251 – Chapter 10. Crafted Heroes (3)

The streets are full of madness.

Violence, screams and death abound.


Villains use this ability to commit all sorts of crimes.

It is not just an ordinary crime, but a crime that harms ordinary civilians, which is the biggest cause of chaos in the streets of Phuket.

There is no other way to express this devastation than to say that it is truly indiscriminate.

The villains’ attacks did not cover people of all ages, even animals or buildings.

He just destroys whatever he wants to destroy and kill to his heart’s content.



The arm of a middle-aged man hiding in a cafe was cut off.

Red blood gushed out, and the middle-aged fell to the floor with the shock of having his arm cut off and passed out.


The person who cut off the middle-aged man’s arm with a sword was a young man who seemed to be less than 20 years old.

“I’ll cut it like butter, so stay still!!”

The young man, who was so young that it would not be an exaggeration to say that he was a high school student in his school uniform, freely handled a sharp sword and swung the sword at the middle-aged man’s remaining arm.




A bullet flew towards the young man’s sword.

“Keuh, a knife?!”

The magic bullet, not the live ammunition, broke the young man’s sword at once, and soon a group of soldiers in body armor rushed in.

“You bastard!!”


The soldiers brandished their guns and subdued the young man.

The soldiers subdued the young man so easily that it was pointless for the young man with this ability to resist.

“This crazy bastard…!”

“How could a young guy do such a cruel thing…!”

Young people have special abilities, but soldiers also have special abilities.

I wonder if the age difference is a year or two.

The soldiers shuddered at the fact that a young man who was their younger brother by a fraction of their own had committed such a terrible tragedy.

“Key, hee hee…!”

“Why did you do this…!”


The young man with both arms restrained with his head on the floor kept smiling.



“Do you think I’ll let you know? hehehehe. This country is ruined anyway. Before I go somewhere else…I just wanted to do what I wanted. Khehehehe…!”

The soldiers did not understand what the young man was saying.

“Didn’t everyone kill ants when they were young? It’s like that, hehehehe…! It’s all about to end, so I just do what I want…!”

country is ruined?

go somewhere else?

“What the hell are you up to!”

“It’s just, let’s all die and perish! This country is rotten! It’s going to rot more anyway, let’s all perish!”

“Crazy sounds…! Who is the culprit!”

“Who are you?”


The young man opened his mouth as if he had been waiting for those words.

“The culprit is… your mother!”


“This crazy bastard is over!!”

The soldier swung the butt and knocked out the young man.

It was partly because the momentary emotions were intensified, but it was because the young man untied his restrained hands and tried to wield something against the soldiers.


“it’s okay?!”

“It’s okay. I just brushed it.”

The soldier whose ankle was brushed by the young man’s outstretched hand touched it and gnashed his teeth.

Fortunately, the young man’s hands were shallow, and he only brushed the top of his uniform, and there were no injuries.

“Damn it…. This is Peregrine Falcon 2! We subdued the villain who attacked the private house! A civilian with a severed arm…”

[No time to rescue! Take control as you can see!]


The shocking instructions from the command center made the soldiers sink in their hearts, even if what they heard was correct.

“No communication, no communication. This is Peregrine Falcon 2. Immediate assistance-“

[While talking, subdue even one more person!! That’s the way to save at least one more person!!]

Screams of evil come over the radio.

[There is no one to send reinforcements!]

After realizing that the situation was getting more serious, the soldiers quickly applied first aid to the fallen man’s arm and ran outside.


Someone pulled his upper body out of the car’s sunroof and started shooting in all directions.



“Crazy bastards!”

A fast-footed soldier ran forward and blocked the car from the front, and soon another soldier jumped over and overpowered the man who was ‘enjoying’ the shooting.

“Isn’t this crazy supernatural power…?!”


“Brother! This human, that’s it! A serial killer!”

“Ah, Kabi.”

The man who was subdued by the soldiers was not a person with special abilities.

He was an ordinary person who could not use any magical powers.

I don’t know where I got it from, but I just keep shooting at it with one rifle secured.

“Damn it. In the old days, even the cops I used to subdue… Damn it.”

“What are you thinking doing this!!”

“What do you think? That’s right.”

The man replied with a very innocent smile.

“Because I want to kill at least one more person before I die.”


“Isn’t that right? We have chips embedded in our bodies. Like tiny microchips.”

He licked the windshield of the car with his tongue and lowered his head.

“…That, will it explode in a few hours from now?”


The two soldiers jumped in surprise.

The man trembled as he watched the soldiers react.

“Keuhehehe! Even people with superpowers don’t care about the sound of bombs! Well, that’s natural. Isn’t it? We’re all going to die! Euhhahahahaha!”

