I! Become King Starting At Hogwarts!

129 Lupin’S Situation Was Discovered (Please Subscribe)

Harry Potter!

He is indeed an arrogant maniac!

Just like his father James Potter!

Snape's face almost turned black with anger.

Especially when he came out at this time because he found that he had forgotten something very important that he wanted to solve.

But because of these three giant monsters, he had to put down the important things in his hands and rush to deal with them!

Although one of them is his godson.

But this didn't stop Snape from quickly thinking about how many days of confinement he would give them!

Obviously, Harry and the three of them didn't know what happened to Snape behind them.

Now they just want to get to Chen Fan quickly!

But they didn't know it, seconds before they came.

Chen Fan’s side is so exciting!

Merlin bless you...actually the three of them should be lucky!

Fortunately they arrived late.

If I had come a few seconds earlier, I would have definitely seen the scene of Chen Fan fighting with a giant wolf!

And a scene where Weasley is scared to death!

Especially since it is over now, the wolf named Lupin has not suffered any substantial damage.

Chen Fan breathed a sigh of relief after fainting after just a few stun spells.

Then he turned his attention to Ronald, who was already dumbfounded.

"Ronald? What are you doing here?" After Chen Fan finished solving Lupin's situation, he had time to turn around and ask Ronald.

Although I don't know why Lupine didn't drink the medicine and showed up at the Shrieking Shack.

But compared to this, it seems that Ronald's appearance here is even more inappropriate.

And Ronald. Weasley's stunned look seemed more like he was frightened.

He was stunned for a long time before he stammered: "I...I...Chen Fan, that wolf just now...I mean, why are there still werewolves in Hogwarts?"

Obviously, Ronald, who had just been awakened by the howling of the wolf, was dumbfounded.

He just wanted to run away, but suddenly a wolf rushed out in front of him!

This forced him to find a way to escape, or use a wand to save himself!

But the more critical it was, the less he could think of a spell!

My feet felt like they were stuck to the ground and I couldn't move at all.

In fact, from a rational point of view, it would be better if he didn't run away.

Because if he ran away, he might irritate the werewolf.

But this scene——

Ronald never dreamed that he would have the opportunity to have a very friendly eye-to-eye with a werewolf in his life!



He never imagined that he would die like this!

At this critical moment, Ronald's mind was not about spells, but about his warm family and friends!

It seems that even Patsy who is clamoring to run away from home is not so hateful anymore!

If you are destined to die here.

If I could do it again...

Ronald closed his eyes in despair, listening to the howling of wolves in his ears!

And then...the ears were clear?


Why is there no sound?

Ronald opened his eyes in surprise and saw Chen Fan standing in front of him.

The wolf just now had fallen asleep.

"Chen...Chen Fan?"

Seeing Chen Fan, Ronald was surprised, shocked, and a little surprised!

His legs were trembling!

In fact, reason tells him to calm down!

At least don't act too embarrassing in front of your friends!

But...fuck him!

After experiencing this, Ronald couldn't calm down at all!

His legs weakened and he fell directly to the ground!

There was sweat all over my forehead.

From this moment on, he was completely grateful to Chen Fan!

No wonder the old principal would come to him. The problem was that he was facing the same problem.

He could only wait to die.

But Chen Fan not only saved him intact!

The problem is that Ronald feels that Chen Fan is doing all this very easily.

There is no pressure at all.

Ronald now has no resentment towards his friends.

Instead, he felt ashamed for his jealousy.

Let's see!

Look what stupid things he has done!

Arguing with your friends over these unfounded issues!

And he makes his friends feel so uncomfortable!

And he didn't feel well himself.

I have to say, this is a very stupid behavior.

Ronald had already made up his mind to apologize to his friends.

So after barely returning to normal, he first apologized to Chen Fan.

After being forgiven by Chen Fan, he pointed to the unconscious wolf in a timid tone.

"Is he dead?"

Chen Fan's mouth twitched a few times: "No, he just passed out..."

Ronald took a breath: "Chen Fan, why are there creatures like wolves in Hogwarts?"

"Does Headmaster Dumbledore know?"

"I mean..."

Chen Fan had to turn around and look at Ronald with a serious look.

Ronald couldn't help but feel something was wrong.

"Man, what do you... want to do?"

Chen Fan patted Ronald on the shoulder: "Brother, I just want to tell you a secret, and I hope you won't tell me anything after I tell you.

"Can it be done?"

Ronald nodded casually.

Looking at him like this, it's hard to imagine Ronald not being able to control himself.

Therefore, for the sake of Lupin's personal safety and for the sake of the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, Chen Fan would not always change teachers as before.

513, for example, exchanged two years for a fourth one and continued to develop.

After all, not everyone is Hermione or Harry.

Chen Fan knew that if they knew about this, they would probably just marvel at Lupin.

Hermione might even take pity on Lupin.

But Chen Fan, like Lupin, should not be pitiful,

But that's not important.

The important thing is that they will not look down on Lupin or treat him badly for this.

Talking bad about Lupine everywhere!

The rest is probably the same as before.

But not necessarily for others.

So he chose to cast a secrecy spell with Ronald, which was almost as effective as an unbreakable spell.

But the latter seems cumbersome to Chen Fan.

The Unbreakable Curse requires the presence of a third person, and breaking the oath will lead to disastrous consequences.

Maybe you will really die!

Well, Chen Fan just doesn’t want his friend to accidentally tell more people about this matter, and he doesn’t want his friend to die!

So in the past he invented a secrecy spell similar to the Unbreakable Curse.

The effect is all about confidentiality.

But what is different about this spell is that when Ronald wants to speak to others, his mouth will be silent to remind him.

It’s really a good idea!

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