229 – Chapter 9. Hey, Ugly Korean (4)

We left the airport with Nguyen, an A-class hero, a young man full of will to do something to change the country, but still innocent.

“The prepared vehicle is…”

“It would have been monitored. You don’t even have to approach it at all.”

Nguyen became sullen in an instant.

“I’m sorry. I think I did my best locally…”

“There is no need to be sorry. This is all experience, and you just have to learn.

If we compare Nguyen to Korea’s S-class, it’s the same as Lee “God” Jun-young.

He has a great sense of justice and is good at using his body, but his behavior is clumsy and he is too young to see the dark side of the world clearly.

If this kind of person recognizes the darkness of reality and wants to shine even that darkness brightly with light, he will be able to carry out justice against a country – a man of the same level as ‘Gwangikgong’.

Of course, getting there will be a huge mental stress and ordeal.

No matter how much the society decides to help, it is difficult for anyone to face the darkness that is deeply rooted in their country.

“Brother, it looks like I’m going to catch a taxi with a van over there. What should I do?”

“We should take a normal taxi this way too. Before that, Nguyen, you should cover your face.”

I lightly bounced the black long umbrella I was holding at Nguyen.

“This, this…?”

“It’s a disguise. We can just go on like this, but you’re the hero of this country.”

“…Is this the bast face you’ve only heard about? It’s doing something!”


Although it was an ectoplasm created using mana.

“…Can I do this?”

“Perfect. Oh, I have one request.”

“What is it?”

“Would you like to smile while posing like this?”

I made a V with my hands and attached it to my lower lip.

“…Like this?”

Nguyen grinned, revealing white dry teeth.

It is perfect.

As expected, the image I created was not wrong.

“Brother. Who is this?”

“I just made one like a normal handsome Vietnamese.”


Nguyen laughed bitterly at the word Vietnam.

“It’s a great place in so many ways.”

Even Nguyen, who despaired of the situation in Thailand and asked for help from the association, laughed bitterly at the word Vietnam.

“I don’t know if it’s correct to say that past history was rewarded in that way, but…”

If I ever have to go to ‘former Vietnam’, I’ll have something to talk about in detail.

Simply put, there is no Vietnam in this world.

Although there are places that have secured a large number of talented people faster than any other country through special international marriages, and then switched the system to the ‘Vietnam Special Self-Governing State’ belonging to the Republic of Korea.

Isn’t that too much?


But that is the current international situation after the cataclysm.

The weak countries disappear one by one and are merged with neighboring countries, and those with A-class or higher abilities are at the forefront of the merger.

Because the people are asking for it.

If there is one A-class next to a country where C-class is the largest output, they will either immigrate to that A-class country or demand national annexation altogether.

Vietnam is the first country South Korea annexed outside the Korean Peninsula.

He asked us to overcome the painful history before the cataclysm and walk together, and as Korea brought the country with us, there was no reason to refuse.

Some people ridicule them as ‘second-class Koreans’ or ‘extraditional Koreans’, but they have only changed their affiliation and still maintain their identity as Vietnamese.

Under the pyramid of the Korean Wave reaching out to the world, Vietnam occupies the top floor.

“If you’re ready, get on right away. Right now, they’re approaching to steal the guide over there.”

Yoon Hye-ra, who had succeeded in recruiting a taxi driver, called us.

Nguyen was at a loss as to where to get into the sedan taxi with an ‘H’ mark on the front, but I pointed Nguyen to the back seat.

“Get in the driver’s seat. I’m in the passenger seat.”

“Yes? Ha, but I…”

“Keep an eye on the back.”


Nguyen opened the car door and went inside, and I closed the door and went into the passenger seat after Yoon Hye-ra got on.


“Are you fluent in Korean?”

“Heh heh. These days, even a taxi driver can’t get a license if he doesn’t speak Korean.”

The middle-aged man raised his sunglasses and grinned.

After all, Hye-ra Yoon was looking for taxis from one taxi to another, so her car didn’t smell like cigarettes.

“Do you like cilantro?”

“I can’t live without it. The government is controlling coriander these days, so finding coriander is more difficult than obtaining honey butter potato chips. Have you come to eat pho? Oh. He can grow cilantro at home and put in plenty of it.”

“Please let me know later. For now…”

I pointed at a huge van running ahead.

“Please chase that car.”

“Oh… I’ve felt it since the young lady said something, but is there something?”

“Yes. I will pay you generously.”

“Ah, the pay is also the pay.”

The taxi driver pulled the gear as if racing, and immediately pulled the car parked on the side of the road and caught up with the van.

“I can’t stand going undercover again. I did some work as a reporter in the past.”


“If you ever appear on a broadcast, please do a mosaic. Oh, where is the broadcasting station?”


I grabbed the compact camcorder Yoon Hye-ra gave me from behind in one hand and aimed at the van.

“It’s a VJ notebook.”

* * *

that time.

“Huh, heh heh.”

