216 – Chapter 9. S-class reader (1)

The ‘Grand Sports Festival’, which can be said to be a large-scale event in May, has come to an end.

-Hey, this is the academy!

– Let’s just go like this!

-What? leaving out? That’s what I call a lack of skill.

Although there was an incident where Lei Huang became Zenross in the finals, each one was able to obtain a satisfactory result.

-But what are you doing now?


– The postponed Great Sports Day is over, and now there is nothing left but to continue attending school, right?

The May event is over.

All that remains now is to turn our heads to June.

-What events are there in June?

As an academy undergraduate, I just want something special to happen.

Even though there were large-scale events such as demons appearing or accidents happening at each event, I just waited thinking that such things would not happen.

-There is no event in June!

For students under high school, June is all about going to school, studying, playing with friends, and talking.

-ease! why no?!

-University is ending.

-Where is that! We are on summer vacation in July!

– Are college students and middle school students the same!!

The curriculum between elementary school and high school is completely different from the university curriculum.

Even though the starting time is similar to March and September, there is bound to be a difference in the middle.

Then, what kind of month is June for the academy ‘University’ students?

-Hey!! University large contents are out!!



– Oh, crazy!

It is the time to prepare for the ‘final exam’ after completing about 15 weeks of undergraduate lectures starting in March.

-I hate studying…!

– If you become a devil because you don’t want to study, the world will see you as an idiot.

– Write it. but.

Is it because the devil’s energy couldn’t overcome the passion for education in the Korean Peninsula, or is it because the social atmosphere or climate has the perception that ‘becoming a devil just because you don’t want to study, even if you don’t know anything else’?

The academy undergraduates, one by one, started preparing for the final exams.

May hasn’t all passed yet, but if there are no special events, it will probably just pass by like a normal day.

But if you’re bored like that, you’re going to roll a rice cake if there’s something.

-Hey. Doesn’t Lei Huang have dark charisma or something like that?

-I’m Chinese, but I wonder if the dark charisma will show up. Never mind. All the people kidnapped by Dark Charisma were Koreans.

-You’re Chinese, you sleep, and you take mana powder. If you want to rehabilitate your medicine teeth, you’ll have to go through a lot of hardships?

There was little interest in the Gen-Loss class A.

Apparently, many other Xenlosses had already occurred before, and it was revealed that he had taken mana powder, so public opinion about Lei Huang itself was not good.

Talking about it just hurts my head.

If so, rolling rice cakes in a better direction will save time.

-Yoon Yi-sun would be nice. It’s an A+ grade now.

Rumors about Yun Yi-sun, who became the strongest A+ class, began to spread around the Internet.

-Eh? Isn’t that half a win?

Some of the people did not recognize Yun Yi-sun as the winner, probably because Yun Yi-sun did not win an overwhelming victory over Lei Hwang.

Was it to end such public opinion?

Or did the student council want to hold an event on their own?

Or, did he really want to prove that he had risen to a higher level?

-Hey! Yoon Yi-sun threw out a challenge to Armored Taejo!

Korea is starting to flare up with a new rice cake.

* * *

‘Familiar underground smell.’

It’s been a while, but in fact, I go to the library 5 times a week, but today there were no people in the basement of the library.

‘It’s the perfect time to do something else.’

I put my bag down on the desk, turned on the computer for the book drawer, and sat down in a chair.

‘Should I read a book until someone comes?’

What’s great about Sejong Island is that if you use the intranet inside Sejong Island, you can read e-books without going up to the second floor and borrowing books.

There are not many types of books, but scans of old books are still uploaded as PDFs.

‘It’s a classic to others, but to me it’s all new.’

When I sit at my desk and look at my e-book, it looks like I’m working, so no one can disturb me.


“Hey, are you a librarian teacher?”

“Ah, yes. The student…?”

A female student wearing glasses bowed and said hello.

The uniform was the college uniform, and it gave off a rather plain impression.

“I was selected as a library working scholarship student this time.”

“Ah, you’re the student who said you were coming today. What’s your name?”

“My name is Min Jeong-hee.”

“Come this way. There’s not much to do underground, so I’ll tell you what you need to do.”

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Just then, a work scholarship student (a person with special abilities) sent ‘again’ by the librarian arrived, and I taught the student the basic skills needed to work in the library.

“It doesn’t make you feel bad about being assigned to the basement, right?”

“Yes? Oh, no. That’s…”

It seems that he was a bit upset about working alone, but fortunately, he doesn’t seem to be too upset now.

“What about this ability?”

“Ah. He’s a telekinetic. He can move things.”

“Then, you’ll have to quickly sort the books first. You can insert them one by one, but once you’ve mastered it, you can put the piled items in the cart right away.”

