266 – Chapter 10. public enemy (1)

Pandemonium is the common enemy of humanity.

Even before the existence of the Sephiroth Knights came out, and after the mass production of the 72 demons committed by Duoxini, Pandaemonium became a feat of mankind.

The justification lies with mankind.

Now that it has been revealed that Laplace’s devil used Laplace to commit great evil in Thailand, any righteous hero can’t help but feel indignant.

As such, there is no reason to divide heroes and villains in dealing with the demons of Pandemonium.


-Mirya. In this situation, would you like to go slay demons with your brother?

-…Are you sure you’re not human?

-yes. It’s a demon from outer space.

I called Ymir.

No matter how much Earthlings fight, support, and fry each other, in the face of an alien invasion, even if they have different ideologies, they will join forces.

Since Ymir and I weren’t fighting each other fiercely in the first place, I asked for support from Ymir as soon as I returned to Korea.

“You coward!”

[Listen as a compliment.]

[To be cowardly is absurd.]

Ymir steps forward, brandishing a red whip.

[On the theme of the devil who enslaved and killed people.]

Appearing in the same form as the Golden Master, she immediately attacked Laplace’s demon, Hyangdan.



[I don’t have to say much. It’s over.]

Hyangdan was quickly entangled in the whip.

Hyangdan radiated magical energy from his body and tried to escape from the whip, but the red rope made Hyangdan immobilized.

I wonder if this is the end, the moment I want to.


The incense stick exploded.

What used to be an incense altar became a lump of flesh and spread in all directions, and the entire rooftop was covered with flesh.


[Not yet.]


[It’s not over.]

While Ymir vomited, I pulled him back and swung the bat forward.

At the same time as expected, the mass of flesh that had fallen below squirmed and rushed towards us.


[…no way.]

[There’s no way it goes smoothly.]

The flesh rolled to the side as it was from the magical energy wrapped around the bat.

Soon, the flesh that was hit by the bat sprouted up, and soon began to take on a human shape.

“It’s a pity… I was trying to eat properly because I was burning.”

[He is an alter-ego. It seems to be a self-division rather than an illusionary alter ego.]

“Oh my, how did you guess right away…?”

wriggling wriggling.

“Where, should I listen to it with that handsome mouth? What kind of ability am I right now?”

All the fragmented chunks of flesh began to take shape one by one.

in the form of incense.

It has the same appearance as Hyangdan, but its body is like a white mannequin.

“If you’re going to speak with this ability-“

[Isn’t it close to 19 gold?]

[Still, my body is like that, so it’s very erotic.]


It seems that he is wearing a latex suit that sticks to his body, and its thickness is thinner than that of a balloon.

“Does appearance matter?”

[of course. You can infer this ability through your appearance.]

It is as if the mannequins are alive and moving.

[I can understand not only this ability, but also the true nature of a demon. I think I know roughly why you enslaved humans in the sanctuary of the gods and the island of succubus.]

It was quite grotesque for the texture to look like skin, but Hyangdan didn’t have that.

[The human body was formed without organs for reproduction and nurturing. It’s an alter ego, but that’s the basics of a Pandaemonium Devil.]


[There is no breeding institution to give birth to a child, and there is no nurturing institution to raise a child. Only the body exists.]

Duooksini and Hyangdan are the same.

[They’re not life, they’re like viruses. Contaminated mana monsters that proliferate by contaminating each other, rather than two s*xes giving birth to children through breeding.]

Everything is like an alien virus.

[They’re just like the host of the devil virus. It’s the culprit that causes the mental influence to change mana.]

While living in this world, I roughly figured out the other side of the world – the background setting that the original author left without telling.

[If you kill all those demons, maybe no more demons will be born.]


Because the host of the virus has been removed.

[Of course, the viruses they spread should also be removed, but…]

[The possibility that no more demons will be born is sufficient reason for me to step forward.]

“Heh, hehehe… you talk so wildly?”

“But let’s take that guess at face value.”

“You know that you too can be contaminated and become demons, right?”

Many proliferated incense altars take over the word.

[Things that can’t reproduce, if they just proliferate needlessly.]

“Reproduction? It doesn’t matter. Relationships made with lust only interfere with true exchanges of reason.”

[Is that why you don’t like NTR intrusion on Sunae? yes?]

“……You trash bastard.”

ate double bath

But thanks to that, I realized Hyangdan’s attack button.

