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Chapter 220: Legend of martial arts

Yes, the lucky ones!

To have the opportunity to contribute to the Venerable's martial arts plan, to practice Venerable-level martial arts, and to listen to the Venerable's personal sermons.

It's not lucky what is it?

Fang Yuan's figure kept wandering in Cangcheng, putting away the venerable orders floating in the air one by one.

The person who realized the will of Martial Dao was very excited, and happily followed Fang away.

People who have nothing to gain are pounding their feet and pounding their chests, feeling remorse and annoyance in their hearts, hating that their lack of understanding has missed such a great opportunity in vain.

Of course, they didn't dare to make trouble because of dissatisfaction in their hearts. After all, this was in Cangcheng, and His Excellency the King of Falun Dafa gave a stop order.

Until Fang Yuan appeared outside the guard house, nearly a hundred people had followed behind him, and all of them had a faint strong aura emanating from them.

But there are only a hundred people, but they have actually stepped out of the momentum of a thousand troops fighting on the battlefield.

To Fang Yuan's surprise, nearly 200 of the powerhouses who were guarding the mansion and comprehended the decree of the Venerable realized a wisp of martial dao will.

That's kind of scary.

The number of people who have realized the will of martial arts here is more than double that of the other two places combined.

After Fang Yuan put away the venerable order in the sky, he directly led the team of three hundred or so people and walked towards the guard house in a mighty manner.

After all, there are too many people, and the small villa of Wang Yi's family may not be able to accommodate these 300 people.

However, Fang Yuan did not forget those powerhouses who had nothing to gain before he left. Thanks to his preparations, he asked his subordinates to give each of them a smartphone.

It is said that Venerable Tranquility and Venerable Jinlun Dharma King will both teach their own martial arts methods through the short video platform of Chuanwu.

Everyone was naturally skeptical at first, but after someone pointed out the two short videos, no one would doubt the authenticity of the matter.

In the end, everyone thanked Fang Yuan in unison, and accepted the smartphone as a tacit understanding of this kindness and friendship.

Of course, this is definitely free of charge, it is considered to be sent by the guard house, and it can also form a good relationship with a group of strong people.

The guard house, in the main hall.

Wang Yi stood tall, and Fang Yuan and other five people who were regarded as the prototype of the team stood behind him.

Although the guard house is large, the space in the main hall is limited after all. Except for several ninth-order grand masters and a dozen or so strong master masters, the rest can only stand in the courtyard outside the hall.

But even so, everyone still seemed very excited, after all, this was in the presence of the Venerable.

However, when everyone saw Wang Yi's appearance clearly, their eyes suddenly became round, and they couldn't help showing disbelief.


Wang Yi's first impression on everyone is that he is young. Unlike his long-lasting appearance in martial arts, his youth is brought out by his temperament.

To put it more bluntly, although Wang Yi looks at the top and is so indifferent to everything, he has the childishness that belongs only to young people, and there is a trace of immaturity.

But this is also impossible.

After all, given the age of Wang Yi in his previous life, and the more than 20 years of life experience inherited from the previous master, he was only in his early 50s when he was fully calculated.

Although Wang Yi looked young, there was no strong coercion around him, just like an ordinary young man.

But no one dared to despise them, especially those ninth-order grandmaster-level powerhouses.

They could not feel the aura of a strong person in Wang Yi, but the strength of the beautiful woman standing behind him could still be vaguely sensed.

It has definitely surpassed the ninth-order peak state, and as for the absolute top level that has completed several qualitative changes in power, they cannot judge.

Without any hesitation, everyone immediately bowed and saluted, "I'm waiting to see His Excellency the Golden Wheel Dharma King!"

Wang Yi nodded slightly and said with a light smile, "You don't need to be too polite."

Immediately, his eyes swept over the people present, and finally fell on the dozen or so strong men in the main hall.

What surprised Wang Yi was that these great masters were all unfamiliar faces. When the soldiers were recast that day, the people here were definitely not on the battlefield.

However, the doubts did not last long, and Wang Yi wanted to understand the truth.

This is the difference between official power and private power. You must know that not all strong people are willing to join the government. When the human race is in trouble, they will come forward, but they are not willing to be bound by rules.

It was obvious that the great masters summoned by Venerable Tranquility that day belonged to the official government, while these people belonged to the folk, who were similar to the rangers.

But this is also very good, it is more comfortable to use, and the twitching will not cause pressure on the defense of the human clan giant city in Langya Region.

No longer thinking about other things, Wang Yi continued to smile and said, "Since you have realized the will of the martial arts left by the deity, the deity will naturally teach you the supreme magic method."


When everyone heard the words, they were very excited, but they were suddenly shocked by the word 'but'.

Seeing the different expressions of everyone, Wang Yi couldn't help laughing, but he didn't sell anything, and said directly: "But the deity has something for you to do."

When everyone heard the words, they let out a long sigh of relief. This is normal!

If you want to get something, you have to give something accordingly. This is human nature.

At this time, someone suddenly stood up in the hall, clasped his fists and said, "Please also ask Your Excellency to instruct me, I will wait to my death through fire and water!"

Fang Yuanjian couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. He was still an acquaintance.

Leaves open!

It was the one who took the lead in self-respect, Ling Shang, who realized the meaning of King Kong's indestructibility~www.readwn.com~ condensed the indestructible shield of King Kong, and could resist the attack of the great master with the strength of the eighth-order peak master.

Hearing this, Wang Yi smiled lightly and said, "Everyone is serious, but it's just a small matter." After speaking, he waved his hand behind him.

Seeing this, Fang Yuan immediately understood, took a few steps forward and clasped his fists and folded his hands towards the crowd: "Everyone!"

As soon as the words fell, everyone's eyes instantly converged on Fang Yuan.

Seeing this, Fang Yuan did not hesitate, and directly told Wang Yi's plan to spread the martial arts to the world.

hiss! hiss! hiss!

Whether in the hall or in the courtyard, a series of air-conditioning sounds resounded instantly.

Everyone was overwhelmed by the grand plan and Wang Yi's mind and heart, and they were also impressed.

After a long time, everyone calmed down and slowly digested this shocking news.

There was nothing powerful, and everyone respectfully saluted Wang Yi again: "Your Excellency, the righteousness, this move will benefit the country and the people for eternity.

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