobilizing Hero Association agents under the lamp, even if it was just Wijeong Cheoksa right now?

Even S-class heroes don’t know.

“Anyway, it’s a big deal. Did Zenross disappear too? What happened? Huh? Then it’s a big deal. If the person I’m supposed to rescue disappears.”

“……Rescue. Don’t say it carelessly.”

“A person suddenly disappeared like this, then what is it not a rescue? hahahaha, the government will be in trouble. How many people will have their heads cut off this time due to negligence in management. Again, the top will come out, and only the working staff below will die.”


Was the Cheonma of traitor the Cheonma of Gukka?

Showing a lively appearance in front of the main character made me fall in love at first sight and flirt, and this might have been closer to her true self.

‘I tried to kill him, but is he still okay?’

I tried to kill her before becoming a heroine.

To be precise, I tried to kill him before he became a ‘devil’.

No matter how much I am, if an S-class becomes a demon, it is difficult to deal with without unity.

If that is a demon that is hated and resentful by 50 million Koreans, then when this woman becomes a demon, she will surely want to overthrow the entire Korean Peninsula.

not a villain

It’s just that when you become a villain or a devil, you become the most dangerous person in the world.

‘Is it because of Ermina and Yuliana?’

Something, I don’t know why.

Speaking of foreign heroines, I feel like I’m going to suck mana powder, steal my genes, and become a demon all by myself.

‘Was there some other reason?’

I don’t remember very well.

I think there was one more bad factor about Lee Ye-ryeong-

‘Ah, I remembered.’

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Just like Ermina was a drug addict.

This woman also has serious flaws.

“Hey. Junyoung. How about you stand out in this shitty country?”

“…I’m different from you.”

“Oh, is that so? If I were you, I would have gone to the Middle East a long time ago. It wouldn’t matter if you just took a truck with women there.”

country broker.

“Why are you so loyal to a country like this? If you go to the Middle East, you’ll be able to earn over 50 trillion, no, 100 trillion like me.”

A woman who continues to encourage betrayal of those who remain in Korea.

If you know the background, you can understand it, but seeing it in a state where you didn’t know it reminded me of being quite displeased.

“Junyeong-ah. If it were me…”

“what’s going on!”

Other heroes hurriedly ran from behind.

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Judging from how they came down the stairs normally, it is true that Lee Joon-yeong ran in a hurry in a really ignorant way, and it is true that we took the people here at an absurd speed and disappeared.

“…check the CCTV! Come on! At least 15 minutes from now!”

“Confirmed! That, but…”

“Oh, I’ll be outside. I won’t even look at it.”

Lee Ye-ryeong waved her hands and jumped out of the hole.

“…except for the agents to come down here with Zenroth.”

“What? Who gave that order?”

“No. It’s just that the agents brought Xenros down on their own.”

“Damn it…! What did you do without checking that!”

It’s natural to be angry.

Several Zenross suddenly disappeared, even the Hero Association agents suddenly disappeared, which is embarrassing.

“For now, considering the circumstances… the only thing I can think of is that he was kidnapped…”

“So, who!!”


I laughed lightly.

After I materialized inside the warehouse where the Zenros I was trying to replace came out of, I went outside with a compromised look with Ymir’s proposal, excluding all goblin elements.

“If it’s Zenross, don’t worry. Everything has been moved to a safe place.”

“Yes, who are you… who are you!”

“If you ask me who I am.”

It is sensible to answer.

“I am-“

* * *

At that time, somewhere in Gangwon-do, somewhere underground.

“All tied up!”

“Fill all the restraints to prevent those with special abilities from using their abilities. So that they don’t harm themselves. Set aside Genros, explain the situation, and go in to identify those who tried to swap with Zenros.”


At the direction of the gunggi, the secretaries quickly moved with all kinds of tools.

“How about it? It’s more organized than you think, right?”

“…Awesome. When did you prepare something like this?”

“Since the day I killed you.”

Taking a drink from Dool, Ymir caught his breath and watched closely the movements of the members of the association.

“All of them… aren’t people with special abilities?”

“Yes. Rather, there are many people who have been harmed by people with special powers. Losing family members or being fired from their jobs. Associations are places where people who have suffered sorrow in the age of supernatural powers gather.”


“Well, I’m not going to force you to come in. Our methods are… a bit, drastic.”


Already, someone started screaming.

Ymir’s expression deteriorated as he screamed in pain, but when he realized that the screamer was the one responsible for stabbing the innocent agent, he let out a sigh.


“Did you think he was lucky that he was suffering?”

“It’s not like that. It’s just…”

“It’s not even that big of a torture. It’s just destroying all the mana of the person with the ability.”


“It’s not completely removed, it’s boiling and evaporating the water in the filled canteen. Boil it again if you think the water will reappear. Keep mana dehydrated.”

“Do you have time to elaborate?”

Shaking his hands lightly, Gung-gi handed over the tablet while tidying up his hair.

“I have to go back.”

“Oh, a leader after all.”

“…It’s not because he’s the leader. I can’t leave Chief Dou alone-“

[Uh ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!]

Cheerful laughter echoed through the speakers.

Goonggi and Dool were startled by the strong presence.

“…What is this?”

“It seems that people have suddenly changed…?”

“Of course. That’s not a goblin.”

Ymir clicked his tongue as he looked at the unknown man in the tablet.

“Teacher said. If you’re going to do it, do it thoroughly. …It’s admirable.”

[I am!!]

in the video.

[An ally of justice, ‘charisma of darkness’!]

An unidentified man wearing a black helmet was in an unidentified pose.


Truly, with meaningless laughter.

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