“What nonsense…”

“Doesn’t make sense? Of course it makes sense!! It’s your failure to plant bombs in the heads of villains and villains! Ahahahahaha!!”

“There can be no such thing!!”

“You think so! So did I! But, what can I do! I’ve seen guys with their heads exploding in prison!”

The killer smirked as he looked at the rampaging villain elsewhere.

“If everyone is going to die anyway, at least one more person should die together before he dies. That way we won’t be unfair…!”

Phuket street.

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Just full of confusion.

* * *

-Damn it, send the heroes to the villain prison!

-Never stop the villains from escaping! Some of the heroes go to prison where ordinary prisoners are being held!

-Never let the prisoners break out and throw the citizens into a commotion!

Intelligence comes in from everywhere.

The data that the housekeeper and the nine people hastily gathered came into our Taegeuk Watch in real time.

“…really confused.”

[curious. Do you know what the situation is?]

“It’s just like my brother said. I just hit the accident with the intention of ruining everything and just wanting to see this country burn. The villains, not those with special powers.”

Archer bit his nails.

“… Just as the mafia goes on a rampage claiming to avenge the family when the boss of the mafia dies, now they also run rampant claiming to avenge the deaths of General Jeokrang and Laplace.”

“That’s right. We will destroy this country that killed our boss.”

Unleash the criminals in prison and cause chaos with them.

– Ha ha ha! Before I die, I wanted to meet you and beep!

-Kuuu! It’s a killer back!

– Oh, what! Even if you go when you go, it’s okay to beep at least once!!

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Just one thing.

-Damn it! Everyone’s head will explode anyway, but I can’t die alone! Everyone, even if they are born differently, they all go together! hahahaha!

– Humans will die someday anyway! Die now or die later, everyone dies the same!

– Someone, someone get it out of my head! I don’t want to die!!

It’s not just a commotion, but the confusion that causes massacres and riots at the same time is because ‘lies and incitement’ are mixed.

“…They did a very terrible thing. General Jeokrang’s bodyguards.”

“Found it. Now, it’s a video from 3 hours ago.”

Gungi uploaded a video on his tablet.

In the video, heavily armed soldiers with guns were saying something to the prison’s prison cell full, just as I was speaking to the slaves and children previously imprisoned in God’s Sanctuary.

[…So, your lifespan is now 12 hours.]

Declaration of time limit.

[I say it again. Chips are implanted in your body. It’s thanks to a bill prepared by the high-ranking people of this country to manage criminals. And that chip… will explode soon.]

I don’t know why they suddenly talk about the prisoner’s lifespan because the front part of the video was cut off, but fortunately, he mentioned the reason for the time limit once again, probably to drive a wedge for those who couldn’t hear.

[All trigger sets for your chips to explode have been activated. The death of the head of the Hero Association, the death of Laplace, and the death of the Red Wolves. Congratulations. You guys will die of a head explosion in about 12 hours.]

The faces of the prisoners harden.

You may want to shout that it is nonsense, but those who have already shouted that have turned into cold corpses and are bleeding profusely on the floor.

[So I’ll give you guys freedom. It’s only 12 hours of freedom, but should I do something before I die? Whether it’s meeting your parents, visiting your family, or committing another crime. Wherever you are, try ‘as you like’. I’m not a person with special abilities, but I can’t do anything before I die.]

With those words, the video ended.


What the soldier in the video said.

[People believe that.]

Of course it’s a lie.

“I think it’s more because it’s an ambiguous time. That time, really, is the kind of time you can do anything.”

[…I know.]

Riots and unrest inside Phuket are getting worse.

And what’s more serious is that there is an absolute lack of heroes who can subdue Phuket’s riots in earnest.

[Where are Nguyen and Red Brassard now?]

“… Coral Island. Even if you measure the distance in a straight line, it will be almost from Seoul to Busan.”

[The empty house was robbed properly.]

From the hero’s point of view.

this confusion.

Of course, this is not what I want as an association.

[curious. Agents now?]

“I think we’ve already entered. …to go?”

[If it’s necessary… I’ll go ahead. It’s not a goblin.]

It is always a hero to calm the chaos.


Beep Big.

The phone rang again.

I got the call right away.


[oh. Be patriotic while resting, what else are you doing?]

“…Did you deliberately not tell us? Intelligence?”

[hehehe. If I tell her, she will try to work overtime and overtime again, so I need to take a break. both of them.]

The voice of the proud president.

[Don’t worry. Now, nobody is dead. You know, kids are a bit quick.]

The Goblin and the gunggi’s work was over.

The agents of the association who have been put into this place are moving on the spot.

[The two of you shouldn’t fight, and it’s your job to relax and be patriotic?]

Even before we heard the news, the agents of the society were already on the move.


I lightly flicked the taegeuk watch with my finger.

“I will work overtime and be patriotic.”

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