Inside a large room in a luxurious luxury home.

A young man wearing a Hawaiian shirt, swimsuit shorts, and only slippers smiled lightly at the food on the table.

“Haa. This fragrant coriander smell.”

On top of the rice noodles in a white porcelain bowl, there was a pile of coriander, enough to cover the noodles and soup.


Laplace raised his chopsticks wide and chewed the coriander raw.

To others, it looked like a rabbit chewing grass, but Laplace was savoring the taste and aroma as he ate the cilantro slightly warmed by the heat of the rice noodles.

“Let’s see, the farm…”

Laplace moved the tablet next to the rice noodles.

The screen on the tablet was like a game of managing an island, and various data were changing in real time.

“Oh man. What the heck. Some idiot brought in something made in China.”

Profiles of several men appeared in a small pop-up window on the tablet.

“Damn it. When did you renew your passport and are you still using last year’s passport? Passport mismatch. Please, if you’re going to fake it, bring a proper passport.”

Hold on.

Laplace pressed the red seal on the newly popped up window.

Soon, their passports were stamped with a red seal saying ‘Gosu Island’.

“I can’t forgive those who dare to defile my farm. Go to ‘God’s Haven’ and contribute to the country’s coriander production. Huh? You even want to name it? Mr. Ha. Let’s see…. Yes. He is Jang. Seventy-four. This is Wang Yukgu. That’s it. It’s over.”

Laplace, who gave the presumed person a rough last name and named it with a number, turned his attention again to the rice noodles piled with coriander.

“hehehehe. Nguyen, if we send that human to the island, what should we name him? Park Ong-il? Oh, no. Then it sounds too Korean.

“Laplace. I have something to report.”

A woman in a suit approached Laplace, who had just put the rice noodles in her mouth.

“Secretary. What is it?”

“I missed it.”


Laplace frowned and put down his chopsticks.

“I missed it. Did I hear it wrong?”

“No. You heard it right. Nguyen…”

“Missed that?”


“It was a great opportunity to follow in the footsteps of Lee Mae Mang-ryang, but I missed it!!”


After kicking the black suit agent’s knee with his slippers, Laplace fluttered his Hawaiian shirt.

“At most, the deputy prime minister’s bereaved family made him move, so what are we going to do now!”

“Ah, don’t worry. The memorandum given to you by the bereaved family is a well-made fake, and the people recorded inside are just people we want to oust later…”

“That’s not the point! The important thing is to find an organization!”

Laplace hit the table with his hand.

“We need to capture the agents of the society! Then we can negotiate with the society with them! So that the leaders who ‘choose’ in the society are not Nguyen or other lunatics!”

“Ha, but the association is an evil organization…”

“Who defined them as evil?”

Laplace raised his chopsticks and aimed them at the secretary’s throat.

“They are villains, but not villains. They are partners with those who commit ‘evil’ acts. They are madmen who have no spirit. They are idiots who commit evil deeds while claiming to act for social justice on their own.”


“If they touch this country, will they try to join hands with us? No. They won’t tolerate anything like this.”

Laplace picked up a pinch of powder in the white pottery with his hand.

“Tsk. What kind of villains are those who don’t even know the taste of mana powder?”


Laplace ate the rice noodles sprinkled with white powder with coriander garnish.

“Tell the military. Check all the people arriving on Korean planes. If there is no one who acts according to the purpose, they are the agents of the society.”

When Laplace spread his hand to the side, the large screen spread out on the wall began to project CCTV screens all over Thailand in an instant.

“Take the organization’s agents hostage and bring out the organization’s executives. Do you understand, ‘Hyangdan’?”


The agent, Hyangdan, bowed and retreated.

“hehehe. Just try to get caught, the death penalty…”

Laplace smirked as he grabbed his left shoulder with his hand.

“I will definitely pay you back for this pain…!”

* * *


The taxi stopped.

“Oh, not this place. PDs, just go back. If someone says something, say I introduced you to this restaurant and go straight to the dorm.”

The taxi pulled up in the parking lot of a nearby restaurant and pointed across the road with a firm expression.

“Not over there.”

“Why is that?”

Nguyen, who was behind, stuck his head forward.

“What’s that over there…”

“Don’t you know? Ha, damn it. That’s it. It’s where you enter the island called ‘God’s Rest’.”

“…get off. You’ve worked hard, knight.”

I handed the driver a bundle of money and asked for a handshake.

“I’ll do as you say, would you like to have a meal together?

“No, dangerous… Huh?”

“As far as safety, I will take responsibility.”

As I slipped black flames into my eyes, the taxi driver widened his eyes and smacked his lips.

“A person with special powers…! This, this. It seems to be a bigger incident than I thought…!”

“As the driver said, we will eat here and return to the hotel. Instead, would you like to tell us a story. What the driver and reporter know.”

The best way to get information is to ask the locals.

“There, the island that leads to the sanctuary of the gods.”

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