“Um, but is this really the end?”

“Yes. Another student will come and organize the books beautifully.”

“Is there another student besides me…?”

“I come and work every break. My role is to manage it.”

The amount of books on the shelf is enormous.

Even though there are no people on this floor, it is a university library, and students interested in science or health come to borrow a lot of books.

“If you feel like you’re done, you can look at the book and then go. Then, when the time is up, I’ll check once more about 10 minutes ago. This is what Jung-hee is going to do.”

“J-Is this really the end…?”

“Of course. Originally, it would take 2 hours for someone like me to do it, but if someone with special abilities does it, it will be solved in 10 minutes.”

It’s bittersweet to see the difference between the incompetent and the talented in a place like this.

“Student, how much do you get hourly for work scholarship?”

“Uh, um, 90,000 won.”

“If a student works for an hour’s wages and finds a general bookkeeping service, he will receive that much even though his progress is much less than that of a student’s one hour’s work. In terms of the minimum wage.”

“…That, is that so?”

Min Jeong-hee scratched her head and smiled.

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Judging from the name tag and the surplus mana flowing outward, it seemed to be about a D-class.

“Oh. Did you get promoted this time? I think the epaulettes of the uniform are new.”

“Ah, yes! I’ve been promoted. Fortunately, I’ve been promoted from E-class to D-class.”

“Hey, congratulations. Next time, I hope to go up to a higher level. Then, if you need anything, just tell me. You don’t have to tell me where to go, and if you want to read a book, there’s a sofa in the back between the bookshelves, so there’s that. You can read the book.”

The best thing is not to disturb me.

After putting Min Jung-hee into the bookshelf, I returned to the desk and immediately picked up the extension phone.

“Ah, yes. Director? I am Do Ji-hwan.”

[Oh, Mr. Jihwan. Why did you give me all the calls…?]

“They sent me a new scholarship this time. Thank you very much. Thanks to that, my work has become easier.”

[Oh, what are you saying! How well the library has been since Ji-Hwan came in! Ignoring what the other librarians say…]

“Yes. Oh, sir. Isn’t there the stock you consulted with me last time? Yes, Southeast Asia. They said the outlook there is bad.

[Oh yeah? this is true I hear such good information from Jihwan every time, but I’m sorry that I couldn’t take care of him more. Big hum. uh yes! Come in some time! …Hmmm. Then, too, librarian. Please feel free to contact me if you need anything.]

“of course.”



I waited for the phone to hang up for a while, but the other side didn’t hang up, so I hung up first.

From a library standpoint, I’m a low-level librarian and Baek Ok-gi is the director, but from a desperate perspective, I’m at the director level and Baek Ok-ki doesn’t join the society, but he’s sponsored and sponsored by the society.

One day, when the society conquers the world, he will become a member of the society.

Until then, you have no choice but to help them increase their property on their own without any legal problems.

‘Anyway, I think the association is really great.’

The way to attract those who have infiltrated every corner of society into an association is, in an extreme sense, ‘money’.

Even in the era of superpowers, as capitalism is the foundation, money is a temptation for both the incompetent and the superpowered.

And now, a rare gambling table is unfolding.

“Yun Yi-sun vs. Armored Taejo. Who will be the winner?”

I checked the headline on the front page of the paper morning newspaper.

It was a newspaper in its own way, so I wrote an article politely, but most of the article’s thesis or direction judged Yun Yi-sun’s behavior as ‘guest’.

in one sentence.

-Does the armored Taejo look like Jo-z?

Even if Armored Taejo is an S-class reader, it is not for nothing that he is an S-class idiot.

In the meantime, numerous A+ ranks have claimed that they are S rank, but none of them have even surpassed the armored Taejo.

The difference between major and minor is stark, and if S-class is the 1st professional team, A-class is only the 2nd team.

If there is a person who surpasses the armored Taejo, that person will be classified as S class.

There are cases where people who have become S-class like that are Chuk Jun-kyung and Brain Emperor, but that case is really extremely rare.

-So, is Yun Yi-sun as good as Cheok Joon-kyung and Brain?

-Are you the one who couldn’t beat Emperor Ray?

Saying that, the world is now disparaging Yoon Yi-seon’s passenger.

It should be.


-student president? Is it Yun Yi-sun? let me read Khehehehe.

-Armored Taejo, accept the challenge! Invite Yun Yi-sun to the Busan Sports Complex!!

‘I can’t stand reverse betrayal.’

Because my 1 billion is now at stake in Hero Toto.

“Suspended out.”


I bet 1 billion on Yoon Yi-sun’s victory.

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