[He knows about love with the opposite s*x, but he doesn’t know the lust between men and women. Tsk. I don’t even know how to enjoy it. On the theme of the demon of omniscience.]

[that…? I’m going to say something strange again.]

[Are you talking about that? patriotism? s*x-]

“Shut up——!”

Hyangdan screamed loudly.

It felt like my eardrums were vibrating loudly as all the clones were screaming.

[Ugh. I have the hyper voice ability…]

[That’s why I was so upset.]

“Heh, hehehehe. Okay. Yes. I’ve decided.”


The clones all twist and aim their sharp claws at us.

“If I made you all demons, wouldn’t it be quite fun?”

[I have no intention of becoming a demon myself, nor do I have any intention of becoming a demon forced by others.]

Ymir immediately swung the whip.

The red whip, which grew longer in an instant, mercilessly flew towards Hyangdan’s alter ego, cutting the alter ego’s waist in two.


The cut sections and the red blood that splattered, it was like killing a person.


[I’m doing that on purpose. I’m trying to scratch my mentality.]

Ymir must have thought that if the alter ego disappeared, it would disperse like some kind of fog.

So I swung the whip mercilessly, and it looked like a real person being split in half.

[Okay. That’s not a person.]

“Huh, is that really so?”

“Where is the proof that the alter ego that Platinum Sun killed wasn’t human?”

“If a person splits in half like this, how will they expose their internal organs, spurt blood, and die like that?”

Hyangdan continued to stimulate Ymir.

“Platinum Sun. If you kill like this, you’ll just kill everyone?”


Knowing that there is no point in stimulating the goblin, he tries to avoid the situation by scratching Ymir’s mentality.

[If it’s difficult to deal with, I’ll definitely take care of it.]

[…Nope. it’s okay. It was just disgusting for a moment.]

Ymir dissipated the mana that had created the red ribbon, then took out a new weapon.

[I don’t intend to play around with the devil’s pranks that try to make it look like a human being, not a human being, killing people.]

“Oh, didn’t the Platinum Sun purify demons too?”

[…you are an exception.]

Something like golden gauntlets began to shine on Ymir’s hands.

And what came out of the golden gauntlets was like-

[You will die on this island today.]


[Hee hee.]

Like Chesed’s, like the Dragon Killer’s, the golden blade’s claws were sticking out.

From the figure of Geumbu Dosa, it was as if only both arms brought the armaments of the Black Ward Dragoons, so I felt like I was reminded of the original for some reason.

[Why do you copy it anyway?]

[It’s an existence that blows up missiles all at once, wouldn’t it be nice?]

[Using that…]

[like this.]


[Are you going to kill me?]

Ymir drove his golden nails into Hyangdan’s alter ego, which was creeping up from the side, and mercilessly cut the alter ego.

[…it’s okay. Instead, comfort me later when it’s over.]

[Anything like that.]


Hyangdan all started to laugh.

“Yes! That’s how you get used to killing! Later on, you’ll be able to kill people very easily! And, congratulations! Goblin! Thanks to you, that Platinum Sun started killing!”

[If killing an alien demon is also murder, then the scope of murder is too broad.]

I set the goblin’s bat towards the floor.

Then, after lightly tapping the floor twice with the goblin’s bat, the goblin’s bat was transformed into a new form.

[It’s good to follow, but next time try to do it in a form that won’t be a problem with your mentality. For example… something like this.]


A gunshot rang out.

A hole the size of a finger forms in the clone’s head and falls backwards, and all eyes on the rooftop turn toward my finger.


[There is no reason to always carry a bat because you are a goblin.]

Holds a sniper rifle in one hand and shoots forward.

It’s a sniper rifle in shape, but in reality it’s just a goblin’s bat converted into a gun.


pull the trigger one more time

Contrary to the principle of a real firearm, the condensed magic power inside it flies forward like light along the barrel and is embedded in the clone’s head.

There is only one reason why it is a gun.

‘It’s not cool to hold a goblin’s bat and shoot it like a gun.’

It’s a matter of thinking.

It’s a matter of thinking.

There’s no problem with a goblin’s bat turning into a gun and shooting magic bullets, but it’s more painful to think that a gun comes out of the end of a baseball bat and shoots.

The tip of my gun shines with magical power.

The trigger judges the devil.

[I will execute you, ‘Gyobaris’.]

God said.

those who are not patriotic.

will die

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